honor me as god

Chapter 341 Homecoming

Chapter 341 Return to the Plane
The space of reincarnation, the plane where "Emperor's Landing" is located.

In front of the cube towering into the void, 18 beams of light are shining here. The beams of light are big and small, some are very dim, like a candle that is about to go out, and some are extremely dazzling, like a bright sun in the sky.

In the cold space of reincarnation, if there is one thing reincarnators like most, it is probably the beam of light in front of them, which is more charming than the prompts and rewards for completing tasks.

On the mission plane, when the reincarnators complete the mission, they will stay for 10 seconds to settle reward points. After the settlement, they will return to the reincarnation space.

This 10-second retention time belongs to the end of the task time, and does not mean "safety", and the reincarnation will not be invincible.

In the history of the reincarnation world, such things are not uncommon—the reincarnator desperately completed the mission, the mission target has been eliminated, and the rewards have begun to be settled, but because of the serious injury, he failed to survive the last 10 seconds of retention time.

Or during the mission, they provoked too many local forces and were flanked by a large number of enemy troops. Although they successfully eliminated the mission target, they failed to survive the last 10 seconds in the encirclement, and their lives remained on the mission plane forever.

Falling in the darkness before dawn, this is the cruelest and most desperate way to die.

And the beam of light in front of him is the repair beam of light after the samsara return to the samsara space, which can repair any injury indiscriminately - it is only effective for living people.

As long as it is shrouded in the beam of repair light, no matter what kind of injuries the reincarnated person suffered before, whether it is a broken limb or a half cut, even if the brain and heart are shattered, or even a complete collapse at the level of the genetic chain, it doesn't matter, as long as the nerves in the body The current still remains, and it is judged as "alive" by the cube, and will be restored to a healed state by the beam of light.

Therefore, for reincarnators, the absolutely safe point of time is not the moment when the task is completed, but the moment when they are enveloped by the beam of light.

Before being shrouded by the beam of light, your life belongs to the cube.

Only after being shrouded by the beam of light, life truly belongs to you.

In front of the cube of Emperor's Landing, the dimmest light beam, representing the lightest injury, disappeared first.

The top reincarnations came out one after another, and the number remained unchanged. There were 18 people when they went there, and 18 people when they came back.

But other teams are not so lucky and powerful.

During the period of Emperor Lin’s travel mission, other teams with faster passage of time came and went. The old strong team fell to the mission plane, and the new team was like the rising sun. A group of people came to the reincarnation space and left again. A group of people.

Leaving aside those teams that have entered the regular plane, the last round of hunting down the Seven Sins Rejectors, except for the successful hunting of "Gluttony" by "Di Lin", the battle situation in the world of "Arrogance" has not yet been determined, and the rest of the hunt for "Jealousy", The samsara teams of "anger", "laziness", "greed" and "lust" were wiped out, and no team survived.

At the top of the sky of reincarnation, "gluttony", once the largest of the seven sins, has fallen.

But just as there is an endless stream of reincarnated people entering the reincarnation space, there will never be a shortage of rejecters here.

When the old gluttony fell, a new gluttony was quietly born. Its light was weaker than a candle, and it curled up at the bottom of the remaining six sins like a firefly.

The gluttony of a newborn is extremely fragile, like a candle in the wind, it will go out at any time, but no one will underestimate this small light. Every experienced reincarnation knows that as long as it is given the right opportunity to grow slowly, this Sooner or later, the spark will become a giant that swallows thousands of samsara teams, just like the other six sins.

At this time, on the space square of Emperor Lin, there are still three beams of light that are still being repaired. Although there are subtle differences, the scale is extremely large, and the brightness is even more so. The eyes are like the sun on the sky, and the blazing light is scattered all over the square. , but did not bring the heat it should have, it was still so cold.

"Xiaolong, Zhanpoxuan, Soul Song, Tiansha. These high-level teams have all been wiped out. It's too tragic." A young reincarnated person moved his arm and looked directly at the burning beam of light with his naked eyes. Not affected at all, he complained, "Now the rejecters are really more difficult to deal with each other. Like our Emperor Lin, we used to make shots, and the main force watched the show by the side. This time, it is good to deal with "Gluttony" , the three main forces all shot, and it took several months to eliminate the main body of gluttony. "

Another reincarnated person with more senior experience exchanged two top-quality cigars from the cube, cut off his head, lit one for himself, and passed the other to the other party: ""Gluttony" is a kind of cigar that uses devouring genes as the evolution method. Those who refuse can be eliminated no matter what the heat is."Arrogance", the first of the Seven Sins, is the most troublesome. "

The young samsara accepted the cigar humbly, puffed it up, and asked tentatively: "I heard that we have faced "arrogance" before the emperor's arrival? "

"Well, it happened a long, long time ago, when that "arrogance" was only one step away from being perfect. "The senior reincarnator seemed to recall something from the past, and his eyes became extremely vicissitudes, "When we set off, there were 21 people in Dilin, and only one third came back after the mission was completed. "

The young reincarnated man broke out in a cold sweat. When he arrived at Emperor's Landing, the team was already at the twelfth rank, standing firmly on the top of reincarnation.

Although Luo Qingfeng will not give them too much deliberate protection in order to train the players, but he will also control the intensity, let the players face death as much as possible, break through their own limits, and prevent them from really dying.

No matter what task, what plane, or what kind of danger he faces, this chief expert in the world of reincarnation will always have a way to turn the tide.

Dilin will not die, this concept has almost been engraved in the mind of the young reincarnation.

But only now did he know that in the first hunt and kill of Arrogance in the history of the team, only one-third of Di Lin survived? Of the 21 people, only 7 came back alive?

This number is a bit exaggerated
How strong was the arrogance at that time
The young samsara just wanted to ask, but the senior samsara didn't know whether he didn't want to talk, or his attention was attracted. He raised his chin forward and said, "Kari Sakura is almost repaired."

In front of the cube, among the three blazing beams of light, the leftmost one disappeared first.

The moment the beam of light disappeared into particles all over the sky, Kari Sakura landed lightly in mid-air. Her body has fully recovered, her skin is as delicate as milk, and can be broken by blowing bullets. It is impossible to see what injuries she suffered before.

However, the beam of light in the cube is only responsible for repairing the body, not the clothing, so Kari Sakura's priestess costume is still in tatters, the white stockings are full of war-damaged holes, and her plump thighs are stretched out in semicircles of different sizes shape, one of the clogs flew off.

Kari Sakura felt annoyed by one high and one low, so she simply threw the other clog into the air and stepped on the ground with her white silk foot.

"Sister Ying, you've worked hard!" Su Shangqi ran over, and the sister-in-chief handed a bottle of jade nectar to Sakura, bouncing around, her eyes full of longing, "Sister's Yamata no Orochi is so powerful! This is the first time I've seen the eight-headed and eight-tailed form of the Emperor's Landing for so long! My sister stands on it like a god!"

"That's right, if it wasn't for Xiahou's dog getting in the way, I'd have to let Baqi gobble it up!" Shouying opened the jade nectar and drank it, and suddenly spit it out, hitting Su Shangqi directly on the head, " How many times have I told you to get me wine! Wine! Do you understand? Jade nectar is so terrible!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Su Shangqi hurriedly ran to the cube, used his reward points to re-exchange a bottle of top quality sake and donated it to Kari Sakura.

"That's right, thank you~" Kari Sakura's personality is completely different from her delicate appearance, she is very elegant, she does not have the elegant appearance that she should have when drinking sake, she just uncorked the cork and drank it directly, spilling some wine on her chest, He didn't care if the thin clothes got wet, which caused many men, including Su Shangqi, to glance up uncontrollably.

Kari Sakura was halfway through drinking, when a snow-white figure passed by, she narrowed her eyes immediately.

Su Shangqi followed Karakura's line of sight, and whispered faintly: "It's really scary, Bai actually awakened that ability. The magic eye of death."

The Devil's Eye of Immediate Death, the exclusive ability of the awakened SSS-level reincarnation talent.

All things are born and die, whether they are as great as gods or as small as ants, if they have life, they must die. When there is a "cause" of birth, there will be a "effect" of death in the future.

The magic eye of death is just a kind of ability at the causal level, which endows the wearer with eyes to see "death".

When this causal pupil technique is turned on, the wearer can see two things on the visual object-dead line and dead point.

"Dead lines" are interlaced messy lines. Once broken, the area connected by the dead lines will be completely necrotic and lose all functions.

The "dead point" is a nearly infinitely small fine point. If the dead point is precisely destroyed, the existence of the individual will be eliminated from the "cause and effect" level and fall into irreversible death.

That is to say, in the sight of the magic eye of death, no matter you are a small ordinary person or a superhuman who has stepped into the realm of gods, as long as the "death line" is broken, the relevant parts of the body will be paralyzed, and if the "death line" is broken If the "point" is broken, you will fall into an unstoppable and irreversible death, and there is no way to recover from it.

In the sight of the "Devil's Eye of Straight Death", the only difference between the strong and the weak is that the weak are covered with interlaced dead lines and dead spots all over their bodies, which can be broken casually.

And those top powerhouses may have only a few dead lines and dead spots on their bodies, and it will take a lot of money to hit any of them.

But be it the strong or the weak, the most frightening thing about the Devil's Eye of Death is——

In the face of death, all living beings are equal.

Karakura looked at Bai's back with cold eyes, wiped the wine stains from the corner of her lips vigorously, and said in a deep voice: "At that time, you should have listened to me and just killed it. It's great now, raising such a monster."

Su Shangqi comforted: "It's okay, it's a good thing for Dilin that his teammates have such strong abilities. Moreover, there are three vows of blindness, stone statue, and exhaustion on Bai. Even if she has two hearts, she will definitely threaten her." Not to us——the team leader gave Bai the strengthening direction of sniper killing, if she has any hostility towards us, she will be blind immediately, and a sniper without eyes is a complete useless person, and it is useless to have the magic eye of death .”

Sakura remained silent, neither acknowledging nor denying it. Just as she was staring at Bai, the remaining two beams of light also disappeared one after another, and Xiahou and Luo Qingfan walked out of them slowly.

From Xiahou's state, it can be seen that the battle in the world of gluttony is very tragic. He has already been beaten to the point where only a pair of underpants are intact, and his bronzed muscles are exposed. Domineering is domineering, but it is inevitable to look greasy.

Although Luo Qingfeng's Taoist robe is old, there is no damage in one place, just lightly dust the sleeves, and the clothes are brand new.

Seeing that Xiahou was safe, Shou Ying secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then turned on her poisonous tongue attribute, and sprayed directly: "Xiahou! Why are you still alive? I opened the surface and lifted the crust this time to fight gluttony." Yes, just broke through the mantle and rushed into the center of the earth, and you snatched the head with a knife, how do you want to quibble this time?!"

Before Xiahou could reply, his expression froze suddenly, he raised his head and stared behind Karakura, his pupils began to dilate.
"You're pretending to be stupid again, right?!" Kara Sakura rushed over and grabbed Xiahou's ears, pulling and shaking them non-stop, "Every time you grab someone's head, you are the one! You wild monkey did it on purpose!! Give it back to me!!!”

"Hey..." Xia Hou's pupils had almost expanded to cover the entire iris, and cold sweat was slowly breaking out from his forehead. He stared blankly behind Kara Sakura, subconsciously grabbed her sleeve, and said in a trembling voice, "What is that?"

Hunting Ying was very puzzled, Xiahou has always given people the feeling that he is not afraid of anything, and he always laughs and laughs unscrupulously in the face of powerful enemies, and he has never seen such an expression on his face.

This is the return plane of reincarnation space, and one of the iron laws of the return plane is "safety" - there will be no enemies here, no matter how powerful a creature is, it is impossible to break through the crystal wall and come to the return plane, let alone The so-called enemy attack and invasion.

Therefore, at the first time, Kara Ying thought that Xiahou was playing tricks again, and wanted to deny her head-grabbing, but the frightened expression was too real, so she subconsciously followed Xiahou's line of sight.

The moment she saw the distance clearly, Kari Sakura's expression froze for an instant, and she stood there dumbfounded.

Dilin's team members noticed something was wrong, looked one after another, and fell into a deadlock, except for Huan and Luo Qingfeng who were expressionless, everyone else was at a loss, cold sweat quickly soaked their clothes.

no one knows where it came from
When Emperor Lin returned to the plane, an eye appeared in the vast void.

In the fuzzy and hazy sky, strange black shadows that are difficult to describe in words quietly emerged, and the ever-expanding shadows spread rapidly in the return plane. The giant eyes that only overlook the world of reincarnation.

This eye is shining with the iconic amber color, and the torrent of energy is gathered into lines and imprinted in the pupil, each of which is shining with a unique brilliance, and the majestic aura surges up, so huge that it has never been seen before.

The huge amber pupils reflect the whole picture of the Returned Plane, covering all the members of Dilin, just like a god overlooking the mortal world. Under its gaze, the reincarnation world seems to have no secrets at all.

(End of this chapter)

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