honor me as god

Chapter 373 Minister of Law

Chapter 373 Minister of Law
After the second Kingdom Plenary Meeting ended, the situation became subtle and complicated. The originally unified pace of everyone was disrupted and turned into muddy water.

During the adjournment, another unexpected incident made the water even more muddy—the "Minister of Law" who had previously returned to his hometown for recuperation returned.

The Minister of Law is an extremely important position in the political system of the Dogrand Kingdom.

In general, if a certain law in the "Dugland Code" is no longer universal, or if there is obvious lag or contradiction, the members of the "Royal Council" can submit a proposal and vote for approval at the meeting, and then Presented to the "Imperial Council" composed of members of the royal family.

But the position of "Minister of Law" is very special. This official is in charge of the power to revise the code. He can bypass the "Royal Council" and directly draw up a draft revision of the code, and send it to the "Imperial Council" to reach the heaven.

The "Minister of Law" may not be as famous as the "Left Hand of the King" and "Right Hand of the King", but the code of law represents the royal family, and every refinement and change of the code of law represents the supreme will of the king.

Therefore, the "Minister of Law" was one of the ministers most closely connected with the king, not far behind the king's right and left hands.

And in the royal palace, there is another position called "Grand Scholar".

"Grand Bachelor" has no real power in the political field. It is a completely empty position, but it is also the person who has the closest connection with the next king.

In addition to studying ancient books and serving as academic advisors, the duties of a bachelor are also the teachers of the princes and princes in the palace, including the king's heirs. They are responsible for imparting knowledge and educating people to these future rulers.

Over the years, the king passed away and the new king was crowned. If the bachelor is still there, he will often receive preferential treatment from the new king because of the relationship between teachers and students in the early years.

It has been 513 years since the founding of Dogulande, and there have been countless "Ministers of Law" and countless "Great Scholars", but there has only been one person who has held these two positions at the same time throughout the ages.

Yuanwen Doguland, the current "Minister of Law" and the current "Grand Scholar", this person is just like his name, knowledgeable as the sea of ​​stars, and he has heard everything in the world.

As the "Minister of Law", Yuan Wen has devoted himself to studying the code of law since he took office. He has proposed 348 items for refinement or addition or deletion, of which 104 items were voted and approved by the "Imperial Council", with a pass rate of more than 30. %.

Don’t think that this number is small. Every revision of the code involves a lot, and a small change may have an immeasurable impact. Therefore, the number of draft changes to the code and the historical approval rate are often very low.

In some eras of Dougland, if thirty or fifty changes to the code of laws were passed during the king's tenure, it would be regarded as a large-scale reform-this was still based on thousands of sets of revised drafts. The voting pass rate is often not even in the single digits.

In contrast, the number of revised drafts proposed by Yuan Wen, as well as their pass rate, are extremely appalling figures.

And as "Bachelors", Andre, Bolton, and Solandelle are all students brought up by Yuan Wen himself.

Of the three princes and princesses, one is known as the "Prince of Compassion" for his kindness and diligence.

One joined the army, and became the general of the personal guard army of Megatron Desert, not losing to his elder brother.

There is another one who is still in the growth stage. Although he has no outstanding achievements, he has a clear mind, a talent and intelligence, and his future is still limitless.

With such a luxurious resume and introduction, in the first impression of most people, this should be a knowledgeable, kind, simple, and amiable old man.

But in fact, Yuan Wen's character is far weirder than imagined.
Now is the season of "fire", the climate is warm, the grass grows and the warblers fly, and there is a magnificent mansion standing beside the warm water lake of the palace, which is more exquisite and luxurious than any minister's mansion in terms of shape.

Looking from the window sill of the mansion, the lake is shimmering with candlelight on the shore. As long as the windows are opened, the cool evening breeze blows in with the unique fresh air of the lake. It is a rare treasure.

In the living room on the top floor of the mansion, an old man wearing an exquisite scholar's uniform sat in the main seat. It was none other than the current Minister of Law and the current Grand Scholar, Yuanwen Dogulande.

The dining table in the living room is filled with luxurious jade plates, all of which are made of various rare and rare treasures. Picking a piece of meat from any plate may mean the cost of dozens of silver moons.

If you count them carefully, you will find that there are 99 plates of delicacies on the huge dining table. The Kingdom of Dogland believes in "Nine Gods". "9" is also a number that many people like, and "99" represents the supreme honor. pay attention to.

But in stark contrast to the number of dishes, is the number of diners - only 2 people, more precisely, only 1 person.

The dining table was big enough to accommodate dozens of people. Yuan Wen and Bolton sat on both sides of the long table, but only Yuan Wen was eating.

Standing beside Yuan Wen were 9 beautiful maids, who were responsible for rubbing shoulders, smoothing hair, diffusing incense, fanning, serving dishes, pouring wine, clearing up, wiping mouths, and standing by.

The 9 maids perform their respective duties.

Rubbing the shoulders, the hands are slender, and the strength is just right.

Stroking the hair, the movements are delicate and soft, like the light flow of water.

The fragrance-diffusing maid and the fan-maid work together, one dragging a sachet made of precious herbs, the other waving a fan, and the refreshing cool breeze blows slowly.

The maid in charge of serving the dishes kept bringing various delicacies from the jade plate on the table and lightly placed them in front of Yuan Wen. He casually picked up the fork, took a casual taste, and then waved his hand to ask the maid to serve the next one. .

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Wen drank the wine poured by another maid, let the treasured jade inside roll around in his mouth, and then asked the maid holding a towel to wipe his mouth, and the next dish came again.

If this is not in the palace, if it is not known in advance, this is the famous "Minister of Law" and "Grand Scholar"-Yuan Wen Dogorand-the scene in front of you will only make people think that this is someone who likes to show off, The nouveau riche aristocrat who has no self-cultivation can't associate him with adjectives such as learned and knowledgeable.

When Yuan Wen was in a state of debauchery, Bolton on the opposite side finally couldn't hold back, and said anxiously: "Teacher, can you stop eating? I beg you to hurry up and talk to me about business!"

Yuan Wen glanced at Bolton, picked up the wine glass, poured the precious jade brew into his mouth, raised his head and gulped, and rinsed deliberately for half a minute before spitting it into the washbasin with a "tui", casually Ask: "What business?"

Bolton hurriedly said: "Teacher, please think of a way for me and help Administrator Chino!"

"Huh!" Yuan Wen let out a heavy breath through his nasal cavity, with a stinky expression on his face, as if someone owed him hundreds of gold moons, and said coldly, "A nameless junior from a down-and-out noble family is now suspected of being A blasphemer, reduced to a prisoner, what is there to help such a person?"

(End of this chapter)

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