honor me as god

Chapter 334: Remote Means

Chapter 334: Remote Means
Without knowing it, Lorna was rapidly approaching the edge of the past life domain. Once she entered, she and Fei Ye would lose the dragon's blood at the same time, and hit the ground with their heads turned into flesh.

Resakhar was already in a panic, he couldn't fly himself now, and Lorna couldn't hear the shout, so he could only shout at the crowd: "Send a signal! Send her a signal!"

Just when the situation was about to become irretrievable, the "Blue Howling Thunder" rose from Kino's hands, exploding a piece of blue light in the night.

"Huh?" Lorna still has a few months to reach the adult age of joining the army, but a girl like her must have been exposed to a large number of military books early on, whether it is complicated military gestures or the messages represented by various Xiaotianlei , should understand everything.

In the Dogrand army, the blue howling thunder is often used on cavalry, especially cavalry and archery troops, and the meaning it represents is-keep a distance.

It has to be said that Lorna is very understanding in combat. She didn't think much about the reason why Kino released the blue howling thunder, and instinctively gathered the reins and rose to the sky.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief seeing this.

"呵——" Hot steam kept coming out of Jack's mouth, various data appeared on the visual interface of the mechanical eye, and several shining circles of light chased Fei Ye and Lorna in the air, using the fire control system Lock it down.

"Boom!" Without warning, the patent leather high-heeled boots on Jack's legs suddenly shattered, revealing the mechanical legs modified by the prosthetic body. Amidst the roar of the engine, the flames burst into flames, and the whole person flew into the air like a rocket.

Jack's flying ability is not beyond Kino's expectations. He is a mechanically transformed human being, so it is definitely not justified if he can't fly.

Edward and Rezakhal were stunned, the scene in front of them was far beyond their understanding.

You must know that there are many extraordinary people in this world, but there are not many extraordinary powers that can provide the ability to fly, let alone the ability to "incarnate into a giant steel bird".

It is precisely because there are so few transcendent beings who can fly that the wars in this world are always dominated by land warfare.

Edward and the others were stunned, and Lorna was also stunned, but it was "stunned" in another sense.

For dragon knights, the sky belongs to their domain. Whether it is the winged beast knights of the Dogoland Kingdom or the "Sky Lantern Army" of the Far Eastern Dynasty who rides hot air balloons, there is only one way to die if they dare to challenge the dragon knights in the air. The unchanging pride of every Ragnome.

Although Jack's flying ability was a bit unexpected, this guy dared to rush into the air to challenge, which directly stunned Lorna, and she was annoyed on the spot!
It is impossible for any dragon knight to bear being provoked in the air, Lorna directly pulled the rein, and the dragon language roared out of her mouth

Lorna was just about to control Fei Ye to face the enemy head-on, when she suddenly discovered that the blue howling thunder rose again, and the sender was still Kino.

Lorna is rushing forward now, vowing to compete with the aliens. She originally wanted to ignore Xiao Tianlei, but Kino seemed to have expected that she would have a headache, and added three blue Xiao Tianlei in succession. , seeming to urge evacuation.

"Oh! What are you doing?" Lorna kept scratching her head anxiously, wondering why Kino insisted on keeping her at a distance.

But the situation has reached the point where four Xiao Tianlei are fired in a row, and Lorna and Kino have a good relationship and trust him, so they restrain their impulse and manipulate Fei Ye and Jack to distance themselves.

In this way, the human dragon is in front, the machine is behind, and two streams of flames are burning in the air, chasing them non-stop, as if tearing two gaps in the night.

After Jack flew away, the past life domain centered on himself moved together, and Resakhar finally had the chance to save the dragon, so he hurried into the theater to find his old partner.

The tile-blue giant dragon escaped from the shackles of the previous life domain, the dragon blood has recovered, and all the power has returned to its original position. It vigorously shook off the ruins and wreckage on its body, and let out a fierce dragon chant from the sky: "Roar——"

Seeing that his old partner was in good spirits, Resakhar breathed a sigh of relief.

In the sky battlefield, although Fei Ye's speed is fast, Jack's mechanical body is not slow to fly, and Jack is small in size, and the wind resistance in the air is also small. Acceleration, deceleration and maneuvering are more flexible than Fei Ye. The distance is constantly shortening.

When the distance between the two parties was less than 50 meters, Lorna and Fei Ye were finally shrouded in the past life domain.

In an instant, Lorna only felt that the world in front of her eyes fell into grayness for a moment, and then her whole body became icy cold. The scorching dragon blood in her body completely lost its response. The mortal body was exposed to the high-altitude turbulence, and her whole body was almost frozen from the cold.

What's more deadly is that, flying at such a high altitude and high speed, Lorna's whole body was pressed against the dragon's back by the strong wind and could not move. If it wasn't for the riding gear, she might have been caught in the turbulent current and fell to pieces.

"Fei Ye." The wind poured into her mouth, and Lorna could hardly even utter a complete sentence. She had hoped that Fei Ye could take her to a safe area, but suddenly found a strong sense of weightlessness.

"Woo..." Fei Ye's wings stopped swinging, her huge head drooped powerlessly, and a low and powerless whine sounded from her throat, and she fell towards the ground.

At this moment, one person and one dragon are like a plane with its engine turned off, falling in a parabola with a huge curvature.

Seeing that Fei Ye was out of control, Resakhaer was already in a panic. If she fell in this state, Lorna would have to smash into mud with her and her dragon.

"Stay away!" Edward punched hard in front of him. The beast blood of the sixth sequence rolled in his body like magma, causing his muscles to expand rapidly. His already stalwart body became several times bigger. Five fingers smashed into the ground like piercing tofu.

"Roar—" In Edward's deafening battle roar, the ground on the battlefield was torn apart, and the disintegrated rock formations continued to rise, as if a giant was about to break through the ground.

In the end, amidst the roar of rock and earth collapsing, Edward directly lifted the ground, pulled out a large piece of foundation, and even lifted the short building next to him, just like that with one arm above his head.

"Boom!" The moment Edward threw it vigorously, a crack with a diameter of more than [-] meters broke out on the ground under his feet, and the low building held in his hand made a roar like a dragon, and smashed into Jack in the air.

Under Edward's majestic force, the low building couldn't bear the force of the throw at all, and disintegrated rapidly in the air, and boulders were scattered all over the sky, but the core part that remained at the end weighed at least hundreds of tons.

"Boom!!!" The wreckage of the building hit Jack at a speed that almost broke the sound barrier. The violent impact produced dust with a range of hundreds of kilometers, like a mushroom cloud blooming over the city of Dusk.

Amidst the surging dust, everyone faintly saw Jack rolling and falling covered in malfunctioning sparks. The engine on his body sometimes spewed out, sometimes went out, and finally landed crookedly in the distance, leaving parts and debris everywhere.

After Lorna left Jack's previous life domain, her and Fei Ye's dragon blood returned, but the downward trend was too fast before, and she and Fei Ye couldn't stand still.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Lorna' screaming!" She was also shaken off the harness, waving her arms and legs in the air.

Kino stretched out his lingering fingers, grabbed Lorna firmly with telekinetic power, and put her on the ground.

Lorna was not injured. Although Fei Ye fell to pieces, the dragon's domineering body was undoubtedly revealed at this moment. It just shook its head and got up as if nothing had happened.

After Lorna landed, the whole person yelled: "What's the situation! What's the situation!!! What kind of monster is that alien??? As soon as I got close to her, I felt that the strength of my whole body was gone!!!"

Rezakhal and Lorna explained.

Chino looked sideways at Edward.

The scene just now was really astonishing. Edward did not enter the form of the plague beast, but he was able to lift the ground with one arm, pull up a low building and its foundation, and even throw it at a speed close to the speed of sound!It's hard to imagine how terrifying his physical strength is.
Is this the strength of the sixth sequence "Binder"?
When Lorna and Kino reunited, they were very happy and had a playful smile on their faces. However, when she met Edward, the leader of the Troy family, her expression turned pale and she looked at each other coldly.

Edward half-jokingly said, "Don't thank me for saving your life?"

Lorna said coldly: "Thank you, thank you, what is there to thank? You saved my life, and I will save your life next time. Why don't you just give it back?"

Edward gave a short smile, not bothering with an underage child.

And not to mention, Lorna's words are not rough, it is indeed the truth.

Kino called their attention back: "This extraterrestrial visitor can seal our extraordinary power. Lord Edward has already detected the range—about 50 meters—we try to keep this distance."

Lorna hurriedly asked: "Then how do we fight?"

Chino: "Lorna, fly to the sky on Scarlet Night, keep a safe distance, and continue to shoot her with your gun. The others are looking for long-range attack methods on the spot. If this extraterrestrial visitor flies up to chase Lorna again, Lord Edward , when the time comes, you will need to repeat your tricks.”

Edward twisted his neck, which was thicker than a mammoth, making a crackling sound, and said in an urn, "Got it."

Lorna kept rolling her eyes at Edward and murmured something. Anyway, it must be something bad. She carried Barrett on Crimson Night, lifted off into the air, and continued to snipe at Jack.

Resakhal's brute strength was not as strong as Edward's, but his throwing skills were excellent. Give him a javelin and he could penetrate the heart of an enemy from a thousand meters away.

Now there are broken building materials all over the floor, and he can find one suitable for throwing after searching casually. He grabbed it, weighed it casually, and started throwing it at Jack.

The rest of the Trojan warriors also followed Edward and Rezakhal's example, grabbing the large and small gravels on the ground and smashing them at Jack from a distance.

I have to say that this scene is very funny. With so many top powerhouses gathered, it is possible to destroy a small country, but it is ironic that Jack's "past life domain" can only throw stones.

After Jack was shot down by Edward just now, his body was seriously injured, and now he is surrounded by this group of people, with Lorna's Barrett on the top of his head, Edward's boulder in front of him, Rezakhal's throwing, and all kinds of things Gravel fell from all directions like raindrops, and he was besieged on all sides for a while.

"Shield wall system, lift the ban!" Jack made a distorted mechanical sound, and the area around him began to distort. With the sound of metal distortion, an iron wall several meters high appeared in the void, crashing down on her side, enveloping her whole body Among them, it turns into a barrier to isolate the inside and outside.

The surface of this shield wall shone with a cold glow of rare metals, no matter whether it was a ballista, Barrett, or other things thrown at it, none of them could pierce it.

Even Edward grabbed a low building and bombarded it with the force of thunder, but it still had no effect, at most it added a layer of dust, which showed the defensive power of the shield wall.

Seeing this scene, Kino suddenly felt bad. Jack locked himself inside, probably to repair the injury. Compared with the human body, the mechanical body is very easy to recover the "injury". If it is broken, just replace it with a part. There is no need to consider the issue of healing time.

Jack was severely damaged by Edward just now, and it seemed that he was in serious trouble, but in fact, as long as she stalled for time and replaced the broken parts on her body, her combat effectiveness would look brand new again.

Now no one else can penetrate the shield wall, so we can only use that
Kino mobilized the space ring, and the silence that had just taken shape came out of the air, and under the action of telekinetic power, it split into hundreds of water droplet-sized entities, expanding the attack surface as much as possible.

Silence is a substance that can exist in previous lives, it does not possess any so-called "supernatural power", and the attack method is completely the most standard physical mechanics.

Although Kino's telekinesis cannot penetrate Jack's previous life domain, as long as Jing Mo completes the acceleration outside the domain and throws it at Jack, it can still cause considerable damage!

The cold light flickered, silently tumbling in the air, leaving dazzling traces in the night sky. Their speed increased sharply, and they broke through the sound barrier in a short time. The air liquefied by high pressure showed water-like diffusion ripples, but there was no sound , the sky is still as quiet as night.

Under the silent surge of hundreds of stars, the atmospheric system above Dusk City has been destroyed. The turbulent airflow is turbulent in the sky, and the intense heat of air friction sweeps across the battlefield, as if it is going to burn everything in the world.

Silent bombardment, dead silence.

The hard shield wall met an even harder silence, densely packed black holes emerged on its surface.The cracks spread outward like a spider web, raising metal debris all over the sky.

However, because Kino's telekinesis could not penetrate the domain of his previous life, he could not continue to apply force to Silence. Although they penetrated the shield wall with their absolute hardness and initial speed, they only went so far.

No matter how hard or sharp something is, as long as it doesn't have enough speed, it will be difficult to hurt anyone.

Soon, what Chino worried about happened.

"Boom—" Amidst the mechanical roar, the shield wall covering Jack's body was removed, and what was displayed in front of everyone was a brand new mechanical body, with replaced damaged parts everywhere.

Just now, Jack has repaired all the damage on his body, including the combat chip that was shot out by Lorna before, which means that her state has been completely restored, and the space storage module can be opened again.

Jack spit out scorching steam, his eyes glowed red, and he laughed like crazy: "Come on! Come again!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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