honor me as god

Chapter 346 Re-acceptance

Chapter 346 Re-acceptance
This ability has no explanation, no introduction, nothing, only its name - the pupil of divine vision.

When Kino mobilized his consciousness to use the pupil of divine vision, he suddenly felt that the sight of his right eye was covered by a white light, and the strong light made him close his eyes unconsciously.

However, after the eyes are closed, the vision of the left eye is indeed plunged into darkness, but the right eye is still covered by white light, not blocked by the eyelids, as if the vision is presented in another field.

This is a very subtle feeling. His consciousness seems to spread to the entire universe, and he can see the brilliant sea of ​​stars, and the stars are moving. His line of sight jumps freely in the endless space, just like a human being in the three-dimensional world is overlooking a map of the two-dimensional world. Everything in the world is in the pupil.

Any field that Kino wants to observe, no matter how far the distance is, no matter what the medium is, from the whole world to the internal structure of a hydrogen atom, he can see it just by moving his consciousness.

When Kino's consciousness began to focus, his sight quickly sank.
Great Thousand Worlds, Vast Continent, Kingdom of Dogland, Beacon Province, Twilight City
When the line of sight was fixed, Kino took the entire administrative residence into his pupils, as if he was personally in the sky, looking down and observing.

In the garden of the Executive Mansion, Resakhar and Edward stood facing each other, surrounded by a cloud of guards. The two seemed to be discussing something. Kino could see it with the pupil of divine vision, but because he had no hearing, he couldn't hear what they were talking about.

At this time, a guard accidentally raised his head, his expression suddenly froze, and he fell into uncontrollable horror.

Seeing the guard pointing at him, Kino panicked and was yelling something.

Edward and Rezakhal raised their heads one after another and looked at Kino. They were also shocked, and immediately entered a fighting stance.

The black robe on Edward's body moved automatically without wind, the skin heated up under the rapid blood flow, and white steam spread out, and his five fingers became as sharp as claws.

Resakhar's body was full of coercion, and the huge tile-blue dragon was also hovering around him, as if he was about to use the dragon language at any time.

At the same time, Kino's ears heard the shouts of soldiers coming from outside the room door.

Kino didn't know what these people saw, and they were so vigilant, but he realized that the concealment of the eyes of God might not be good, and he might leave some traces while observing others.

In order to verify this point of view, Kino used his consciousness to refocus the pupil of divine vision, and his vision instantly penetrated the edge of the room and the wall, and entered the bedroom where he was lying.

At the same time, Kino slowly opened his eyes.

His right eye was still the pupil of divine vision, and he looked at himself lying on the bed—the injury was really bad, the whole body was covered with bandages and fracture fixation plates, Solandelle was lying on the edge of the bed, as if guarding a only mummies.

What he saw with his left eye was still normal vision, but he saw something that definitely couldn't be called normal.

The top of the bedroom appeared.
one eye.

The eye is suspended near the ceiling. Judging from the size, it is estimated to be as big as an apple. The surroundings of the eye are composed of colorful and surging energy. The color of sex is amber, and the pupils are as black as an abyss, just staring at Kino.

This is a very strange experience. The right eye looks at oneself, the left eye looks at the right eye, and the left and right vision are completely separated, like two independent individuals.

As the eyesight of the pupil of the gods moves, the eyeball on the ceiling also moves. It is not a physical entity and can freely enter and exit any obstacle, float in mid-air, drill into the wall, or appear in the sky without barriers. any hidden corner.

The closer the eye is to the focal point it wants to observe, the narrower the field of view and the smaller the size of the eyeball.

The farther away from the focal point, the wider the field of view and the larger the volume.

Kino can already imagine that when he used the pupil of divine vision to observe the government residence at high altitude just now, the wide viewing distance and the size of the eyeballs are absolutely astonishing, probably to the level of covering the sky and the moon.

This size, it would be strange not to be noticed.

If the viewing distance is further increased, overlooking the entire Twilight City from the air, and even overlooking the entire province, the size of the entire kingdom. There will also be less detail.

From this point of view, compared with the all-seeing ability that I just obtained, the effect of the pupil of divine vision has been greatly weakened.

You must know that at the very beginning, his observations could not only span distances, but also accommodate infinite details. All matter in the line of sight would appear as a whole, and would also be disassembled into the most primitive structure in the line of sight, without affecting the capacity of the brain. shock.

But now, the pupil of divine vision is more like a "camera" that can appear anywhere at will.

Kino stimulated his consciousness, wanting to observe the mysterious space of reincarnation again, but the result was almost as he expected - he couldn't see it.

The pupil of divine vision is no longer able to directly cross planes to observe the space of reincarnation as it did at the beginning, but can only stay at the level of this world.

Just as Chino continued to test the pupil of God's Vision, an unstoppable swelling suddenly appeared in his right eye. He could even imagine that if he hadn't suffered from CIP congenital painlessness, this swelling might cause tearing. of severe pain.

The sight of the right eye blurred quickly under the swelling, and then lost the ability to observe, and the eyeball in the sky was also distorted and blurred, burning up in the air like a spark.

10 seconds.

Although the incident happened suddenly, Kino still remembered the time from when he used his pupils to when he lost his sight—10 seconds.

This is the time limit for him to use the pupil of divine vision, 10 seconds.

Is this 10 seconds a fixed value?Or can it be improved in some way later?Currently unknown.

The only certainty is that before the swelling feeling in the right eye fades, the pupil of divine vision should not be able to be used again.

So far, Kino is still surprised by the ability of the pupil of vision.

Although the pupil of divine vision is not as omniscient as it was at the beginning, and the duration of 10 seconds is also very short, but after all, it is an observation across distance and medium in 10 seconds!

Even if you can't directly see the reincarnation space like you did at the beginning, as long as you have this ability, you will have an additional means of obtaining information when you encounter reincarnation invasions in the future.

What is the biggest disadvantage of being a rejecter?It's intelligence!

Lack of intelligence, I don't know who the enemy is, where they are, how many people there are, what capabilities they have, and what plans they are laying out.
With the pupil of divine vision, this disadvantageous situation will be alleviated in a targeted manner!
At this moment, Solandelle seemed to be disturbed by the movement outside the house. She snorted softly and woke up from her sleep.

In order to help Kino get out of trouble before, Solandelle took off the string in his hand, tied it to the crossbow and shot it, helping him block Jack's most fatal blow.

Without the protection of the string, Solandelle was injured by the flying sand on the battlefield. At this time, many parts of her body were wrapped in gauze, but fortunately, it was only some minor flesh wounds, and it was not serious.

Seeing that Kino woke up, Solandelle opened her eyes wide and shouted out of the door in surprise: "Nuo woke up! Everyone come here!!!"

"Oh——" Lorna's cheers sounded first. She was so excited that she broke the doorknob and ran in.

I have to say that as a young man and a dragon knight with dragon blood, Lorna's resilience is really scary. She was beaten all over by Jack in the previous battle, and there was no good flesh on her body.

But now, she is already alive and kicking. Although many wounds can still be seen on her body, they have all entered the healing stage, and it is estimated that she will be back to normal in a day or two.

Lorna put her waist up, with a proud face, smiled at Kino on the bed: "You finally woke up, Solan has been guarding you for several days. I didn't say that, you should exercise more, see I~ I can go for a morning jog the next morning after the big battle!"

After Lorna, there was the sound of rabbit-like footsteps hopping, very hurriedly, accompanied by a man's voice faintly: "Slow down. Hey, slow down! You are seriously injured!"

Two figures, one tall and one short, entered the room. Roman was supporting a petite "mummy", and the mummy was jumping vigorously into the room with one foot.

The "mummy" is none other than Nicole. Her injuries are much more than those of Lorna and Kino, and one of her legs is sprained, and her hands are fractured in the fierce battle. She can't even support the crutches. With Roman's support, he hopped on one foot.

Seeing that Kino was fine, Nicole's pupils exposed outside the bandage began to tremble, she sniffed and murmured: "Great."

Kino raised his finger and pointed at Neeko. Just such a simple action took a lot of effort from his seriously injured body.

"My lord, what's the matter?" Nicole hurriedly jumped over with Roman's support.

Chino: "Did you figure it out by yourself? Or did someone wake you up?"

Nicole lowered her head slightly, and it was conceivable that the little face behind the bandage was already flushed. She glanced at Roman, and said rather embarrassedly: "I didn't realize it myself, it was Roman who woke me up."

Chino slowly stretched out his hand to Roman: "It seems that you are half of my savior. If Nicole hadn't been persuaded by you to come back, if you didn't perform that 'bucket throwing tactic', I might have been overthrown by the aliens." gone."

Although Roman belongs to the honorable bodyguard army, he is just an ordinary bodyguard. He must lower his posture when he encounters a city-level administrator. I just explained the truth to Nicole and cooperated with her in formulating a set of battle plans, but she is the one who really contributes!"

Kino: "There is no need to be modest, what reward do you want?"

The following conversation, Chino, who is familiar with people's hearts, has already foreseen it.

With the current situation, combined with the friendship between Roman and Nicole, Roman will definitely say no rewards, and only hope that the administrative mansion can accept Nicole again.

At this time, Kino only needs to agree with the trend, and then he can satisfy Roman and be a favor; he can also take back Nicole, and accept this loyal girl again;

Three birds with one stone.

Roman: "My lord administrator, I am a soldier of the Dogoland Kingdom. I should do all of this. I don't expect any rewards. If you really want a reward, please grant me a wish——Nicole I was confused before and was expelled from the administrative residence by you, I only hope that you can take back your life and allow Nicole to return to your side, this is my only request!"

After Chino accepted Nicole again, it can be said that everyone is happy, everyone is happy, and no one is unhappy.

Not long after, Edward, Resakhall and others also came after hearing the news.

The Troy family suffered heavy losses in this battle with Jack.

Edward brought elite soldiers from Fengyun Pass, and because they were elite soldiers, they were severely suppressed by Jack's "Past Life Domain".

After losing extraordinary power, the higher the sequence, the greater the gap in combat power, the worse the adaptability to the failure of abilities, and the easier it is to be targeted by the god of death.

Those top transcendental beings are used to head-on head-on confrontation. When the sky falls, they dare to use their claws to push it up. As a result, they are completely out of balance in the domain of their previous lives and die very tragically.


After the war, only 12 of the 2 demon masters survived, and more than half of Abomination and Misfortune also died.

Compared with other royal families, the superhumans of the Troy family are relatively "cheap", because the way they obtain supernatural power is very direct, nothing more than actively infecting the disease, and then injecting high-level purification blood, so that the body can control the power of beasts .

This is why the Troy family has the most extraordinary people, and there are thousands of plague beast warriors in the six provinces.

But the number is more than the number. High-sequence powerhouses are rare everywhere. The 10 demon masters who died in this battle are the mainstay of the Troy family. This battle can be said to let these sons of sword and shield bleed .

Fortunately, nothing happened to the two big men, Edward and Rezakhal. If any of them were damaged, Chino couldn't explain to his superiors.

Of course, these two big men are used to seeing big scenes, so they didn't have much emotional ups and downs. After they entered the room, they first greeted Kino routinely, and then asked, "Did you use some kind of power just now?"

They were obviously talking about the "Pupil of Divine Sight" appearing in the sky above the government residence, and it is not appropriate to talk about this ability now, so Kino said in a very innocent tone: "Sorry, I don't quite understand what you are talking about." , I just woke up."

Edward frowned and said, "Just now an eye appeared in the sky, the color of which is exactly the same as your pupil color, we thought it was yours."

Kino continued to pretend to be innocent: "No offense intended. I'm so injured that I can't even raise my hand. What ability do you think I can use?"

Kino's words are very convincing, his injuries are not fake, and Kino's eyes are not the only ones in this world with amber eyes.

Amber is not a rare eye color in Dogrand, it's just that among those people with amber eyes, Kino is more representative.

At this time, Solandelle suddenly remembered something, tilted her head and said, "There are eyes in the sky? I have encountered this kind of thing before! It's just a dream. I dreamed that there was a huge eye in the sky watching I."

(End of this chapter)

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