honor me as god

Chapter 370 Game situation

Chapter 370 Game situation

Three days later, the second Kingdom Plenary Meeting was held on time.

It has been cloudy and rainy for the past three days, and people's moods are also very depressed. Fortunately, the sun began to clear today. The sun pierced through the gaps in the clouds, and cast scattered beams of light on the king's city. Well-proportioned and full of vigor.

For the second meeting, Bolton was absent.

No, rather than being absent, it is more accurate to say that he was ordered to be grounded by Perseus and was reflecting behind closed doors in the mansion.

After all, the impact of roaring the auditorium and insulting the congressmen was too bad. If he was still allowed to attend the meeting, it would undoubtedly be a breach of order. Perseus would not allow such a thing to happen.

At this time, members of parliament at all levels have already taken their seats, and the meeting officially began.

It can be seen that Perseus is in a bad mood today. He may be angry at the thought of Bolton. He glanced around the hall and said with a blank expression: "Members from all parties, regarding the situation of the first meeting, what do you have to do?" Whatever you want to say, you can add now."

Representatives from all parties have independent personalities in name, but in fact they follow their own families. The leaders of the families do not make a statement, and they will not spontaneously jump out to speak—unless they are entrusted by the leader in advance and need the people below to take the lead in saying something It is not suitable for the leader to speak.

Now the leaders are silent, and neither are the MPs.

Seeing that everyone remained silent, Perseus was about to say something when an unexpected voice sounded: "Your Majesty the King."

Perseus frowned and looked towards the judgment seat where the voice came from.

Kino looked at the stage, his amber eyes were as deep as the sea, full of a mysterious smile: "May I say a few words?"

Perseus slowly loosened his frowning brows, and asked lightly, "I was so sullen at the first meeting that I didn't say anything. Do you want to say something today?"

"People change." Kino didn't know if he was talking about himself, or alluding to some people who changed their attitude during the secret meeting.

Edward picked up the tea and took a sip, then put it down slowly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Perseus raised his chin at Chino, indicating to continue.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. First of all, I was shocked—not by my own situation, but by everyone's attitude towards this matter." Kino turned around and looked at the representatives of the royal family and royal family with a look Pretending to be puzzled, "Everyone should be well aware that the invasion of extraterrestrials has brought another thing besides disasters - endless weapons, and all of them are weapons made with extraterrestrial technology. Do you think so? Not interested?"

Perseus's expression gradually turned cold, and he said in a sarcasm: "So, now you admit that you are an alien from space? Do you want to use your weapons to make a deal with us in exchange for a chance to survive?"

Kino raised his hand, signaled Perseus to stop, and said with a smile: "Sorry to interrupt, you seem to have misunderstood, Your Majesty, I really want to use the weapons of aliens to make a deal with you to keep myself alive, but those weapons are not from me."

Someone in the auditorium started whispering, not understanding what Kino meant.

Perseus: "Get to the point."

Chino: "The point is, in the current situation, the chain of suspicion has been formed. I can't prove my innocence, and you have no evidence to convict me. The two sides are deadlocked. In this case, why don't we broaden our thinking, Let’s put aside the verification for a while, and start thinking about the gains and losses of interests?”

"In the eyes of many people, the aliens are hateful blasphemers, and I think so from the bottom of my heart. But in my eyes, besides being blasphemers, they have another label—moving trophies."

"As long as I am alive, aliens from space will continue to invade this world, and I will continue to kill them, and I will continue to hunt weapons and props with magical effects from them, and then contribute them to the kingdom, greatly enhancing the national strength—— And if I die, that opportunity will disappear with me."

"Are you really willing to let go of such an opportunity to make the kingdom stronger?"

"Hahaha, it's extremely exaggerated." The first one to stand up was none other than Horned Heron, his wrinkled face was full of contempt, "The spoils you hunted from the aliens earlier, It’s not that we haven’t studied it. Except for the ring that can store items out of thin air, it seems to me very magical, and other things are just ordinary items under another technical system.”

Kino: "Really? Then I would like to ask Lord Horn, with the kingdom's current runes and alchemy technology, can we make weapons that can cast scorching fire and burn thousands of miles?"

This sentence stopped the horned heron, because the answer is obviously no.

You know, according to historical records, in the "Eclipse War" 2700 years ago, the weapons of aliens changed the terrain of the entire continent.

In the Dogrand army, no legion is equipped with such weapons. With the power of ballista, it is not bad that the striking surface can reach more than ten meters.

Kino didn't look at the Horned Heron any more, but looked at those congressmen who held the same view as the Horned Heron, and continued: "Everyone looks down on the objects from outside the sky, the reason is very simple - the extraterrestrial visitors who invaded before are very Weak and weak, the items carried on the body are naturally ordinary."

"It's like the elite regular army in the king's city and the militia in the village. Can the two be equipped with the same degree of sophistication? The extraterrestrial items you see and possess are just the tip of the iceberg. As for how powerful the aliens' weapons are, History books have told us the answer."

"Just imagine, if one day, you get more sophisticated guns from aliens, you can kill the enemy thousands of meters away. If you capture the giant steel bird, you can soar in the sky like an ancient dragon. And even get Those weapons that can sprinkle scorching fire from the sky have the power to burn thousands of miles, do you still think that the weapons of aliens are mediocre?"

"This is a sophistry with strong words!" Heron's face darkened obviously, and he directly tried to occupy the commanding heights of morality, "So what if the blasphemous things from extraterrestrial visitors are extremely powerful? Using them is disrespectful to the gods! It is a violation of faith." Blasphemy!"

Kino looked at the horned heron, with a smile on his face like a mask that would never be removed: "I would like to offend you, Master Horned Heron, your views may not represent everyone."

Hearing the sound, the Horned Heron subconsciously looked at the crowd, and his expression quickly became gloomy.

Although the expressions of the leaders of all parties and members of the council did not change much, judging from those elusive eyes, it was obvious that some thoughts were evoked by Kino.

What is faith?

Faith has two sides—a pious and firm will to something, a tool for conquering and dominating thought.

In a god-fearing kingdom, the most pious are often the ignorant people at the bottom, who are ignorant but fanatical. Their will to face their beliefs is extremely firm, but they cannot see the essence behind their beliefs, just like a wave in a wave. Pushed by ups and downs.

As for those knowledgeable and high-ranking people, you can't say that they are not pious. They may be more firm in their beliefs than others, and they are in awe of the gods.

But the knowledge of the high-ranking people predestined them to be able to accurately see the essence of belief and its relationship with power rule. Worshiping God itself is not only their own will, but also a necessary political means.

Once belief and power are blended, it means that it is not static and can change its original appearance at any time for the purpose of ruling, because the right to interpret belief is always in the hands of high-ranking people. What practices are blasphemy, that is blasphemy.

Therefore, the horned heron's point of view must be untenable, and it is impious to use the weapon of a blasphemer?Is it a blasphemy of faith?Will the alchemists of Starsburg who participated in Barrett's research all commit suicide on the spot?

Even with the current general understanding that using the weapons of blasphemers is equivalent to blasphemy, it would be a big deal to establish a law-allow this behavior at the official level, reinterpret the definition of blasphemy and god worship, and "use blasphemers Weapon" moved out of the range of "Profane".

Whether or not to do this depends on whether the high-ranking person wants to.

But looking at it now, most people think so.

After all, it is the weapon of the aliens!Anyone who knows the history of the "Eclipse War" knows how powerful the weapons of the aliens who killed the Sun King were.

If one can obtain those top-level weapons from the aliens, even if it is just one, it will be enough to overturn the entire power structure, and the game of power may be reshuffled.

In this situation, you want to talk about faith?Sorry, no one wants to talk.

For a moment, there was no sound in the auditorium, and it seemed that there was a raging undercurrent tumbling, swallowing all the light.

Now, like the serpent in Eden throwing the apple, the smiling devil has laid the bait, only to be swallowed.

This bait can be said to perfectly capture the psychology of everyone.

Yes, these days, the weapons of visitors from outside the sky are not enough to attract much attention. There are substitutes for those guns and guns under the extraordinary system.

As for potions such as Phoenix Serum, there are also various natural materials and earth treasures, or alchemy potions that can be substituted, and the effect is even worse.

But what about later?

Waves of aliens are stronger than waves, and so are the weapons they carry. They can be said to be walking treasure chests one by one. Kill them, and you can get the rewards in the treasure chest.

The weapons in the "treasure box" are not attractive yet, you don't want to grab them, that's fine.

But when those weapons are strong enough to overturn the world structure, will you grab them?
You don't rob, some people rob.

If you don't grab it, when someone else grabs it, you will be the one who gets trampled underfoot.

Unless you are willing to lose the power and status you currently have and go back to the mountains alone, you can only join the ranks of robbers.

Others are facing the same situation as you - you can only grab.

Everyone can only grab.

This is the classic "group prisoner's dilemma". Individual rationality sometimes leads to collective irrationality, and everyone is forced to make irrational choices, eventually reaching "Nash Equilibrium", but not "Pareto Optimal".

Although there is no "Game Theory" written in plain text in this world, the high-ranking people here actually understand the emperor's power tactics with the same purpose. The family relationship prevented them from forming a united front.

However, this is the beauty of the game. You understand all the reasons and know that there is a pit, but in the group game, the Nash equilibrium will force you to step on it, and others will step on it. You can only step on it.

There is only one possibility to get rid of this game predicament-all people involved in the game, regardless of family, political opinion, or each other, trust each other unconditionally, unite closely, and change the game from "non-cooperative game" ” to “Cooperative Game”.

For example, all the families reached a consensus - we don't want the weapons of the aliens.I didn't even look at it, and I didn't even want it when it was brought to me.You too, don't think anything of the alien's weapons.Everyone has no wrong ideas, and no one betrays each other.

In this way, the predicament set by Chino really fell apart.

But the question is, can this situation of perfect cooperation really be achieved in a superstructure where power disputes are fierce?

"Hahaha, this is really a cunning little guy." Lan Xian smiled at Perseus. Although he didn't get a response, he still stood up and pressed his hands to stop everyone's whispering, then smiled Looking at Kino, "Administrator Kino, you have used inductive words to push everyone into a situation where there is no choice, and force everyone to become interested in the weapons of aliens. Whoever falls behind in this competition will be Could be replaced by someone else. I admit, it's a beautiful move."

"However." With just two words, Lan Xian got everyone in the audience to concentrate and keep their eyes on him, "You seem to have forgotten one thing - we don't need to be jealous or compete with each other, and we can end this game at any time."

"How to do it? It's very simple. As long as your life disappears and you die in this world, the aliens will never appear again, and everyone will lose the opportunity to obtain extraterrestrial weapons. The trajectory continues to develop without any interference from external forces."

"Really?" Kino's smile was full of slyness, like a fox that succeeded in plotting, "Then I would like to ask Lord Lan Xian, who told you that as long as I die, the aliens will never come again." won't show up?"

This question silenced the auditorium again, including Lan Xian.

Yes, everyone seems to agree now that as long as Kino dies and the aliens have no targets, they won’t show up—including the alien who “revealed” Kino’s identity before, also said: “Kino Without death, our invasion will not stop."

But the question is, has anyone really confirmed this tacit fact?
This is an obvious paradox.

As long as Kino is not dead, this matter cannot be verified.

And once Kino died, they lost the chance of redemption.

Killing Chino now, is it to break the predicament of the game and get the situation back on track?
Or is it the "anti-indirect strategy" of the visitors from outside the sky, doing something that hurts the loved ones and makes the enemies happy?

This unverifiable and unanswerable question seems to make the situation blurred again.
(End of this chapter)

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