honor me as god

Chapter 339 Domain Destruction

Chapter 339 Domain Destruction
Originally, if Jack was under the control of the combat chip, even if it was such an extremely close-range attack, her database could instantly match the countermeasures.

But the combat chip will take destroying incoming flying objects as the first priority. Jack has no time to modify the data temporarily. Barrels of oil are picked up manually.

But who knows, the barrels of oil that Roman threw before were all cover-ups, just to cover the barrel of Nicole that was thrown over at the end.

Now that Nicole broke out of the barrel, the two were only a stone's throw away, it was too close, Jack had just realized it, before the signal could reach the combat chip, Chilling Fire had already slashed down from the sky.



One heavy and one light, two completely different slashing sounds sounded.

The light sword Han Chan brought frost and snow all over the sky, and pierced through Jack's left mechanical eye. This magical weapon from the past was sharp enough to break through T2 nano-metals, and pierced Jack's head through, extremely The low temperature directly froze the combat chip inside its brain.

The epee weeping fire sprinkled scorching flames, and it easily smashed into Jack's right shoulder. The huge kinetic energy pierced the armor all the way, and it didn't stop until it reached the chest. Half of Jack's body was almost cut off. , I can vaguely see the mechanical power core in my heart.

"Ah!!!!" Jack let out a deafening, distorted roar, accompanied by a malfunctioning Caton from time to time, she headbutted Nicole like crazy, but she dodged it flexibly, Chilling Fire took advantage of the situation to withdraw her sword, leading A large expanse of mechanical fluid was released, and he quickly retreated to a safe distance.

When Nicole hid in the barrel before, she was inevitably affected by the domain of her previous life, so she was a mortal when she surprised Jack.

In order to injure Jack as much as possible, Nicole made no reservations in her movements, injecting all the kinetic energy of her own fall and the power of swinging her sword into two slashes, and only then did she successfully break through Jack's defense and inflict heavy damage on him.

But the effect of force is mutual, and the price of sacrificing one's life is that Nicole has withstood all the counter-impact force of the slash, and the joints of both arms have been dislocated, and the right arm holding the Weeping Fire Epee is seriously damaged. There is a piercing pain when you move it.

If this world has X-ray technology, if you examine Nicole's right arm, you will find that the bones are full of cracks, and the most severe stress has even been comminuted.

The severe pain made Nicole's forehead covered with cold sweat, and her body couldn't stop trembling. She didn't care about her immobile right arm, she pressed her left arm against the wall with difficulty, pushed hard, and the dislocated part Returning to the position, barely regained the mobility of the single arm.

At this moment, Nicole felt that someone was staring at her. She looked along the line of sight and found that it was none other than Kino.

Nicole endured the severe pain and squeezed out a forced smile. Her voice became very soft due to trembling, but it was full of unshakable determination: "I'm back!"

With deep meaning in his eyes, Kino nodded silently.

Since then, Nicole cut off the confusion in her heart, and left the wavering and hesitant self in the past forever.

"Ah!!!" There were more and more sparks of faults on Jack's body, the speed of the mechanical power core slowed down significantly, the red light of the mechanical eyes became more and more dim, and the mechanical fluid kept flowing from all over the body. Wounds, especially from head wounds popping up.

Without warning, Kino and the others in the previous life domain only felt their bodies lighten, and looked at their hands one after another.

Back, superpowers!

Jack transforms herself into a mechanical body, and her exclusive reincarnation ability "Past Life Domain" is also stored in the chip in the form of data.

Nicole's sacrifice just now, while destroying the combat chip, also suppressed the effect of the previous life domain!
As soon as the extraordinary power came back, confidence also came. Edward immediately summoned the elite Trojans from all over the place, pointing at Jack: "Kill!"

"I! I'm not dead!!!" Edward and the others were about to attack, Jack screamed up to the sky, fault sparks all over his body erupted intensively, and the previous shield wall fell from the sky again, but instead of enveloping himself, it engulfed Edward, Resacha Er, his tile-blue dragon, and the Trojan elite were all trapped inside.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!!" Dull roars sounded one after another. The hard shield wall, which could not leave traces of ballistas, was constantly twisted and bulged, severely deformed, and it seemed that an angry beast was about to rush out of it.

Now that the domain of the previous life has been lifted, Edward and others have returned to their original strength. All the people locked in the shield wall are top-level extraordinary people. Even the high-tech defense materials produced by the cube cannot withstand the onslaught of this level of powerhouses. , Broken only in minutes and seconds.

"Boom—" In the turbulent air turbulence, Jack's legs transformed into a mechanical form again, and he stepped into the ground like a giant gun. The mechanical nodes all over his body began to shine brightly, and the metal skin was burned like a soldering iron. It was red, and the overspeeding engine blew gusts of wind to the surroundings, setting off a dust storm tens of meters high.

"You want to kill me?! Just rely on you??!" A scarlet light erupted in Jack's eyes, and a vast torrent of energy spread from the nodes throughout his body. He entered the overload mode at the cost of damaging the mechanical core, ready to launch the final attack. The mad attack!

"Boom!!!" Jack in the overload mode instantly broke through the sound barrier, easily tearing apart a distance of tens of meters, and hit Neeko with the force of thunder.

If it wasn't for the fact that Nicole's extraordinary ability had not been restored, and the sun and gold fire that protected her body was ignited all over her body, coupled with the lifting of the sword to relieve the force, she would have been directly smashed into meat by Jack.

Even so, Nicole still couldn't bear the impact, and flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, crashing through three low walls in a row, and finally smashed heavily into the ruins, the blood vessels all over her body burst, and a bloody flower bloomed.

Nicole fell to the ground weakly, without a piece of good flesh on her body, covered in cuts and bruises, blood continuously overflowing from the dense wounds, her consciousness was in a trance, but she still tried to stand up with the support of her will.

However, the will is not omnipotent. Nicole was injured too badly, every breath would affect the wound, blood was dripping from the mouth, and finally the pupils began to slacken, fell to the ground and could not get up again, life seemed to be burning to the end The candle gradually lost its movement.
Nicole lost her ability to fight, but the roar of Jack's engine became more intense. She released blood mist again to prevent Kino from coming to rescue, and then the enemy-locking halo in the mechanical eyes completely locked Nicole, and rushed towards her.

Make up!Make up!Make up!

One shot to the head, two shots to the chest, the iron law in the processor's textbook was formulated by the first leader, Jack the Ripper.

Unknown life and death, is life!

Half dead or alive is alive!

A living enemy must break through all her vital points until she is absolutely dead!
(End of this chapter)

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