honor me as god

Chapter 354 Efficient Interrogation

Chapter 354 Efficient Interrogation
"Baiza! Remember, don't say, never say that Kino is an extraterrestrial visitor, remember what I told you before! If he falls, you and I will be implicated and liquidated! Don't say it!."

Baisa was carrying shackles, and the guards in charge of escort stood on both sides, preparing to put him into the prison car. Before he was arrested, Paladin's anxious exhortations kept echoing in his ears, auditory hallucinations continued to sound, and cold sweat fell.

"He's the only one in the whole family?" A personal guard asked.

Another personal guard was browsing through the list, nodded and said: "Baisa Hujer, the military commander of Twilight City, previously served in the border guards of Xilin Township, his parents died when he was young, and he has no wife and no children. Only him."

"Very lucky." Qin Wei said something that seemed out of place, but it was actually very correct.

No father, no mother, no wife and no children, this kind of lonely life is something no one wants to experience.

But in front of the kingdom's unshakable net, this kind of loneliness has become extremely lucky.

Baiza was escorted into the prison car, his mind was still blank, he thought that he had experienced so many storms, and he should be able to think about countermeasures very calmly on this occasion.

But when the disaster really came, he found that he couldn't think about anything in his mind, only blank.

Just as the guards were about to close the cage door, Baiza suddenly saw Paladin's figure.

As the personal guard said, he was lucky, and Paladin was unlucky.

The arrests were consecutive, and all those involved with Chino were arrested, and at the same time, their family members were also arrested.

Paladin's parents are dead, but his wife and daughter are still there, and they have been taken to Twilight City by him long ago, and the whole family lives together.

At this time, the two mothers and daughters were all implicated and arrested indiscriminately by the Guards Corps.

Palatine's wife, in chains and chains, followed him weeping.

The 10-year-old girl was not threatening, and she was given the gift of being free from the shackles, but she was also frightened and cried because her parents were arrested, and she hugged Paladin's waist tightly and did not let go.

Baiza called out subconsciously: "Paladin"

Paladin was also at a loss at this time. When he heard the call, he suddenly turned his head to look at Baiza.

Paladin opened his eyes in horror, opened and closed his mouth, and didn't dare to make a sound, just mouthing something.

Baisa's mind was blank, and the guards quickly closed the cage door, so he didn't react for a while.

On the way to the royal city, Baiza suddenly came back to his senses, and finally realized that what Paladin said was
"can not say."

"Tap, tap, tap." The regular knocking of fingers on the table sounded, calling back Baiza who was distracted.

This is a quaint interrogation room, the layout is simple and clean, with tables and chairs on both sides, and there are no intimidating instruments of torture, but because there are no windows, it is only lit by weak candlelight, making the room very dim, with people looming, and at the same time It brought an unspeakable sense of oppression.

The chief judge's voice came from the shadows: "You were distracted just now, what were you thinking?"

Baiza muttered: "It's nothing. It's just a distraction."

The presiding judge: "Then let me repeat my question again—you and the Chino administrator. To be more precise, he was a civil affairs officer in Xilin Town at that time. How did you and the Chino civil affairs officer know each other?"

Baisa subconsciously swallowed his throat and did not avoid the question: "There is nothing special about it. I was called to join the army when I was 16 years old and became an adult. I joined the border guards in Xilin Township and was under the jurisdiction of the Chino Civil Affairs Officer. I met him at the enlistment ceremony. That's all."

Judge: "How did Officer Chino treat you?"

"Not bad." Baiza gave a very perfunctory answer.

Judge: "Do you fear him?"

Baiza: "Of course, he is my officer, and it is the principle of soldiers to respect the officer."

The conversation was suddenly interrupted here, and the room fell into silence. The figure in the darkness seemed to have disappeared, but if you look carefully, you will find that he is still sitting there, but the chair behind him is leaned against.

Soon, the chief judge's voice sounded again: "Record it, lie against the interrogation."

"Lying against the interrogation, it has been recorded." The voice of the deputy judge taking a pen to write the record sounded in Baiza's ear, and his heart suddenly became cold.

Judge: "According to the information I got, your border guards in Xilin Township don't fear Civil Affairs Officer Chino, because he comes from a down-and-out aristocrat and has a weak personality. Many border guards don't accept him relying on his family's strength to get in the position, so his daily work is very difficult. No cooperation. I guess you are not an exception?"

Baisa was flustered, and subconsciously retorted: "We did not cooperate very much before, but later he strictly enforced the law and clearly defined rewards and punishments, and our attitude has also changed accordingly. To him"

"So, that information is true." The chief judge interrupted Baiza, his voice was as steady as a well, "On a certain day, the character of Civil Affairs Officer Chino suddenly changed, as if he became another person? "

Baisa was tricked by someone, and fell into silence for a while, not knowing how to speak.

But in fact, silence itself is an affirmative answer.

Judge: "What day is it?"

Baisa was silent.

"Record it, keep silent against censorship." As the deputy judge took up his pen and wrote, the chief judge's voice came slowly, "Last year, on the 512th day of God's Blessing in the year 8 of the Huo Calendar, the smuggler Wick Milo Entering from Xilin Town, they were found to have hidden salt crystals in their bodies, and all members of the caravan were killed."

"On the 9th of God Bless the next day, in the early morning hours, the captain of the border guards of Xilin Township who had offended the Chino civil administrator the most, Steven Williams, disappeared, and there has been no news of it so far."

"On the morning of the same day, at the black market in Xilin Town, a black market merchant known as 'Old Tang' had his tongue pulled out due to transaction problems, and he was choked to death by his own blood."

"Boom." The document was thrown on the table, and the sound made Baisa tremble unconsciously, followed by the voice of the chief judge: "Since then, the character of the Civil Affairs Officer Chino has undergone drastic changes, and it has continued to this day. All of this, you who have experienced it can see it in your eyes.”

Baisa bit his lower lip hard, and asked back with a pale face: "You have already found out, why are you still asking me?"

Judge: "Because I want to help you. If Administrator Kino is identified as an alien, he will either be turned into a living specimen of an alchemist, or he will be executed for felony blasphemy, and his subordinates will hardly escape being implicated. You You thought you would be safe by keeping silent and saying nothing?"

Baiza pursed his lips tightly, and the strength of his clenched fist was so strong that his nails sank into the skin, bleeding continuously.

Judge: "Baisa, I learned from the soldiers and civilians of Twilight City that you are a soldier with a sense of justice, and I admire many of your deeds. A just soldier like you is really willing to replace a potential The blasphemer who kept the secret, was implicated to death by him?"

(End of this chapter)

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