honor me as god

Chapter 363 Insights

Chapter 363 Insights
Steen was very measured, he did not quarrel with the old man on this occasion, he still maintained a humble gesture of nodding his head, and said softly: "As I said just now, this matter is too complicated for me, and it is not convenient or suitable for me. Open your mouth, and hope His Majesty the King understands."

"I don't understand. The meeting hasn't started yet, but it's just a private conversation between the three of us. There is no restraint, and there is no need to worry about anything. Why isn't it suitable for you to speak?" Perseus looked at Sting, with a stern face on purpose, displeased Say, "I allow you to remain silent in official meetings. But now, I really want to hear from you. You have to say what you say, and you have to say what you don't say."

Perseus said everything to this point, and Sting had no way out, let alone disobeying the king's will, so he could only sigh softly, and said slowly: "In this case, then I will talk about my personal Opinion - for the record, this is just a personal opinion and does not represent my family."

Perseus: "Say."

Sting: "Personally, I don't want to see Administrator Chino be executed. His deeds in Twilight City are obvious to all. Not only did he manage that remote city in an orderly manner, and the people returned to their hearts, but he also blocked a full 5 waves. The attack of aliens has defended the border for the kingdom. We have not given him enough rewards for this kind of great achievement, but now it is really unfair to give him death, and it will chill the hearts of many soldiers."

Perseus: "You mean, it doesn't matter if he's an alien?"

Sting: "The fact that Kino is an extraterrestrial visitor is a one-sided claim of other extraterrestrial visitors, and it has not been confirmed. If we just rely on unfounded guesses and put him to death with the mentality that we would rather kill him than let him go, This will be a very backward and barbaric behavior, no different from those barbarians outside the northern border."

Perseus looked a little displeased: "You insisted on keeping silent just now, but now you dare to speak out?"

Sting was a little helpless: "In private, I will tell you what is in my heart just because I treat you sincerely."

Perseus nodded, patted Sting's thigh to signal not to be nervous, then turned to look at Lan Xian: "What about you? I want to hear your opinion."

Lan Xian recovered from his contemplation, shook his head and said, "My thoughts are exactly the opposite of Mrs. Sting's. In my opinion, regardless of the identity of the administrator of Chino, whether he is a visitor from outer space or not, he They should all be punished."

Whether it is true or not, they must be executed. This kind of saying is new, and it is the first time Perseus has heard of it. He raised his chin: "Go on, let's talk about it in detail."

Lan Xian: "I would like to state in advance that I personally have no opinion on Administrator Chino, and I have even heard about a series of his achievements, and my initial impression is very good. But...Your Majesty, you also know my duties. The right-hand queen is in charge of state affairs, and every step is based on the interests of the kingdom, and my position does not allow me to be humane."

"Now, Kino is suspected of being an alien. The news has spread like wildfire and burned throughout the kingdom. The alien is the culprit that caused the fall of the Sun King 2700 years ago. The sun is our belief. The Kingdom of the Extraterrestrial Administrator' has developed a sense of mistrust, feeling that its faith has been attacked."

"In this case, it doesn't matter whether Chino is innocent or not. Even if he is really innocent, how many people are willing to believe us when we spread the clarification news? Many of them will feel that we are covering up Chino secretly. No, they will even secretly speculate whether the kingdom's high-level officials have been infiltrated by aliens from space, and thus become more and more distrustful of us."

"From the perspective of the stability of the kingdom, the distrust of the people is a very serious matter, and eradicating it is our top priority. How to eradicate it? In my opinion, the only way is to guide the anger of the people and let them have a vent channel."

Perseus frowned after hearing this: "You mean public execution?"

Lan Xian refused to deny it: "Whether Kino is innocent or not, we will identify him as an extraterrestrial visitor, and make the most stern statement - through public execution, let the public participate in the trial of the extraterrestrial visitor 'among."

"Humans are creatures that are prone to groupthink. Sometimes, what the people want is not the truth, but the sense of identity that they personally participate in the trial. Publicly execute a 'blasphemer' and allow everyone to Participating in it will not only gain the approval of the people, but also dilute their distrust of the kingdom, which is a double-winner."

Having said this, Lan Xian added without waiting for Perseus and Sting to express their opinions: "Once again, this is my view from the perspective of the kingdom. Personally, I have nothing to do with Kino. I don't want to see this promising young man die innocently and tragically."

Perseus: "Then, in your opinion, is Chino's real identity important?"

Lan Xian: "It's important, and it's not important—it's very important for us to find out the truth, because it involves future strategic planning. If Kino is really an alien, we need to conduct a thorough investigation of the kingdom's officials to see if there are any An extraterrestrial visitor who infiltrated the kingdom like him."

"But to the public, the truth is not important—the 'answers' that the public gets are all told by us. We say that Chino is an alien, that is. If we say no, then it is not. We need to judge public opinion based on reality Guide and resolve this crisis of distrust."

Perseus: "So, you are inclined to kill him, so as to protect the interests of the kingdom."

Lan Xian didn't deny it, but added: "Unless he can bring some kind of greater benefit to the kingdom, and the benefit is so great that we don't care about his identity."

At this time, Sting finally intervened in the conversation, he silently stared at the water glass in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Lord Lan Xian, this is why I don't want to deal with you, the thought of always being linked to interests makes me shudder. "

Lan Xian smiled and made a gentle counterattack: "Interest is not something that should be taboo, on the contrary, it is the most fair benchmark in the world, and it can be calculated completely by numbers, and numbers are the manuscripts of gods, and they will never lie."

Sting: "Interests should not be taboo, but if a person's thinking always and only cares about interests, it will be a very terrible thing. Love, family, friendship. There are always some friendships in the world that carry warmth and can beat coldness Interests."

Lan Xian: "I'm sorry, my position is doomed for me to think in this way, because the things I deal with are very realistic, you don't want a minister in charge of state affairs to be swayed by personal affairs, right? "

"Tut duk." Perseus knocked on the table with his knuckles to interrupt, then looked left and right, his eyes were as deep as the sea: "I'm very disappointed that none of you are honest with me. "

(End of this chapter)

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