honor me as god

Chapter 364 Unknown Property

Chapter 364 Unknown Property
Perseus sat in the main seat, looking at the two on the left and right with displeasure: "I asked you to be honest with me, but none of you did it."

"Sting, you deliberately preconceived from Chino's past achievements, downplayed the influence of the possible identity of an alien, and led the logic to 'should you kill a meritorious person', so as to show your empathy? , just to impress me."

"Is what you say the same as what you think in your heart? Duplicity, what you think in your heart is——Qino is the administrator who was single-handedly picked up by my younger brother. If you leave it too clean at this time, it will only make people think that I am Lei. The Gnom family does not miss old love, and should help him to say a few words when necessary, but he cannot die, otherwise he will be suspected of covering up blasphemers. Then simply start from the past achievements, occupy the commanding heights of love, and use the "military spirit" Shut the mouth of this old fellow Perseus."

After lecturing Sting and not giving him a chance to defend himself, Perseus looked at Lan Xian again: "Lan Xian, you are not much better. You deliberately stand on a purely rational point of view, and your three words are not far from the interests of the kingdom. You Is it a person who only cares about interests and has no feelings? If so, I will let you be the right hand of the king? You are just trying to impress me with shrewdness and rationality."

"So, I'm very disappointed. When did my left and right hands stop talking to me? Where did that Sting, who dared to scold me and even fight me because of different political views, go? Where did Lan Xian, who was meticulous and reasonable, go?"

Both Sting and Lan Xian lowered their heads and remained silent.

But in fact, they all have the answer in their hearts.

There is a word called "the difference between the monarch and his ministers".

When the old king is still alive and the crown prince has not been crowned, you are of the same generation, you can eat the same food, sleep in the same bed, you can speak out when you are upset, you can grab each other's collar and yell at you if you don't like it, you can even hit each other After the fight, the other party was lifted up from the ground, dusted off for him, and then they went to the tavern to have a drink and sober up, and they were good brothers again the next day.

When the crown prince is not yet the king, you can play with him however you want. If you really cross the line, the elders will mediate, and they will help you when the sky falls.

But once the crown prince is crowned and becomes king, it will be different.

He is the king, you are the minister, the hierarchy is strict, and there are differences between the upper and lower levels.

Even if you are still the old you, and he is still the old him, the relationship between monarch and minister will be a barrier that you will never be able to overcome.

The king represents the will and dignity of the entire country. To scold him is to insult the king, to beat him is to treason, and the elders who can help you stand up to the sky are all gone.

Therefore, from the moment Perseus ascended the throne, no matter how good it was before, even if the relationship of "brothers with different surnames" still exists, there will be a higher level of "monarch-subject" relationship in front. not going.

The stage was very quiet, Sting and Lan Xian didn't speak, just silently stared at the cup of tea in front of them, watching the tea leaves floating in the scorching water like rootless duckweed.

Perseus withdrew his gaze, didn't look at any of them, just tapped his knuckles on the table silently, his voice was flat but with an inexplicable sadness: "Since you don't talk, then I have nothing to say."

"Plenary meeting, bring in Kino Van Helsing."

After Perseus finished speaking, the councilors who were whispering suddenly fell silent, and the hall was dead silent.
Until the sound of the door opening.


It was noon at this time, and the sun was pouring in from outside the door. It was obviously the scorching sun of the "flowing fire" season, but it seemed a little cold for no reason.

The first to enter the auditorium was the "Chief Imperial Guard", the 7th sequence "Red Wheel", the current "King's Blade", and the nickname "Sword of Daybreak" Denisa Dogrand.

Denisa is wearing the armor of the imperial guards. Each piece of armor is polished to a bright shine, reflecting the scorching sun of the dome. The joints are designed to closely follow the curves of the body. With a slender figure, like a Valkyrie from ancient mythology, it symbolizes the entire Dogoland Kingdom and the apex of combat power in this mortal world.

Behind Denisa, the most elite imperial guards filed in. They were distributed on both sides of the aisle, separating the aisle from the parliamentary seats with their bodies, as if erecting impenetrable walls.

Don't look at the gaps between the passage and the seats, only separated by a human wall. In front of so many elite imperial guards, it is as difficult as going to heaven to use violence to cross this short distance.

The moment Denisa stepped into the gate of the palace, the guards were waiting like a clockwork machine, and their right hand clasped the heart of the left chest in a uniform movement, giving the most standard military salute.

"Tap, tap, tap" Following Denisa's pace, the prison cart entered the hall.

In the prison car illuminated by the scorching sun, there seemed to be two spots of light shining extremely brightly. If you stare at them, you will find those amber pupils reflecting the sun. deep smile.

The biggest difference between a lunatic and an ordinary person is that a lunatic likes to laugh.

The life of a madman is just a performance. There must be suspense in the opening, twists and turns in the process, and a gorgeous curtain call. The gun that appeared in the first act must be fired in the third act.

He'll keep laughing until the end of the show, right up to the end.

Although both political prisoners and felons are "criminals", they are often treated differently. The latter will be tortured, while the former are generally more decent, because their own existence is more meaningful than physical punishment.

Although Chino was imprisoned at the highest level and locked up in the dark "Black Gate", Perseus gave him enough dignity and specially asked him to take a good bath and change into clean and tidy clothes before entering the hall. It doesn't look any different than normal.

As far as status is concerned, Kino's status in Dogrand is not high.

The Kingdom of Dogrand is divided into six major provinces. Except for the "Cardinal Province" which is directly under the jurisdiction of the royal minister, the other provinces have their own "Governor". There are more than a dozen cities, and the status of the "eight-level officials at the main city level" is quite different among different cities.
Breaking it down, Chino's status as the "administrator" of Twilight City does not even rank in the "Top 100" in Dougland.

But it is such a small person with an insignificant status, and these heavyweight members of parliament present are all well-known and well-known.

There are too many deeds of Kino Van Helsing, hiding in the corpse of a giant to capture and kill the bandit Dadan, the youngest administrator in the history of the kingdom, the annihilator of aliens after 2700, the dusk who is respected and feared by his subordinates grim Reaper
Picking out any of these things is enough to make people discuss for a long time.

Some people think that he has bloodbathed the aliens, is invincible, and is the defender of the gods.

Some people think that he kills without blinking an eye, is cold-blooded and ruthless, and is a cruel young butcher.

Some people think that he just happens to be on the cusp of the times, he is good at dancing with long sleeves, and he is a person who seeks fame.

These evaluations are not important now. When the alien who died not long ago issued an announcement to "expose" Kino's identity as an alien, he was already dragged into the quagmire, and any deeds and comments were dragged into the mud together. , It is difficult to get rid of it if you want to wash it off.

Under the guidance of Denisa, Chino's prison car was pushed to the front field.

Denisa got on the car, untied Kino, brought him off, and ushered him into the trial seat.

Kino looked down at his body. There were no shackles, ropes, or anything restricting his movement. He smiled and asked, "You won't tie me up?"

"His Majesty the King has ordered that you are an administrator, you should be more decent. But first, I want to remind you that no part of your body should leave the area of ​​the trial seat. This is responsible for your life. I can also take a nap secretly." Denisa patted the saber "Twilight" on her waist, showing a mysterious smile, "Twilight never unsheaths twice."

After Denisa finished speaking, she stood beside the trial seat, lowered the brim of her hat, and let the shadow cover her face, and then breathed evenly, presumably the special function of sleeping standing up was activated again.

Is this malfeasance?no.

This is a declaration: Be honest, don't move, I can kill you while sleeping.

After Chino took the seat, Perseus on the stage spoke first: "Is there anything you want to say? I can let you speak first."

Chino shook his head.

Perseus: "Are you sure? For those who are being judged, every opportunity to speak is crucial. Silence is definitely not a good strategy."

Chino: "I want to hear what you think of me first."

"That's it." Perseus looked at the chief interrogator on the other side and signaled with his eyes.

The chief judge agreed and walked to the front of the stage.

The presiding judge is a judge of the "Cardinal Province" and a noble minister of the royal family. From a blood point of view, he is Perseus's distant cousin. The chief judge of the meeting is beyond reproach.

The presiding judge saluted Perseus, Sting, and Lan Xian in turn, and then saluted everyone in the audience. His gestures and gestures were full of aristocratic style. The full voice resounded in the auditorium: "You all know the basics of the matter. The person in front of me, Kino Van Helsing, was exposed by an alien not long ago - he is also an alien. I need not say much about our attitude toward these blasphemers."

At this time, Bolton stood up abruptly. He is both the seventh prince and the general of the personal guards, so he was naturally sitting in the first row. He said in a cold voice: "Based on the enemy's one-sided words, we can conclude that Kino is an alien from the sky." , don’t you?”

"Bolton." Perseus looked cold, obviously dissatisfied with Bolton's behavior of interrupting the presiding judge, "I haven't finished my sentence, what are you interrupting?"

Bolton was a little irritable and sat down helplessly.

The chief judge nodded to Perseus, held up the documents in his hand, and continued his statement loudly: "After interrogation by various teams day and night, we have found many stains on the parties, and all of these stains have been confirmed by the chain of evidence. .”

"Murder of subordinates——Colonel Tiven, the frontier guard in Xilin Township, disappeared on the 9th of last year in "God Blessing". Many witnesses who slept with him confirmed that this person was snatched away by Chino in the middle of the night, and he was tortured to death. The massacre of corpses. "

"Accepting bribes—it is reported that during his tenure as the Civil Affairs Officer of Xilin Township, Chino accepted gift money from caravans all year round, ranging from a few silver moons to dozens or even hundreds of silver moons. After receiving the gift money, he will order Subordinates skipped the security checks, and many of the caravans that were let go were later found to be engaged in salt crystal smuggling.”

"Secret loot——In the confrontation with the aliens, Kino once seized a large amount of extraterrestrial loot, including weapons and equipment, but he only handed in some of the large weapons that were not conducive to concealment, and kept the rest privately. It was not reported, and those spoils were not re-exposed until they were captured by us this time."

"A huge amount of property from unknown sources - we conducted a comprehensive investigation of the government residence of Mucheng City, and found that its financial data is far from common sense. A main border city, in the first half of this year alone, the book surplus reached 680 gold moons, 4192781 gold coins There are countless silver moons, copper and iron moons!"

Chino's first few charges are nothing but plain water to the congressmen.

You know, Kino was a ruthless character who hid alone in the corpse and took Dadan directly in the army. He was like a ghost, and made the horse bandits panic. Threat him: "If you are naughty again, Chino will come to you in the middle of the night." Those brats will be honest on the spot.

Later, there were people who could invent such cruel laws, such as the "Iron Moon Smash Order". Do you think he is an amiable person?Are you insulting him then?
Everyone knew that Chino was cold-blooded and ruthless, and it was no surprise that his disobedient subordinates died tragically at his hands.

The second thing is to accept bribes, which is fine.

Xilin Town, where the sky is high and the king is far away, can be described as a muddy place. How many people can always be honest and upright?
Those civil affairs officials in the border towns randomly arrested 100 of them and cut them down. Basically, there would be no unjust deaths.

Accepting bribes is nothing. If you can do a good job in government affairs after receiving money, it can be regarded as "value for money". The kind of waste that is only greedy for money and does nothing is the key target of the higher-ups.

Although Chino let go of many salt crystal smugglers, he was the one who finally cracked the Milo caravan smuggling case and reported to the royal family how these people smuggled salt crystals.

There is nothing incomprehensible about hiding loot. It is the same as accepting bribes. Taking props from aliens can be used to better resist attacks from aliens.

However, the last property of unknown origin can frighten many people.

You know, Twilight City is just a main border city with a population of 20. In the past, not to mention surplus inventory, it was considered a good year if there was no financial deficit!

Fortunately, now, 680 gold moons, and counting nearly 42 silver moons, there are countless copper and iron moons. The financial inventory of the Dusk City Government Mansion can already be compared with the provincial capital "Fengyunguan"!
If Kino develops freely for 20 or [-] years, expands his financial resources, and keeps recruiting troops, I am afraid that it will be a disaster for one side to separate himself and dare to fight against Wangcheng.
(End of this chapter)

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