honor me as god

Chapter 387

Chapter 387
The "Resisting Enemies Act" passed in 513 of the Huoyao calendar undoubtedly had an extremely profound impact on the world. Many historians of later generations speculated that without this act, the entire course of history might have been different. Many magnificent events Neither will happen.

When it comes to the "Resisting the Enemy Act", one has to mention one person, the royal family's "nine princesses" Solandelle van Doguland.

For the passage of the bill, historians of later generations often hold two attitudes.

One kind of attitude believes that the passage of the bill is inevitable. Perseus has actually thought about this matter a long time ago, but he just missed a suitable opportunity to propose it, and his daughter Solandelle just provided this opportunity.

Another attitude is that Perseus was very hesitant at the time and didn't even think about how to deal with this matter. He was awakened by Solandelle's generous statement and began to push forward this far-reaching project step by step. bill.

Regarding this issue, the proponents of the two views have always been at odds, and no one can convince the other. After all, Perseus has never announced his mental journey to the public.

But there is one thing that cannot be denied - the Nine Princesses have made the Grim Reaper.

If it hadn't been for Solandelle's speech at the third meeting, it is completely unknown whether Kino would have escaped the catastrophe under the imprisonment plan formulated by the king's leaders.

Perhaps, Perseus will still make the exact same decision, overcoming all opinions and enacting the "Act against the Enemy", establishing an army of death, and handing it over to Kino to lead it.

Or maybe, the "Resisting the Enemy Act" and the Death Army will still turn out, but the general will become another person, and Kino can only end his life on the isolated island in the Sea of ​​Broken Moon.

There is no if in history, and the dust has settled. Solandelle left Chino's name in history, and also carved a strong stroke for herself.

On the 15th of Luoying, half a month after the announcement of the "Defense Against the Enemy Act".

The evening in Wangcheng was shrouded in orange and red, and the blackness rising from the sky had begun to try to infiltrate the sky. Although it was still no match for the twilight at night, as time went by, it was a doomed result that the sky turned into night. At this time, red and The black collision is more like a futile war.

Kino, who fell into a trough not long ago, was reborn with the help of Solandelle, and climbed to a position that was unattainable before. Not only did he gain a privileged position in the kingdom, but he also had his own death army, which can be called a phoenix. Nirvana.

But the other person looked extremely miserable compared to Kino.

The heir of the once high-ranking royal family is arrogant, domineering and arrogant. When he gets up, he is served by a servant, and when he sleeps, he is served by a beautiful woman. He has endless money in his pocket and endless food on the table. As a war hero, his father paved the way ahead, and with Wang Lingpaoze as his backing, it was only a matter of time before he made it to the top.

However, going from heaven to hell is just a thought away. When Grab Troy was involved in the assassination of Prince Bolton and stood in a wrong position, his tragic ending was already doomed.

In the square in front of the royal palace, there are many laurel flower banners, which symbolize the royal family, fluttering in the cold wind at night during the falling season, bringing a strong sense of chill in autumn.

Ministers at all levels of the royal family, provincial governors, eight-level officials of the six major provinces, and royal nobles with real power gathered here, waiting for the final judgment.

On the stage, the king's blood relatives were seated in turn. Perseus sat on the main seat, holding Solandelle in his arms, and Bolton and Andre sat on the left and right hands respectively.

Solandelle's eyes carried the pity that is unique to little girls, but they were very decisive, without any sympathy.

Bolton sneered, touching the healed gunshot wound on his shoulder from time to time, his eyes seemed to be looking at a corpse.

Andre had nothing to do with the assassination case, and his expression was relatively official, he just sighed and felt sorry.

The eyes of the three of them were all looking at the audience, and it was none other than Grab Troy.

At this time, Grab could hardly be described as a "blood man". After he was taken from Thunder Cloud City to the palace, he was tortured without any suspense.

The results of the torture were beyond everyone's imagination. The kingdom's most elite executioners took turns to fight. During this period, all kinds of force-feeding and watering kept him alive. They used the best ointment to help him recover from his injuries and invited the best doctors to monitor him. to ensure that he would not die easily under torture.

The flesh and blood are peeled off every day, and new flesh is grown every day to be reborn. This originally commendatory word is vividly embodied in the completely opposite meaning of Grab.

However, from the season of fire to the season of falling flowers, the executioners tortured for two full months, but they couldn't pry Grab's mouth away. He didn't say a word about the mastermind behind the assassination of Prince Bolton.

In the last period of time, even Chino did it himself, and the 336 hours of slow processing was actually managed by Grab.

The tenacity of this dude is beyond everyone's imagination. In an extremely twisted way, he showed others his strength that has been neglected all along.

Slow processing is God's scalpel, no secrets can be hidden, but like other execution methods, it takes time.

If Chino is given enough time, it will be a matter of time before Grab speaks. At least after 336 hours of slow processing, Grab's defenses have shown signs of loosening.

However, human vitality is limited. The previous methods of the palace executioners were too rough. They always used thunder methods without considering the longevity, which greatly consumed the potential of Grab's body and exhausted his vitality. , No matter how good the ointment was, no matter how superb the medical skills were, that withered body could no longer grow any flesh and blood, and even the beard and hair had all faded and turned gray, making it difficult to sustain life.

Even God's scalpel cannot pry open the mouth of a dying man.

In desperation, Perseus could only squeeze the last value of Grab - public execution, depriving the life of the royal heir in front of everyone, and maintaining the unshakable dignity of the royal family.

At this time, the powerful members of the Troy family, including the leader Edward, were kneeling on all sides of the square. Grab's rebellion may not have been directly related to them, but since they are members of the same family, they will inevitably be liquidated under the joint seat system.

Edward Troy was deprived of the post of "Governor" of Fenghuo Province, and entered a 2-year inspection period. During the inspection period, all benefits were cancelled, and the governor's power was temporarily transferred to "Provincial Consul" Resakhal Delin Reg Norm took over.

None of the remaining members of the Troy family could escape this catastrophe, and they were all sent to the end. Suspended, degraded, and exiled. The political status of the Troy family in Dougland was fatally hit.

However, Grab's direct blood relatives were implicated in the cruelest way. His grandfather, grandmother, grandfather, grandmother, mother, and biological brothers and sisters were all murdered, and none of them survived.

Grab's father should also be on the death list, but the royal family considered the hero's great achievements in the "Laurel War" and allowed him to be exempted from death. He left a little bit of dignity.

However, for this once respected old general, whether this avoidance of death is a gift, or another more terrible punishment, only he himself knows.

The night was getting dark, and the twilight of the sky began to be swallowed up by the darkness, just like Grab's life.

The last afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the bruised body, and the dripping blood was faintly golden under the light. Grab, who had been tortured until his hair was covered with white hair, was like an old man in the twilight, with his life exhausted and his lamp dying, deformed. His withered body was crumbling, and sticky blood dripped from his mouth and nose.

Grab's father was already in tears. The old general's glory in the first half of his life was completely ruined. His beard was already wet with tears, and the roots were stuck together. He knelt down and held Grab tightly. His shoulders kept shaking, and he cried and asked: "Why?!. Why did you do that kind of thing?!."

"Hehehehe." The rush of air flow kept ringing in Grab's throat, and he let out a sad and sharp low laugh, but he never said anything, only the muddy eyes looked at him with a sinister smile. To the side of the square, Kino whose fate is completely different from his own.

He had no remorse before he died, which made Grab's father feel ashamed, and his last dignity was crushed by his son's grin. He slapped Grab, and splashed blood foam that had already spread on the ground:
"You have been arrogant and domineering since you were a child. I have warned you countless times that you can live arrogantly, but you must not do things that harm the kingdom! We are "Troy"!We are the royal family that fought together with the "ancient king" 513 years ago!Your father was a war hero!Are you going to be a traitor to the kingdom? !To help aliens assassinate their own prince? ? ! ! "

"Trash! Trash! You've embarrassed me! You've shamed our family! I really regret letting you be born! Who is responsible for all this?! Why don't you say it??!! You now If you say it in public, you still have a chance to make up for it! Why don't you say it??!!"

When the old general was howling, Bolton on the stage turned to Perseus's ear and whispered, "Father."

Perseus nodded expressionlessly.

Bolton got up and looked down at Grab with a dignified voice: "You will tell everything you know now, and I promise you in the name of the prince, although you cannot be reinstated, you will receive preferential treatment. Spend your last days in a quiet place. All the clansmen implicated by you will have their sentences reduced or pardoned depending on the situation."

"Hehe. Hahahahaha!" Graber's almost maniacal laughter responded to Bolton.

Mercy does not command soldiers, Bolton is not a soft man, although he feels sorry for the old general, but he will never tolerate traitors, especially traitors who have no repentance, he sneered and said: "That's how it is." .”

Bolton's return to his seat meant that Graber had lost his last chance to redeem his merits, which could never be redeemed.

Grab's father couldn't help crying, and the slapped hands slapped Grab's face one after another, but his heart ached a hundred times more than his hand. He hated this useless son, and felt extremely sad about losing him.

Blood is thicker than water, and flesh and blood connect to the heart.

No matter how incompetent Grab is, he is the son he watched and grew up after all, and the laughter and laughter from childhood can still linger in his mind, but he is about to be wiped out and can never be found again.

"Hahahahaha hiss. Hiss." Graber's sad laughter began to turn into a faint cry. He watched his crying father sadly, and slowly pressed his wrinkled forehead, and finally said that he was tortured. The first sentence after, "I'm saving you. Father I'm saving you all"

Grab's father seemed to be holding on to a life-saving straw, and asked hoarsely: "Say it clearly! You explain everything clearly!!! Who is behind the scenes??!!"

Apart from a faint laugh, Grab never responded to his father, letting him weep and howl beside him.

It doesn't make any sense to ask any more, and Perseus didn't want to hear the man's crazy laugh anymore, so he gestured blankly—execution.

Even though Grab's nerves had been paralyzed by the long torture, Perseus still did not intend to give him an easy death. He would be cruelly impaled—piercing the victim's back with a spear, Standing upright on the execution ground, let the body slowly fall and slide under the action of gravity, you can feel the pain and despair of your body being penetrated all the way, until the spear comes out of the mouth, and it dries up and rots in the sun.

After his death, Grab will not be buried either. His body will be paraded through the streets to tell everyone what will happen to the treason. Finally, it will be chopped up and fed to pigs and dogs, turning it into stinky feces.

There is no need to mention the execution process, and everyone present couldn't see it—this is the palace square, and Perseus didn't want to bring out a dead body to cause bad luck.

After receiving the execution order, the imperial guards stepped forward and pulled Grab's father away, leaving him to cry in despair on the ground.

The sin of the son is the fault of the father, and he needs to be punished for having such a son.

The imperial guards dragged Grab to the execution ground. Long bloodstains were drawn on the ground from his bruised body, but they were quickly cleaned up by the servants who followed him with various tools.

After all, the setting sun will sink into the darkness. When the last twilight disappeared from Grab's eyes, he looked up to the stage, his face was distorted by excessive grinning, and he yelled out the last words in his life hoarsely and crazily: "Observe Your Promise!!! Keep Your Promise!!!!!!"

The royal ministers on the stage were all lost. You looked at me and I looked at you, wondering who Graber was yelling at.

Graber's roar gradually faded away, and disappeared into the distance together with the figure, which also meant that this person would never exist in the world again.

On the side of the square, Chino slowly raised his head, gazed at the platform, and looked back and forth at the faces of the people, trying to find a possible flaw.

However, none of the royal ministers looked abnormal on the viewing platform where Graber watched the roar. They whispered, pondered, sighed, or sighed.
All the suspense, like rain melted into the water.

Suddenly, Solandelle seemed to notice Kino's gaze, she stared back, her azure blue eyes were as clear as the light of a lake, she slightly pursed her lips, and showed a pure smile to Kino.
(End of this chapter)

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