honor me as god

Chapter 383 Princess Speech

Chapter 383 Princess Speech
Solandelle broke into the auditorium and asked to speak, which put Perseus in a dilemma.

Let her speak. She is not a member of parliament and is not qualified to speak at the plenary meeting. It is not impossible to make an exception for her to speak, but once this opening is made, it will definitely have a bad influence in the future.

Don't let her talk. My daughter has always been well-behaved since she was a child. This time she not only broke into the auditorium, but even disobeyed her father's order in public. It's so unfeeling.

Andre reacted quickly and realized Perseus's predicament early on. He hurriedly got up from the front seat, put his arms around Solandelle's shoulders, and advised softly, "Ninth Sister, Father is presiding over the meeting now. Elder brother will take you to eat something first. When the father is done with his work, we will come to him again, do you agree?"

"Andre." Perseus waved his hands blankly, motioning him to back away.

Andre nodded to Perseus, bowed and retreated to his seat.

Now that the king had acquiesced, the members of the various parties silently watched Solandelle, waiting for her speech.

Of course, from the casual eyes of the congressmen, it can be seen that no one is optimistic about Solandelle. What can a 12-year-old girl say?He could guess casually, it was nothing more than choking, sobbing and crying, telling about the past memories of himself and Kino, pitifully showing misery to everyone, begging for a favor for Kino and so on.

If such petty things can affect the outcome of the kingdom's plenary meeting, then there is no need for this meeting to exist.

Solandelle didn't care about the gazes of the councilors. She stared at Chino. Although she didn't shed tears, her voice was obviously hoarse from crying: "I'm very sad today, because my friend is standing on the bench and is about to lose forever. free."

"Someone once told me that if I want to impress my father, don't mention my personal relationship with this friend, otherwise the more I speak for him, the more my father will hate him. I'd better be able to Forget about him, be happy every day, pretend to be happy, and pretend to show your father."

"But I think this kind of statement is wrong. Sadness is sadness, and there is no need to hide it. I have been having trouble sleeping and eating for the past few days. I have searched for all the people I can find for him, and I hope he can get it quickly all the time. Freedom. I can't pretend, and I don't want to pretend, I really feel sorry for him."

As soon as Solandelle's words came out, some people in the parliamentary seat began to sigh.

Kino is the magistrate, and Solandelle is the princess of the royal family. The magistrate and the members of the royal family get too close, which is something no king would want to see throughout the ages.

Connected from top to bottom, this kind of thing can breed a hotbed of corruption, or it may shake the foundation of the country.

In particular, Solandelle is one of the future crown prince candidates!

What is the king most afraid of?What I am most afraid of is that while I am still on the throne, before I die, the princes and princesses below will secretly form cliques for personal gain, fall into factional struggles, and attack each other, that is the way to subjugate the country!
Solandelle had honestly ignored Chino at first, and it was nothing more than a casual exchange of words, which could be regarded as wind in one ear, coming in from one ear and exiting in the other, but now she insisted on revealing the personal relationship between the two parties. Friends pushed into the fire pit.

Yuan Wen glanced at Solandelle, smiled meaningfully for some reason, and stroked his beard slowly.

As soon as Perseus heard that his daughter broke into the auditorium just to say such nonsense, he felt a little irritable. He was about to let Solandelle back down, but he didn't expect her to speak first.

"But for me, the saddest thing is not what happened to Chino." Solandelle turned around, glanced at the councilors' seats, as if seeing every councilor in her eyes, and said sadly, "The most painful What I am sad about is the members of Congress here, it is you."

The councilors looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding why this was so. Some people thought that Solandelle was too sad. She was a bit stupid. They had never offended the Ninth Princess, so how could it make people feel sad?

Solandelle glanced at the faces of the congressmen, and her voice seemed to be filled with some fiery power: "I have read many literary works since I was a child, such as "Eclipse", "Thousand Years of Darkness", "She It's a Dragon", "Osmanthus Blossoms in Bloom"."

"I have read about the firm will of the Sun King, and he did not hesitate to disband the Council of the Gods to go on an expedition to the Northland; I read that the city of Keystone was burned by visitors from outside the sky, and the corpses of the dead sun were scattered across the field; I found that the darkness of a thousand years was just an appearance, The brilliance of the sun has already burned all over the gods; I also know that before the bloodshed of the dragon and the laurel, the victory of the Battle of the Dead River is inevitable."

"In our history, no matter where the story happened, when a power is invaded by foreign enemies, the whole army will always work together and unite as one. Even if there is prejudice between each other, they will temporarily put aside their grievances and unite to the outside world. "

"I thought that this is not only true in history, but also in the present, especially in the Kingdom of Dogland. But the facts have disillusioned me. The aliens who have disappeared for 2700 years have reappeared in the mortal world. On the occasion of the invasion, we Didn't see the solidarity you deserved."

Solandelle looked at the huge Edward, and looked straight into his eyes: "I have seen that some families don't care whether a thing is correct or not, but just use it as a bargaining chip to win people's hearts, secretly manipulating others Full of passion."

Solandelle looked at the old horned heron, and her young voice was full of unshakable power: "I have seen some families deliberately equate the technology of aliens with blasphemy, so as to create contradictions and confrontations. Really out of faith, but to secure their own monopoly."

Solandelle turned around, looked directly at Perseus's right hand side, and looked at the right hand of the king who is above ten thousand people without hesitation: "There are also some families who keep saying that they are for the benefit of the kingdom, but their thoughts behind the scenes Who knows? On the surface, they are dedicated to the public, but are they really that clean in the dark?"

The faces of the three people who had been watched by Solandelle were not very good. The nine princesses said that they were "some families", but they were actually calling names and calling them names. No window paper is left for you, and they are scolded for piercing them all.

Things like politics should be decent.

What is decent?I know that you are not a good person, and you also know that I am not a good person. We are all not a good person. It is okay to know each other, but you must not say it.

The upper class is not the fists of barbarians, but a power game among nobles. "Decentness" is the most basic game principle. You can think it is hypocritical, but you have to abide by it, otherwise no one will follow the rules in the future. You play, and everyone will use things against you outside the rules.

Edward and Heron looked at the stage at the same time, and Lan Xian also looked sideways at Perseus. Although they were speechless, their eyes expressed the same meaning: take care of your daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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