honor me as god

Chapter 374

Chapter 374

Bolton scolded Yuan Wen as soon as he came up, and retorted angrily: "Administrator Chino is a robe who once fought side by side with me, and I should lend a helping hand to him, not when he is in trouble. Just sit back and watch!"

"Humph!" Yuan Wen hummed harder, stood up with the help of the maid, walked tremblingly to Bolton, and even hit the dignified seventh prince's arm with a wooden crutch, cursing while beating, "You villain, Know to cause trouble for me all day long!"

"I heard from others that you contradicted your father at the plenary meeting of the kingdom? And openly insulted your teacher Sting? What do you think? You can do such a mindless thing? If I was there at that time, Followed them and echoed a few words, are you going to point at my nose and scold me?"

Bolton didn't know whether it was because of his brain twitch, or because of his personality, so he said straightforwardly: "Maybe."

"I'll beat you to death, you scoundrel!" Yuan Wen blew his beard and stared, and slammed Bolton on his back.

"Hiss—" Bolton trembled, his face pale, and he gasped for air.

Yuan Wen frowned, and reached out to lift Bolton's collar. Bolton subconsciously wanted to block it, but was slapped away by Yuan Wen's veteran hand.

Yuan Wen took off Bolton's clothes, and saw that his back was covered with blood scabs. It was astonishing that he asked for trouble a few days ago and insisted on adding a 100 behind the 0 iron whip.

The injury was not healed in the first place, and with Yuan Wen's convulsion just now, a lot of blood scabs were split open and bleeding was gurgling.

"Hmph." Yuan Wen snorted indifferently, returned to his seat, and tapped the maid's Baisi's thigh with his crutch, "Go and get the golden sore medicine and apply it on him."

The maid brought the ointment in a red sandalwood box. The medicine was called golden sore medicine. It was one of the national gifts from Perseus when he met with the emperor of the Far East a few years ago. It has a powerful effect of stopping bleeding and promoting muscle growth. No matter how bloody the wound is, it will heal soon after applying it.

Considering that Yuanwen likes to collect rare things, Perseus gave him national gifts including gold sore medicine.

After the red sandalwood box was opened, a strange scent of pine elk wafted out, and there was no trace of tampering on the gold sore medicine, presumably because it was a gift from the king, Yuan Wen only accepted it for collection, and was not willing to use it at ordinary times.

The maid carefully took out an appropriate amount of golden sore medicine, undressed Bolton, and applied the medicine for him.

Yuan Wen pouted his mouth high, crossed his legs, and didn't even bother to look at Bolton: "After applying the medicine, you should go back quickly."

Bolton was taken aback, and said anxiously: "Teacher, I'm here today to seek your help, you can't drive me away like this!"

Yuan Wen rolled his eyes: "Help you? How do you want me to help you?"

Bolton muttered, "Just stand by my side at the next meeting and speak for me!"

Yuan Wen laughed angrily: "Speak for you?! Do you know what is the most taboo for a meeting of the level of the "Kingdom Plenary Meeting"?Just talking nonsense, saying the wrong thing! "

"Usually, no one cares about how you say what you like in private. But once you move to the stage, countless pairs of eyes will stare at you, and every word and every word of yours will be secretly recorded. Forget it, if you say something wrong, you don’t know when it will become someone else’s handle!”

"Why does your uncle Sting keep silent? Because he knows very well that he is in a dilemma—both his brother and daughter are involved with Chino. If he pleads for Chino, he will be suspected of covering up. If he supports Chino If Nuo is executed, he will be said to be heartless and unjust. He is not a human being, so he can only keep silent! You should learn from him!"

Bolton retorted: "But... there are people who think the same as me! Isn't Governor Edward on my side?"

Yuan Wen kept leaning on his crutches, blowing his beard and staring with anger: "Edward? You can't even see that he is deliberately buying people's hearts? That cunning old thing, if you are provoked casually, you will be used as a gunman, directly I rushed to the front, and when I turned around, I felt stupid that he was on your side. Phew. I am really mad at you, you are the worst student I have ever taught!"

Bolton said anxiously: "Then tell me, what should I do?"

Yuan Wen said coldly: "What should I do? With your stupid head, don't do anything! Just sit and listen, don't say a word! Or see what others have to say, and you can just chime in."

"That doesn't make sense!" Bolton protested.

"Truth?" Yuan Wen was so angry that he kept knocking on the table with his crutches, causing the plates to clang, "I'll tell you what is truth! The truth is that sitting on the stage is your father, the king of a country! You should be in awe of him! Before he reveals his thoughts, don’t make up your own mind, let alone touch his backs!”

Bolton retorted loudly: "Then according to what you said, everyone follows the crowd, and no one expresses their own opinions. Why are you holding this plenary meeting?!"

"Hey~ I didn't say that everyone can't express their opinions." Yuan Wen pointed at Bolton with his crutch, "I just said that with your stupid brain, you shouldn't express your opinions."

"Boom!" Bolton slapped the table angrily, his anger reached the peak, and he issued an ultimatum: "I'll ask you one last time, help me or not?!"

"Don't help, goodbye, don't send." Yuan Wen shook his hand, and directly sent three consecutive rejections.

Bolton's face was already flushed with anger, like an angry bull. If the other party wasn't the teacher who raised him since he was a child, he would have already punched him with this attitude.

"If I don't help, I won't help! I'll figure out a solution myself!" Bolton left angrily, but not long after he left, he returned with a group of guardsmen.

The soldiers entered the restaurant without saying anything, and started to clear the table with Bolton, and put the plates of delicacies into food boxes.

For the first time in his life, Yuan Wen, who is erudite and knowledgeable, was stunned: "What are you doing?"

"I haven't finished the meal, so I'll take it away!" Bolton kept filling food with a sullen face.

"Hey! Hey, hey!" Yuan Wen hurried up to stop him, "Didn't you buy this to honor the teacher? Put it down! I'm not full yet!"

Bolton stared and said, "I bought this with my savings. It's my property. I can give it to whoever I like, and I can take it away if I like it. This! Call! Dao! Reason!"

Bolton held the food box and rushed away with the soldiers, leaving a mess on the table.

"Pfft——" Seeing Bolton's leaving back, Yuan Wen couldn't hold back for a moment, and let out a hearty laugh. He shook his head and sat back in his seat, sighing to himself, "This kid has not changed his temper since he was a child. .”

The maid asked softly, "My lord, do you need to prepare some more meals?"

Yuan Wen nodded: "It seems that there are still some lotus seeds in the warehouse. It's hot now, if you don't eat them, it will be ruined. Make a bowl of lotus seed soup and send it to my room. The other girls should go back and rest."

"Yes." The maids responded in unison.

Yuan Wen finished eating the hot lotus seed soup in his room, obviously it was already the usual bedtime, but he didn't go to bed for a long time, and kept reading by candle.

After watching for more than an hour, Yuan Wen had already started to yawn when he saw 10 o'clock in the evening.

The maid serving at the side reminded: "My lord, it's late at night, you'd better get some rest."

"Don't worry, just wait a while." Yuan Wen said with a smile.

More than 20 minutes later, footsteps came from the corridor, and a guard knocked on the door and came in, bowed and said, "My lord, there is a visitor."

Yuan Wen turned over a page of the book and asked casually, "Who?"

Guard: "It's His Royal Highness Ninth Princess."

(End of this chapter)

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