honor me as god

Chapter 338 Unexpected reinforcements

Chapter 338 Unexpected reinforcements
The dragon power of the queen's blood came like a boiling wave, and Resakhar only felt a bang in his head. The hot dragon's blood was rushing uncontrollably in his body, and the sweat was melted by the scorching body temperature as soon as it was secreted. Make steam, leaving only salt grains that are almost melted.

"Hmm..." Resakhar didn't have time to use the higher-numbered dragon language, and the blood of the servants was completely suppressed by the queen's blood. This suppression was even more terrifying than Jack's previous domain, where at most the dragon's blood was invalid. , and now he was completely countered by blood, and he collapsed on the ground uncontrollably, unable to restrain Lorna anymore.

Edward was caught off guard. How could he have thought that Resakhal couldn't restrain Lorna. He subconsciously reached out to stop Lorna, but he didn't even catch Lorna's clothes, and she rushed into the past life domain.

Jack is launching a crazy offensive against Chino. Her mechanical eyes can instantly read out the opponent's blood pressure, body temperature, blood flow, adrenaline and other data, so as to judge the opponent's current physical state.

Jack has already seen that all of Kino's physical indicators are seriously abnormal, which is also reflected in his deformation movements, and it only takes him an instant to defeat him!
"Swish—" Just as Jack caught the flaw in Kino's movements and was about to launch a fatal blow, the black light tore through the air and connected to Jack's neck in a line.

Under the control of the combat chip, self-defense had the highest priority. Jack automatically stopped the attack and turned to the defensive, blocking the attack from Lorna.

Kino was already overwhelmed, and Lorna's appearance could be said to be a timely response, sharing half of the pressure for him.

The two had no practice before, but they were both extremely talented in combat. They didn't need to get in touch at all. They cooperated almost perfectly with each other.

But no matter how perfect the cooperation is, it is only from a mortal body. It can be delayed for a while, but it can't really defeat a mechanical creature, let alone suppress the combat chip composed of huge data in her brain.

"Mortal ants." Jack sneered sharply, the engine on his body roared loudly, and his speed increased by another quarter. When he swung his sharp claws, he became a phantom, almost breaking the sound barrier.



Two gushes of blood sounded.

Chino's shoulder was severely injured, and his whole body was thrown to the ground. The upper half of his left arm's muscles were almost completely broken, and blood flowed profusely.

Lorna was even hit in the chest, and the mechanical claws left five bloody paw prints on it, and the bones were deep.

"eeny meeny miny mo, hold the tiger by its big tail, and let it yell if it yells" Jack hummed a nursery rhyme leisurely, while pointing his fingers back and forth between the two of them. After the last word, her The finger just landed on Lorna, and said in a regretful tone, "Oh, you are the first to die."

Jack's mechanical claws grabbed Lorna violently, and even though Kino tried to stop her, the blade could only splash a few sparks on her metal skin.

Lorna has no way to fight back now, she can only cover her head with her arms subconsciously, even if this action doesn't make any sense.
"A visitor from outside the sky! I'm your father!!!" Without warning, shouts and curses sounded from the side.

Jack's concentration was affected, and he unconsciously took over the authority of the combat chip, but she didn't fall for this low-level delay, and quickly grabbed Lorna again, planning to kill the person first, and then see who was calling.

However, the brief moment of stiffness just now had given Kino enough opportunity, he quickly threw himself on Lorna, and the two of them hugged each other and rolled away, avoiding Jack's fatal blow.

He missed a single hit, and seeing the two quickly fled outside the realm of the previous life, Jack didn't rush to pursue them, and looked in the direction of the sound.

Not far away, there was a two-story low building. A man with his arms crossed stood arrogantly on the edge of the roof. Judging from the logo on his armor, he was clearly a soldier of the Guards Legion.

"This seems to be that... Roman's personal guard?" Lorna covered her wound and said with a puzzled face, "Didn't he leave with Bolton? How could he be here?"

"Administrator Chino! I'm here to help you!" Roman picked up the wooden barrel next to him and threw it at Jack with all his strength.

Facing the approaching flying object, Jack's combat chip instantly calculated its parabolic trajectory, and the mechanical claws directly smashed it in mid-air.

However, when the iron barrel was broken open, the liquid contained in it was spilled head-on. Because it was too dense, there was no room for dodge in the calculation of the combat chip, and Jack was directly sprinkled by these viscous orange substances.

Through physical and chemical properties, Jack quickly identified it as sesame oil for cooking in the kitchen.

Roman stretched his bow to catch the rocket, and the flaming arrow drew a conspicuous arc in the air, falling towards the oil-soaked Jack.

Although Jack quickly got out of the arrow's shooting path, the oil on her body couldn't be shaken off, dripping continuously in the air, forming a continuous oil stain.

"Huh——" the arrow landed and ignited the sesame oil, and the flame spread quickly along the oil traces, and finally covered Jack's body, turning her into a burning man of fire.

However, it would be too whimsical to just defeat Jack like this. Her body surface is all T2 nanometer metal, which is extremely heat-resistant. There is no trace of burning.

Now Jack is covered in flames, looking scary, but the actual damage caused is almost zero, but it is not injured. The burning flames have a great impact on her machine vision, and the heat-seeking system is interfered. Unable to lock onto target.

Roman kept picking up the wooden cans he had prepared earlier and smashed them at Jack.

Under the control of the combat chip, Jack's mechanical claws kept tearing the wooden barrel to pieces, and barrel after barrel of oil leaked out of it, spreading all over his body, making the fire more raging. With her body as the center, the surrounding area was more than ten meters away. All are burning fires.

To say that this Roman is also a strange person, he does not know how many barrels of oil he has prepared, and he pours them on Jack continuously, as if it is endless.

Jack quickly took over control of the body from the combat chip. Instead of smashing the oil barrel, she extinguished the fire while catching the thrown wooden barrel firmly and kicking it aside to prevent the sesame oil inside from spilling out. .

In this way, Roman kept throwing buckets on the roof, and Jack kept receiving buckets below. This scene looked somewhat funny.

When the 12th barrel was received, before Jack's hand touched it, the barrel exploded suddenly.


An astonishing thing happened. The wooden barrel was not filled with gunpowder or sesame oil. It was not even accurate to say that it was "exploded" because it was completely cut by a sharp knife, and a person rushed out of it. !

Jack's mechanical eyes flickered red, reflecting two sharp blades of completely different sizes and colors. One was red all over, as if it had the power of the heavy pressure of Hell, and the other was frosty white, as light as snow returning from the cold winter.

Chilling Cicadas Weeping Fire!

(End of this chapter)

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