honor me as god

Chapter 337 Queen's Bloodline

Chapter 337 Queen's Bloodline

Jack is now short-circuited by graphite all over his body, unable to mobilize the defense system, and can only be forced to stand and be beaten.

"Bah——" Although Lorna's shooting talent is excellent, the injury eventually affected the accuracy. Barrett's bullet failed to hit the head directly, but it happened to hit Jack's joint connection point.

Under the huge impact, Jack's right shoulder was completely lifted off, exposing the damaged circuit and parts, and his body fell to the ground, and there happened to be a crumbling dangerous building next to him due to fierce fighting!

Kino and Lorna had a tacit understanding, and without any communication, they thought up the next battle plan.

Kino picked up a steel knife dropped by a Trojan soldier on the ground, flew and stabbed it into the joint gap on the other side of Jack, pinning her to the ground, and then quickly opened the distance.

"Bang!" The moment Chino left the affected area, Barrett's bullet hit the base of the dangerous building, completely destroying the load-bearing structure of the entire building.

The dangerous building was on the verge of falling, and after a few seconds, the damage exceeded the critical point, and the building fell directly towards Jack, pressing her underneath. The deafening noise spread throughout the entire Twilight City, and the sky was filled with dust from the collapse of the building.


As soon as Kino had this idea, he dismissed it.

His extraordinary power has not recovered, the domain of his previous life is still there, and there is no reminder from the triple shackles. All signs indicate that Jack is still alive.

"Ah!!!" The piles of dangerous building wreckage were broken through in the roar, and two red lights loomed behind the dust, accompanied by a huge black shadow breaking through the dust.

I saw that Jack's two mechanical eyes were scarlet like blood, and he didn't look like he was affected by Shi Mo and lost control. What was even more astonishing was that the damaged parts of her body, including the shoulder joints that were knocked off by Barrett's bullets before, were still on the way. The trend of wild vines "grows" T2 nano-metals.

That's right, it's not a replacement, but a growth!

The metal continued to grow and collide, making a scalp-numbing friction sound, like some kind of immortal creature.

Obviously, the reincarnation of Jack is not simply a mechanical transformation, and her body is not an ordinary mechanical body. Her whole body is composed of a special molecule that will fuse with the flesh and blood of the human body, allowing the host to have both biological and mechanical characteristics.

In this state, there is no conceptual distinction between machinery and flesh and blood, and they can be transformed into each other at any time. They are completely part of the body, both blood and flesh. Injured parts can be directly replaced like machinery, or can be replaced like machinery. Humans grow directly by resilience.

This is the highest realm of mechanical creatures.

Jack's face was twisted under the influence of the machine, and he laughed ferociously: "Mere mortals, want to kill me? It's up to you?!"

It was only then that Kino discovered that Jack had a syringe of phoenix serum inserted into Jack's heart!
This kind of mechanical lifeform can not only replace parts to repair battle damage, it can even use phoenix serum to recover at a high speed like carbon-based creatures.
This can be a little tricky.

"Hahahahahaha!!!" Amidst Jack's wild laughter, the T2 nano-metal grown through the phoenix serum began to twist, turning into thick and sharp spikes and wrapping around her body, casting an indestructible armor for her .

Finally, with the sound of twisting and cracking, two huge and indescribably huge "claws" broke out from the metal shell, exuding a strong aura of destruction, and opened their claws at Kino.

Jack's sinister grin was distorted and crazy, and he roared furiously: "You are the only one who can force out all my phoenix serum! Come on! Come again! Do you think you can kill me?! Come on! Come on! !come!!!"

"Boom!" The sound barrier was broken in an instant, and Jack swung his huge mechanical claws towards Kino, and the deafening whistling sound penetrated everyone's eardrums.

Even though Kino had entered the state of "absolute concentration", the difference in basic body data was still too great. He only managed to avoid the frontal attack of the mechanical claws in time, but was still affected by the turbulent flow of the sonic boom. It hit him like a wall, almost crushing him.

Jack is now fully fired, not only is his speed and strength rising, but he is also under the control of the combat chip, unless Chino has the ability to fight her for another 873 rounds and break through the upper limit of the chip's data storage.

If switched to the original human form, Chino could turn the tide of the battle with absolute focus, but now that Jack has been completely mechanized, the T2 nano-metal on his body can't even be broken by Barrett. It is undoubtedly a dream to break it with his fist.

Moreover, the mechanical claws are different from Jack's original human hands, and the attack range is terribly wide. Even with the fighting instinct under absolute focus, it is dangerous to dodge.

Seeing that Chino was fighting hard, Lorna wanted to provide him with fire support, but she and Jack encountered the same problem - the ammunition reserve.

All the cannonballs that Jack brought from the cube were emptied, and the fort had become scrap iron, so he could only go into battle empty-handed.

The same is true for Lorna. Her Barrett was stolen from Bolton. She only stole a bag of bullets, which was already empty just now. The sniper weapon in her hand turned into a firewood stick.

Although Lorna is a dragon knight and has power far beyond ordinary people, she is no different from an ant compared to Edward's level. Even if she throws something in the distance, it will not pose any threat to Jack, and may even interfere with him. Chino.

Almost without hesitation, Lorna threw Barrett, drew out her sword, and rushed to the center of the battlefield without thinking about herself, wanting to get close to help Chino.

But not long after she ran out, a black shadow stood in front of her, and it was none other than Resakhar.

Lorna suddenly became anxious: "What are you doing?!"

Resakhal wiped the sweat off his brow, and said in a deep voice, "It's not like you haven't experienced the ability of this alien! You just rushed in like this, do you know how dangerous it is?!"

Lorna snapped, "I'm in danger, so Kino isn't in danger, right? His ability is sealed, isn't he still fighting aliens?!"

Edward also stretched out his big hand, stopped in front of Lorna, and said meaningfully: "What is your identity? What is Chino's identity? He is a city-level administrator, and he will die when he dies. Just find someone to replace him. Breeding people is like ants, as many as you want! If something happens to you, your father will be wiped out immediately, and the whole Lenglie Valley will be in chaos!"

Lorna asked coldly, "Then what do you want?"

Edward: "Let them fight, we will retreat strategically first, wait for Chino to force out all the cards of the visitor from the sky, and use up her physical strength as much as possible, and then we will send people in to make up for it."

"tui!" No one expected, Lorna spat directly on Edward's face, causing him to step back in shock.

Lorna pointed at Edward's nose and cursed loudly: "You are a governor of a province, a governor of a province, you spare your life, dare not fight with aliens, just say it, and retreat strategically? Pooh! It's because of you! This kind of dog-like thing, my mother died in Wangcheng back then! Get out! Get out of here!!!"

Lorna was really angry, the dragon's blood in her body boiled, and scorching hot spots densely surfaced on her body surface, the steam formed by the extreme temperature difference mixed with the majestic dragon power, swept in all directions.

If you were an ordinary person, at such a close distance, even if you were not suppressed by Longwei, you would still be burned by Lorna's body temperature of hundreds of degrees.

But who is Resak Hal?This is the "Sunstrider" of the fifth sequence.

In front of him, an angry little dragon cub was no different from a screaming kitten. He didn't need Edward's help. He grabbed Lorna with only one arm, dragged her out without arguing .

"Let go! I tell you to let go!!!" Lorna beat Resakhar desperately, bit his hand with her teeth, and landed her fist hard on his face, even hitting his forehead with her forehead. Nose, but these attacks can't hurt a high-ranking dragon knight at all.

Resakhar let her bite and beat her, and led her out, away from the center of the battlefield.

Lorna was so angry that she lost her mind, hot spots gathered in front of her throat, and she breathed dragon's breath directly at Resakhar: "Toor!"

Clay figurines still have a temper, not to mention a dragon knight like Resakhar, he is not very tempered, but he doesn't get angry easily.

Normally, my niece was mischievous, and for the sake of my elder brother, I let her go. Now at this critical juncture, Resakhar is not used to it at all, and directly replied to Lorna with a dragon language: "Faas!"

The same is "one-character dragon language", but the characters used are different, and the effects are also different.

Lorna used "Dragon's Breath", and Resakhar used "Dragon's Blood Suppression".

The ancient giant dragon is a predator at the top of the food chain. It has no natural enemies. The dragon power in its blood has a deterrent effect on any creature weaker than itself. It can suppress reason and force it to be immobile.

When a dragon knight wants to tame a young dragon, he needs to use "Dragon Blood Pressure Control" to fight against the young dragon.

In the concept of the giant dragon, shouting "Faas" in the language of the dragon is a formal declaration of war, and the young dragon will immediately fight back against the initiator of the challenge with "dragon blood suppression".

If the dragon knight finally wins and breaks the young dragon's will, it can be forced to "surrender" and sign a contract to become its sole master.

If he loses and is suppressed by the young dragon's might, the dragon knight can only admit defeat obediently and find a weaker young dragon to try to challenge.

If you can't even deal with the weakest young dragon, it means that you are not qualified to become a dragon knight. You can only tame those relatively more docile winged beasts and become winged beast cavalry-this is also the reason for most mediocre members of the Ragnome family. home.

Among dragon knights, "dragon blood pressure control" is also often used, but no matter whether you win or lose, there will be no "surrender" effect, and it is impossible to sign any contract. When disagreeing, force the other party to be immobile and under your own control.

The effect of dragon's blood pressure is generally related to "sequence", high sequence suppresses low sequence, this is the most common situation.

Resakhar is the fifth sequence "Sunstrider", and Lorna is only the second sequence "Four Wings". This huge gap across 5 sequences is logically crushed without any suspense.

However, Resakhar overlooked one thing, an extremely serious thing - although dragon blood suppression is related to "sequence", it is also related to "blood".

There are two branches of blood in the Regnome family.

One is the "Queen's Bloodline", inherited from the only seventh sequence "Black King" in the history of the clan, Sofina Finn Regnome, known as the "Dragon Queen".

The "Queen's Bloodline" and Sophie's mount, the black dragon "Nidhogg", have the same power, which can be traced back to the "Immortal Ancient Dragon", one of the ancient nine gods.

The other is the "bloodline of retinue", which originates from races other than the Dragon Queen. Although it is also a high-level giant dragon in traceability, it is undoubtedly a dim light compared to Haoyue in front of the "Immortal Ancient Dragon", the ancestor of all dragons.

Therefore, the "middle name" of the Ragnome family is not randomly chosen. It does not mean that if you want to be called "Fern", you will be named "Fern", and if you want to be called "Derlin", you will be named "Derlin".

When a child of the Dragon Banner is born, a blood appreciation ceremony will be performed first.

If the purity of the "follower's blood" in the body is higher, the middle name of "Derlin" will be given.

If the purity of the "queen's blood" in the body is higher, the middle name of "Fen" will be given.

That's why Lorna's middle name comes from her late mother "Sura Finn Regnome" and not from her father "Stin Deling Regnome".

Which is stronger, "Queen's Bloodline" or "Servant's Bloodline"?
The former is inherited from the Dragon Queen, and the latter is a collateral race. There is no doubt which one is better, and it can even be distinguished from the name alone.

But now, Resakhal made this serious mistake. He thought that he had 3 sequences of Gao Luona and crushed her in all aspects of strength, so he could easily control her with "Dragon's Blood Pressure".

But Resakhar forgot that what he was facing was a dragon knight with the "queen's blood" and the only dragon knight who inherited the name of "Fen"—Lorna Finn Reg Norm!

Under the pressure of Resakhal's dragon language, Lorna could only feel the dragon's blood in her body boil more and more, and began to fall into a scorching restlessness, just like a sleeping angry beast suddenly found ants and claws in front of them. The rage was awakened, almost breaking out of the body.

This is a feeling that is difficult to describe in words. Facing the Sunstrider with four wings, Lorna's strength has been completely suppressed. There is no doubt that, but the deeper the suppression, the hotter the dragon blood in her body , the consciousness became clearer, the perception seemed to spread to the whole area, and the arrogance engraved in the genes spontaneously emerged.

When the dragon's blood boiled to the extreme, and the turbulent heat flowed through the whole body like breaking through the shackles, the ancient roar of the dragon suddenly sounded in the depths of Lorna's consciousness, she grabbed Rezakhal's collar suddenly, and with her own voice, Roared out the furious dragon language in his consciousness: "Faas——Tah!"

The nearly substantive Longwei veneer swept over, and Resakhaer only felt the adrenaline soaring, the heartbeat crazily intensified, the blood temperature seemed to drop to freezing point, and the power of the "following blood" disappeared like sparks falling into the deep sea , all that was left was an irresistible trembling.

At the same time, the tile-blue dragon that shared the dragon's blood with Resakhar also let out a scream, and the wail resounded through the sky. It didn't even dare to come up to protect its master, shivering in a corner, unable to move.

When he was in a trance, horror filled Resakhar's heart.

Two character dragon language
Two-character dragon language? !
Lorna has a second sequence "Four Wings", why can she use the word "Dragon Language"? ? ! !

This is clearly
The symbol of the third sequence!
(End of this chapter)

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