honor me as god

Chapter 357 Companion Confession

Chapter 357 Companion Confession
Interrogation Room Three.

The chief judge here can be said to have encountered the most difficult opponent since taking office.

I saw Lu Ge lying on the chair like a salted fish, shaking his legs and yawning boredly.

If it weren't for the shackles on his hands and feet, the chief judge would have no doubt that Lu Ge would have put on a more lazy look. This guy didn't seem to realize that he was now a prisoner awaiting trial and his life was hanging by a thread.

Judge: "You don't seem to understand your situation."

Lugo: "Oh? What didn't I understand?"

Chief judge: "Now I'm interrogating, you have no right to ask questions."

Lugo: "Then keep asking, didn't I answer all the questions you asked just now?"

Judge: "What I want is the real answer."

Lugo: "What I give you is the real answer."

Judge: "You lied."

Lugo: "I lied?"

Judge: "Let me ask you again, why did you kill the local smuggler Varta after the banquet bombing in Twilight City last year?"

Lu Ge: "As I said, at that time, the administrator was planning to rectify the atmosphere in Twilight City. Varta was a local snake, and his subordinates often bullied men and women, and did all kinds of evil. The administrative mansion decided to take him first."

The chief judge: "We can completely take the normal way to rectify the atmosphere - inspecting black accounts, sealing up black property, arresting and interrogating relevant members, detaining those who should be detained, and executing those who should be executed. Is it necessary to entrust you, a mercenary, to kill people?"

Lugo: "When did I say he sent me to kill?"

Judge: "Then what do you mean?"

Lu Ge: "As I said before, the magistrate wants to rectify the atmosphere, so he asked me to deal with Varta's forces-just told me to 'deal with', and didn't order anything else. And I think it is wrong to kill people directly. The easiest way to deal with it is to kill Varta~ There is no way, ordinary people, without such a good brain as you, our mercenary methods have always been simple and rude."

The chief judge: "Are you taking responsibility for yourself? I must remind you that if you cooperate with our investigation, you have a good chance of getting a commutation of sentence or amnesty. If you resist the interrogation, fabricate some false things, and try to take responsibility for the Chino administrator. Responsibility, not only is it not loyal, it will even harm him and yourself.”

Lugo: "I said, what do you ask, what do I answer, there is nothing you can do if you don't believe me."

The presiding judge was silent for a long time, obviously unable to deal with this kind of mercenary old fritters for a while, he said in a deep voice: "Let's change the subject. What do you know about the truth about the banquet bombing in Twilight City? Visitors?"

Lu Ge: "Hasn't there been an investigation team before this matter? The "judge" of the capital province of Fengyun Pass, Mr. Barty Dogorand, has also come to a conclusion. You can just ask him. "

Judge: "I'm asking you now."

Lugo: "My opinion is the same as Barty's."

Judge: "Lies."

Lugo: "You say I'm lying?"

Judge: "I said you lied."

Lugo: "I said that my opinion is the same as Lord Batty's. You say I'm lying, which means you don't agree with Lord Batty's ruling, which means that he covered up the magistrate at that time, and you are also implying that the entire investigation The regiment is suspected of covering up.

"In this case, you should arrest the following people immediately——Provincial "Judge" Batty Dogorand, Provincial "Consul" Resakhal Drin Regnom, Provincial " President of the Alchemy Association" Jashan Hedge. "

"There is also a provincial "Military Assistant" Irene Troy who has passed away. Of course, the dead don't need to be arrested. If you think there is something wrong, why don't you go and arrest the "Governor" Edward Troy who is of the same clan as her? "

The presiding judge scolded in a cold voice: "Stop your sophistry! We have already obtained a lot of evidence, which can prove that Administrator Chino is involved in the banquet bombing, and his identity is determined to be an extraterrestrial visitor. No matter how you deny it, we can give him Conviction is nothing more than a matter of time."

Lugo: "You said he was an alien?"

Judge: "Yes."

Lugo: "I said that I am also an alien."

Rao is the presiding judge with extremely tough mentality. At this time, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat, and asked urgently: "What's going on? Tell me clearly!"

Lu Ge shook his legs, scratched his OO, and asked lazily: "Do you believe what I say?"

Seeing Lu Ge's doggy appearance, the presiding judge quickly realized that this guy was talking again, and he said coldly, "I don't believe it."

Lu Ge laughed angrily, spat on the side, and cursed: "Grandma! I said he is not an alien, but you said he is! I said I am an alien, but you said I am not! Then What are you going to do??? Co-authoring, you are going to do the opposite of me, right??? That’s all right, he’s a visitor from outside the sky, okay? You write the other way around!”

The interrogators are all people with high psychological qualities, but when they meet an old fritter like Lu Ge, the chief interrogator can't help breathing heavily, with a gloomy and sullen expression, and it's the first time in his life that he wants to beat someone so much.

"Squeak—" At this moment, the door opened, and a soldier walked in, whispering something in the ear of the presiding judge.

Judge: "Speak louder, I can't hear you!"

The soldier raised his voice slightly and whispered it in his ear again.

Judge: "Can't hear you!"

The soldier straightened his back, and his voice was like a bell: "Military Commander Baisa Hujel of Twilight City, and Paladin Jones, the "Caravan Steward" of the government residence of Twilight City, have confessed!Last year, the mastermind of the bombing at the Grace Festival banquet was identified as the administrator Kino Van Helsing, whose real identity was an alien from space.All evidence has been recorded by the judge and sorted out and handed over. "

The candlelight fluttered, and the orange light fell on Lu Ge's expressionless face, fluctuating.

The chief judge lit the remaining candles to completely illuminate the dark interrogation room, which also heralded the end of the interrogation. He looked at Lugo like he was looking at a clown: "The Big Three in Xilin Town, huh? Look at you, Lugo, What did you get in exchange for your loyalty? You desperately took responsibility for your superiors, thinking that the two good brothers would do the same, but in fact, some people confessed, and your insistence was meaningless from the very beginning."

Lu Ge was silent, only the sound of flickering candles in the room.

The chief judge sorted out his interrogation documents and turned to leave.

Before closing the door of the interrogation room, the chief judge looked back at Lu Ge for the last time, and said casually: "If you know that you regret it now, I can still give you a chance. As long as you have a correct attitude, you may be able to avoid death and only suffer the crime of living." —I mean maybe."

Lugo sat on a chair like a statue, the light of the candle flame kept shaking on its face, and the shadows twisted and spread, flickering like a living thing.

"No comment," Lugo said.

The chief judge ignored him, just like facing garbage that was about to rot, and closed the door directly, only a sneer came through the crack of the door: "It's sad."

(End of this chapter)

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