honor me as god

Chapter 353 Talking about the Secret Room

Chapter 353 Talking about the Secret Room
"Boom!" Bolton slapped the table, and the solid wood tabletop was shattered into three parts.

This is a conference room located in the royal palace, surrounded by external guards, and there are no windows around it, so the security and confidentiality are greatly guaranteed. The two princes Bolton and Andre are meeting here.

Bolton asked Andre angrily: "Second brother, I really don't understand what you are thinking! Not only did you not keep the matter of Chino secret for me, but you even let the reporter write it in the "Daily Journal" , making it known throughout the kingdom! Things are already messed up, don’t you mean to cause trouble?!”

"Seventh brother, you really misunderstood me. How could I intentionally add trouble?" Andre sighed heavily, shaking his head and said, "Of course we should keep this matter from Kino, but the premise is that we can hide it. The situation is impossible to hide!"

"I have already learned from Governor Edward. At that time, the voice of that alien visitor spread throughout Dusk City, and everyone in the city knew it. Book. News spreads faster than a raging fire, so how do you hide it?"

Bolton said anxiously: "Then you can't let people post it on "Daily News"!"

Andre patted Bolton on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "I read a sentence in an ancient book in the Far East before—the mouth of the people is better than the mouth of the river—the meaning of this sentence is to prevent The harm caused by people’s speech is greater than the harm caused by blocking the river! Now that things have developed to the point where they cannot be blocked, they cannot be blocked or allowed to develop, and should be guided like digging canals to control water.”

"What I asked the newspaper staff to write in the "Daily Chronicle" is very moderate in conception and words. No matter how we deal with the Chino administrator in the future, the royal family will have a step down. If we don't preconceive it first and subtly influence the people's ideas in advance , if the situation develops in the opposite direction at that time, where will you let the father's face be placed?"

Bolton was not good at government affairs since he was a child, and he didn't like to think about these things. He waved his hands impatiently and turned his back: "You are amazing, you are right, what you say is what you say, okay Right?!"

"Hey, seventh brother! You see, you are also a general of the kingdom. After so many years of tempering in the frontier, you should be a very mature person. Why do you act like a child every time in front of me?" Andre showed the unique characteristics of the elder brother. With a mature demeanor, he used to take Bolton by his arm, let him sit on a chair, and patiently persuaded him, "This matter about Kino is not just his personal problem, it is a major event related to the direction of the kingdom, you and my brother should be of one mind Cooperation is what it is.”

Bolton said in a low voice, "Brother, I've had this temper since I was a child, and it's not like you don't know about it."

"Boom." At this moment, the door was kicked open suddenly, Lorna walked in, and slammed the door behind her backhand. Judging from the force of kicking and slamming, she was probably sulking.

"Lorna, how is Solan?!" Bolton and Andre said in unison, their tone quite concerned.

Lorna gave Bolton a blank look, and deliberately said in a loud voice, "What can I do? I was so angry that you got a high fever and fell ill on the bed!"

Bolton turned pale in shock, and stared, "I'm warning you! Don't spout blood! Why is it all on me?"

"Boom!" Lorna kicked the innocent chair, "Who do you blame? If you didn't involuntarily say that you caught Kino, Solan would be so anxious that he fell ill?"

Bolton was already wronged to the core, and wanted to cry: "Do you think I think so? The situation at that time was beyond my control. There were so many soldiers present, and the Consul of Lesakhar and Governor Edward were also present. In front of so many people, blatantly declaring Kino's identity, is it possible that I want to cover it up in public? Do you think this is playing tricks?"

"Boom!" Lorna kicked the innocent table again: "Are you stupid?! You believe what the aliens say? That's a blasphemer! He's our sworn enemy! You dare to believe what the sworn enemy says ??? If the aliens say that you are their kind, shouldn’t we also arrest you in the street? Do you have any brains?!”

Bolton has trained in the military for many years. Although he is often self-willed in front of his elder brother, he is no longer the reckless man who would fight Lorna over stupid questions like "who loves Solan more", and his heart has matured a lot. , he took a deep breath, put the fire back, shook his hands and said, "I won't quarrel with you, you can say whatever you like, I just have no brains, are you satisfied?"

Andre came out to smooth things over: "Lorna, we all know that there must be something wrong with this matter, and we didn't say what to do with Chino. Now it's just in prison pending trial and waiting for investigation. If he was slandered Yes, we must return his innocence."

"Boom!" Lorna kicked the innocent wall again: "It's easy to say! Good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. Once your reputation is tarnished, is it so easy to return your innocence?"

As Lorna spoke, she suddenly began to turn into a hermaphrodite: "The annual salary of an administrator is only a small amount, and the headline of "Daily Chronicle" costs a lot of money, and Kino can't afford it alone. Hey, Unlike some princes and princes, who are wealthy, well-clothed and well-fed, and can help their father manage money with the ministers, they are too rich, so rich, is this a nobleman? It's really funny~"

Andre pressed his hands together, and smiled helplessly: "I'll pay, okay? If Chino is innocent, I'll wrap up the front page of the "Daily Chronicle" for the next month, overprint it and send it to the kingdom Everywhere, it is guaranteed that everyone knows, is this the head office?"

Lorna snorted and didn't speak, which was her default.

"But—" Andre's eyes suddenly became deep, and his voice sank, "The premise is that Chino is indeed innocent."

Bolton's expression also became gloomy: "Second brother, do you really think that Chino might be an alien?"

Andre shook his head: "I don't want to guess wildly, and it's not my turn to make a decision. In a few days, the "Plenary Meeting of the Kingdom" will be held, and the father will preside over the hearing. At that time, officials from all parties will express their opinions. It's time for results. "

Lorna wanted to kick things, but found that everything in the room was broken by her kicks. There was nothing to kick, so she could only stomp her feet and said dissatisfiedly: "If you want me to say, this plenary meeting is simply ridiculous! Let a group of high-level people live in the royal city , People who didn’t see the scene with their own eyes at all, to judge the fate of the parties, isn’t it funny?”

Bolton reminded: "Your father is also a member of the hearing team."

Lorna became even angrier after hearing this: "What's the matter? I'm the one who scolded him!"

Andre didn't want to get entangled in Lorna's family relationship, so he interrupted: "Don't talk about it. Whether Chino can survive this catastrophe depends on whether he can get the support of various congressmen and whether he can persuade the hearing Regiment, prompting the father to make a positive judgment."

"Before the plenary meeting starts, there is one more important thing, and that is the confession of the staff of the Executive Mansion. If the confession is unharmed, that is of course the best."

"But if one of Kino's subordinates confesses something against him, it's really hard to say."

(End of this chapter)

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