honor me as god

Chapter 345 The Eye of Divine Vision

Chapter 345 The Eye of Divine Vision
The endless nothingness shattered in an instant, and Kino suddenly regained consciousness, as if waking up from a dream.

Obviously, in the previous confrontation with Jack, he won at the last moment, at least he can be sure that he did not lose, and was rescued from a serious injury.

Although the world is still spinning and the whole body is extremely weak, but being able to wake up means that the situation is improving.

Kino just wanted to get up, but found that his whole body was extremely weak, and his injuries were so serious that it was extremely difficult to move casually. He stretched out his hand from the bed, and such a simple movement took almost all his strength.

Just as Kino stretched his hand out of the bed, he suddenly felt something furry.

Kino looked aside with difficulty, and saw that Solandelle was lying on the edge of the bed, sleeping with her little head lightly pillowed on it, her breathing was very even, and her dark and thick eyelashes hung on the bed like a perched black butterfly. His face trembled slightly with his breathing.

Solandelle was breathing evenly, obviously she was in a deep sleep, she didn't even wake up when Kino bumped her head.

Looking around again, this is no other place, it is Chino's bedroom in the government mansion of Twilight City. The room is very clean, it should have just been cleaned, and it is still lit with soothing incense.

A cold and desolate void, a warm and silent bedroom.
The indescribable giant shadow, the girl who quietly fell asleep.
The contrast between before and after made Kino subconsciously think that everything just now was a dream.

But when Kino entered the interface of triple shackles and saw something strange here, he realized that it was not a dream.

This is a scene that Kino has never seen before. He first became a "Rejecter" because he rejected the contract of the Supreme Being, and was immediately branded as a "Rejecter" and came to the present world.

In the triple shackles, the brand of the rejecter is like a giant pillar standing in the sea of ​​stars, which not only endows him with the ability to harvest three emotional values ​​​​of respect, fear, and awe, but also makes him the hunting target of the reincarnation. Followed by various reincarnation restrictions - regional restrictions, speech restrictions, exchange restrictions, material exchange restrictions, emotional harvesting upper limit restrictions.
At this time, after the strange experience just now, Kino discovered that the interface of the triple shackles had changed, and the "Brand of the Rejector" appeared.
A crack.

Although the existence of the brand mark was still unshakable, the crack was so conspicuous, like a piece of jade that was originally perfect and without any blemish, was suddenly roughly chopped off by someone.

Even if this knife is not enough to break the jade, but for a supposedly perfect existence, this kind of crack is unimaginable.

Kino tried to manipulate his consciousness to touch the crack, and then, a scarlet reminder appeared in front of his eyes:
[The core area of ​​"Brand of the Rejector" has been irreversibly damaged]

[The following restrictions have been permanently invalidated: area]

This news, or surprise, came too suddenly.

As the triple shackles reminded, from now on, the "regional restriction" of reincarnation invasion is invalid.

That is to say, no matter who the next wave of reincarnation invaders is, or how high their class is or what abilities they have, Kino will no longer be limited by the "range of activities", and can go to the sky, enter the earth, and run to the king's city. Hold Denisa's thigh and shout "Help".

When facing the reincarnation invasion before, Kino felt that the most constrained place was the "regional restriction".

This kind of restriction is like a cage, covering Kino all the time, making it difficult for him to use many ideas and tactics.

For example, for the first reincarnation invasion, if it weren't for the existence of "regional restrictions", why would Kino need to stay in Xilin Town to face the horse bandit army, and go directly to the inland city to hide, and let the follow-up reinforcements deal with the horse bandits and reincarnation. Can.

And when the fourth invasion faced old enemy 11, if it wasn't for the fact that the scope of activities was not limited to Twilight City, Kino didn't need to bite the bullet to deal with those complicated and weird seven plagues, and there were completely more ways to resolve them.

"Area restriction" is like a kind of "welfare" for reincarnated people, helping them narrow the scope of action, while restricting the various performances of those who refuse, is harmful to Chino.

It's good now, the "brand of the rejecter" has changed, and the "regional restriction" is gone. The next time the reincarnation invades, he can go wherever he wants, and he doesn't have to stay in a certain place like a prison.

I just don't know, is the lifting of the "regional restriction" a reward from the supreme existence?Or is it caused by external factors?
The complete reminder about it is - the core area of ​​"Brand of the Denial" has been irreversibly damaged, and the following restrictions have been permanently invalidated: area.

The reminder mentions "destruction", combined with the previous encounter, and the giant shadow in the void. This is unlikely to be a reward from the supreme being, and it should be impacted by some kind of force.

Or it can be said that the giant shadow in the void helped him break through this limitation.

So here comes the question again, what kind of existence is that giant shadow?It actually has the ability to break through the supreme existence of the "brand of the rejecter". What level of power is this?
And the giant shadow also said: "Take what we give you, and end this ancient reincarnation."

Does this "reincarnation" refer to the reincarnation world?Or is there another meaning?
Who does "we" refer to?
What is it for you—the so-called "curse of eternal solitude"?
not understand.

All these things, like the Supreme Being, like this whole world of reincarnation, are all mysteries.

Kino didn't continue to struggle with things that he couldn't understand and had no clues, but focused on another thing.

When Jack fell down before, a white light suddenly lit up on her body, and then gathered in Kino's right eye, allowing him to see the reincarnation space inconceivably.

This ability can be said to be "omniscient and all-seeing"; it allows him to gaze at any place and any existence across distances and media.

Although Kino didn't get a clear reminder, it was obvious that this ability to directly gaze into the space of reincarnation was completely beyond the rules, and he was counterattacked because of this.

After being hit by the scorching glow of that giant cube, Kino's all-seeing ability disappeared, as if he had been sealed by some kind.

But now, after interacting with the giant shadow in the white light, the surge of energy broke through the seal in his eyes, and he found that he had this ability again.

This ability does not belong to any system of the triple shackles, and cannot be exchanged or strengthened through respect, fear, and awe. It is an ability completely independent of the triple shackles.

Even its location is beyond the triple shackles, in a brand-new unnamed realm, as if to indicate that the two are incompatible.

Kino's pupils moved sideways slowly, looking at this brand-new nameless interface, and the brand-new abilities shone like sparks in the darkness.

The name of this ability is:
【Pupil of Divine Sight】

(End of this chapter)

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