honor me as god

Chapter 348

Chapter 348 Psionic Conversation
It is worth mentioning that Jack is indeed not dead. Although there is no movement in her whole body, the pair of mechanical eyes are still glowing with a faint red light, and the pupils even started to focus after Kino arrived, and collapsed due to the collapse of the structure His mouth didn't move, but it showed a strange arc, as if he was grinning.

Chino has only one thought now, and that is to kill Jack as soon as possible.

One is that she doesn't know when Jack will return, and she doesn't know whether she can offset the punishment of mission failure. It would be terrible if she brought the latest information of the arrogant world back to the reincarnation space.

Secondly, don't forget that Jack has the ability of "Past Life Domain". Although her brain chip has been smashed, the resilience of this mechanically transformed person is different from that of human beings. There are nanobots doing the repairs.

If Jack secretly repaired the chip and opened the past life domain to attack him again, it would be troublesome.

Kino looked at Resakhar, and began to insinuate: "Isn't it a bad way to imprison her like this? You have seen her ability before, and it can invalidate our extraordinary power. She is now She can't move, but if she regains her ability suddenly, these soul masters can't trap her, and then we will have to go through another hard battle."

Resakhall shook his head: "Governor Edward feels that capturing this extraterrestrial visitor alive is a strategic achievement. If we can learn information about the "outer world" from her, it will be a subversive development for us. .For this, the risk you said is acceptable. "

"So, she must be captured alive and must not be executed lightly."

Speaking of this, Chino really had no choice.

Without these soul masters, Kino would still be able to use the invisible telekinetic power to kill Jack in the same way that he secretly killed Brook.

But now, the soul cage tightly covered Jack, not only cutting off the possibility of her moving, but also blocking any external attacks.

However, the soul cage can block attacks, but it cannot block one thing.


Kino watched Jack silently, and the telepathy was quietly activated, successfully connecting with her consciousness.

It seems that in the judgment of the cube, no matter whether the body is carbon-based or mechanical, as long as it is a reincarnation, telepathy can work.

The instant the telepathic connection was connected, Jack seemed to have sensed it too. Her eyes glowed faintly red, and a broken mechanical voice sounded in Kino's mind: "I don't understand."

Chino: "The result of the dice?"

Jack: "Yes."

Chino: "What don't you understand?"

Jack: "He told me I wouldn't die that day."

Chino: "You are indeed not dead."

Jack: "But He also told me that I could kill Kino Van Helsing that day—but the truth is, you're still alive."

Chino: "You give your fate to a dice to decide?"

Jack: "Don't you use the silver moon to decide the fate of others?"

"Then here comes the question." Kino took out a silver moon from his bosom, "King, or laurel?"

Jack was silent for a moment, and the voice sounded in Kino's mind again: "King."

"Ding." The silver moon was thrown into the air by Kino and started to spin.

Playing with the silver moon is Kino's habitual action, and it is widely known. At this time, Resakhal didn't find it strange.

The silver moon landed in Kino's palm, and began to fall towards the king who imprinted Dogoland I while spinning.
However, at this moment, Kino's telekinetic power came quietly, and just a light touch on the silver moon made it rotate one more time, and the king who was supposed to be facing up was overwhelmed and turned into a laurel flower.

Kino: "The answer He gave you is correct and never wrong. It's just that you failed to see the real answer."

"Hiss hiss. Hiss ha ha ha" Jack let out a sharp and distorted laugh, not laughing in telepathy, but the broken pronunciation device in his throat.

With Jack's smile, the soul masters in the formation suddenly became nervous. It was their first time facing visitors from outside the sky, and their fear of the unknown made their nerves extremely tense. The soul cage was strengthened a little more, and the screams of the soul slave mixed with Jack's shrill laughter, echoing throughout the dungeon.

Rezakhal was attracted by Jack's shrill smile, and stared at her intently to prevent him from attacking suddenly.

However, Resakhar's worries were unnecessary, Jack's damage had reached the point of irreversibility, and all she could do was laugh wildly.

If Jack is given enough time and spare parts, there may still be hope for recovery, but being locked in a dungeon like this, without material supplements and energy sources, even if she has a nano-repair module in her body, it will not work, let alone The repair module itself has also been broken.

During the telepathy, the communication between Chino and Jack continued.

Jack: "So, that night, the dice's true foretaste was—I can't die, but I can't kill Kino van Helsing either—you've been hiding in the shadows, and the moment I rolled the dice, you Using invisible telekinetic power to change the points, let me see the wrong information."

Chino: "It may not be appropriate to say 'hiding in the dark'. My telekinetic range can reach hundreds of meters. When changing your dice points, I'm eating cake at the tavern next door."

Jack: "Very low-level, but it must be admitted that sometimes the lower the level, the more effective it is."

Chino: "Tell me about your dice. No, more precisely, tell me about the ability you have on the dice."

Jack: "I said that I still can't understand it, do you believe it?"

Chino: "Believe it or not, it doesn't affect your explanation."

Jack: "Discovering that power is a coincidence, like a child walking by the sea and accidentally discovering a shell in the sand washed by the waves. At first I thought that everyone in the world had this power, until he told me The fate of the people, and I can kill them one by one as predicted, without any deviation, so I know that I am special."

Chino: "What is 'He'?"

Jack: "I don't know."

Chino: "Know nothing? Or don't know how to describe it?"

Jack: "I don't know how to describe it, I don't know how to describe its existence in words."

Kino: "Why did He choose you?"

Jack: "I don't know, I don't know anything this time."

Chino: "You didn't give me any useful information."

Jack: "Has my ability been transferred to you in another way?"

Chino: "It should be."

Jack: "I can only tell you that no matter what abilities He shows in you, you will eventually be swallowed by its curse."

Kino: "What curse?"

Jack: "Lonely."

(End of this chapter)

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