honor me as god

Chapter 377 Ruthless Rejection

Chapter 377 Ruthless Rejection
Hearing Solandelle's answer, Yuan Wen seemed a little confused. He didn't know why she had such an idea. His eyes accidentally fell on Solandelle's wrist, and he saw the strip of cloth again.

That strand of cloth is completely different from her identity, clothing, skin, and everything else.
Yuan Wen was silent for a long time, and there seemed to be a faint smile on his face, but no one could tell whether the smile was teasing, joking, or something else.

"You still have one minute." Yuan Wen unilaterally terminated the topic, and even yawned deliberately, as if to secretly issue an order to evict the guest.

The teacher talked for a long time without giving any substantive suggestions. Solandelle was so anxious that she urged, "Teacher, stop hanging on to me and tell me what to do!"

Yuan Wen gave her a blank look, and said coldly: "I have hinted very clearly what to do. First, you don't have the real power position like the king's leaders, second, you don't have the superpower like Denisa, and third, you don't With a wide network like the second brother and the seventh brother, this is not something you can manage, let alone something you should manage."

"For you, the easiest and best thing to do is to relax and lie down, eat and drink. If Kino Van Helsing can't escape this, forget it! What have you lost Is it? He is just your friend, not your fiancé, if he is abolished, he will be abolished, what does it matter?"

Solandelle pursed her lips and shook her head vigorously: "I can't do it."

Yuan Wen: "Why can't you do it?"

Solandelle: "If you can't do it, you can't do it."

Yuan Wen waved his hands, and said impatiently: "That's up to you. You are a 12-year-old girl, what big things can you do? Don't you have the ability to lead people to prison?"

The ingenious Yuan Wen really didn't expect that Solandelle really did it, and almost did it.

Yuan Wen glanced at the clock, waved away and said, "5 minutes is up, hurry up, I'm going to rest."

Solandelle clenched her fists tightly and stood stubbornly on the spot: "I won't go."

Yuan Wen was so angry that he cursed directly: "Solandelle Van Dörgolande! How did you become like this now?! Among the children of His Majesty the King, I remember that you have always been the most obedient, how did you become like this now? More stubborn than a cow?!"

Solandelle did not show any weakness, and contradicted: "If a good boy can't even save his friend, and can only watch him go to prison, then I will not be a good boy! I will be a bad boy in the future! I will be a bad boy more than anyone else. Bad!"

Yuan Wen blew his beard and stared, directly picked up the ruler on the table to teach students, grinned and waved at Solandelle's forehead: "I'll beat you to death!"

The ruler waved halfway, but stopped again.

I saw Solandelle bowing her head, neither dodging nor dodging, just silent, Kino's situation, the bumps in the wall for several days, the scolding by his mentor, the shattered hopes, and the self-blame for his own powerlessness. All kinds of grievances turned into tears from his eyes. Flowed out, flowed down the cheeks to the chin, and landed on the lapel of the clothes.

Even though tears were pouring down like rain, she didn't make any whimpers, just wiped away the tears silently with her sleeves, silent and strong.

Yuan Wen is a well-known strict teacher in the palace. Before he was ordered to teach the princes and princes, he had already made an appointment with Perseus——I can go out to teach, but any child, including yours, has no privileges here. If you make a mistake, you can scold me when you should. If you want to beat me, you can still beat me. If you cover up, I will resign immediately.

Perseus knew Yuanwen's temper and his coaching style, so he agreed without any objection.

Therefore, Yuanwen's class does not have any privileges. The students under his school are most afraid of the ruler, and there is no one who does not teach and hits.

Not to mention mere princes and princesses, even Perseus himself was beaten by that ruler when he was a child studying with Yuan Wen.Sting, who was more naughty than Perseus when he was a child, is even more so. It is said that he still has nightmares when he is old, dreaming about Yuan Wen's ruler.

No child is always well-behaved, and Solandelle will be mischievous sometimes, but she has never been beaten——every time Yuan Wen wants to hit her with a ruler, Bolton will rush out to protect his sister, and threaten: "Slap her!" I can, but I can't hit Solan, if you want to hit her a few times, I will help her suffer ten times."

Now that my brother is not around, no one can protect my sister.

Seeing Solandelle shedding tears of grievance, but wiping them away without a word, Yuanwen's ruler stopped in mid-air.
After a moment of silence, the ruler continued to swing out——

"Crack!" It hit the guard next to him on the forehead.

The guard covered his head: "???"

Yuan Wen threw the ruler on the table, turned his back, and said coldly: "Hurry up, don't delay my rest."

Solandelle wiped away the tears with her sleeve, strode up to Yuan Wen, stared at his back: "Do you want money? As long as you help me, I will give you all my money."

Yuan Wen laughed directly, and deliberately teased: "Then how much can you give me?"

With firm eyes, Solandelle said resolutely: "From today onwards, I will not go out to play, buy new clothes, go to the theater, or eat snacks. All pocket money will be saved for you. The birthday present I received before , I’ll sell it all, and I’ll give you all the money after the sale.”

"Oh! By the gods~ I can't tell! Such a chivalrous spirit at such a young age!" Yuan Wen took off his shoes, lay down on the bed, and said lazily, "Okay, if you have money, you don't get nothing. Take it, I’m happy to give you the money, but I’ll have to wait until I come back—I’m going to leave the palace in the next few days and go to the hot spring mansion in Nancheng for a vacation.”

Solandelle suddenly lost her composure, ran over and grabbed Yuan Wen's quilt, and said nothing to let him sleep: "No! When you come back, the third kingdom plenary meeting is over!"

Yuan Wen and Solandelle were fighting for the quilt, cursing: "It's over, it's over! What's none of my business? I'll just put my words here today—don't save me! It's useless for any of you to come to me! If you don't save it, you don't save it." Let that Chino Van Helsing die quickly, before you miss him all day!"

Although Yuanwen is old, he is usually well maintained. Solandelle is not as strong as him, and the quilt he was holding was quickly snatched away by him.

Yuan Wen stuffed his head under the quilt and began to sleep.

Solandelle bit her lower lip hard, and silently watched Yuan Wen's back sleeping soundly. She turned and left without saying anything.

At this time, if Solandelle continued to mess around, Yuan Wen would think it was normal, but she left without a word, Yuan Wen turned his head in doubt: "Gone?"

Solandelle stayed at the door without looking back, only a resolute voice came faintly: "If you don't save him, I will find a way to save him."

Yuan Wen sneered and said, "Oh? What solution did you come up with?"

Solandelle: "I want to read at your house."

"Reading?" Yuan Wen was puzzled.

Solandelle: "Yes, you are the Minister of Law. You have the legal documents of the entire kingdom at home. I will definitely find a correct legal entry from it and overturn all the allegations at the third plenary meeting."

"Oh! Oh oh oh! You child is really amazing~ Do you want to use your clever little head to defeat a hundred at the plenary meeting of the kingdom?" Yuan Wen's eyes seemed to be caring for children with cerebral palsy, and he waved his hands and said, "Whatever You, go and play by yourself. If you can find out the so-called 'correct legal items', I will cut off your head as a ball."

After speaking, Yuan Wen covered the quilt and fell asleep soundly.

Solandelle said nothing, and walked alone to the library of the law mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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