honor me as god

Chapter 372

Chapter 372
"Squeak—" The cell was wide open, and before the figure entered, the aroma of wine was already wafting over.

Denisa walked into the cell with the big tank of wine, with a smirk on her face: "Little brother, you said that you want to buy me a drink, and you can drink it casually, so I won't be polite. The Royal Tavern at No. , when the time comes, you remember to pay the bill, I wrote your name. If you die, you have to go down and pay back the money.”

Kino had already been waiting in the cell, and there was no wooden table here, so he gestured "please" to the bed.

"Boom." Denisa is not a very elegant person, and she didn't pay too much attention. She put the wine jar down, sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed her hands. She couldn't wait to take out the wine glass, and drank three glasses in a row without saying a word. , followed by a pleasant breathing sound.

This image of a philistine is really difficult to connect her with the epic titles such as the 7th sequence Red Wheel, Sword of Daybreak, and King's Blade.

Denisa opened the bulging bag at her waist, took out the appetizers that had been packed earlier, and started working with her left and right hands at the same time, cooperating extremely skillfully. Said: "Little brother, you are really generous. You know, looking at the entire Wangcheng, no one has dared to say to me the five words 'please drink whatever you want'."

Kino joked: "If you can invite the King's Blade to save my life, let alone drink it once, I will buy all the wine in your life, and it will be worth it."

"Stop—stop." Denisa wiped her mouth and said seriously, "Let's talk about it first, I will only drink and chat casually today. Don't ask me about the kingdom's plenary meeting, I don't care about your affairs .”

Picking up his wine glass, Kino gave her a symbolic salute: "Don't you care about Lorna?"

"Lorna?" Denisa was puzzled, "What does this have to do with Lorna?"

A few days ago, Lorna brought Solandelle to the dungeon to deliver the keys, and secretly conspired with Bolton to rob the prison. This is obviously a secret and has not been known to outsiders. "Prison robbery" spread, and the royal family has long been fried.

In terms of emotion and reason, public and private, Kino will keep this secret for Lorna and the others.

But Lorna mentioned before that she went to Denisa to negotiate a prison break, but Denisa prevaricated by lying on the ground and pretending to be asleep.

Now Denisa is acting like she doesn't know what to ask, she is obviously pretending to be stupid on purpose, she must be like a mirror in her heart.

Kino didn't make any detours, and got straight to the point: "You must have known about Lorna's plot to rob the prison a few days ago, right?"

Denisa raised her head and drank a glass of wine, and let out a very comfortable huff, without words, which at the same time heralded her answer.

Chino: "I'm actually curious, what's your relationship with Lorna?"

Denisa said casually: "It doesn't matter, she is an immature brat, and I usually like to play with brats, so... Dangdang~ That's how we got to know each other."

Chino: "Don't you care about her safety?"

Denisa: "Of course I care."

Chino: "If you care, you won't stop such a dangerous thing as her plotting to rob a prison?"

"How do you know I didn't stop you?" Denisa smiled mysteriously at Kino, drank a glass of wine, and said lazily, "I stayed near the dungeon that night, waiting for this fool to show up."

Chino: "If she showed up, would you stop her?"

Denisa: "No, I will kill you."

Chino: "Why?"

Denisa: "She showed up on time and explained that she had told you about the prison robbery plan and got your consent. That's the reason—you agreed to the prison robbery, which means you put your personal safety above Lorna's. I don't want that kind of person around her."

Chino: "But if you kill me, in Lorna's eyes, you are killing her friend, and your image in her heart will plummet. Even so, is it okay?"

Denisa raised her eyebrows at Kino, and said with a hearty smile: "You may underestimate my strength a bit. I will go into the dungeon, kill you, get out of the dungeon, and hide to complete these steps. It only takes a moment for her to blink." .”

Kino raised his wine glass and said with a smile, "Toast to you, King's Blade."

"I respect you too, Grim Reaper." Denisa smiled and clinked glasses with Kino.

After the conversation, Kino asked with great interest: "To be honest, I don't quite understand why a strong man like you would work for the royal family?"

This time, Denisa did not answer, but asked instead: "In your opinion, why can't I serve the royal family?"

Chino: "A top powerhouse like you, the world's strongest, would live a carefree life."

Denisa sat up straight and pointed at herself pretending to be serious: "I'm not free and easy? How do you want me to be free and easy? Is it called free and easy to dance in the street?"

Kino smiled helplessly: "Of course it doesn't mean this kind of thing. I just think that you are already the strongest in the world, how can you be inferior to others? How can you be willing to be a royal guard and serve the king?"

Denisa patted her pockets. From the thick collision sound, it must be the echo of the golden moon collision. She smiled and said: "Why else? You can get the moon coins! You don't have to do any work, just stand guard every day, stand guard I can still sleep when I’m working, and I’ll get my salary when I wake up on payday. I’ll take this job a hundred times!”

Kino's eyes were full of mystery: "Oh? How many golden months does His Majesty the King give you in a month?"

"Stop~stop~stop~" Denisa raised her hand to signal to stop, with a deep meaning hidden in her smile, "brother, don't start talking about this, it's not that my salary is kept secret, but that I know what you want."

Chino's smile grew stronger: "So, you're not doing it for money."

"Gulu." After finishing the drink, Denisa rested her chin on the back of her hand, looked sideways at Kino, and pouted her lips: "It's boring if you talk like this."

Chino: "How can we have an interesting conversation?"

Denisa filled the glass of wine and raised it up: "It's interesting to chat with this."

"Refreshing." Chino said, "From now on, I will cover every meal of your wine."

Denisa was silent for a moment after hearing this, and suddenly laughed out loud: "What? I look like a poor ghost? I look like someone who can't even afford alcohol?"

Chino: "Drinking is like eating. For the same food, if the food in your own bowl doesn't taste good, it's interesting to pick it up from someone else's bowl."

"Hahaha! Hahahaha!" Denisa laughed loudly, kept patting the bed, and gave Kino a thumbs up, "Speaking! Talent!"

Chino: "So?"

"Little brother, you have simplified the problem, and you have also simplified me. The truth of the matter is like an iceberg on the sea. What you see is only a part, and it is a very small part." Denisa hit With a belch, he stood up and patted Kino on the shoulder, patted his stomach and left, only smiling and leaving a sentence, "There must be someone in this kingdom who can save you, but unfortunately, this person is not me. Thank you for this drink." That's it~ I'll leave the rest for you to satisfy your hunger. Buy me another drink when you have a chance."

(End of this chapter)

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