honor me as god

Chapter 366 Soul Art Horned Heron

Chapter 366 Soul Art Horned Heron
Horned Heron Eric, the leader of the Eric family, the governor of the Flying Kite Province, the sixth sequence "Great Magister", and the chief soul master of the Dogoland Kingdom.

The name "Horn Heron" sounds very special, but it is not his real name, or in other words, it is not the name given to him by his parents.

The lives of the leaders of other royal families are mostly smooth sailing. They were born with a father who was the leader, and they themselves were trained as candidates for the leader of the family since childhood. The only thing they need to beware of is their brothers and sisters.

If you are an only child, that's even better. There will be no obstacles in the future, and you can just wait for the succession in comfort.

However, the life experience of the horned heron, the leader of the Eric family, can be said to be very tragic, but in a sense, it is also inspirational.

The horned heron was born as a freak, with a protruding nose and pointed mouth, and high browbones on both sides of the forehead, just like a heron with two horns.

Such children born with deformed faces are often regarded as children of the curse in the Dogorand culture, just like those demented children who only know "Abaaaba".

Ordinary families are not willing to accept the cursed son, let alone the royal family whose blood is the most important thing. Therefore, the Horned Heron's parents abandoned him shortly after his birth.

No one knows how the horned heron survived after being abandoned. Some said he was picked up by kind people, some said that animals in the provincial capital "Ember Forest" brought him up, and some said that the son of the curse had someone A different growth pattern than ordinary people.

Either way, the horned heron never appeared in the public eye after being abandoned, and was quickly forgotten by the family.

Thirty-six years after the horned heron was born, to the year 36 of the Huo Calendar, the "Battle of Laurel Flowers" broke out.

Soul mages and onmyojis, these are the special long-range killing units of Doguland and the Far Eastern Dynasty, both of which have the power to use powerful spells.

However, the power mechanism of the two is not the same.

Soul masters need to consume soul energy to release spells, and the so-called "soul" is rootless water, similar to human brain cells, once worn out, it cannot be recovered by any means.

Therefore, in order to perform spells for a long time, soul masters will do everything possible to avoid consuming their own souls, and instead absorb other people's souls as a source of energy, and the "soul slaves" of the Eric family were born from this.

But the Onmyojis in the Far East are different. They can draw magic power from the spells, and then seal and release various kinds of Onmyoji.

Although soul slaves and charms are both "consumables", after all, one is a person and the other is a thing, and there is an essential difference - people are limited and things are infinite.

The gap in this power mechanism was not obvious in the early stage of the war, and even the soul masters who used the soul as their energy source were more lethal. The gap between teachers has also become huge.

In the later period of the war, because the strength of the soul art support became weaker and weaker, the Kingdom Army suffered a great loss in long-range raids.

In the life-and-death "Battle of the Royal City", the Far Eastern Dynasty led by a "Four-clawed Golden Dragon" onmyoji, assisted by eight "Three-clawed Golden Dragon" onmyojis. The Nine Palaces Xuanhuo Formation "wanted to burn the capital of the kingdom and the millions of souls in it.

Just when the soul masters of Eric's family were unable to resist and the royal city was about to be reduced to a sea of ​​flames, the horned heron, who had been missing for 36 years, came to the battlefield. No one knew what happened to him in the first half of his life. Then, he grows into the "Great Magister" of the sixth sequence by himself.

At that time, there were no soul slaves in the royal city to draw souls from. Heron resolutely sacrificed his own soul and cast a shocking spell to break through the Onmyoji's "Great Sumeru Nine Palaces Xuanhuo Formation" and save the royal city from the sea of ​​flames.

The entire laurel war also took the "Battle of the Royal City" as a turning point, and Dogrand launched a full-scale counterattack at this point.

The scorching sun of the royal family, the roar of the giant dragon of the Regnome family, the courageous leadership of the Troy family, and the sea raid of the Dagon family. Completely reduced to a desert horse bandit's paradise, but compared with the disaster, this is already a great victory.

At the time of the reward after the war, because the former head of the Eric family had died in the "Battle of Laurel Flowers", and in addition to the extraordinary feat of breaking the Osumi Nine Palaces Xuanhuo Formation, the Horned Heron became the leader of the family as a matter of course, and became the leader of the family in the Eric family. "Flying Kite Province" took over the post of governor.

Cursing the deformed baby, abandoning it since childhood, growing up against the sky, being the savior in danger, and crowning the leader. This is the legendary life of Horned Heron.

Of course, in the 36 years since the horned heron was abandoned until he returned to Wangcheng, that is, the "growth against the sky", what exactly did he experience?Nobody knew, and he never mentioned it to anyone.

Horn Heron was born in the 450th year of the Huoyao calendar, and he is 63 years old this year. He is not too old for a nobleman, but he cast a spell with his soul in the "Battle of the Royal City". It caused great damage, and therefore appeared older than his peers.

After the chief judge asked for his opinion, the horned heron leaned on crutches and stood up tremblingly. He was just like in the legend, with a protruding nose and pointed mouth, high and raised foreheads on both sides, like two horns on his head, sunken eye sockets, swollen and sunken The bags under his eyes were like two vesicles, and the wrinkles on his skin were deeper than the scratches made by a knife, as if they could hold a fistful of loess.

The horned heron came to Kino's trial seat with a crutch, looked around at everyone, and spoke in an old-fashioned way, even the way he spoke was very old-fashioned: "I heard that this young man is very good at hunting and killing aliens, especially good at repelling aliens." Using the tools of the blasphemer. The weapon called 'gun' developed by Starsburg was based on the spoils he handed in. Lord Lanxian, is that so?"

Lan Xian on the stage nodded without denying it.

"I don't comment on the young man himself, I just want to say one thing—" Horned Heron tapped the ground with his cane, and there seemed to be sharp sharpness in his cloudy eyes, "The aliens are blasphemers, and the weapons they use It is also a blasphemy, don't you think that this act itself is blasphemy when you accept their weapons for research?"

Before the others had time to speak, Andre had already stood up. He first saluted the Horned Heron as a junior, and then said righteously: "Master Horned Heron, I don't agree with you. Blasphemy What is the crime of the weapon itself? It’s like a criminal killing someone with a knife, so do you think it’s the criminal or the knife in his hand that is guilty?”

Horn Heron asked slowly: "Then, what's your opinion, Your Highness the Prince?"

Andre looked around the crowd, his voice was full of air: "In my opinion, whether it is weapons or technology, these things themselves are innocent. So what if they come from outside the sky? As long as there is a place for us to learn, we should Be humble and enterprising, analyze and use them, and not understand them one-sidedly as 'blasphemy'."

"Hahaha, Your Majesty the King, we are really gratified that His Majesty the Prince has such an innovative and enterprising spirit." After the Horned Heron finished laughing, his expression became gloomy and his voice was stern, "But these remarks are really superficial and naive. My humble opinion!"

Being scolded on this occasion, Andre's face was a little ugly. Before he could refute, the irritable Bolton slapped the table angrily, and stood up abruptly: "How dare you scold my second brother?!"

"Bolton." Perseus interrupted with a cold face, "Sit down."

In front of his father, even though Bolton was angry, he still managed to control his temper. He sat down angrily, but his expression was not to mention how ugly it was.

Andre stabilized his mind, and said in a deep voice: "Master Horn, I don't understand why you accused me. In my opinion, if we can use the technology of aliens to improve people's livelihood and strengthen our army , the national strength of Dogland will be prosperous day by day, is there anything bad about this?"

The horned heron raised its head and looked at Andre with the eyes of a junior: "There are two prerequisites for what you said. First, the technology of the extraterrestrial visitors is better than our "rune" and "alchemy" .Second, we can thoroughly master the technology of visitors from outer space. "

"About the first point, "Rune Carving" is based on soul art, and our soul art comes from a ray of the soul of the "Sun King", and "Alchemy" is one of the nine gods, the "Sage of the Beginning" crystallization of wisdom. "

"You leave these two technologies unused, but you want to change hands to study the technology of aliens. Do you mean that the wisdom of blasphemers is above our gods?"

These words frightened Andre very much. If he admitted this kind of thing, it would be a complete blasphemy, and he would not be able to wash it away. He would be scolded to death both inside and outside the kingdom.

Although everyone knows that in the "Eclipse War" 2700 years ago, aliens killed the Sun King, and the blasphemer is stronger than the god.

But human nature is like this. What everyone knows well does not mean that they can be said publicly.

You can think that blasphemers are above the gods, and even most people have this perception, but you can only acquiesce in your heart, saying that it is a heinous crime.

Why?There is no reason, the social rules are like this.

Before Andre had time to organize his words, Heron continued to expand his point of view: "About the second point, can we fully master the technology of extraterrestrial visitors? Even if we try our best? I was invited to the Fort of Stars not long ago , have been in contact with the weapons of aliens, their driving force is completely different from our core technology, it is a strange system."

"Runes and alchemy, our scholars have been studying them for hundreds of thousands of years, generation after generation, but we still haven't fully grasped their mysteries. Now we want to reduce the attention of scholars, and spend all our efforts to study completely unfamiliar technical systems. Do this Whether it is to enhance national power or to seek disaster, His Royal Highness, please think carefully."

Kino stared at the aged and vicissitudes of the great magister, with a penetrating coldness hidden in his eyes——

This person is full of sophistry between the lines, it seems that he is full of disdain for the technology of the reincarnation, but the disdain hides fear.

In the kingdom of Dogrand, alchemy and runes complement each other and are inseparable. The former needs the latter, and the latter achieves the former.

For example, the rune Barrett re-carved by the alchemist, if there is no infusion of the soul master to carve the rune on it, the gun will be useless anyway.

If we compare alchemy to the "technology" of the previous life, then the runes carved by soul art are "energy".

Without oil, tanks are scrap metal.

Without energy, technology has no value.

Similarly, without soul art, no matter how strong alchemy is, it is vain.

This also means that no matter how the kingdom develops, as long as alchemy is still the mainstream technology in Dogoland, the soul art of the Eric family will never be replaced, and they will have the absolute right to speak, and they can enjoy everything.

However, once the extraterrestrial technology is widely accepted, the technology system of Dogrand may undergo earth-shaking changes, just like machinery is to manpower, and electricity is to steam.

At that time, it's really hard to say whether the Eric family will still have the status it has now.

Horned Heron seems to be attacking the "blasphemy" and "strangeness" of reincarnation technology, but in fact it is trying its best to exclude others and ensure the monopoly of soul art in terms of technological driving force.

As a rejecter, Kino couldn't give up reincarnation technology, and it would be a matter of time before they were accepted by the kingdom.

Therefore, there is no need to look at this horned heron, including the Eric family behind him, no matter what their attitude towards this trial is, even if they try their best to protect him and speak for him, these are enemies.

Moreover, they are mortal enemies with fundamental conflicts of interest and almost impossible to reconcile.

as for another person
Kino's pupils shifted sideways, and he looked at Andre who was arguing——

Whether in the Heiguan Dungeon or the current Kingdom Plenary Meeting, this person speaks righteously and speaks righteously, like the decency engraved in the template, which fully fits the name of "Prince of Compassion".

But is this man really what he looks like?
Is he really kind-hearted and full of righteousness for the country and the people?

Or do you only use "kindness" as a means to achieve your own goals?
What is the purpose of his advocacy of accepting reincarnation technology?
For yourself?

For the royal family?
For the working people?
Or for certain people?

Kino didn't appreciate it in Heiguan at that time, because these questions hadn't been answered yet.

If it is a hypocrite, it is undoubtedly the enemy.

If it is a real "Prince of Compassion", it is necessary to develop as an ally.

This person should wait and observe first, and not jump to conclusions.

Andre and the horned heron had been fighting for a long time, and they couldn't get any better. In the end, they could only look at Denisa helplessly, trying to find foreign aid: "Master Denisa, what do you think about this?"

Denisa nodded her head, raised her head as if waking up from a dream, her face was confused: "Ah? Is there anything else I need to do?"

Andre said respectfully: "You are the chief imperial bodyguard and the current "King's Blade", your opinion is very important. "

Denisa dozed off secretly just now, and didn't know what they were arguing about. Now that she was brought out to express her opinion, she immediately put on a perfunctory face: "Ah, I, I, I, what do I know, I don't know anything, what do you say? I don’t understand anything about it. Baba Baba Baba, don’t disturb my sleep. Cough! Don’t disturb my standing guard, you can decide for yourself.”

After she finished speaking, she pulled the brim of her hat and stood up again breathing evenly.

Kino looked at Denisa——

An extremely lazy pillow man, his daily life is sleeping, drinking, and flattering Lorna, and he never cares about national affairs.

Such people tend to value personal relationships rather than righteousness.

She is the 7th Sequence "Red Wheel", the strongest in Doguland, it is necessary to get along well with her and get closer to her personal relationship.

But you can't rely on her in business, absolutely unreliable.

Kino withdrew his gaze and looked at the stage, the corners of his lips slowly raised.

The analysis of the relationship between the enemy and the friend is roughly completed.

The situation is clear.

(End of this chapter)

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