honor me as god

Chapter 380 Right and wrong

Chapter 380 Right and wrong
After hearing this, Yuan Wen slowly stroked his beard, with a half-smile: "Are you all concerned about this issue?"

The little head made an exaggerated expression: "That's an alien! A living alien! You must care about it!"

"Little Brain, don't talk nonsense!" Candy poked Little Brain's waist, and said in a childish voice, "The trial is not over yet, we don't know the result yet, how can you say that Administrator Kino is an alien? Didn’t grandpa teach us that we should look at everything with a neutral attitude before we draw a conclusion, and we won’t know the full picture of the incident until the truth comes to light.”

"Hahaha! Tangtang actually remembered my words, it's so rare!" Yuan Wen happily touched Tangtang's little head, "Then grandpa wants to ask you, in your opinion, the first day after 3 days What will be the final result of the three kingdom plenary meetings?"

Tangtang shrank her head and said cowardly: "Then I dare not say it, how dare I talk about things in the palace?"

The little head is very courageous, and it may be to save face in front of the candy. He raised his hand and said, "I know, I know! Grandpa, you have taught us before that the right or wrong of a matter does not depend on the people's hearts, but in the code of law. ——The code is the benchmark for all judgments! Therefore, the result of the third plenary meeting must be determined according to the code, guilty and punished, and acquitted!"

Yuan Wen stroked his beard and showed a mysterious smile: "There seems to be something wrong with what the little head said. The final decision maker of the plenary meeting of the kingdom is His Majesty the King, not the code of law. What's going on?"

The children looked at each other in dismay, and their small heads tentatively asked: "Your Majesty the King's decision should be based on the law, right?"

Yuan Wen said casually: "That's hard to say. The code is indeed the benchmark for ruling everything, but the king has the right to directly change the items of the code. So you say, is the code or the king?"

Candy jumped up without thinking: "The king is big!"

The little head retorted: "No, it should be the Codex!"

"It's the king!" Candy took a peek at Elda who was not far away, lowered her voice, and said with a smile, "If you think about it this way, the wake-up time here is set by Elda's mother, so let's assume that mother is the king." , the code is the alarm clock."

"At the very beginning, my mother set the alarm clock to ask everyone to get up at 6 o'clock every day, but she often couldn't get up by herself, so she secretly changed the alarm clock to 6:[-]. Therefore, the mother is bigger than the alarm clock, and the king is bigger than the code!"

"Hey!" Elda laughed angrily, "You little brat, why did you expose this matter?"

Candy covered her mouth and snickered.

The little head tilted his head, his expression was very tangled: "But if the king is bigger than the code, why do we need the code? Isn't the existence of the code just to maintain justice? If one day, the king amends the code and asks everyone to go If you do something unjust, wouldn't the code be meaningless?"

"Oh?! Good question!" Yuan Wen looked a little surprised, and said with a smile, "Who can answer the question of the little head?"

The children looked at me and I looked at you, and they all shook their heads, even the smartest candy shook his head.

Yuan Wen: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, grandpa will teach you. Everyone should remember that there are two kinds of principles in this world, one is called legal principles and the other is called truth."

"Legislative principles are the principles stipulated in the code. It is not necessarily right or wrong. Whether it is right or wrong, you cannot do things that are prohibited by the code. If you do, you will be punished. This is called legal principles."

"As for the truth, it is the eternal and true truth. Truth has nothing to do with codes, customs, morals, or people's opinions. Whether it is noticed or not, it exists there, waiting for others to discover it."

Candy nodded thoughtfully, and asked tentatively, "Then why don't our legal principles be formulated according to the standard of truth? If the legal principles and the truth are consistent, the world will definitely be a better place!"

Yuan Wen touched her head, and said earnestly: "The reason is very simple, because we don't know what is the truth. The truth is too far away, and many truths are beyond the reach of ordinary people in a lifetime. It requires the efforts of several generations. It is only through the sacrifice and dedication of countless reformers that it is possible to find a path to the truth."

"So, every change in the code is a process of exploring the truth. Many things can only be tested for truth through practice."

The little head suddenly realized: "Grandpa, you said that, I suddenly found a very great person!"

"Who?" Everyone said in unison.

"Minister of Law!" Little Head bouncing around Yuan Wen, "In our Dogland Kingdom, the Minister of Law is the one who promotes the reform of the legal code the most. Grandpa said before that the current Minister of Law is called Yuan Wen Dogrand, now it seems that he is the practitioner of the truth, I think he is great!"

Yuanwen and Erda looked at each other, and they both saw the hidden smile in each other's eyes.

Yuan Wen poked his head out on purpose, and asked secretly, "Then tell me, how great is this Yuan Wen Dogorand?"

"I think it's so—so great." The little head embraced with both arms, forming a circle in front of him.

"No, no, it's - what - great!" Candy opened her arms and drew a big circle in the air.

"You guys are not enough, not enough at all! I think there is at least this-what-big-big!" Yuan Wenping raised his arms and ran around the children like a flying bird, surrounded by people It's laughter and laughter, which has not subsided for a long time.

For the next two days, Yuanwen lived at No. 24 Shuangxue Lane. He told stories to the children, played with them, discussed academics with the older children who came back from school, and tirelessly tutored them with their homework and answered their questions. .

These children are really simple. They only think that Yuan Wen is very knowledgeable, but they never think about why he knows so much knowledge. Everyone thinks that adults are so smart, and they all want to grow up quickly and become wise adults. .

On the night of "Liu Huo" on the 14th, Yuan Wen finished tutoring the last child's homework, put him to bed, and went to the place where he was staying to rest.

But who knows, Yuan Wen didn't close his eyes for a while, there was a faint sound of horseshoes outside, and then someone broke into the courtyard, looking very anxious.

Yuan Wen looked from the window, and through the candlelight, he quickly recognized that this was a guard in his house.

Yuan Wen first looked around to make sure that there were no naughty children running out, then he went up to greet the guard, pulled the guard to the corner, and asked in a deep voice: "Why is there such a hurry? Didn't I tell you that if I go out Here, no one is allowed to disturb me, and I will not see anyone."

"My lord, I didn't disturb you on purpose, something really happened!" The guard's face was pale, and even his lips began to tremble, "Your Highness. Your Highness has not eaten a bite of food or drink a drop of water for the past two days. The all-night law code passed out in the library just now!"

(End of this chapter)

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