honor me as god

Chapter 381 Ways of Thinking

Chapter 381 Ways of Thinking

"One more. Let me read another one." In the dazed murmur, Solandelle woke up from a coma. She didn't know how long she had been in a coma. She only felt a splitting headache, and her vision and consciousness were in a blurred state. , For a while, I couldn't even remember where I was.

Solandelle tried to prop up her body several times, but she was unable to support herself. She fell limply on the bed and could only vaguely see a figure beside the bed. She subconsciously stretched out her hand to touch him, but she was too tired and realized quickly Become sinking, people who are close at hand are so far away, it seems that you can't touch them at all.

Faced with the outstretched little hand, the figure hesitated for a moment, then slowly caught it and put it back under the warm blanket.

For a long period of time, Solandelle was half asleep and half awake, drifting between sleep and reality.

I don't know how long it took, Solandelle finally recovered some physical strength, able to support the real awakening of consciousness, she opened her eyes with difficulty, her vision was blurred for a while, and then slowly focused, after seeing the surrounding scenery clearly, she realized that she was lying on the ground. In the teacher's room.

Yuan Wen was sitting beside her with a straight face, holding in her hand the code entries she had excerpted overnight before she fell into a coma.

"Hmph." Yuan Wen pouted, and kept flipping through Solandelle's excerpts, his eyes seemed to be looking at pieces of garbage, "I copied these things without eating or sleeping for two days. This excerpt is all nonsense!"

"Wow——" Yuan Wen threw the manuscript paper onto the bed, spilling it all over the bed.

Solandelle hurriedly crawled out of the bed, picked up the scattered papers without saying a word, and rearranged them.

Yuan Wen picked up the porcelain bowl beside the table, took a spoonful of Jin Cheng's soup, and brought it to him, reluctantly said: "Drink, I asked the kitchen to make chicken soup for you, drink it to warm your stomach."

Solandelle turned a blind eye to Yuan Wen, and continued to sort out the manuscript paper, and then lowered her head to study it.

Playing tantrums?Yuan Wen didn't like this, he put the bowl on the table, and left with his hands behind his back: "It's fine if you don't drink, it's like who begged you~ I wanted to talk to you, but you ignore me , then I don’t care about you, and if we have the ability, we don’t care about anyone else.”

Solandelle was startled, and hurriedly put on her slippers: "Don't! Don't, don't! I'm sorry, teacher. If you have something to say, say it quickly, I know I'm wrong"

"Hmph." Yuan Wen turned back with a straight face, pushed Solandelle back to the bed, covered the quilt, and sat down in the chair by himself. He glanced at the manuscript papers, and his voice was full of jokes and ridicule: "Find the man who can save you." Is the law of man written?"

Solandelle pursed her lips and shook her head silently.

Yuan Wen: "Then do you really understand now, what can save your friend Kino?"

Solandelle said without hesitation, "Code! It must be the code that can save him! I want to use the code to refute the accusations of those congressmen!"

"Damn!" Yuan Wen scolded with a black face, "Thanks to you who have been studying with me for so many years, you can't even understand the simplest truth! At a time like this, you still want to use the code to save people? The code Who made it? The code was made by your father! Even if you really find a valid entry in the code, what's the use?"

"Imperial meeting, king's privilege, emergency revision, state of war. Your father has countless ways to modify the existing code entries. You can add as you want, delete as you want! Do you still expect to use the code to save people? If you don't eat for two days, don't you?" Drink, toss yourself into a coma, and realize this?! Phew. I am really mad at you. You are the worst student I have ever taught!"

Solandelle was so scolded that she couldn't lift her head, but suddenly she had a flash of inspiration, and asked with wide eyes: "Teacher, your subtext is that you can't rely on the code, but rely on your father?"

Yuan Wen's complexion improved slightly, but he still pouted his lips: "As usual, the plenary meeting of the Kingdom should not exceed three meetings at the same time. Most of the proposals proposed by the plenary meeting can be passed in one meeting. Two meetings. There are very few things that can be dragged to three meetings throughout the ages."

"The matter of Kino not only dragged on to three meetings, but also your father kept silent during the first two meetings. Even though there was a lot of quarrel below, he didn't say a few words. Do you know why?"

Solandelle calmed down, followed Yuan Wen's rhythm to think, and finally tried to say her own answer: "Because the father didn't think about it?"

Yuan Wen's complexion improved a lot, he nodded his head in approval, and his voice softened: "That's right, you're right. Your royal father didn't say a word about Kino because he also I didn't think about it."

"During the previous two meetings, with so many opinions and so many speeches, your father himself had no idea who to listen to, and how to deal with it, but he couldn't let people see the hesitation in the king's heart, so we just Can be cold and silent."

Solandelle glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already past 4 o'clock in the morning. She hurriedly asked: "But according to the principle of the plenary meeting, no matter how difficult the situation is, the third meeting must announce the result. It will start in a few hours, teacher, what answer do you think the father will give?"

Yuan Wen shook his head and said: "I wasn't there before, and I don't know how to read minds. Your father is like a gourd. I don't know what he thinks. But one thing is for sure-in the first two meetings, there was no one. He was satisfied with what other people said, so he kept silent."

"Right now, your father is waiting for a satisfactory answer, but in my opinion, he may not know what the satisfactory answer is. If you want to save Kino, you can only find a breakthrough here."

Solandelle quickly grabbed Yuan Wen's sleeve and begged, "Teacher, can you help me think of an answer that will satisfy my father?"

Yuan Wen: "I don't know. I didn't intend to perfuse you, but I really don't know. I am a human being, not a god. Without effective intelligence and information, I cannot make a judgment."

"Intelligence and information" Solandelle suddenly recalled what Kino said in her ear when she visited the prison in the dungeon, and she subconsciously blurted out, "Kino at that time."

In the middle of speaking, Solandelle suddenly fell silent, and lowered her head in a panic, her eyes dodging.

Seeing this, Yuan Wen frowned, and asked coldly, "What's wrong with Kino?"

Solandelle bowed her head in silence.

Yuan Wen: "What big secret did he tell you that he can't tell me?"

Solandelle remained silent, neither shaking her head nor nodding.

Yuan Wen didn't force others to do anything difficult, and stood up on crutches: "Since you think you shouldn't tell me, then continue to keep secrets for your friends. This is a good habit."

Solandelle raised her head and asked softly, "Teacher, is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Yuan Wen: "As I said just now, in the plenary meeting of the kingdom, the final decision-maker is your father, so you don't have to think about anyone, and you don't have to please anyone. You just need to find a way to start from your father and find something that satisfies him. The answer will do."

"I can't help you with this matter, and no one can help you. You can only rely on yourself. The only thing I can tell you is the method.

Yuan Wen stared at Solandelle, his eyes were as deep as the sea, and there seemed to be some unshakable power in his voice: "If you want to find the king's satisfactory answer, you must know what the king is thinking, so—"

"You have to think like a king."

(End of this chapter)

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