honor me as god

Chapter 344 Area Damage

Chapter 344 Area Damage
When the blazing light of the cube came to Kino's eyes, it seemed to penetrate the vast and empty space. Kino's vision was instantly covered with noise like snowflakes, his consciousness was dragged into the turbulent flow, and his perception and consciousness were annihilated together. .

In the next instant, an ancient imprint appeared in Kino's right eye, as if it was about to engulf the amber color, and then endless darkness filled his field of vision, engulfing him completely.

No temperature, no sound, no touch, just like dreamless sleep, only the fading consciousness remains
I don't know how long it has passed, it seems that it has only passed for a moment, and it seems that it has gone through countless reincarnations. Kino's consciousness is drifting in the darkness and chaos, like a lonely exile.
Suddenly, Kino's right eye began to shine with a tiny light, like a firefly born in the darkness, the faint light emerged through the eyelid, and the ancient marks appeared together.

Kino's tightly closed eyes began to tremble slightly, and his mind, swallowed by nothingness, also began to gather, finally allowing his consciousness to completely get rid of the darkness.

Kino opened his eyes and saw that he was no longer on the battlefield of Twilight City, everything he could see was void, his throat was dry and hot, as if a flame was burning, which made it difficult for him to even talk to himself.

Kino tried to move his hands and feet, but regrettably found that he lost control of other parts of his body except his head. Although there was no pain or discomfort, he couldn't feel the existence of his body at all.

Kino tried several times but failed, so he gave up and began to recall what happened before.

The originally broken consciousness caused a temporary loss of memory, but under Kino's efforts to recall, he finally remembered most of the things.

Kino vaguely remembered that after he defeated Jack with the claws of death, he was suddenly enveloped by a white light, and his right eye felt extremely violently swollen, and it almost exploded.

Immediately afterwards, he saw it in the white light.
Reincarnation space.

It was a subtle feeling that was hard to describe in words.

His vision leaps and bounds in the white glow, as if he has crossed the endless distance of the galaxy, and the material world is changing in front of his eyes.

According to common sense, whether it is human vision or precision imaging equipment, the field of view is inversely proportional to the observed details-the wider the field of view, the larger the range you see, the more general you see, and the more details you see. Not clear.

But when Kino's sight jumps to the end point and overlooks the reincarnation space, he is like an omnipotent observer. All 3063 teams are included in his pupils, and there is nowhere to hide.

What's even more weird is that his sight can see infinite details—the infinite details here don't just refer to clarity, but that he can see not only the whole of matter, but also the structure of matter, from skin to flesh and blood, From flesh to bone, from bone to cell, the cross-section of the cell, the densely arranged atoms in the cross-section, and the quarks that are finer than atoms can all be seen clearly.

In this infinite detail, there are countless pictures——

The reincarnators were terrified, fleeing like ants in the return plane, and finally turned into streams of light inexplicably, gathering in a square.

There are very strong reincarnators in that square, so strong that it is unimaginable, a man who holds a heavy-duty sword and can destroy the sky with a single blow, and a woman who can summon giant snakes with eight heads and eight tails, attracting thunder from the sky.

What Kino cared most about was a man in Taoist robes standing in front of the cube. Although he hadn't made a move from the beginning to the end, the vast aura like mountains and seas brought an extremely strong sense of oppression. This sense of oppression even Better than facing "gluttony" in the mirror world last time, if I guessed correctly, this man should be the captain of that team.

And Bai, Bai is also in this team.

11 After that invasion, Bai returned to the reincarnation space, and Kino didn't know what happened to her afterwards, at least she was alive safely and entered the interior of that team.

And Bai didn't know what kind of ability she had awakened. She didn't feel anything strange when she raised the gun, but then her pupils burst into immeasurable splendor. At that moment, the sense of oppression hit like a torrent. Every cell is sending warnings, and all crisis instincts converge into one word in my mind—death.

Kino didn't know the specific function of Bai's ability, because the immeasurable splendor in her eyes quickly disappeared, and she shook her head at the captain wearing a Taoist robe.

Everything, all the scenes are completely presented in Kino's sight regardless of the distance and countless barriers.

But the strange thing is also here. No matter the human brain or the computer, there is an upper limit to the calculation speed and data storage capacity. So many huge details hit the mind at the same time. Theoretically, the brain will be instantly necrotic. Here, the scene is no different from normal observation, and the endless details seem to be just a drop in the ocean.

In the end, it was the cube-shaped giant that burst into flames, and the beam of light soared into the sky, covering his sight and making him lose consciousness.

Recalling so far, Kino's heart is already full of doubts:
What is that white glow on Jack's body?
After I was shrouded in white light, why did I have that kind of all-seeing and all-knowing ability?It can even let the line of sight cross the plane and directly see the space of reincarnation
What is that cube-shaped behemoth?Why did he launch a counterattack when he peeped at the reincarnation space?What is the connection between it and the "supreme existence" in my cognition?
Is that all-knowing and all-seeing ability still in me now?How to open it?
Many doubts appeared in Kino's heart, floating with him in this vast nothingness.

Just as Kino was meditating, a hazy white light suddenly appeared in the distance, so eye-catching in the darkness, and a giant figure stood in the light and shadow, its shape twisted and changed, and it was indescribable, covering the sky in an instant, becoming a The only thing in this nothingness, people's eyes can no longer be diverted.

Suddenly, the white light around the giant shadow scattered into countless stars, not so much stars, but some unknown objects shining in the dark, their number is incalculable, just like fireflies dancing wildly in the night sky, coming from all directions Converge towards Kino.

The warm current came from the top of Kino's head, spreading towards his body like a trickling stream, surging through his blood vessels regularly, and finally converging on his right eye.

More and more spots of light poured into the body, converging on Kino's right eye, and finally felt a burning sensation, and the right eye quietly burst into a scorching light, becoming as dazzling as a star.

When the light shone to the extreme, Kino felt a very subtle feeling from his right eye, as if he had become the supreme being in this space, nothing could escape his gaze, everything in the world was like an open The picture scroll was presented in front of his eyes without any secrets.

Kino looked at the giant shadow ahead: "Who are you?"

The giant shadow shattered in an instant, and a strange stream of matter appeared in the darkness, and then everything exploded like a big bang in the universe, turning into an invisible roaring wave.

In this changing time and matter, the ancient voice echoes and lingers, as if it came here from the other side of the galaxy: "Take what we give you, and end this ancient reincarnation."

Kino: "What did you give me?"

Voice: "The curse of eternal loneliness."

(End of this chapter)

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