honor me as god

Chapter 384

Chapter 384
Now, Solandelle is breaking the rules of the power game, defying the consensus of the political sphere.

Reasonable, whether it is to stabilize the relationship between the royal family and the royal family, or to protect the window paper that should not be pierced, Perseus should stop Solandelle from continuing to speak.

But for some reason, he was indifferent to this, and just watched his daughter silently, as if waiting for her to continue talking.

Solandelle looked away from Lan Xian, turned to look at the auditorium, and said loudly, "Unity, this is something I have learned in history, and it is also what a country or nation needs most when it is in danger."

"However, when our kingdom is facing the invasion of aliens, and the vast land and thousands of people are threatened, the various families are secretly fighting each other. I don't see any unity in you."

"At the first meeting, you kept saying that you agreed to execute Kino, thinking that this is the best option for the benefit of the kingdom-if you can stick to this idea until the end, I will respect and admire you, but you didn't .”

"At first you planned to execute Kino, but when you learned of the existence of the "curse", each of you started to panic again, and everyone was in danger.In order to prevent the curse from being transferred to you, you quickly abandoned your original execution plan and instead formulated a detention plan that deprives you of your liberty. "

"Then I would like to ask, are you doing all this for yourself or for the kingdom? Is this detention plan for your own personal protection, or for the long-term stability and development of the kingdom? Do you really have the kingdom in your heart? Do you give all your consciousness?"

"Duk, duk, dun." The sound of the crutches hitting the ground interrupted Solandelle's speech, and the councilors also looked back at the last row of the venue, looking at the one who was absent from the previous two meetings and who just arrived today. The old man who showed up.

I saw Yuan Wen lazily leaning on the chair, and said casually: "Ninth Princess, what you said is completely a childish concept. Among families, the interests come first, and the leaders of each family try their best to seek the interests of the family. What's wrong? Ordinary people are individual, self-centered, and it's the nature of councilors to be wise and protect themselves. What's wrong with this? You have to use the saint's standard to ask everyone, isn't it appropriate?"

Yuan Wen, as the most knowledgeable person in Dograndell, naturally has unmatched negotiating ability. Few people in the entire palace dare to argue with him head-on. Now that he stands up to refute Solandelle, everyone suddenly has the confidence .

Edward stood up first, and deliberately said in a teasing tone: "Princess Nine, you are someone who can be recognized by unicorns. We are not as noble as you, nor do you have such a sacred depth of thought. Since you think we are selfish, why not Set an example, set an example for us, and let you bear the curse on Kino?"

Solandelle shook her head: "I can't."

Edward couldn't help chuckling, with an arrogant expression as if he had taken the initiative: "Why do you criticize us even if you don't want it yourself? There is a saying in the Far East—do unto others what you don't want to be done to you—if you don't want to Don't impose on others what you have to bear. A person can be generous and noble, but he should not be generous to others and exalt his purity. Isn't it?"

"I said I can't, not that I don't want to." Solandelle's eyes were clear and firm, and she looked straight at Edward without hesitation, "It's just that I don't have the corresponding ability to bear this curse now."

Without delay, Kino on the trial seat suddenly took over the topic: "Yes, how terrible the curse is, I think everyone can empathize with me from my experience, it means facing the hunting of aliens anytime, anywhere, and eating and sleeping are difficult." Difficult to be safe, and anxious all day long. Letting the weak princess bear this curse is just adding another dead person meaninglessly."

"In fact, in my opinion, carrying curses is exclusive to those who are strong—for example, you, Lord Edward, if I can take the initiative to transfer the curse, I will definitely give priority to you, the dignified leader of Troy, the "cursed" of the sixth sequence. ", I am sure that I will never be afraid of aliens, and I will be able to fight the curse to the end, are you right? "

This question made Edward unable to get off the stage. There were questions about whether the answer was right or wrong. Dale raised her eyebrows, with a playful smile on her face.

It was only then that Edward realized that he had fallen into a pit. Yuan Wen didn't really refute just now, but deliberately sang a double reed with Solandelle, dug a pit, and waited for a fool to jump into it—— This is the fool.

Edward's face was gloomy, and he didn't intend to continue arguing with them, so he simply sat down.

Lan Xian saw that Edward was being put together, and stood up on his own initiative: "Princess Ninth, I think your topic is getting too far. Now we are not discussing the family or personal character, but how to deal with the Chino administrator. Who proposed The problem, who is responsible for solving it, we have already solved it - the chief judge has previously detailed the solution we have concluded. If you think it is inappropriate, why not come up with a more suitable solution?"

Solandelle knew very well that the Troy family was not good at strategy, and Edward was born in the military, with a superficial character. Digging a hole could make him fall, weaken his momentum, and make him afraid to speak casually.

But the Heqi family, with the golden bird as their banner, mediates between Yuebi and the political arena all day long, and scheming is their strength, and it is the foundation of their foothold.

Just like the nursery rhyme of Wangcheng: "In Hetch, greeting people with courtesy is to hit back; in Hetch, treating people with hypocrisy is the most solemn etiquette; game."

These scheming goldfinches are good at dancing with any child, not to mention the family leader Lanxian Heqi who is also the "right hand of the king".

Even if he has read a lot of books and has more knowledge than his peers, if he wants to compete with someone like Lan Xian, it is just asking for trouble, hitting a stone with an egg, and Solandelle knows this very well.

But sometimes, to defeat a strong enemy, you don't have to attack frontally.

The strongest barriers are often breached from within.

And the detention plan written by Lan Xian is the "solid barrier".

Although Solandelle was young, she did not lose in the slightest. She faced Lan Xian and asked, "Master Lan Xian, I have a question for you. The main reason why you have sorted out this detention plan is to prevent the "curse." "Transferred to someone else?Want to guarantee Kino's life and use his body to lock this "curse" to ensure that the invasion of aliens is stable and controllable? "

"To be precise, it is to prevent the existence of this possibility." Lan Xian was very clever, and at the same time did not deny it, he did not follow the rhythm of Solandelle.

Solandelle continued to ask: "Then can I understand that if this so-called "curse" does not exist, there is no need to imprison Kino? "

Lan Xian said slowly: "First of all, this curse obviously exists - Kino is constantly being hunted and killed by aliens. This is the best proof. If he is the same as us, why are aliens only staring at him and not hunting him?" Others? Second, the concept of cursing was mentioned by your good friend Kino himself, if you have any doubts about this, you shouldn't question me, you should question him."

"Sorry to interrupt." Kino spoke again, and said lightly, "Master Lanxian seems to have a bad memory. I have already stated at the second meeting that the so-called "curse" I mentioned is only for To visualize what happened to me, so I throw out the concept of "curse" to help you understand it better.I never said it was a 'curse' and I don't know what it is. "

Lan Xian didn't give Solandelle a chance to sing with Kino, and directly took the topic with her keen thinking: "But in my opinion, this is a curse in the true sense. What is a curse? It's a punishment You are constantly being hunted by aliens, you are in danger all the time, and you can't sleep or eat, which is obviously a manifestation of punishment. If this is not a curse, is it a blessing?"

Kino chuckled lightly, and asked in a teasing tone: "Then, may I ask, what did I do to deserve this kind of punishment?"

Lan Xian didn't hesitate to think: "This question, I think you should reflect on yourself. I learned from the information that you have been a lazy and cowardly person since you were a child. With the residual reputation of your family, you barely became a border town. Since then, the civil affairs officials have started to eat vegetarian meals and wait for death—lazy, weak, aggressive, and incompetent. Whether in literary works or historical legends, such people are often the most "favored" objects of curses."

Lan Xian's words not only suppressed Solandelle's argument that "the curse may not exist", but also revealed Chino's personal dark history, occupying the dual commanding heights of reason and morality. Members of Parliament present couldn't help admiring.

Lan Xian seized the initiative, and Edward finally had a chance to regain his position. He felt that he could do it again, and stood up suddenly again: "As Lord Lan Xian said, maybe the gods can't stand your laziness, so put a curse on you, Kino van Helsing."

"Thank you for mentioning his name, Lord Edward." Solandelle suddenly snatched back the right to speak. Without giving others a chance to steal the conversation, she went straight to the trial seat, pointed at Chino, His eyes narrowed slightly, "I have a question to ask everyone—is this person really Kino Van Helsing?"

Edward couldn't help frowning: "What? You can't even recognize your good friend?"

"The people we are talking about may not be the same person." Solandelle paced slowly in front of the court, looked sideways at Kino, and said in a tone that concealed deep meaning like a black sea: "My friend Kino Van Heil Xin is the Twilight City administrator who is polite, knowledgeable, never bullying civilians, takes the lead in the war, and is on the front line every time aliens invade. The world calls him "Twilight Death". "

"And the Chino Van Helsing you are talking about is the Xilin Township Civil Affairs Officer who eats a vegetarian diet, does nothing, relies on the family's superiors, and only knows how to eat and die every day."

"Are these two people the same person?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell into a brief dead silence. It seemed that even the sound of breathing disappeared, and a needle could be heard.

Immediately afterwards, Andre in the audience narrowed his eyes, subconsciously said: "Personality change."

"Yes. Thank you for your supplement, second brother." Solandelle nodded to Andre, then looked at everyone, and continued, "During the entire trial process, everyone intentionally or unintentionally ignored a key point—— Nuo's personality change."

"According to the investigation report of the judge and the testimony of some witnesses, on the 8th of last year's "God Blessing", Chino van Helsing, then civil administrator of Xilin Township, had a sudden personality change, whether it was personality or behavior patterns, There have been earth-shaking changes. "

"The once incompetent civil affairs officer of Xilin Town suddenly used iron fists to make an example to everyone. He suppressed the frivolity in the army with the death of a corporal, cracked down on the Milo caravan smuggling case, and found a way to smuggle salt crystals. Even with the strength of only one town, he led the army against the fire in the desert to repel the invasion of the horse bandit team of thousands of people, killed a ground dragon knight with giant blood alone, hid in the giant's corpse, broke through the outer blockade, and captured the enemy Fang Dadan alive , was finally promoted to the current Twilight City administrator."

"The contrast between before and after is astonishing. We have not found the reason, and Kino has not explained it. It may be because of this that everyone's focus is on other places. This key information has been ignored intentionally or unintentionally. . But do people really feel that this is something that can be ignored?"

These words caused the scene to fall into silence. As Solandelle said, this information was ignored intentionally or unintentionally. Everyone was concerned about the aliens and the so-called "curse", and no one paid attention to the strange Nuo's personality change, after all, it has nothing to do with their family or their own interests.

Some people also think that the so-called "personality transformation" does not exist at all. Kino has always been that Kino, strong and fierce, and the so-called weakness, incompetence, and lazy before. It is just his disguise, just to confuse the people around him, like An insidious snake lurks, waiting for an opportune time to rise.

But what's the truth, who knows
Now Solandelle brought up this matter again, which means that this question has returned to everyone's attention, and it must receive an answer.

"Tap, tap, tap" The crisp footsteps echoed in the silent auditorium, and Solandelle walked to the judgment seat and looked up at this friend.

"Administrator Kino, this is the first time I've called you so formally in person, because now I'm not your friend, I'm just a Dogrand citizen who wants to find out the truth, just like everyone present." Suo Lauder looked directly at Kino's amber pupils, her voice was deep but concealed an unshakable force, "Please answer my next question truthfully, without reservation—"

"You, are you Chino Van Helsing?"

(End of this chapter)

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