honor me as god

Chapter 382 3 Meetings

Chapter 382 Three Meetings
The third and final meeting of the Kingdom Plenary Council was held promptly at 9:[-] am.

The atmosphere in the auditorium was very dignified, and every member of parliament present knew that no matter what the results of the previous discussions were, or what the attitudes of the members were, the king had the power to make the final decision.

Today, the king will make a final judgment on Chino, and no matter what the answer he gives, it must be a far-reaching matter.

It is worth mentioning that Yuanwen Doguland, who had returned to his hometown to recuperate before, appeared in the auditorium, but because he did not participate in the previous two meetings, he theoretically does not belong to this session of parliamentarians, and only sits in the corner of the last row.

But no matter what, the Minister of Law and Grand Bachelor, with one hand holding the power to directly propose amendments to the Code, and the other hand holding the whip against the three future crown princes, has enough status and face. His appearance It is bound to attract the attention of all members of parliament.

After each member entered the arena, he would take the initiative to greet Yuan Wen in the back row before taking his seat.

Yuan Wen's performance was very indifferent, except for the usual greetings among officials, he ignored any conversations, just sat there looking out on the platform, people couldn't help guessing the reason why he appeared here, was he just listening like an outsider?or something else
No matter how suspicious the audience is, the final trial on the stage has begun.

The presiding judge stood in front of the trial platform, and behind him was Kino who was waiting for the trial. He faced the aloof king, and his resounding voice resounded throughout the auditorium: "Your Majesty, during the previous two meetings and the adjournment, the parliamentarians of all parties conducted meticulous discussions. Discussed together, and finally reached a unified conclusion. Now, let me read this draft proposal for you—"

"[-]. Deprive Twilight City administrator Kino Van Helsing of all his merits and positions. The original eight-level officials and subordinate officials in Twilight City will be dismissed together. A management term came in."

"[-]. In order to ensure that the "curse" will not be transferred in an orderly manner, Kino van Helsing's right to life will be fully guaranteed by the kingdom, but at the same time, his right to personal freedom will be permanently deprived, and the Dagon family will Imprisoned on the unnamed isolated island of the "Sea of ​​Broken Moon", the capital of the gray mist province, to ensure that the attacks of aliens are far away from the center of the kingdom. "

"Third, in order to protect Kino van Helsing's right to life, the main fleet of the Dagon family will put the Dagon family under martial law around the unnamed island, and build a large number of strong sea beast lairs on the bottom of the sea. At the same time, the island's garrison will be composed of elites from various families. They will work together with the Dagon fleet to build the unnamed island into a military barrier capable of resisting the invasion of aliens."

"Fourth, any extraterrestrial visitor who died in the attack on the unnamed island, the spoils on his body must be turned over to the royal city, and will be deployed by the royal family. The rest of the personal record will be rewarded according to the military law of Dogolland."


The chief judge read out the content of the draft one by one, leaving aside the official language, the central idea was: to imprison Kino on an isolated island far away from the center of the kingdom, while protecting his life and preventing the transfer of the curse, use him as a bait to attract and Force the aliens to attack the isolated island, and then use the absolute strength and defense advantages to kill them and plunder their weapons and equipment. All the spoils will be distributed fairly by the royal family.

It's like setting up a mousetrap with Chino being the cheese and The Otherworlder being the mouse.

If this draft is really approved by Perseus, then Kino will be useless in this life—it is true that he will not die, and he can live for a long time, but this life can only be locked in a dark cage. The hope of seeing the sun again, without any freedom of action, and no longer able to harvest emotional value through the triple shackles, can only go on like this year after year, until the long years inevitably kill him, or one day Dougland will use the power of the whole country Can't resist the invasion, he finally died in the hands of the reincarnation
Life is better than death, a proposal more desperate than outright execution.

But what's subtle is that facing such a proposal, Kino didn't have any emotional ups and downs, and his expression was so calm that it made people feel a little chilling. He just watched all this silently.

After reading the draft, the chief judge looked at Perseus and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, the above items have all been unanimously approved by all parties. Please make a decision."

This draft, no matter which family it is for, cannot be called perfect, but it is very balanced, with both sacrifices and gains.

The only one with relatively large hidden damage should be the Eric family.

Once Dogrand captures more and more props from extraterrestrials and deciphers the technology system, the monopoly of rune technology driven by soul art in the kingdom will no longer exist, which is obviously unacceptable.

As for what kind of negotiations the Horn Heron had with other families in the past few days, what deals they made with each other, why they finally agreed to this proposal, what concessions they made, and what compensation they got. These are temporarily unknown.

Under the attention of everyone, Perseus did not reply directly, but looked at Kino and asked, "Is there anything you want to defend yourself? I will give you the opportunity to speak, cherish it."

Facing the last chance to speak, Kino responded with silence. There was no expression on his face. Even a master who has studied micro-expressions the most could not guess what was going on in his heart. He just looked sideways at the colorful windows of the auditorium. , as if waiting for something.
Seeing that Kino didn't speak, Perseus looked at the congressmen who symbolized the backbone of the kingdom. For some reason, an unspeakable sense of loss appeared in his eyes.

In the end, Perseus let out a sigh on his back, and picked up the hammer symbolizing judgment
The court hammer is held high and falls.
Just when it was about to be finalized, the door of the synagogue opened suddenly, and the councilors subconsciously looked back when they heard the sound. Only Yuan Wen was still looking at the stage with a calm expression.

Perseus also looked over, and when he saw the other party clearly, he frowned suddenly: "Soran?"

The visitor was none other than the nine princesses of the royal family, Solandelle van Doguland.

Although Solandelle slept at Yuanwen's house for one night, she really hurt her body too much during this time, and she couldn't recover after sleeping and eating, and her mental state was still not good.

Under everyone's attention, Solandelle walked to the front of the stage, first saluted the highest-ranking father, and then saluted the members in turn according to their status, and finally raised her head and said deeply: "Members, I am sorry to disturb everyone. process, please forgive my rudeness"

Perseus said in a deep voice, "You are not a member of the entire council of the kingdom, and you should not appear here for no reason. You go back to the mansion first, and talk to me later if you have anything to do."

Solandelle nodded slightly to her father, her expression never firmer than before: "I'm sorry, father, please forgive me for disobeying your order for the first time. I can't leave here, and I want to ask you for one thing - please You give me a chance to speak."

(End of this chapter)

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