honor me as god

Chapter 356

Chapter 356
Interrogation Room No. [-], where Paladin is being interrogated.

Paladin himself is a smart person with a clever mind. After becoming the caravan manager of the government residence, he spends all day in business and banquets. He has seen all kinds of ghosts and monsters.

If his wife and children hadn't been arrested together, he wouldn't have frowned in this interrogation scene.

During the interrogation process, he was also as smart as ever, and he had already seen through all kinds of psychological tricks.

For example, the presiding judge asked a few questions just now-whether he is in awe of the civil affairs officer Chino, and when did he have a drastic change in personality?
Paladin knew very well that the presiding judge had already grasped the answers to these questions, and the reason why he still asked was a typical example of "advancement between fiction and reality".

Attack with reality first, and ask you with questions that you know the answer to.

If you were silent, or deliberately gave wrong answers, they would call it out and put a warning on the paper, giving you an "I know it all, don't mess with me" image and making you flustered.

When your psychological defense is almost attacked, they will calmly "turn from the real to the virtual", shift the direction of the interrogation to those questions they don't know the answer to, and get the answer out of your mouth.

The chief interrogator in the No. [-] interrogation room obviously has very rich interrogation experience. Not only the virtual and the real go hand in hand, but also the real and the false. Asked multiple times at different times before and after, looking for inconsistencies in the previous and previous statements.

If it was replaced by other inexperienced suspects, it would not take long for him to become confused and unable to hold back.

But Paladin knew this well and was extremely tactful. He had already figured out in his heart which questions he could answer truthfully and which questions he would not answer to death.

For example, the incident of Chino’s dramatic personality change seems to be a secret, but when you actually think about it, there are many people who know about it. If you compare the archives and records, or ask the original residents of Xilin Town, you will find the clue. .

Therefore, this kind of thing does not need to be kept secret. As soon as you are asked, you should do it, or you can pretend to be struggling, make a tangled expression, go back and forth with the other party, and then confess.

And some things, such as the truth about the banquet bombing last year, can't be recruited even if killed.

This kind of top-secret information, the chief judge lacks access to information, most likely because there is no truth to it, just wait for you to confess, but if you confess, Chino will be finished immediately.

Paladin is so obsessed with Chino, the first is that he really has a feeling of gratitude in it, thanking Chino for bringing him out of Xilin Town, soaring to the top and becoming a master.

The second is that Paladin knows better than anyone else that there is still a way to survive if you don’t recruit, and you will die if you recruit.

Once he made a confession, and Kino was brought down because of this, can his confidant end well?Throughout the ages, which big man has fallen, and his confidants can escape liquidation?Maybe it will involve his wife and daughter.

The presiding judge said that he would lobby for a commutation or pardon, but how true are other people's words?If you bet on outsiders, isn't that the world's most idiot?
And if he made a confession, Kino was not overthrown, and miraculously survived the disaster, then needless to say, the whole family will just wait for the world to evaporate.

So confession is tantamount to death.

If you don't confess, it's a gamble, a gamble on Chino's survival.

If Chino still falls, then the bet is lost, and I am willing to accept the bet.

If Kino didn't fall, if he survived this catastrophe, and he didn't confess all the way, Kino would definitely keep this matter in his heart, and it would come in handy someday, and his family would be extremely safe.

Therefore, in the current situation, Paladin actually has no choice but to gamble. His determination is up to him, and he has nothing to worry about.

If there is anything Paladin fears most, there is only one thing
Just as Paladin and the presiding judge in front of him were wrestling with each other and arguing back and forth, the door suddenly opened.

A soldier came in, leaned over and whispered something in the ear of the presiding judge.

The chief judge gave a short chuckle, as if he had a chance to win, he said sarcastically, "Tell this caravan steward."

The soldier looked at Paladin and said with a blank expression: "Military Commander Baisa Hugel of Twilight City has already confessed. The mastermind of the bombing of the Twilight City banquet in the "Grace Festival" last year was the administrator Chino van Helsing. His true identity is an alien from space, and all the evidence has been recorded by the judge and sorted out and handed over. "

Paladin just felt like a thousand tons of gunpowder exploded in his mind, and what he was most worried about still happened.
In the entire Twilight City, the only ones who speculated about Kino's secret were him and Baiza.

As long as the two of them refuse to speak, the royal family will not have substantial evidence—unless Kino is forced to confess, but the probability of this is probably even smaller than the resurrection of the Sun King.

Paladin has made up his mind not to confess, but he is afraid of being here
Paladin knew Baiza too well, he was upright and passionate, his eyes could not tolerate sand, and he was impulsive. Baiza once expressed his hostility towards Kino in private, but he persuaded him to come down later.

But whether he was really persuaded to change his mind, Paladin really couldn't tell.

Perhaps Baisa realized his problem and began to learn to be tactful and wise.

Or maybe, Baiza just temporarily hid his hostility, and only waited for the day when Kino lost power, like now, and then used the information he knew to deliver a fatal blow to Kino.

An unspeakable sense of powerlessness welled up in his heart, as smart as Paladin, he didn't know what to do at this moment.

However, just when Paladin fell into despair, another thought suddenly arose—could it be a scheming? !
Maybe Baisa didn't move at all, the two people in front of them deliberately sang double reeds in order to attack their hearts, pretending that Baisa did it?
Paladin gritted his teeth, thoughts surged in his mind
must calm down
If it is a scheming, these two people should show their flaws - if Baisa did not recruit, they want to recruit here, and they will definitely not leave directly later, but will pretend to give him a chance to open it again trial.

Palatine looked gloomy and said nothing.

wait for their opening
However, the situation seemed to exceed Paladin's expectations. The chief judge and the soldiers began to sort out the materials on the table, and had no intention of continuing the interrogation, as if he was no longer needed:
"Let's go, we're done, and the rest will be handed over to the arbitration team. Let's find a place to have a drink."

"The place is up to you."

"Okay, let's go to the old place. Hey, how did you get people out of the trial? My mouth is very hard."

"I'll talk about this after drinking."

"Okay, drink and talk."

Seeing that the two were talking and laughing easily, the pressure in Paladin's heart increased sharply.

In order to judge whether Baisa really confessed, Paladin had to take a risky move.

Paladin: "You two, I have something to say!"

The presiding judge glanced at Paladin and said with a sneer: "It's too late, your good brother has confessed in advance, and the information you said is useless. You said it's a pity? If you confessed earlier, I could get you a commutation or an amnesty." , and the result? You are so stubborn to the end, what will happen to you?"

The soldier helped the chief judge get the documents, and led him out: "This is already a dead man, let him rot and stink here."

Paladin was in a cold sweat for a moment, the two of them had no intention of interrogating him at all, and they were not even interested in the information he said
Is Baisa real? !
(End of this chapter)

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