honor me as god

Chapter 371 The body of the curse

Chapter 371 The body of the curse
When everyone was silent, Kino picked up the topic at the right time: "When I die, the extraterrestrials will disappear. This is a false proposition. In fact, the answer is already in front of you—the "Battle of the Eclipse" 2700 years ago." In the movie, the Sun King fell into the hands of the aliens. Everyone thought that the aliens disappeared, but in fact?They reappeared now, 2700 years later, and set off a new round of invasions. "

"Also, you have to think about one more thing - did the aliens really show up in recent years? Haven't you considered a possibility? Maybe in these 2700 years, there are many people like me, I Let's call it "The Cursed". "

"These "cursed ones" are very likely to have existed throughout the ages, and the invasion of aliens has always existed, but those cursed people have always died very quickly, and the scale of the incident was small and unknown. "

"It's like when I was in Xilin Town, assuming that aliens lurked around me secretly, one day I accidentally drank too much and was stabbed to death by them. In the public perception, this is just 'I don't know where it came from. The gangsters stabbed the public officer to death and then ran away', no one will associate it with the 'invasion from space' at all, and your superiors will not even ask about it."

"Perhaps, many of the cursed died silently as I assumed, and the invasion of aliens has also been silent. Until I, the "cursed" captured the aliens alive and executed them publicly. It took 2700 years for the invasion to return to the public eye. "

The horned heron was silent for a long time, and his eyes became extremely gloomy: "According to your logic, can I understand that you think the great Sun King is also a "cursed person"? "

This is an obvious verbal trap, if Kino admits it, the hat of "blasphemous" will not be taken off.

Kino changed the subject, smiled and said: "I said, "the cursed" is just a concept I put forward tentatively, referring to those who are hunted and killed by aliens.If you don't like it, I can also call it another name, "Blessed One", what do you think?At least in my experience, if there were no extraterrestrial visitors, I might still be a small civil affairs officer, so to speak, this kind of hunting is really a 'blessing' to me. "

Horned Heron frowned. Obviously, for a traditional and rigid person like him, bickering and sophistry were not his specialty.

"Let me interrupt." Lan Xian said in a deep voice, "Anyone, please don't make an issue out of the Sun King, and don't involve the great god as the fuse."

"Especially you, Administrator Kino, if you want to make an excuse like this - I was hunted and killed by aliens, and the Sun King was also hunted and killed by aliens. If you think I am an alien, it is equivalent to admitting that the Sun King is also an alien. Visitors—this logic is untenable, sophistry from this angle will only get you into more trouble."

Kino looked sideways at Lan Xian and narrowed his eyes slightly.

what happened
What is being discussed now is the matter of being hunted and killed by aliens. There is no mention that the Sun King may be an alien. Why did he throw out this hypothesis in advance and point out the logical error?

Andre, who was in deep thought, raised his head and asked tentatively: "Administrator Chino, I have a question. Assuming that what you said is correct, we are still called "the cursed". Then why does the curse appear?" befall you?is there any reason? "

This Andre is also a smart person, and he hit the key point in one sentence, and asked about "Brand of the Rejector".

Chino looked away from Lan Xian and shook his head at Andre: "If I could find out the reason, I probably wouldn't be standing here. In fact, it is precisely because the reason for the curse has not been known that it is the most Terrible, and would make your decision to execute me stupid."

Andre: "How?"

Kino: "As I said earlier, the curse is likely to have existed throughout the ages. Just imagine, if you kill me and I, the cursed one, die, will everything be over? No. The curse just no longer attaches to me body, it will go to find the next host. This is an endless cycle. The aliens will not disappear with the passage of time, and the same is true for the curse. There will always be someone who becomes the "cursed person". "

"If I die, the next person to be cursed—" Kino smiled and pointed at Lan Xian, "Maybe it's you, Lord Lan Xian."

These words made Lan Xian's expression uneasy, and his voice became louder: "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Oh, it's not you?" Kino's pointer moved away from Lan Xian and landed on Andre, "It might be you, Your Highness Andre."

Andre knew that this was a metaphor, but he still seemed a little fidgety in front of the concept of cursing.

After Chino pointed at Andre, he turned back to look at the seats in the auditorium, his gaze swept over the faces of the congressmen: "It could be any one of you."

Kino's gaze was like a blade. After being swept away, all the congressmen lowered their heads unanimously, and no one dared to look directly at him.

In the end, Kino looked back and landed on Perseus, and the corners of his lips slowly raised: "It may also be you, Your Majesty the King."

The horned heron stood up suddenly, and shouted sharply: "This is a humiliation to His Majesty! You should be sentenced to death!"

"I have no objection." Kino looked sideways at the horned heron, his eyes full of sly smiles, "As long as you don't worry about the curse befalling you—now, no one knows how the curse is transferred. The person who curses is the next person to be cursed. Or maybe, before the cursed person dies, the person closest to him will be cursed. It may also be completely random."

"In other words, everyone here may be the next "cursed person". "

Rao, the councilors, who are used to seeing strong winds and waves, couldn't sit still at this time, and the voice of discussion soon came:

"By God. I definitely don't want to bear this curse."

"Is there no way we can stop this?!"

"The transfer method of the curse is unknown, that is to say, we may all be cursed."

"Don't let this happen."

Listening to the discussions around him, Kino's smile became more and more eccentric.

Humans are life-hating creatures.

Especially these high-ranking and powerful people present are even more reluctant to die.

Noble superiors know that their lives are very important, and they can create greater value for the kingdom by living.

Despicable superiors, greedy for superior power, can't give up the rich and luxurious life, drinking pools and meat forests, singing and singing, and dancing, unwilling to die.

The mediocre superiors simply do not have the courage to face death, cannot calmly look down on life and death, take care of themselves, save their lives, and dare not go to death.

Anyone who can sit upright and attend the plenary meeting of the kingdom, no matter who they are, must have a reason not to die, no matter how noble, mean, or mediocre, it is the same.

Since Kino fabricated and threw out the concept of "curse", death has been far away from him.

he will not die.

Not only will he not, he will not even be allowed to die, and everyone will do their best to keep him alive.

Because under the unknown method of spreading the curse, no one wants to be the next target of the curse, even if the probability of being cursed is one in a billion, the superior will not be willing to take the risk.

Therefore, if Kino wants to live, and must live, he must use his body to "lock" the curse, so that others will be safe.

When life and death have nothing to do with them, everyone is willing to watch a good show, be high above the ground, and enjoy it.

And when they are suddenly involved in the play and become a character in the play, they will panic and seek a way to protect themselves.

This is human nature.

The original rhythm of the trial had been completely disrupted by Chino. The members of the council were discussing together in small groups, and the noisy communication was endless. Everyone's eyes were wandering, and their expressions were cloudy and uncertain.

Even the leaders of the five royal families gathered on the stage at this time, surrounding Perseus.

A king who holds the highest power, five kings who are in charge of various provinces, and the second prince Andrei. Although the discussion among the seven people is very small, everyone is expressing their opinions, and they can watch it from time to time. Seeing that some of them shook their heads, it was obvious that the views of all parties were not unified.

In the entire auditorium, there were only two people who were still in a relaxed state——Kino and Denisa.

Kino was sitting and watching the changes in these people's expressions and thoughts, his amber eyes were full of smiles, obviously he found this scene very interesting and was very satisfied with this "performance".

Denisa slept standing up as usual, and was completely unaffected by the noisy discussions. Now that there was an undercurrent in the auditorium, she still slept soundly, and her sleeping skills were said to have surpassed the sky.

After a full half an hour, Perseus stretched out his fingers, tapped on the table three times, and said with a blank expression: "This is the end of the second meeting. The third plenary meeting will start in three days, and I will make a decision at that time. The final decision is to adjourn the meeting."

Hearing the word "meeting over", Dinisha woke up and stretched as if turning on a switch: "Get off work, let's go drink."

"Dinisha." Kino called her, showing a friendly smile, "Shall I buy you a drink?"

Denisa patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Little brother, you will be imprisoned soon, why buy me a drink? You should think more about how to save your own life."

Kino was still smiling: "If you don't mind, you can bring the wine to my cell, buy as much as you want, and the bill will be charged in my name."

As soon as she heard that others paid the bill and drank casually, Denisa's ears almost pricked up. She coughed lightly, pretending to be serious and raised her face: "In this case, I will perform the duty of the chief imperial guard once, and go to find someone today. You visit the prison and talk."

At night, Denisa appeared in the dungeon where Kino was held with a jar of wine—yes, a jar.

I have to say that Denisa really doesn't regard herself as an outsider. Not only does she want to drink for free, she also drinks a tank, and this tank is full of the best jade wine, which can only be bought in top taverns, all of which are princes. Minister's special drink.

This kind of special jade wine, ordinary people can't taste it at all, because it needs to be settled in silver moons.

The nobles have the opportunity to drink it, but generally speaking, they can only drink a small cup occasionally, because its price is extremely expensive, and a cup costs several silver moons.

And selling on tanks like now. No matter what, it will cost tens of thousands of silver moons.

No way, I don't feel bad when spending other people's money
This kind of special jade brew can be said to be full of wine fragrance. Once it appears in the dungeon, it is like dropping a blockbuster in stagnant water. The felons imprisoned here are directly fried, and they yell loudly:
"God damn bitch! Why can she bring in alcohol?! It's not fair!"

"Hurry up and give me a drink! Otherwise, I will go out and kill your whole family!"

"Bitch! I'm going to the execution ground tomorrow, why don't I go into my room and have a big fight, so that I can have a good time before I die!"

"Singing to wine, what is life like? Like the dew in the morning, the past days are bitter~"

I have to say that this Denisa is really a strange person. When other big figures enter the dungeon and face the boring abuse of the prisoners, they basically go in one ear and out the other.

I was really annoyed by being scolded, that is, let my subordinates record the cell number and name of the other party, give the jailer some money, and secretly retaliate.

Denisa was fine, she wasn't used to it at all, and directly responded one by one:
"Because my old lady is the sharp blade of the king, hold back if you don't accept it! Go back to your pigsty!"

"Oh, I have the same surname as the king, you go ahead and kill me, goodbye."

"You want to have a fight before you die, don't you? I'll call you here, so go and have sex with her, idiot!"

"What the hell are you expressing feelings here, aren't you? Like a philosopher writing prose, it's best for my old lady to climb!"

Denisa sprayed ten strengths, sprayed to the back, and randomly selected a lucky prisoner, kicked the door of the prison with one kick, pulled him out, pinned him to the ground, and beat him violently.

The screams of the lucky prisoner mixed with the booing of the audience, and the whole dungeon was thrown into a turmoil.

The jailers in the dungeon can't do anything about it, stop it?The combined titles of Denisa are longer than the names of their whole family, and it is also the seventh sequence that has not been seen in the kingdom for a hundred years. She dared to openly sleep standing up in the kingdom's plenary meeting. It is nothing to make a dungeon. Tube.

Seeing such a crazy woman, except for a few prisoners who are about to be executed and look down on life and death, everyone else is scared, fearing that they will become the next "lucky one", so they dare not make a sound.

After finishing beating the prisoner, Denisa threw back the half-dead man, took out a bag of silver moons and stuffed them into the jailer's arms: "Here, take it to repair the door, and I'll give you the extra ones."

The jailer hurriedly returned the money bag, and said submissively: "Master Dinessa, if the facility is damaged, it will be charged to public accounts, and you are not required to pay. Even if you really want compensation, you should hand over the money to the construction officer. We cannot collect it on your behalf. Out of order."

"Then I have to make another trip to build the mansion. Don't you bother me? You can just collect it for me." Denisa picked up the wine tank and warned, "By the way, if the officer is responsible, don't be stupid. Xi took the responsibility on himself, said that Denisa did it, and asked him to come to me in person if he had any objections. That's it, bye."

Denisa didn't give the jailer a chance to make a sound, she trotted towards the depths of the dungeon with the wine jar, and disappeared.

It took a long time for the jailer to come back to his senses. He looked at the smashed cell door, then at the half-dead prisoners inside, and finally at the bag full of silver moons in his hand, and said with a dull smile to his companion: "She The coolest woman I've ever seen."

(End of this chapter)

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