honor me as god

Chapter 350 From Outer Heaven

Chapter 350 From Outer Heaven
Rescuing Alia symbolized the end of this series of events. The next day, all parties were preparing to officially return.

Resakhar is going to fly back to Cold Valley to report to his brother Sting about the aliens.

The governor of the province, Edward, wanted to go back to Fengyun Pass, sort out the whole process into a document, and hand it over to the king's city at that time, and submit it to the king for review.

Solandelle and Lorna don't know whether to call it lucky or unlucky.

It is said that they are lucky because they have personally experienced such a dangerous attack and survived intact.

Although Lorna was seriously injured during the war, the recovery power of dragon blood is extremely good. Since the recuperation, all her injuries, including the shot pierced by the sniper at that time, have healed as before.

When Solandelle rode his horse to rescue Kino, his skin was scratched by flying sand because he took off the string, but it was just a scratch, and it was fine after applying some good medicine, without leaving even a scar.

Neither of them left any long-term scars, which is undoubtedly lucky compared to the exaggerated battle damage of the Troy family.

The reason for saying that they are unfortunate is also very simple, they came to play in Twilight City, and finally sneaked out, wanting to spend a good vacation, but it was ruined like this.

And after going back this time, the "mastermind" Lorna who encouraged Solandelle to escape from the royal city, and the "accomplice" second prince Andre who assisted in the escape, these two will inevitably be severely beaten by their respective fathers.

The older brother Andre was beaten, and the younger brother Bolton was also likely to be unavoidable. Although Bolton did not participate in assisting Solandelle's escape, he did not send someone to send her back to the king city immediately after meeting Solandelle. To dawdle after the assassin's attack, not to fly a letter to the palace, and to wait until the deadline of the military order to return, this is not something worthy of praise.

Solandelle herself, who fled, should not be beaten.

Perseus must be reluctant to beat his youngest daughter, but punishment for copying books and confinement should not be escaped, and after this incident, it may not be that simple for her to escape from the palace to play again in the future.

It is worth mentioning that Bolton hurried back to Twilight City at noon today with his personal guards.

He led the army back before, but Lorna sneaked out of the patrol line in the middle of the night and rode a dragon back to Dusk City.

What's worse, Solandelle wakes up in the middle of the night and finds that Lorna is not there. Guessing that she has gone back to help Kino, she actually rides a unicorn to Dusk City.

The unicorn's ability to hide its voice and sense of breath is unparalleled in the world, and it quietly penetrated the night patrol line of the Guards Corps without disturbing any guards.

Bolton could not have imagined that Lorna was crazy, but Solandelle was also crazy. He slept until the next day when he woke up and found that his sister was gone. back to catch up.

After returning to Twilight City, when Bolton learned that in order to save Kino, Solandelle was injured by flying sand and gravel in many places, and that she rode a unicorn alone and rushed into Lian Rezakhal. The main battle zone that they dare not approach, he is really angry and distressed as an older brother.

"How many times have I told you?! What you want to do, you must first tell your brother, why are you disobedient?!" At this time, Bolton was squatting halfway in front of Solandelle, he was so angry His brows furrowed in anger, and he raised his right hand, ready to teach her a lesson.

Solandelle shrank her head in fear. Seeing her sister's aggrieved expression, Bolton immediately lost his anger and hugged her gently: "Oh~ don't be afraid, Soran is good~"

Hugging and hugging, Bolton thought about what Solandelle had done before, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became!The right hand is raised again!
Solandelle shrank her head again.

Bolton really wanted to teach Solandelle a lesson now, but he couldn't bear to hurt his sister. He wanted to scold someone, but he was afraid of making her wronged. He couldn't get angry, couldn't vent his anger, he hesitated for a long time, and finally slapped him violently— —

Pump yourself in the face.

Everyone: "???"

As for the visitors from space, the discarded parts and metal left on the battlefield on Jack's body were all recovered by the Guards Corps, and they were going to take them back to the alchemist for disassembly and analysis.

Jack himself has been reduced to prison, and he is about to be the first extraterrestrial visitor to be captured alive and sent to Wangcheng for trial.

Yesterday, Jack explained to Chino when she would return, and told her that because the modules on her body were damaged, she would not be able to deduct the mission failure penalty, and she would be obliterated.

There is no way for Chino to verify the authenticity of this matter, after all, this is just Jack's side story.

If it is true, then of course it is the best result for Kino. The supreme existence relieved him of his serious troubles, and he also obtained the ability of "Pupil of God's Vision" from Jack. This round of invasion has gained a lot.

If it's fake, it's not good news. If Jack returns to the reincarnation space with the latest information from the arrogant world, the next round of invading teams and even all subsequent intruding teams will get a huge increase in their first-hand information.

Kino wanted to take the initiative to kill Jack and finish it all. After all, dead people are the last people in the world who can't lie and keep secret forever.

However, as the first extraterrestrial visitor to be captured alive, Jack is guarded under extremely strict conditions. Not only is he guarded by soul masters and personal guards 24 hours a day, but every drop of water he drinks has been tested for poison. Kino has no chance of assassinating him.

Now, there are still 5 minutes before the return time that Jack explained.

If you want to know if Jack is lying, you need to see if she will die after the countdown ends.

"Prince." Without warning, a broken and twisted mechanical voice sounded.

Everyone immediately felt as if they were facing an enemy, and unsheathed their weapons one after another.

The divine seal between the eyebrows of the guards suddenly appeared, and the golden fire of the sun stretched like a tsunami.

Edward and Rezakhal, who were just about to return, stopped and stared at Jack warily.

Bolton protected Solandelle behind him, and Lorna also called Fei Ye, ready to fight at any time.

Kino looked sideways at Jack, not knowing what she was going to do.

"Hehehe, it seems that everyone is here." Jack's mechanical eyes glowed red, and his broken voice was harsh and unpleasant, but with a faint smirk.

There were whispers among the crowd, and everyone stared at Jack, waiting for her next words.

"Hehehe" Jack was still smirking, but when everyone was feeling puzzled, she suddenly raised her hand.

Everyone's spirits were extremely tense, and those who had personally experienced fighting Jack and who knew his abilities were even more prepared for her to break through the shackles.

However, the expected situation did not happen. Jack just stretched out the broken mechanical finger and tapped his head twice.

Others didn't understand what it meant, but Kino understood that it was Jack who connected him telepathically.

Kino activates telepathy and connects with Jack.

Jack: "Are you still doubting that the return time I said before may be lying to you? I can tell you the answer again-I didn't lie to you-the countdown is about to end, and I will be obliterated, you don't have to Worried that I will bring information back to the world of reincarnation."

Chino: "What's the point of saying this now? Anyway, the answer will be revealed soon."

Jack: "Do you think I lost?"

Chino: "Do you think you lost?"

Jack: "I said I lost."

Chino: "I also said you lost."

Jack: "Just because I lost, doesn't mean you won."

Seeing that Kino fell silent, the red light in Jack's mechanical eyes seemed to be brighter, and the smirk in his voice became stronger: "Speaking of which, do you know the secrecy rules of the reincarnation world?"

Chino: "Rejectors are not allowed to disclose any information about the reincarnation world to the native world, otherwise they will be obliterated—the reincarnated people who have not undergone reincarnation identification will also be judged as local personnel."

Jack: "The rules of reincarnation are the same as those of rejection. Two things will happen if you disclose reincarnation information to local people. First, the reincarnation who discloses the information will be wiped out. Second, the memory of those who hear the information will be erased by the cube."

"So, the local world will never know the existence of the reincarnation world, let alone know that it is just data in the eyes of the cube. No matter what you and I do, everything is in vain in the face of memory erasure."

When Jack said this, his sly laughter brought a different kind of gloom: "However, the rules of the reincarnation world are just that you cannot disclose "reincarnation information". Then I must be obliterated. "

"But this is the charm of words, the same meaning, but there are many different ways to express it. Sometimes, even silence is a language."

The curvature of Kino's lips gradually disappeared, and he seemed to realize something.
Jack continued her smirk: "For example, I cannot say that I am a "reincarnation", this is the iron law.But if I say I'm an "extraterrestrial", that's fine. "

"Because the four words "outsider" are a concept that exists in the arrogant world, even if the meaning it conveys is "reincarnation", it will not trigger the obliteration judgment."

"The same goes for other speech techniques. No matter what information you want to express, as long as you don't directly mention the concept of reincarnation world, there are actually ways to convey it to the local world."

"So sometimes I think, maybe this is some kind of game method allowed by the cube. It doesn't prohibit us from playing this way, but it is actually encouraging us to do it in disguise. Heh. Hahahahahaha!"

Amidst Jack's sharp laughter, Kino's thin lips were tightly pressed into a line, his eyes became colder than ever before, and even his fingertips lingered with telekinetic power. It is futile.

"Boom—" At the end of her life, the engine in Jack's body was running at high speed again. Although the slow recovery of the past few days could not continue to support the battle, it was enough for her to gather the energy flow at one point and fully mobilize the sound chip.

"Everyone, listen up to me!!!" Jack's mechanical eyes kept trembling, white steam spewed out from his mouth, and under the pull of the transmission, the corners of her lips raised a ferocious arc. The sound amplified by the sound amplifier chip shook the sky, not only reaching the ears of everyone present, but also seemed to spread to every corner of the world at the same time:

"Kino Van Helsing, a member of The Visitors!!!"

The temperature in the red lotus season is very high. Standing in the sun will feel hot and dry, but when Jack's voice resounds through the sky, it seems to bring a sweeping cold current, freezing everything around.

Jack's mechanical eyes glowed with a scarlet light that had never been seen before, and he smiled crazily and distortedly: "Kino Van Helsing is not your kind, he comes from the outer world, understands the technology of the outer world, and holds the power from the outer world , mingled among you, and deceived you from beginning to end!"

"All aliens who invade this world have only one goal - to kill Kino Van Helsing! He is the scourge and cancer of this world! If this person is not dead, our invasion will not stop!"

"My kind will come in a steady stream, each wave will be stronger than the wave! The strong from the sky will come from the sky, falling like a rain of stars, and we will make the black sea waves overflow with salt foam! Block you with pungent mud down your throats! stuff your entrails! until death swells and turns your bloody skins blue!"

"We will kill your parents! Ravage your children! Smash your homes that have survived for generations! Burn the civilization created by your ancestors! We will attack at any cost and by any means! Until we kill Kino Van Hirsine!"

Silence, deathly silence.

During Jack's crazy announcement, the surrounding air froze, and all kinds of eyes casted from all directions, some were shocked, or feared, or confused, or angry. It was like a wall pressing down on Kino. .

Jack's smirk continued, declaring a certain kind of death sentence: "Soon, my body will be wiped out—because I failed!"

"And Kino Van Helsing will continue to parasitize in this world, driving you to fight against us, use the blood and marrow of the world to survive, and fight against the curse on yourself!"

"If Kino doesn't die, one day, the King of Outer Heaven will come! Everyone will be swallowed up, forgotten together with the world, forgotten by time, forgotten by all gods and devils! You will all die with him!"

The eyes of Bolton, Lesakhal, and Edward were full of astonishment that had never been seen before. It was so difficult to even move their lips. Their breathing was short and violent, as if they could no longer control it. They all looked at the monster with eyes. Chino.

Lorna froze in place with a blank mind, and Fei Ye behind her was inexplicably agitated, her wings kept flapping the scorching wind, and even biting with Resakhar's tile-blue dragon that was also in a frenzy, the scorching heat The blood of the dragon poured down like a torrential rain, just like the last day of madness in mythology.

Solandelle looked at Kino in bewilderment, even though she covered her mouth subconsciously, she couldn't suppress the huge sadness rising from the bottom of her heart, the helplessness was like a torrent crushing her psychological defense line, and the tears couldn't be stopped It overflowed from the blue eyes, landed on the fingers, and penetrated into the placket.
Kino Van Helsing is an alien, this secret that must not be known by the local forces is completely exposed to the world, exposed to the prince, exposed to the provincial governor and consul, and exposed to the daughter of the dragon leader
He was also exposed to the little princess who trusted him so much.
(End of this chapter)

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