honor me as god

Chapter 376

Chapter 376
Seeing that Yuan Wen finally let go, Solandelle was overjoyed, and bowed vigorously to Yuan Wen excitedly. She seized the precious time and said in a loud voice: "Teacher, you went back to your hometown to recuperate a while ago, so you may not know what happened recently. ,Is such that"

Yuan Wen kept digging his ears with his little finger, and said impatiently: "I know it all, don't talk nonsense here, talk about things when you have something to say."

Solandelle: "Good teacher, since you know all about it, you should be clear that the outcome of the trial that Administrator Kino will face may be very bad. You are a master of knowledge and talent. I want you to help him."

Yuan Wen: "I can't help."

Solandelle: "Can the teacher give me any advice?"

Yuan Wen: "I can't."

Solandelle: "The teacher thinks, who can help him?"

Yuan Wen: "I don't know."

Yuan Wen's attitude is like fooling a ghost, even if he has a good temper like Solandelle, it is inevitable that he will be a little angry: "Teacher, don't be so perfunctory to me! Time is running out now, I am really in a hurry, and I am not here to chat with you !"

Solandelle became anxious, and Yuan Wen's attitude became even worse. He slapped the table hard and said, "I really find it very strange. Are you familiar with Administrator Kino? Does it matter to you whether he dies or not?"

Solandelle said without hesitation: "He is my friend!"

"Oh, that's interesting." Yuan Wen looked up and down Solandelle with playful eyes, and said in a sarcastic tone, "Bolton just came to me and said that Kino was his robe. You come to me and said that Kino is you Will it be Andre's turn to come to me later and say that Chino is his so-and-so?"

"I said, what is this Kino Van Helsing capable of? A man from a down-and-out aristocratic family, and now he is only a small administrative officer, how can he get along so well with your prince and princess?"

Solandelle explained: "I'm with him"

"Remind me, you still have 4 minutes." Yuan Wen cut in and interrupted her, not sure if it was really a reminder of the time, or if she was too lazy to listen to Solandelle's nonsense.

In the face of the urgent time, Solandelle was still calm. She stabilized her mind, and her tone eased again: "Teacher, I am not knowledgeable enough, and I don't understand many principles. I don't ask you to come up with any countermeasures immediately. Please help me analyze the current situation, is that okay?"

"You are quite self-aware, knowing that you are not knowledgeable enough." Yuan Wen still had that casual look, but the topic finally became serious, "The current situation is actually not difficult to analyze, this person will definitely not die. "

Solandelle was taken aback, and asked quickly: "Teacher, you mean that Chino will be acquitted?!"

Yuan Wen shook his head: "I just said that he will not die, not innocent. Just a reminder, you still have 3 minutes."

Solandelle: "Teacher, please continue!"

Yuan Wen: "At the second plenary meeting of the kingdom, the administrator of Kino threw a big news to the outside world - the reason why he was constantly hunted and killed by aliens may be because of the curse in his body - is he really In other words, it doesn't matter whether there is such a 'curse' that is hunted down by aliens in the world."

"Importantly, he has made it widely believed among MPs that if he dies, the 'curse' will shift and another person will become the 'cursed one' to be hunted by aliens. "

"The way this curse spreads is unknown. Anyone may become the next person to be cursed. In other words, if Kino dies, the next person to be hunted down by aliens may be one of the congressmen present. Even if Mathematically speaking, this probability is very small, but it does exist, not 0%.”

Solandelle was very smart, and immediately realized the key point: "So, now, all members of Parliament are restless, and everyone is in danger. In order to avoid becoming the next cursed person, the safest way is to let Chino live. Alive, the probability of the curse transferring is 0%! They must do their best to keep Kino's life and use him to 'lock' the curse!"

"You still have 2 minutes." Yuan Wen said lightly.

Knowing that Kino would not die, Solandelle was very happy at first, but slowly realized something was wrong: "However... if it is just to ensure that the curse will not be transferred, it is enough to keep Kino's life alive, but how exactly? This maintenance method does not have any restrictions. In other words, as long as Kino is 'alive', they don't care how to live."

Yuan Wen rubbed his temples, seemed to be very sleepy, and said lazily: "The specific information has not been released, but according to my opinion, the measures the royal family will take are very simple - to deprive Kino of his ability to act, such as removing the his limbs, and imprisoned him in the dungeon of a heavy military fortress."

"In this way, Kino will become a 'fixed target' for the aliens. Those blasphemers will only launch attacks near the military fortress. The area and degree of damage will become controllable and will not threaten the rest of the kingdom. territory."

"Moreover, there is another very important point. The extraterrestrial visitors carry a large number of extraterrestrial weapons. Many people in the kingdom want these weapons. The heavy military fortress where Kino is imprisoned is like a mousetrap, which can constantly attract the extraterrestrial visitors. Keep killing them in the cage, looting all kinds of trophies from them."

When Solandelle thought of the scene of Kino being cut off from his limbs and living a horrible life, his face immediately turned pale: "It doesn't make sense! They can't do this!"

Yuan Wen sneered, and looked at Solandelle with the eyes of a fool: "You are so interesting, they are the actual rulers of this kingdom, what else can't they do?"

Solandelle clenched her fists and said heavily: "There is a rule in the code that there is no doubt about the crime. If there is no evidence to crucify the crime, the suspect must be released after a limited period of detention! Even if Kino is cursed, This is not a 'crime', there is no crime that can correspond to it, so why should they hurt him?!"

Yuan Wen laughed and said, "Code? Then let me ask you, whose will does the Code represent?"

Solandelle blinked: "Of course it's the will of my father."

Yuan Wen: "Since the law code is your father's will, then what does he want to do, he still needs to care about the law code? The code is bigger, or the king is bigger. Can't you understand the logic?"

Solandelle frowned, she pursed her lips hard, and her voice was rather unwilling: "If this is the case, wouldn't the Code be meaningless? This kind of thing is wrong."

Yuan Wen narrowed his eyes, his expression became darker, and he said in a deep voice, "You mean that the code of law should be above the royal power? Above anyone else?"

This topic is too big, Solandelle really didn't think about it carefully, and didn't know how to answer it for a while.

Yuan Wen didn't urge him, but just sipped the lotus seed soup silently.

The surroundings are very quiet, only the sound of the evening wind caressing the warm water of the lake.

After a long silence, Solandelle looked at Yuan Wen. It was clearly late at night, but against the backdrop of the candlelight, there was a faint light in her eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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