honor me as god

Chapter 385 Respect Me as God

Chapter 385 Respect Me as God
Yes, or no.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for Kino's answer. Not only the leaders of the various tribes, but even Perseus leaned forward, staring at Kino, observing every change in his expression.

Kino and Solandelle looked at each other, the corners of their lips raised more deeply, and the amber pupils seemed to be bottomless. Finally, he gave his own answer.

After a short period of silence, the atmosphere in the hall began to heat up rapidly, and there were exclamations one after another during the banquet.

Isn't this man Kino Van Helsing? !

So what is he.
Lan Xian was very calm. Although he was also shocked by the answer, he still raised his hand, suppressed the exclamation of the scene, and then asked with a frown: "Then please tell us, now occupying the body of Kino Van Helsing The person—you, who are you?"

Chino: "I'm nobody."

Lan Xian: "What do you mean?"

Chino: "Before the 8th day of Divine Blessing last year, I had no self-awareness, just like an unformed baby in the mother's womb, born out of nothingness. But when I suddenly woke up, I found that I was already in Chino· In Van Helsing's body, his past life changed before my eyes, and it was engraved in my memory like a knife and an ax."

"So, in a sense, you could say I'm Chino Van Helsing, because I do occupy his body and have all his memories, exactly."

"Of course, you can also say that I am not Chino Van Helsing, because his original personality has disappeared, and I have nothing in common with him except this body and past memories. I am me, a person in someone else's body Awakened, completely new me."

The horned heron with traditional thinking couldn't sit still, stood up and shouted sharply: "Absurd words! Born in the vast nothingness, awakened in someone else's body. Do you think we will believe this kind of rhetoric? What evidence do you have?!"

Solandelle confronted her tit for tat: "The personality change that happened on the 8th day of God Bless is the best evidence. Facts speak louder than words. If it wasn't for rebirth of a personality, how could a person have such a big contrast without warning? "

At the critical moment, Lan Xian spoke again: "Princess Ninth, I found that you are confusing the topic again. Even if we agree with the words of Administrator Chino, there is no doubt that a new personality was born in his body, which is different from what we had before. What does the "curse" in question matter? "

Solandelle responded: "Of course it does. In my opinion, curse no, I think it's time for us to change to a neutral rhetoric-incentive."

"The reason why Kino was hunted and killed by aliens is probably related to this personality change, otherwise the timing would not be so coincidental—a few days after Kino's personality change, the aliens bribed horse bandits to massacre Xilin Town one thing."

"In this way, what the personality itself is may not be so important, what is important is the reason - why the birth of this personality will be hunted and killed by aliens."

Solandelle wanted to continue talking, but was stopped by Lan Xian with a hand gesture. He looked at Kino and said meaningfully: "There is no need for Princess Nine to continue talking. Instead of trying to guess, give Kino The magistrate passed the words and fabricated the steps. How about letting him speak for himself?"

Solandelle's words were intercepted, and if she continued to speak, she would undoubtedly feel partial. She could only stare deeply at Kino, hoping to give him strength with her eyes.

For Chino, Solandelle has done enough for him, really enough, not only logically induced the topic of personality transformation, aroused everyone's suspicion, but also compared it with the aliens. The combination of hunting and killing provides great flexibility for subsequent debates.

Now, the situation has been completely opened up, and it's time to counterattack.

Let history be rewritten today!

Kino's amber eyes seemed to be burning with flames, and he picked up the topic with a sly smile: "Master Lan Xian, let me ask you a question, please imagine the following scenario - you lead an army to fight against an enemy country, and the two sides have been fighting fiercely for a long time , as far as the eye can see, there are dilapidated city walls, and millions of soldiers and people died."

"At this time, the enemy country offered you an olive branch and promised you during the negotiation that as long as you kill one of your subordinates, the two sides will immediately sign a peace treaty. Then do you think, should you let this subordinate die? "

Without hesitation, Lan Xian said, "Maybe it's despicable from a moral point of view, but from the overall situation, of course it should, if the death of a subordinate can calm down."

"That's why you are the right hand of the king, and I am the left hand of the king." Sting, who had been silent for two whole meetings, suddenly broke his right to silence at this moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if there was a sharp glow in it Flashing, "In a war, no matter what the situation is, whether it's at the beginning of the war or at the end of the war, the more the enemy wants to do something, the less we can let him do it."

"Anything the enemy wants to do, we have to block it. Anything the enemy doesn't want to see, we have to do it. Whoever follows the enemy's rhythm is a fool without a brain-no offense, Mr. Lan Xian, I'm just making an analogy, not targeting you."

This Sting pointed at Sang and scolded Huai, and finally said that he was not targeting you, which made Lan Xian a little speechless.

"Thank you for your voice, Lord Sting." Kino looked around and asked pretending to be puzzled, "Then here comes the question, why can't you figure out such a simple truth when it comes to me? May I ask who the visitor is?" Are you enemies?"

Everyone was silent, but silence was actually tacit consent, especially those legion generals who were well versed in military affairs were already nodding slightly at this time.

Kino: "Since the aliens are your enemies, why do you follow the rhythm of the aliens when they spare no effort to hunt me down, try to kill me, and even bite me back before dying? Why don't you follow the rhythm of the aliens? As Master Sting said - we will stop whatever the enemy wants to do."

"Even if you don't trust me, don't treat me as your own, and think that I'm just an insignificant pawn. But the enemy of the enemy is an ally. You should understand this truth, right?"

Lan Xian retorted loudly: "The premise of allies is that they are useful to us. What's the use of allies who are useless? Administrator Kino, I don't deny that you are very capable, but in the face of the huge invasion of aliens, Your ability is not worth mentioning. There are many warriors in the kingdom, there are not many if you are more, and there are many if you are less."

"Before seeking the asylum of the kingdom, shouldn't you first think about what you can bring to the kingdom?"

After Lan Xian finished speaking, he suddenly noticed a strange thing. Not only did Kino not become angry, but a strange smile appeared on his face. , people can't help but feel uneasy, as if something big is about to happen.

"Tap, tap, tap" sounded crisp footsteps, and Solandelle walked to the trial seat. The moment her eyes met Kino's, both of them saw the unshakable power in each other's eyes.

Solandelle: "Before, I have been thinking about one thing. In ancient times, aliens killed the great Sun King. They are synonymous with destruction and blasphemy. But after 2700, these blasphemers But he died in the hands of Kino again and again, is this due to his strength? Maybe part of it is."

"But I think, facing the elusive aliens, strength alone is definitely not enough - just like facing those cunning desert assassins, what if your strength is extremely strong? No one can always guard their backs. Throughout the ages, there are not a few strong men who died at the hands of the rats."

"The same is true for the aliens. According to historical records—they don't know where they come from, where they're going, they fly invisible, like burning out in a spark—the method of the blasphemer's invasion of this world is beyond the knowledge of ordinary people. Their whereabouts Even more elusive than the Desert Assassins, but Kino was able to pick them out time and time again with precision, like... as if he knew they would come in advance.

"So, I had an idea."

"Administrator Kino, I have a question to ask you next. This question is not only related to you, but also related to the entire Dogland, and even related to the historical process of the next few decades. Therefore, I need you to make the most The real answer—”

The sunlight falling from the dome reflected in Solandelle's pupils, and it flickered like a scorching light, as if it was about to burn out: "Can you perceive the invasion of visitors from outside the sky?"

As soon as this question came up, the audience fell silent, and everyone's expressions fell into a sluggish state. Cold sweat broke out unconsciously on their foreheads, dripping on their clothes without knowing it. Dare to blink.

Perseus also stood up subconsciously, and looked at Kino with an unbelievable gaze. He clenched the pen in his hand, and even accidentally broke it with excessive force without noticing it.

Even Denisa from the seventh sequence woke up from her doze at this time, raised the brim of her hat slightly with one finger, and looked sideways at Kino.

Twilight fell on the two of them through the skylight, as if splashing fine golden light, the smiling devil stared at the little princess, and the little princess also stared at the smiling devil.

Today, history will be rewritten!
Chino: "Yes."

Silence, deathly silence.

There was no sound in the auditorium, which symbolized the highest power in Dogrand. The breathing sounds of the 382 congressmen disappeared, and everyone's hearts seemed to stop beating for a few seconds at this moment.

Gradually, the dead silence was broken by Mo Mo, and horrified howling sounds rose from all directions, flooding the hall like a wave:

"He can perceive the invasion of aliens. How is this possible?!"

"Lies! He's scaremongering!"

"If it is true, what kind of ability is this? I have never heard of it throughout the ages!"

"By God. Who the hell is this Kino Van Helsing?"

Everyone was horrified, and even the calmest Perseus froze.

After the initial loss of consciousness, Edward stood up suddenly and asked sharply: "How do you prove what you said? In my opinion, you are using this as an excuse to save your life!"

"The evidence is right in front of you." Kino pointed to himself and said with a smile, "The aliens have launched 5 attacks, 5 times! But I can still stand here and talk to you, why do you think it is? If I can't perceive Their invasion, defenseless against the attack, under the arms of those blasphemers, do you think I have a chance to stand here?"

Edward's face turned pale immediately, and he was speechless. Obviously, he was born in the military and knew better than anyone else that if he didn't "prepare in advance" against a completely unknown enemy like an alien, the probability of survival would be infinitely close to zero.

Others finally gradually realized that what Chino said was true.
At this time, not only the councilors were horrified, but the leaders of the five royal families were also impatient, and even King Perseus glared angrily, and shouted: "Why didn't you report this kind of thing before?!"

Kino: "Because I'm as shocked as you are, and don't understand why I have this ability. As I said before, I wake up in this body and know nothing about this world except the memory of the original host. I have been searching for the meaning of my existence.”

"In the beginning, like you, I regarded this ability to perceive visitors from space as a curse. I also fell into hesitation and didn't understand why I had to bear this kind of thing."

"But when I killed the alien for the first time, and watched the blasphemer turn into sparks and disappear into the sky, all the soldiers and civilians who witnessed this scene fell to their knees in front of me, and I looked down on them like a higher existence Overlook the world."

"At that moment, I seemed to understand everything."

Chino turned back to look at the councilor's seat, and his eyes fell on Barty Dogorand, who came to Dusk City to investigate the bombing case last year: "Master Barty, do you still remember that I said a word to you during the investigation last year. "

Under the attention of everyone, Batty swallowed hard and repeated the sentence in a trembling voice: "You say. Maybe, I am the next Sun King"

The blasphemous curses just reached everyone's lips, but in the face of the ability to perceive visitors from outside the sky, their throats seemed to be restrained by a big hand, and they couldn't make a sound.

Kino: "You all feel that comparing yourself to gods is blasphemy, but in fact, I did what the Sun King failed to do. It was I who killed the aliens who invaded this world. Revenge is also what I have done that no one in this world can do."

"From then on, I finally understood that what happened to me was not a curse, but an ability, an ability that transcended the world and surpassed all mortals. And it foretells one thing to you—"

Without any warning, a strange giant shadow symbolizing the god of death erupted from Kino's body, raging and growing wildly all over his body, turning into an endless black curtain, casting terrifying shadows on the ground until the entire auditorium was turned into a dark place without light. land.

Everything is dusty, the light is hidden, and the raging black torrent rolls in the sky, just like blooming black flowers. They climb up the black screen, and finally open a giant eye overlooking the world. Under its gaze, the material world seems to become A boundless picture scroll depicting everything, cold, only cold.

The sharp light refracted in the darkness illuminated Kino's face, and the giant eyes standing above resonated endlessly with him. Thousands of arcs flowed in those amber pupils, and the extremely crazy whistling sounded like a ringing sound. Through this mortal world:

"Respect me as a god!"

(End of this chapter)

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