honor me as god

Chapter 365: Enemy or Friend

Chapter 365: Enemy or Friend
"Tut duk duk." When everyone was in an uproar, Lan Xian tapped his fingers on the table and suppressed the exclamation in a short time. He looked at Kino and asked, "I have a question, so many moon coins, Where did you get it?"

"The total number of monthly coins circulating in the kingdom is controlled by the Mint Department of the Royal City. Taking the inventory of the government residence in the evening city as an example, no matter what source the monthly coins are obtained from, the number will be very conspicuous. But according to the financial annual reports in recent years, the market circulation No huge abnormalities were found in the moon coins. Can you explain the source of those moon coins?"

The monthly coins that have been found out now are basically exchanged by Kino from the respect system, not forged by the kingdom, so it can be said that they "appeared out of thin air", and the mint naturally cannot monitor the movement.

Of course, this is directly linked to the identity of the rejecter, so it cannot be said anyway, and another kind of rhetoric must be used to cover up the past skillfully.

Chino: "They are all trophies captured from the aliens."

Lan Xian: "The spoils?"

Kino: "Yes, every batch of extraterrestrial visitors I met has a large number of moon coins that can be used in the kingdom's market, including gold, silver, copper and iron. The moon coins in the government's mansion were all seized from them. ——The kind of rings that can store things out of thin air, my lord, you should have seen them, and the moon coins were placed in those rings by the aliens."

Lan Xian: "Why do visitors from beyond the sky have so many moon coins belonging to the kingdom?"

Chino: "Sorry, I can't speculate on this, please be aware of it, sir."

On the stage, Lan Xian and Perseus whispered to each other for a while, probably discussing this matter, and finally came to a preliminary conclusion—since the aliens have the ability to make giant steel birds, it is not uncommon to imitate the Kingdom Moon Coin.

Perseus nodded to Lan Xian, indicating to continue.

Lan Xian: "Administrator Chino, why didn't you report these monthly coins after you seized them?"

Chino: "They give me a sense of security."

Lan Xian: "Sense of security?"

Chino: "More moon coins mean more elite soldiers, sharper weapons, and stronger armor. Every extra moon coin will give me a more sense of security when facing visitors from space."

At this point, Kino also jokingly said the family language of the Heqi family: "The more the better, even if it is as light as a little rain."

Lan Xian nodded to the chief judge, indicating that he had no problem.

The chief judge understood and continued the topic. He stated the crimes that the investigation team had found out one by one, and finally saluted Perseus. Van Helsing executes the death penalty to uphold the majesty of the Code."

Hearing the chief judge's request for punishment, not only did Kino not feel disheartened, but the smile on the corners of his lips deepened even more.

The prosperity of the world is for profit; the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.

Those who come here especially when you are at your peak are passers-by.

An ally is one who doesn't leave you when you're at a low point.

At the peak it's hard to tell the two apart because they're mixed together.

Only when you are in a trough can you distinguish between true friend and foe.

So now
The show has begun.

"Boom!" Bolton slammed the table hard, stood up abruptly, looked up at Perseus and said, "Father, may I speak?"

Perseus was silent, didn't even look at Bolton, just stared at Chino silently.

The presiding judge regarded this as a kind of acquiescence, and said to Bolton neither humble nor overbearing: "Your Highness, please speak."

Bolton poked the table vigorously with his fingers, with an impatient expression on his face: "I said, did your investigation team get the focus wrong? You are asked to find out if Kino is an alien from space, and you are talking about these things here. What are you doing? Don’t confuse me, now answer me directly, right now—is Kino a visitor from space?”

The chief judge's gaze was a bit erratic, and his voice was still loud, but he was vaguely less confident: "According to the evidence we have so far, and the statements made by the people at all levels of the administrative mansion, it is still impossible to directly prove his identity."

Bolton stared, and spread his hands vigorously at Perseus, as if to say—see for yourself, isn't it absurd?
Chino looked sideways at Bolton—

An upright and staunch general who values ​​love and righteousness, the love he once fought side by side has been engraved in his heart. Except for the concealed truth, it is difficult for anything to break it.

This is an iron ally.

Bolton looked around and said heavily: "Since there is no evidence, let's speak with facts. Since Administrator Chino took office last year, a total of 5 batches of extraterrestrial visitors have died in his hands. The latest extraterrestrial invasion, I myself He fought side by side with him, he saved me, and I saved him. Such a brave and skilled administrator who killed blasphemers many times, even if he didn't give him a reward, he was pulled out for trial. Isn’t it absurd?!”

The presiding judge said in a deep voice, "Your Highness, I have to remind you that it's not that we insist on saying that he is an alien from space, but that the dead alien not long ago exposed his identity in public."

Bolton's temper was always irritable, and once he got angry, he would scold him regardless of the occasion: "Can you believe what the blasphemer said?! My horse feeders know what 'striking discord' is. Are you stupid? If she said that I am also an alien, would you arrest me too?!"

The presiding judge was very helpless, his status was far inferior to Bolton's, and on occasions like the plenary meeting of the kingdom, he couldn't lower his face and scold him, he could only keep silent.

"Lord Sting." Bolton's voice became deep, and he looked up at the stage, "Do you agree with what I said?"

Sting said lightly, "I have applied to His Majesty the King for the right to remain silent. I will neither participate in discussions nor vote. You don't need to ask for my opinion."

Chino's eyes slowly fell on Sting——

The two sides didn't have much intersection, mainly because it involved Resakhar and Lorna who got along with him as a friend.

If he dies, the truth will be buried forever, and he will not need to consider the original appearance of the truth, and he can always feel at ease.

But he didn't hit the ground in the end.

Of course, he didn't speak out to help, but kept himself silent and wise, and watched the changes
Let's just be his half ally.

Sting's silence made Bolton very angry. He thought that this elder who was also a teacher and a father would stand by him, but unexpectedly he stopped talking at the critical moment.

The key point is that Sting is still the elder who brought him up since he was a child, and he can't be scolded. This is the most angry.

The chief judge took no time to advise: "Your Highness, let's follow the procedure. Please sit down and let others express their opinions."

Bolton snorted coldly and sat down angrily.

The presiding judge: "Your Majesty, please speak up."

Perseus's performance today is very calm, without any expression on his face, making it impossible to guess his heart, and the words he said are also the same: "I am only responsible for making the final decision, you just express your own opinions, every sentence I'm listening."

Kino looked at Perseus, narrowed his eyes slightly——

The king of a country is above ten thousand people.

Whether this person is an enemy or a friend, he has no choice but to approach him and try his best to be an ally.

The presiding judge looked to Perseus' right side: "Lord Lan Xian, His Majesty the King and Lord Sting have both expressed their attitudes. Do you have anything to say?"

Unlike Perseus and Sting, who said nothing but did not say anything, Lan Xian was very honest, and told all members what he had said to Perseus before.

To sum it up, there are only eight words-benefits are the starting point, and killing is the top priority.

Lan Xian's statement is very important. He is not only the head of the Heqi family, representing the will of the royal family, but also the right hand of the king who is in charge of state affairs. He can be said to be a figure like a weather vane. The wall of assertiveness has played a strong guiding role.

After listening to Lan Xian's words, thoughts quickly emerged in Kino's mind——

The master alchemist of the sixth sequence must be very interested in the technology of the reincarnation, and theoretically it is very easy to win over.

But the problem is that this person's words are full of the kingdom's interests, seemingly objective, but too deliberate because of being too pure, and there must be something hidden in his heart.

Friends and foes are unknown for the time being, so they can be regarded as customers for equivalent transactions, and at the same time, they must not expose their backs to him.

The presiding judge walked to the first row of the councilor's seat and nodded slightly to Edward: "Master Edward, please express your opinion."

Edward's huge body stood up, casting a huge shadow against the light on the ground. Instead of staying in place, he strode out and came to the side of Kino's judgment seat.

Edward gripped the fence of the trial seat tightly, his huge muscles revealing a sense of majestic strength, just like his sonorous and high-pitched voice: "This young man is sitting on the trial seat. I am very shocked by this incident!"

"As we all know, Administrator Kino has always been fighting on the front line against the aliens. My tribe, Brook Troy, died under the attack of the aliens. It was Administrator Kino who killed the blasphemer. Revenge."

"And in the recent battle, this young man took the lead, and all the soldiers could see his bloody figure! The result? Just because of a discordant word from the blasphemer before he died, he was reduced to the present At this point, isn’t this kind of thing absurd?!”

"Roar!—" The military generals headed by Bolton raised their arms in response, roaring in unison.

Edward clenched his fists, expressing his heartache: "If so many past achievements and the sincerity of those who went to battle cannot erase our doubts about him, how many soldiers will this disappoint? How many soldiers will be chilled? If we are like this in the future Doing things, who else will stand up in a crisis? Who else is willing to dedicate their blood to the kingdom?!"

"Roar!—" Bolton and the others raised their arms and shouted again.

Edward turned back to look at the stage, stared at Perseus, and struck his chest hard, his voice was like a resounding bell: "Your Majesty, I, Edward Troy, the governor of Fenghuo Province, hereby formally plead with you, please stop this A ridiculous and meaningless trial, restore the honor of Administrator Chino, and give him the treatment he deserves as a warrior!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Bolton and other military generals stood up one after another, hammering their hearts again and again, turning Dogoland's military salute into the most powerful words.

Kino looked at Edward's back with a sneer——

The dignified leader of a clan and the wily and scheming governor of a province actually played childish cards of passion and affection on such an occasion.

This person is not speaking fair words, but trying to win people's hearts, especially Bolton and those military forces.

In the assassination of Prince Bolton, Grab Troy has been proven to be an accomplice to assisting the aliens. As a member of the same family, Edward has no way of escaping from being implicated. Losses are kept to a minimum.

And the current Kingdom Plenary Meeting just happened to provide such an opportunity.

Whether this person is an enemy is another matter. Anyway, he is definitely not an ally, and he cannot make friends. Be more careful in the future.

Edward's impassioned statement did not get a response from Perseus, he just sat quietly on the throne, his eyes were bottomless, no one could see what was going on in his heart.

After Edward, it was the Dagon family who spoke.

Slightly different from other royal families, the Dagon family's activities are mainly in the sea. The "Grey Mist Province" they occupy, and the capital "Sea of ​​Broken Moon" is a huge maritime trade hub. A large number of ports are connected to the endless ocean that has not been explored so far.

The Dagon family is an out-and-out family of the sea, and their best partners are warships and sea beasts. Their relationship with sea monsters is like the relationship between the Ragnome family and giant dragons.

However, sea beasts are not as rare as giant dragons. The members of the Dagon family and their private soldiers basically have a sea beast in each hand.

At the same time, the Dagon family holds the power of the abyss from the bottom of the sea, which is very treacherous and synonymous with mystery and terror in the eyes of the world.

Their land combat capabilities are not strong, because very few sea beasts can go ashore, and the power of the abyss will be greatly weakened on land.

But once they are at sea, that is their home field. The monsters that shuttle through the deep sea and set off raging waves, and the power of the abyss surging under the ocean currents will be the nightmare of every enemy ship.

In the "Battle of Laurel Flowers" in the 486th year of the Huoyao calendar, the imperial army at that time had already approached the capital Wangcheng, and the soldiers of the kingdom could see the battle smoke from the battleground standing on the city wall.

At the critical moment, it was the Dagon family's fleet and sea beasts who launched a surprise attack from the ocean, cut off the sea supply line in the enemy's rear, and sank more than a hundred of various troop transport and supply ships, making a contribution that cannot be ignored in turning the tide of the war.

In terms of their usual status in the kingdom's political arena, the Dagon family has been devoted to deep sea exploration, maritime trade and defense, etc., and has seldom intervened in land politics.

Of course, the Dagon family, as a royal family, will naturally not be absent from the plenary meeting of the kingdom.

However, in terms of their attitude towards Kino, the Dagon family is very neutral. They have no friendship with Kino, and they have no festivals. Today is even the first time they meet, and they don’t know how to evaluate it, so they didn’t publish anything unique. I just hope that after the kingdom finds out the facts, it will be dealt with as it is written in the code.

This kind of attitude has no reference for Kino, and he doesn't know much about the Dagon family, so he puts them in the position of neither enemy nor friend.

After the Dagon family finished speaking, the chief judge walked to the seat of the Eric family, and respectfully said to the leader: "Master Horn, do you have anything to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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