honor me as god

Chapter 378

Chapter 378
Because he was disturbed by Solandelle last night, Yuan Wen went to sleep late, so he slept for a while longer. He usually gets up before sunrise, and he didn't wake up until the next morning.

After Yuan Wen woke up, he ate some simple bread and milk in the room, and just went downstairs to go out, but found two guards guarding the door of the library.

This is an important part of the palace, and the ministers generally don't over-arm the mansion, because there is no need for it, and it is impossible for thieves to enter the palace.The second is that there are too many private guards, and they always seem to distrust His Majesty's imperial guards, which has a bad influence on the outside world.

Although there are guards in Yuanwen's mansion, they are usually responsible for receiving guests and helping servants with work. It is the first time that they guard the door of the library like this, and Yuanwen remembers that he has never given such an order.

The guard saw Yuan Wen coming, and whispered in his ear: "My lord, Your Highness the Princess has been reading books all night inside, and she hasn't slept until now."

Yuan Wen frowned and looked, only to see Solandelle sitting in front of the desk, the tall pile of books was in stark contrast to her petite body, she was reading with a law code in one hand, and writing on paper with a pen in the other hand, as if Transcribing.

It can be seen that she is very tired, really tired. The 12-year-old child is growing up and has very high requirements for sleep. She didn't sleep well during this time, and she stayed up all night last night, and it was After reading the excerpts at a high intensity, both physically and mentally are exhausted to the extreme.

Solandelle rubbed her red eyes and blinked vigorously, because she was weak from staying up all night, and now it was the hot fire season, but she felt cold, and she was wrapped in a thick coat.

In order to stay awake and concentrate, she even found an embroidery needle from nowhere, and whenever she couldn't hold on and was about to fall asleep, she would prick her hand with the needle.

Sometimes, the strength of the needle can be controlled well, and it stops when the pain is felt.

Sometimes, because I was too sleepy, I couldn't hold back my strength, and my fingers were pricked and blood came out.

Now, Solandelle's left hand is mottled with blood, and there are more than 30 needle holes in it.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Wen not only did not feel admiration for Solandelle's persistence, but an evil fire arose in his heart. He walked over on crutches, grabbed her left hand suddenly, looked at the dense needle holes on it, and asked in a cold voice. Said: "What are you doing?"

Solandelle did not speak, but silently withdrew her hand, continued to read the law codes that Yuan Wen had studied, and recorded all the legal items that might help Kino.

Yuan Wen was suddenly furious. He slammed the books on the table and yelled angrily: "Stubborn?! Are you pretending to show me here?! Do you think I will look at you with pity, and I will promise you as soon as I soften my heart?" Require?!"

There were messed up books all over the floor, Solandelle squatted down, picked them up one by one, shook off the ashes, then sat at the desk and continued to read the excerpts, without raising her head, said: "I said, I will Use your own efforts to find items in the code that can help Kino. Teacher, if you have something to do, go do it yourself and leave me alone."

Yuan Wen's old face twitched with anger, he threw off the crutch directly, and took away the notes written by Solandelle overnight without any explanation.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss—" Yuan Wen tore up Solandelle's whole night's hard work in front of her, and slapped the broken pages on the table, cursing in a hissing voice: "Look! Look at yourself! Like a lunatic! I think you are bewildered!"

"I originally thought that if you behaved well, I could help Kino to intercede with His Majesty the King. But now it seems that this person should be killed! The sooner he dies, the better!"

"This deceptive demon! The majestic royal princess, for the sake of a Kino Van Helsing, tossed herself into this appearance. Let him die quickly! After he dies, you don't have to think about him! To save you from being obsessed all day Yes, do something messy here!"

Yuan Wen originally thought that if she tore up the notes that Solandelle had written all night, she would break down emotionally and run to her father crying to complain, or she would be more childish and wail here, smashing furniture, and even Scratch and bite him.

However, Yuanyuan was wrong again.

Facing the torn notes, Solandelle bit her lower lip tightly, biting so hard that blood almost came out, but she still said nothing. She picked up the shredded papers with trembling hands, smoothed the wrinkles, and a piece of Zhang spelled it back, then picked up a pen, and copied the above content into a new notebook.

Yuan Wen's breathing was as rapid as a bull's. He rolled up his sleeves vigorously, intending to continue tearing up Solandelle's things, but felt that it was a waste of time and there was no need to waste time with her.

Yuan Wen picked up the crutches on the ground, and left with a cold face: "You just continue to do useless work here. I can recite these codes backwards, and I can tell you right now-you just copy all the entries a hundred times , can't save him."

Yuan Wen left the mansion angrily and boarded the prepared carriage.

A young guard nodded and asked, "My lord, are you going to the hot spring mansion in Nancheng as you said yesterday?"

Yuan Wen glanced at the young guard with a foolish look, and drew the curtain impatiently.

Suddenly, the young guard was slapped on the back of the head, and a more experienced guard asked earnestly, "New here?"

The young guard nodded blankly.

"Then don't talk nonsense." The elderly guard boarded the co-driver of the carriage, patted the driver's arm, and said in a deep voice, "Beicheng, No. 24, Shuangxue Lane."

There is no doubt that Wangcheng is the richest city in the entire Dogland.

However, "urban affluence" does not mean that everyone in the city is rich.

No matter how rich a city is, if it wants to maintain basic operations, it will require a lot of manpower to do the dirty work that no one wants to do. Therefore, where there are rich people, there must be poor people. This is a rigid demand and a social rule.

Like other cities, the northern city of Wangcheng is a "slum area". Although the "poor people" here live better than other cities, and their living standards are similar to that of "common people", compared with the rich and powerful in Wangcheng, no matter their wealth or status , the class gap in Wangcheng is far greater than other cities.

Yuanwen's carriage didn't fly any flags, and the horses didn't use the palace's thoroughbred horses, but the most common breeds. Even the curtains were worn out, extremely low-key, and inconspicuous on the street.

The carriage drove into Beicheng and went straight to No. 24, Shuangxue Lane.

The facade of No. 24 Shuangxue Lane is small, but after entering the door, you will find that the courtyard is very spacious, comparable to a small square. Although the houses next to it are very dilapidated, they are stacked on top of each other, giving people a sense of vicissitudes of time .

At this time, a woman walked out of a room, wearing mended and simple clothes. She saw the honorable "Minister of Law" and "Grand Scholar", who was said to greet even His Majesty the King. Yuanwen Doguland, without the slightest surprise, greeted him directly with a smile: "Lord Yuanwen, long time no see."

(End of this chapter)

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