honor me as god

Chapter 355 Inner Choice

Chapter 355 Inner Choice
The presiding judge's words lingered in his ears, like the tempting breath of a poisonous snake, constantly impacting Baiza's psychological defense.

Baisa lowered his head, muscles on his face twitched, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, his eyes wandered, and he seemed to be in an intense psychological struggle.

Judge: "No matter what you think in your heart, at least I can't bear to see a righteous man die tragically. Therefore, I voluntarily applied to come here to help you—whatever I ask, you answer truthfully. As long as you show good attitude, cooperate with the investigation, and I will specifically indicate your assistance in the document."

"In this way, even if you are found guilty in the future, you can get a substantial reduction of your sentence because of your contribution to assisting the investigation. If someone lobbies to the higher-ups, it is not impossible to pardon you directly—I I will do my best to fight for this for you, provided you cooperate with me."

For Baixa, this may be the most difficult moment in his life.

In the past days, he also faced many difficult choices.

For example, at the age of 16 when he was just an adult, he was called to join the army at the conscription office. He once won the best score among recruits with his amazing archery skills, and even broke the target shooting record of the local army. Garrison Legion" opportunity.

The Cardinal Garrison Legion, this is a city defense force directly under the royal family. Its status is higher than that of all legions including the Guards Legion. It is usually responsible for guarding the outer wall of the royal city and the inner "giant wall of the royal city". The scope is limited to the royal city, and the schedule of various tasks is very regular.

Unless there are earth-shaking events such as "coup d'etat" or "the whole country falls, the enemy army is approaching the royal city", the Cardinal Garrison Legion will stay firmly in the royal city, and there will be no task of fighting against the enemy at all, which is very easy.

It can be said that the Cardinal Garrison Legion is the dream of most soldiers in the kingdom. How many people practice martial arts hard and squeeze their heads, just to serve in this legion, and even to be the lowest-level soldier is a dream.

Some people even say that it is better to be a cardinal's soldier than a local general—it is better to be an unknown soldier of the cardinal garrison than a general with power in the local legion.

For the budding sharpshooter, the Cardinal Garrison Corps naturally offered an olive branch, but facing this opportunity, Baiza chose to give up, and he gave up without hesitation.

Not only did he give up the opportunity to enter the Cardinal Garrison Corps, but he also took the initiative to write on the wish form that he hoped to serve in the border guards.

In the end, as we can see now, a top marksman was assigned to Xilin Town, which is the closest to the desert.


What reason?Soldiers, the stronger the martial arts, the greater the responsibility. Since they have the arrow skills of hundreds of steps, they should be at the forefront of defending the enemy. How can they be in a peaceful place?
In this way, in the first major decision in his life, Baiza handed in a firm answer.

Regret and regret, young and energetic, I don't know how deep the water is in this army, I don't want to go to a good place, but I want to go to the poorest and most miserable border to suffer.

The key point is that the frontier guards are not what they imagined. They fight with the enemy all day long, full of pride, and they are just a place where they eat and wait to die.

Especially the poor place in Xilin Town, although it is close to the desert, in the eyes of the horse bandits, the barren Xilin Town is not worth looting at all, they just regard it as a testing ground for adult tribal boys.

The daily life of the border guards is also very simple, most of the time is eating, drinking, sleeping and gambling. When the trial team of the horse bandits came, the soldiers hid behind the earthen wall. You can.

The chief of the border guards even gave an order not to shoot, but to miss, because injuring the horse bandits may lead to retaliation, and it is best to be peaceful like now.

Therefore, the frontier defense in Xilin Town often staged funny scenes-the horse bandits came, and the frontier guards fired crazily at the air, but anyone who shot an arrow too close to scare the horse bandits' horses would He was scolded by the chief.

Seeing that the frontier guards are so embarrassing, hey, they are good brothers, and they also shot their arrows away one after another, telling those adult boys who are undergoing trials to only shoot at poles and not at people. Throwing some desert specialties in against the city wall is compensation.

This is the peaceful daily life of border guards and horse bandits.

The anti-smuggling in Xilin Town is the same, it is extremely harmonious, the caravan has already greeted the civil affairs officer, first give the gift money, and then make an agreement in advance, which car will be randomly checked, which bag of goods will be randomly checked, go through the motions, sign, and let them go .

got caught?I'm sorry, it should be that you didn't give enough gift money, or you offended someone.

Don't the border guards know about these things in the shadows?Of course they know, they have eyes, ears and brains, and they are not stupid.

But this kind of place is like a whirlpool, no matter how upright you are, it will suck you in and drag you down.

At the beginning, the feeling of depravity may not be obvious, but if you don’t advance, you will retreat. If you accumulate less, you will gradually be sucked to the bottom by that vortex, completely assimilated, and it will be difficult to escape.

Therefore, during the period of serving in Xilin Town, Baiza had no hope.

At the beginning, he was full of enthusiasm, vowing to kill the enemy to serve the kingdom and guard the country for the royal family.

The horse bandit came, and he killed the horse bandit with an arrow, and the horse bandit was thrown off his back.

When the horse bandit Dadan heard about this, he was furious and asked his teacher to question him. Later, Xilin Town secretly paid a lot of monthly coins, and then the matter was settled.

Baisa himself was severely punished for this incident, and his skin was torn apart by the whip. When he was recuperating on the bed, when his comrades in the border guards passed by, no one would give him a thumbs up and praise him. They all laughed at him as a newcomer. Sensible - so what if you are a sharpshooter?So what if he was once favored by the Cardinal Garrison Legion?Xilin Town is a world of smart people, and what they fight for is their brains, not their martial arts.

In this way, cracks appeared in Baiza's persistence, and gradually expanded in the following days. The first time he stood on guard and took a nap, the first time he drank in the military camp, the first time he gambled with his comrades, the first time he broke the precepts, and finally slowed down. The edges and corners were slowly smoothed, lost momentum in the depraved environment, and began to hang out with everyone.

Thinking about it now, I really regret it, why did I go to such a ghostly place as Xilin Town?If he had directly joined the Cardinal Guards at that time, not to mention his success, now he is definitely a handsome man, with a chic life, and good girls line up to date him.

But if you say you don't regret it, you really don't regret it.

If you didn't go to Xilin Town, how could you get to know Paladin?
A daughter is easy to get, but a confidant is hard to find, and a strong brotherhood cannot be exchanged for many monthly coins.

After leaving Xilin Town under the guidance of Chino, Baiza also faced many choices, such as last year's banquet bombing, when the provincial investigation team came to Twilight City, he was faced with a very important decision-whether to disclose the inside information he knew Inform the investigative team.

Sue, the officer who betrayed the kindness of the support.

Don't sue, betray yourself with justice in your heart.

In the end, he chose to inform and sent a letter to Resakhar with an arrow.

Perhaps in his heart, justice has always been more important than kindness.

Just like the choice he made when he joined the army, he also regretted this matter, whether he regretted it or not.

He regretted provoking the devil. Although he escaped with the help of his brother, he was afraid of it for several months and had nightmares every night.

What I don't regret is that I have no shame in my heart.

Even if you think about it, you will be afraid, but you will never regret it.

Later, it was at the shooting range that Kino was identified as an extraterrestrial visitor by virtue of the traces of the bullets. Baiza's first reaction at that time was to report to the higher authorities, but he was persuaded by Paladin's obstruction.

Brother is right, justice represents blood, but you must not be carried away by blood, otherwise you will be just a fool with blood.

Therefore, Baiza endured it, and during this period of time, he and Kino lived in peace, and he tried his best to forget these things, and tried to live a carefree life.

But now, maybe it is destined to be doomed, the question that has troubled him for a long time, has been put in front of him after a thousand twists and turns-whether or not to report on Kino.

Baiza's mind is very confused now, and his defenses have been shattered by the previous interrogation, but he is still very clear about one thing - the royal family does not have a grasp of the specific situation.

Even if the royal family knew part of Chino's past, and even knew that his personality had changed dramatically, they probably haven't found any substantive evidence to prove that he is an alien, otherwise there is no need to interrogate him here.

And based on the two pieces of information I have in my hands—the truth about the banquet bombing in Twilight City, the ultimate proficiency of firearms, and then inferring Kino’s identity as an extraterrestrial visitor—as long as I report these to the chief judge, it is equivalent to turning into a The deadly blade can directly pierce Kino's heart and pronounce his death sentence.

Baiza has gratitude and resentment towards Chino, which one is more and which one is less?Not sure, maybe even.

If Chino is executed, Baixa will feel sad, sad, blame himself...but never remorse.

But after Kino was executed, what would happen to him?
The presiding judge said that he would "strive for a commutation of sentence or a special case" for him.

What is "fighting"?
Striving is trying, but not guaranteed.

If the chief judge had a conscience and really pleaded or lobbied for him, no matter whether he succeeded or not, at least he did it, then he would not say anything.

Life and death are destiny, wealth is in heaven.

However, what the chief interrogator said is entirely possible that it is just an interrogation technique—to tempt you to tell the truth, and when you tell all the information and lose its use value, you will be thrown aside like garbage and let you cry Howling and cursing, he himself went to receive the reward with great merit in the interrogation.

What was the chief judge thinking?Baisa really doesn't know.
According to the worst plan, it is to cook the rabbit to death.

Then, the thing to consider now is actually one thing—whether he can accept being abandoned after reporting on Kino.

The presiding judge didn't know if he had noticed something, so he sat a little forward, his deep pupils were looming in the darkness, and his tone was very gentle: "Baisa, I know you are very conflicted in your heart now, and I won't force you to Trust me, I just want you to consider one thing—”

"Your answer is related to the peril of tens of thousands of people, and may even affect the future development of the kingdom. If you tell me the truth, the truth we are guessing now, I can come up with a solid piece of evidence chain, and nail that man to death."

"And you will save the lives of thousands of people and become the hero of this kingdom."

Baiza's eyes became more and more lax, and the pupils dilated under the impact of adrenaline, almost filling the entire iris.

After reporting, he loses his value and may be abandoned and crushed to death like ants.

but if it's for justice
If it is for the people and future of the kingdom.
Then! .
Baiza's clenched teeth began to loosen, and he slowly opened his mouth and said.
"Can't. Say." Without warning, the scene of Paladin's arrest reappeared before Baiza's eyes.

"Can't. Say." These three words were obviously spoken by Paladin with his eyes wide open, but at this moment it turned into a concrete auditory hallucination, lingering in Baiza's ears.

In addition to the voice, Baiza also saw Paladin's eyes in that scene, extremely frightened eyes.

That kind of panic was not caused by his being arrested, but from the uncertainty of the unknown, like a big ship about to hit an iceberg, he had no way to influence the trajectory of the big ship, he could only pray in horror, begging the captain Turn the rudder just in time before the doom.

Baiza saw it together, as well as Paladin's family.
The woman who loves Paladin deeply, the woman whom he affectionately calls "sister-in-law", often serves fried delicious side dishes when he and Paladin are drinking and singing, and sings with them.

There is also Paladin's young daughter, who is well-behaved, obedient, and competitive. Paladin earned money to send her to school. She is better than those noble children in all exams. Every time she returns home, she will jump at Paladin with joy , the sweet voice of a little girl calling him "Uncle" seems to be echoing in my ears
"Baiza! Remember, don't say, never say that Kino is an extraterrestrial visitor, remember what I told you before! If he falls, you and I will be implicated and liquidated! Don't say it!."

Baisa pursed his lips, and it seemed that his mouth was a little dry when he opened his mouth just now.

Silent, silent.

Seeing that Baisa was sullen and did not speak, and his eyes seemed not to be in a daze before, the presiding judge knew that this was his answer.

"Tap, tap, tap." The chief judge didn't say anything, neither turned into anger, nor made sarcastic remarks, but stretched out his fingers and tapped the table three times, hitting Baiza's heart with the only voice in the darkness, and immediately get up and leave.

"Squeak—" Just as the chief judge and deputy judge were about to leave the interrogation room, the door was opened ahead of time, and a person walked in slowly.

This incident is very strange. Logically speaking, if the interrogator has not left the interrogation room, it means that the interrogation is not over, and no one can break in. Even if they have to come in, they must report and notify in advance.

But now this backlit figure opened the door of the interrogation room without warning, walked in slowly, and an oppressive aura came over his face.

When the chief judge and deputy judge saw the visitor, they were taken aback for a moment, as if they were a little unexpected. Then, they nodded their chins and their expressions became humble.

Being in the dark for a long time, Baiza's eyes couldn't adapt for a while, and subconsciously raised his hand to block the light in front of him.

"Boom." The door was closed, and the room became dark again, only the candles on the table were still burning.

The figure sat at the table, leaned forward slowly, and his face emerged from the darkness, illuminated by the candlelight.

When he saw this face, Bai Sa suddenly froze, even his breathing was stagnant.
(End of this chapter)

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