honor me as god

Chapter 349 regain the old business

Chapter 349 regain the old business
The reason why fate is mysterious is because of its unknowability. You never know what will happen in the next second. It may be a tragedy or a surprise, and you can always look forward to it.

If a person can know his own destiny in advance, he will undoubtedly fall into a curse. He will no longer have a sense of goal and expectation in life, and he will completely become a slave to fate, unable to get rid of it, powerless, and become the loneliest existence in the world.

In telepathy, the demon without empathy said: "I can't understand loneliness."

The Ripper who once made the city tremble responded: "Then you are very lucky, and it is best to be lucky forever."

The existence that terrified the underground world the most in their respective eras has already decided the winner, and the drama is approaching its final scene.
Chino: "Can you do me a favor?"

Jack: "You say."

Chino: "Can I ask you to die?"

Jack: "Afraid that I will return to the reincarnation space alive and bring back the latest information of the arrogant world?"

Chino: "It's not that I'm afraid, it's that I don't want to see it."

Jack: "You don't need to worry at all, I have no way to go back alive."

Chino: "Why?"

Jack: "After 24 hours, 15 minutes and 44 seconds, the countdown to my task will reset to zero, which means the task has failed."

Chino: "Failure does not mean death."

Jack fell into a brief silence when he heard the sound, the red light in the eyes of the machine was faintly visible, and the voice in the telepathy also brought a smirk: "You know this, which means that you have witnessed the return of a reincarnation. Let me guess, the team of 11 There are survivors here, and that survivor is yours, right?"

"You haven't answered my question yet." Kino didn't answer the question directly, but it doesn't really matter whether he answered it or not.

Jack: "After the task fails, I will be punished. I don't have enough reward points to spare, and most of the reinforcement parts are in a damaged state, which cannot be used as a penalty deduction—in other words, I will be obliterated by the cube. "

Kino: "Why should I trust you?"

Jack: "You can only trust me. Or you can find a way to kill me, I don't mind."

Kino: "Since they're all dead, why don't you do me a favor—where is Alia?"

Jack: "Reluctance to miss big sister? Or the dessert she made?"

Chino: "What's the difference?"

Jack: "Your answer is really creepy."

Chino: "Address?"

Jack: "The basement of 211 Bork Avenue."

Chino: "Is the person still alive?"

Jack: "Anyway, I didn't kill you. I planned to save her life to restrain you, but now it seems unnecessary. She hasn't drunk water for several days. If her life is hard, she should be alive. If her life is not hard, you can't blame me."

Chino: "Thank you, please tell me the address verbally."

Jack's mechanical eyes moved sideways slowly, looking at Resakhar, and the sound module began to vibrate: "That dragon knight over there."

Resakhar narrowed his eyes, not knowing what Jack was going to do.

Jack's broken voice came: "There is a hostage in the basement of No. 211 Bock Street, named Alia, and I sent you off."

Kino took the opportunity to pick up the topic, frowned deliberately and muttered: "Alia, this is the owner of the dessert shop on Sapling Street. I used to frequent her shop, Mr. Consul. Look?"

Resakhal thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Understood, let's take a look together, but you'd better be careful, it might not be a trap."

Chino and Rezakhal left together.

"Young students." Because the previous telepathy had not been interrupted, Jack's voice sounded in Kino's mind again.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Jack's voice is vaguely deep: "If you like desserts, eat more these few days."

This period of imprisonment can be said to be the most desperate moment in Alia's life.

How was it tied up?do not know.

She only remembered that she went to bed as usual that night, and she was dreaming, but suddenly the dream disappeared and turned into a kind of numbness unaware of the passage of time.

When she woke up after an unknown amount of time, she was so thirsty and had a splitting headache that she realized that she had been kidnapped.

Who tied it?do not know.

Her eyes were tightly covered by blindfolds, and she never saw the light from the beginning to the end.

The person who kidnapped her didn't say a word, didn't even show her breath, didn't give her food or water, and just threw her in the basement to die.

Why was it tied?do not know either.

She has always been friendly to people, and has never made enemies with anyone, not even hurting a small animal.

Although because of her outstanding appearance, she is often jealous of the same sex, or refuses the confession of the opposite sex, causing the other party to become angry.

But these are daily trivial matters, so it shouldn't be serious enough to be kidnapped, let alone this kind of kidnapping without negotiation.
Imprisoned in the dark for too long, Alia has lost the concept of time. Her hands were chained and hung in mid-air. At first, she could still feel the sharp pain from the friction between her skin and the chains. Then it slowly became numb and I couldn't feel anything.

For so many days, Alia has not received any food supplements. Only when it rains outside, some water will occasionally leak from the ceiling. pregnancy.

But then the rain stopped, and it hadn't rained for a few days. Her body was dying from lack of water, shriveled and withered like a plant that hadn't been watered for a long time.

Consciousness fell into a long blur, and every second that passed, the stronger the blur, Alia felt that death was closer to her.

When you are dying, what is going through your mind?
It all seems like some pretty corny stuff.

The experience of playing with childhood friends, everyone's laughter.

The gentle smiles of my parents, and my own confusion and helplessness when they died young.

The process of growing up, making bread for the first time, and the joy of seeing it baked.

And the happiness of making him dessert.
Who is he? .
Oh yes, it's him
Human beings are really strange. Desserts need to be tasted to feel how sweet they are, but every time I watch him eat the desserts he made, he enjoys eating them, and he seems to be able to taste the sweetness from his smile.

I heard from the elders that all people must be buried in the soil after death, so that they can return to the embrace of the god of death and go to a new reincarnation.

Now it seems that she will not be able to enter the earth, she will die in this underground cage, and her decayed body will also be abandoned by the god of death, and she will never be able to reach the other side of her life.

I just don't know if the "Reaper" among the Nine Gods doesn't want her, will the other Reaper want her?
Will he be sad?Will you shed a few tears for her?If not, it would be nice to have a place for her in my heart.
This position does not need to be unforgettable, as long as you know that there was such a person as her, you don’t even need to send flowers to the grave, as long as you can occasionally recall the desserts she made
As a mortal, it is enough to be remembered, so how can you dare to imagine anything.

If there is anything extravagant to ask for, it is to be hugged by him
But it's a luxury after all.

Just when Alia was dying, and her body was about to fail due to lack of water, she heard a faint sound of breaking the door above the ceiling.

Her consciousness was so blurred that she couldn't even tell whether the voice was real or not. She could only vaguely hear a human voice:
"This is the place where the visitors from beyond the sky explained. Be vigilant and watch out for traps!"

"The Death Squad went in to investigate in batches, and the others stood by outside."

"Obey! The first team follows me, and the teams behind each keep a distance of 10 meters, and advance sequentially!"

there's noise.
This is not a dream
A rescue team is coming! .
Alia's dying consciousness was re-gathered. Under the final desire to survive, she tried her best to shout out hoarsely, but found that she didn't even have the strength to shout out. She just opened her mouth slightly, and her dehydrated lips Cracked and cracked, unable to utter the faintest cry.

From the other end of the ceiling, the voice continued:

"Boom, boom, boom—"

"This wall is empty. My lord, I suspect there is a secret passage inside."

"My lord, I have checked everything and found no traps."

"Break the wall."


"There are stairs! Quick, go down and have a look!"

The fresh air from the outside poured into the decaying basement, evoking the residual vitality and vitality.

"Found it! Here it is!"

Because her eyes were covered by a blindfold, Alia couldn't see anything. She only felt the sound of hurried footsteps approaching. Someone hugged her waist and legs and lifted her up, and someone was trying to untie the chains on her hands.

Finally, with a flick of the wrist, the restraints were completely released, Alia was dropped to the ground by the soldiers, and the blindfold was quickly removed.

"Miss, miss!." In the gentle shaking, Alia's blurred vision due to being immersed in darkness for a long time slowly recovered, her pupils began to focus, and she finally saw clearly the soldiers in the administrative mansion in front of her.

"Let me go!" A doctor squeezed forward and asked with concern, "Miss, are you okay? Can you hear me clearly?"

For some reason, she was rescued and wouldn't rot alone in the basement as imagined, but Alia wanted to cry more than when facing darkness and death.

Perhaps the more difficult and difficult it is, the easier it is to poke the soft side of the heart.

Just like a child who has been away from home for a long time, when he returns home, he will unconsciously think of the grievances he has suffered outside. No matter whether he is rich or poor now, he will want to find the most important person in his heart and hug him tightly.

"Kino. Kino..." Alia walked in a frivolous manner, murmuring the name incessantly. She staggered and pushed away the soldiers in front, and staggered towards the glowing door leading to the outside world.

Run from the basement to the house, and from the house to the outside.
The light became brighter and more dazzling.
When she ran to the edge of the gate and saw a familiar figure looming in the outdoor sunlight, Alia couldn't hold back her tears any longer, and ran out sobbing. She stretched out her thin arms, trying to hug that person tightly.

However, when her eyes crossed the dividing line between light and darkness, and she was about to embrace her spiritual sustenance for the past few days, Alia's footsteps were sluggish, and she slowly stopped in place.

Even though his vision was blurred due to his weakness, Aria did not recognize the wrong person, and it was Kino standing outside the door.

But he is not alone.

Kino squatted on the ground at this moment—because he had to cater to the height of the people around him—the little girl with long platinum hair and blue eyes, who reminded people of laurel flowers at a glance.

This little girl as pure as an angel was gently draping Kino's shoulders, smiling like a flower, whispering something in his ear, and Kino was listening with a serious smile.

People who make desserts are often very delicate.

A spoonful of sugar, a spoonful of butter, more honey, and no sesame seeds may seem like subtle differences, but they are two completely different desserts.

People say that Chino is a person who always smiles.

Alia agrees with this, but she has a deeper understanding than others because of her delicate mind.

There are also types of smiles.

The same smile, Alia knew which kind of smile was polite and which kind was dangerous.

She also knows which kind of smile comes from the heart, and she smiles without knowing it.

The smile that Kino faced the little girl was the third kind.

These two are like the stars and the moon in the night sky. If they appear alone, you can still imagine whether it is shining for you, and if you are lucky one day, it will be occupied by you alone.

But when the stars and the moon appear at the same time, you will find that they are too high to notice you at all, so high that only they can touch each other.

The brilliance that covers the stars and the moon is not for others to dream about, but for them to shine for each other.

At this moment, Kino noticed that Alia had come out, and he greeted her with concern, and said with a smile, "Alia, I'm glad to see that you're all right."

You see, a polite smile appeared, and Alia smiled wryly in her heart.

The little girl who whispered in Kino's ear also came over and handed Alia a bottle of water, her words and deeds were quite considerate: "Hello, Miss Alia, my name is Solandelle, here It is clean water with salt added, which can help you replenish water quickly. You should drink it in small sips, so don’t be in a hurry.”

"Thank you." Alia was already in a state of dehydration, and this jar of water directly aroused her desire to survive. After taking it, she quickly poured it into her mouth.

Although Alia deliberately controlled the speed of drinking water according to Solandelle's instructions, but because her throat was short of water for a long time, it was stimulated by the light salt water and began to shrink, choking her to keep coughing: "Ahem! Ahem. "

"Don't rush, don't rush, drink slowly." Solandelle helped Alia wipe off the water stains on Alia's face and hands with a handkerchief, patted her on the back, and helped her drink the water bit by bit .

The doctors that Chino had summoned were already ready. They carried the weak Alia on a stretcher and prepared to take her to a special infirmary for examination and recuperation.

Before leaving, Chino comforted: "Alia, take a good rest after you go back. I will finish the process as soon as possible and pay you the loss of your store and personal life."

After Chino finished speaking, he was about to take Solandelle back home when he suddenly heard Alia calling: "My lord administrator!"

She changed back to her original title.

Chino looked back at her.

There was an inexplicable smile on Alia's face, she let go of some emotions as if she was relieved, but some other emotions became more determined, and she showed her usual sweet smile again: "I can go to the government mansion in the future Applying for a chef job? I want to keep making desserts for you."

"Da." Chino snapped his fingers, "You are hired now, and you will come to work when you recover."

Alia pursed her lips and smiled, watching Chino and Solandelle walk across the street corner and disappear into the light curtain cast by the sun.
(End of this chapter)

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