honor me as god

Chapter 340

Chapter 340
"Boom—" gunpowder smoke and dust filled Jack's engine, and she quickly approached Nicole, whose life and death were unknown, and opened her ferocious mechanical claws.

However, Jack's killing plan failed. Before she could tear Nicole apart, a huge red shadow fell from the sky.

"Boom!" Lorna drove Fei Ye and landed in front of Nicole, blocking Jack's path of recovery.

Resakhal's coercion not only failed to restrain Lorna, but instead made her queen's blood boil, breaking through her own limit, and possessing the power of using the "two-word dragon language" in the third sequence "Dragon Roar".

The previous battle left Lorna covered in bruises, but she seemed to have endless power, hot spots appeared densely in her throat, and the ancient dragon language roared out: "ToorKrein!"

Within minutes and seconds, Fei Ye spread her wings covering the sky and the moon, and the crimson lines under her belly shone extremely brightly, and finally turned into a flow of light and converged on her throat, and together with her master, she uttered a powerful dragon roar: "ToorKrein!"

The breaths of one person and one dragon collided in the air, and the power of the two words of dragon language converged into a turbulent pillar of fire, attacking Jack.

Faced with the majestic dragon's breath of the two-character dragon language, Jack couldn't resist, so he had to change his offensive. The power of the reverse propeller was huge, and he completed the turn in a short time, rushing towards the helpless Kino like a meteor.

Facing the attacking Jack, Kino knew very well that he should not take chances at this time. If he tried to escape and waited for Edward and others to break through the shield wall to come out, or wait for Lorna to ride Fei Ye to help him, the momentum would be higher. will be completely at a disadvantage.

The brave wins when we meet on a narrow road.

Those who want to quit will only be crushed to death by powerful enemies like ants.

The only way to die is to live!

Kino used telekinesis to form a barrier in front of him, and at the same time, the claws of the god of death condensed on his right arm, gathering a torrent of death energy more than ten meters long, and collided with Jack from the front.


At this moment, half of the center of the battlefield was scorching flames and half was black mist. The two crazily devoured each other, and all the wreckage of the buildings involved in it were wiped out.

Kino contends with Jack's mechanical body with the power of the incarnation of death. The claws of the god of death and the giant mechanical claws are pressed against each other. Doubtful death.

"You will definitely die! I will not die today!!!" Jack roared out the result of "foreseeing the future" of the dice. The metal modules have been burned to the melting point, and they flutter down like fire butterflies.

Kino's physical strength was severely exhausted in the previous confrontation, and now he has not been able to exert the full power of the telekinetic force and the claws of death. The telekinetic barrier and black mist surrounding his body were gradually swallowed by the flames, and the sweat overflowing from his forehead evaporated instantly. Exhausted, leaving only the salt stains that kept falling.

"ZaanDoDova!" The three-character dragon language sounded in the distance, and as the surface of the shield wall swelled to the limit, the devastating dragon roar completely broke through it from the inside, and the spreading air wave overturned all the surrounding buildings, like a twelfth-level building. Hurricane passing.

"Roar!" The tile-blue giant dragon ridden by Resakhar tore apart the remains of the shield wall, and struggled to crawl out of it, his throat full of furious roars.

Rezakhal broke through the limit of the shield wall, but at the same time, Jack also broke through the limit of Kino.

"Puff——" Kino's telekinetic power and black mist were finally swallowed up, and the mechanical claws hotter than magma penetrated Kino's chest, piercing him back and forth.

"Hahahahaha!!!" Jack let out a distorted and crazily laugh, and pulled the mechanical claws, preparing to cut Kino open.

"Boom—" However, just as Jack gathered his strength, Kino's right hand suddenly struck, and the death energy of the black mist that had been scattered gathered again, and under the action of telekinetic power, it was completely concentrated in the palm of his hand, and he grabbed Jack's hand suddenly. Face.

Kino's face was expressionless, without any pain on his face, the veins on the back of his hands were twitching violently, and his strength was constantly erupting under the urging of his potential, destroying Jack's face together with the black mist.

Kino didn't feel pain, neither did Jack, both of them completely gave up on defense, and offense was the best defense, as long as they crushed each other first, the problem would be solved easily.

For a moment, blood gushed out of Kino's chest, and sparks splattered from Jack's face. It was unknown whether the metal on Jack's face was crushed or Kino's sternum was crushed, and there were crackling and cracking sounds all around.

This is the true sense of balance, whether it is Jack's mechanical body or Kino's human body, they have reached their limit in the struggle of life and death, and any intervention of external force will break the balance.

In the overloaded state, Jack's engine was overheated, and the core area was being destroyed in a large area. Half of his head was almost crushed by Kino's death claws, and he began to gradually lose control over his body.

The same is true for Kino. As Jack's giant mechanical claws kept churning, the blood in his body drained rapidly, his blood pressure dropped, and his cells entered a state of hypoxia. It spreads across the field of vision like a wave, and will faint at any time.

Although Resakhar and the others had already rushed out of the shield wall, they hid very far in order to avoid the past life domain. It would take at least 15 seconds to rescue Kino.

As for the confrontation between Chino and Jack, which is on the verge of limit, the winner will be decided within 10 seconds at the most.


The entangled two did not retain their own strength. The scalding heat wave and the cold black mist kept blending, colliding, and devouring each other. The surrounding air was violently oscillating, and blood and mechanical fluid were flying, but quickly evaporated or eroded.

The Smiling Devil, Jack the Ripper, the most feared processors in their respective eras, are in the same time and space after a hundred years of reincarnation, staged an unprecedented confrontation.


Jack's robotic hand had already penetrated Kino's breastbone, heading towards the heart, and the blood bursting from the heart vessels kept gushing out, becoming weaker and weaker under the gradual exhaustion of the beating.

Kino's death claws were also crushing Jack's head, the metal structure and components were constantly shattered, sparks of malfunctions spread all over his body, the visual interface of the mechanical eye was already red, and hundreds of crash warnings came.

In the confrontation between life and death, no one took the initiative to take the initiative. The amber pupils and the scarlet mechanical eyes looked at each other fiercely, and there seemed to be flames bursting out.


An accident happened.

During the stalemate, Kino lost his strength without any sign, and Jack's mechanical claws broke through the sternum like a meat grinder, and then sank another three points.

Because he couldn't feel pain, Kino couldn't perceive the injury on his body through pain, and just now, Jack hit a nerve connection point, and he didn't realize that his key area had been broken until half of his body fell into paralysis. .

CIP congenital painlessness, the unsolvable barrier for demons to deal with torture and punishment, has become something that persecutes itself for the first time.


One half of Kino's body was paralyzed, but the other half was still able to move, and his telekinetic power was not affected. He tried to grab Jack's sharp claws to prevent it from tearing the heart veins, but the result of the dispersion of power was that the death claws were broken free.

Metal splattered on Jack's face, and he laughed wildly out of the grip of death's claws. Like a hound in a frenzy, she bit Kino's wrist with the most primitive weapon—teeth, and pierced into the bone, blood gushing out.


"He said you must die!!!" A distorted laugh came from Jack's throat. Under the damaged pronunciation chip, this kind of laughter had a faulty overlapping sound, which was more like howling of a devil.

Jack's frenzied bite had already bit off Kino's wrist bone, and the death aura of the death claws spread together. The serious injury couldn't even maintain the telekinetic power. The body that lost all defenses was like an exposed flower bud, so fragile to touch. Instantly crumble.

Killing arrogance is only a short distance away.


"Dong rumbling—" The sound of horseshoes was like thunder.

The white horse came from nowhere, tore apart the night with thunderous hoofbeats, turned into a stream of light and passed through the ruins, leaving Resakhar and others behind in an instant with lightning speed.

"Boom——" the white horse raised its front hooves and jumped over many obstacles, as if flying to the center of the battlefield. The single horn on its forehead reflected holy light under the moonlight, just like the winter snow left in the world.

This is not a war horse.

This is a unicorn.


Romantic fairy tales, the story of the knight saving the princess has long been tired of hearing.

The battlefield called reality, the princess in fresh clothes and angry horses, riding like a thousand!

Compared with the unicorn's tall body, Solandelle looked so petite. The raging airflow on the battlefield almost pressed her whole body on the unicorn's back, and the hot flying sand kept hitting, but there were fine red threads floating on it. Around the body, all the sand is blocked.

Solandelle didn't rush directly to rescue Kino, because she knew very well that she was too weak to fight head-on with the aliens, and going in rashly would only become a stumbling block and distract Kino's attention.

"Hiss—" Under the pull of the reins, the unicorn let out a long neigh, and slammed its front hooves to stop it.

Solandelle ignored the destructive flying sand around her, and directly grabbed the "leading" red rope that Chino gave her from her wrist.


The moment the "string lead" was separated from the body, Solandelle lost the protection of the red rope, and her fair and fragile skin was instantly injured by flying sand, and dense blood beads appeared on the surface of her body, almost killing the white clothes and the white unicorn. The mane is dyed red.

Enduring the severe pain, Solandelle pulled out the powerful crossbow given by Bolton from the bag, wrapped the thread around the crossbow bolt, and pointed it at Chino.


"No!!!" Solandelle pulled the trigger with her bloody finger, and the arrow, covered with moonlight, tore through the turbulent flow, and flew towards Kino's body while shaking.

"Pfft!!!" At the same time, the serious injury had completely exhausted Kino, and the mechanical claws were three points deeper, piercing into the heart vein, and it could be broken open in the next instant.


At the moment of life and death, the arrow falls and the rope arrives.

"Pfft——" the crossbow hit Kino's arm. Although he was injured, the red rope tied to it was activated at the same time, turning on the protection mode!
Jack's scarlet mechanical eyes were full of astonishment, and the "threads" reflected in the pupils disintegrated into hundreds of red threads, first entangled the mechanical claws that were about to penetrate Kino's heart, and then wrapped her whole body, completely locking the mechanical joints, The whole person couldn't move.

"I! Today!! Immortal!!!" Jack let out a hoarse roar, roaring out the result of "foreseeing the future" of the dice again, like a convinced believer.

The shattered mechanical body burst out with the final strength, and the red thread wrapped around the body kept breaking and was about to break free.

Solandelle ignored the blood on her hands, pulled out the long sword "Remnant Night" from her waist, and threw the 12th birthday gift made by her brother forward: "Take the sword!"

The unsheathed "Remnant Night" jumped in the air, and the smooth surface reflected the battlefield full of beacon fire, the bright moon in the sky, and the pair of burning red pupils.

Lorna did not know when she had already rushed behind Jack. The scorching dragon blood was all over her body, but she was still surging with unshakable power. She jumped up vigorously and grabbed the flying "Remnant Night".

"呵——" The jet port of the engine behind Jack opened suddenly, and the hot air flow was like a cannonball under the action of the compressor, blasting Lorna with a tearing impact.

The power of the impact at a very close range was too great, it directly knocked Lorna's consciousness away, and her whole body was blasted tens of meters away. The scarlet flowers withered.

"I! Today!! Immortal!!!" Amidst Jack's howling, the last red rope was snapped.

Jack raised his sharp mechanical claws, like a demon spreading his wings, and was about to give Kino a final blow, when the mechanical eyes filled with red light suddenly froze: "Huh?!"

She had obviously knocked Lorna into the air, but almost at the same time, another unshakable pressure came from behind her.

The bright golden fire of the sun shone brightly under the night sky, and a petite figure jumped up behind Jack, catching the "Remnant Night" sword that fell in mid-air.

Nicole's whole body was filled with golden flames, and her bone-cracked hand hurt even more after she clenched Can Ye tightly, but she didn't seem to feel the suffocating pain, her body jumped and rotated in the air like a frightened bird.

"Die!!!" The sharp remnant night pierced through the scorching air and penetrated Jack's head without delay.


"Ah!!!!" Jack's body was scrambling with steam, his red mechanical eyes trembled erratically, and the engine accelerated rapidly for a short while, but it was just the last whine before dying.

The black shadow rose, and Kino gathered his last strength in the claws of death, and attacked Jack directly in the torrent of death air, smashing half of her mechanical head to pieces.

As the combat chip and control center in the brain were completely destroyed, all the mechanical systems of Jack's body were turned off at the same time, the red light of the mechanical eyes also went out instantly, and the whole person fell to the ground with a crash.

The moment Jack fell, Kino was about to step forward to kill him, when he suddenly saw a dazzling white light shining on her body.
At first, Kino thought it was some kind of self-destruct device, but he found that it was not quite like it. Even though the white light was shining, it spread very slowly.
No, it's not that the light spreads slowly, but the time in the whole world slows down
Just like the scene when the triple shackles "Awe System" is opened, it is an empty and desolate whiteness, just like the purest white awn when the world first opened. The power of the gods descends into eternal silence.

When the light enveloped Kino's whole body, he felt that his consciousness was sinking, his vision seemed to be covered with a layer of impenetrable mist, and his ears suddenly fell into dead silence, cold and silent.

"Boom——" The silence was torn apart in an instant, and countless brilliant colors swept, continuously setting off bright white ripples, all gathered in Kino's right eye in the whistling, as if there were thousands of electric arcs shining to the fullest.

Finally, an eye overlooking the mortal world opened in the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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