honor me as god

Chapter 335

Chapter 335

Distorted energy streams continuously emerged in the void, and a huge black shadow appeared behind Jack, as if something huge was about to burst out of the air.

After the energy flowed and turned into matter, a giant cannon shining with a cold metal light was suddenly erected on the ground, opening its bloody mouth to everyone in the distance like a wild beast.

"Boom—boom—boom—" The sound of electromagnetic energy storage was accompanied by the roar of the continuously accelerating engine. Under the surge of energy flow, the surrounding air was continuously shaken out of ripples visible to the naked eye.

"Boom!!!" The night was torn apart by the scorching arc, which was the sign of the railgun firing.

Railguns are different from cannons in the traditional sense. This is an advanced weapon that uses kinetic energy for direct damage. Its ammunition does not have any explosive properties, but is a small projectile that is accelerated by the Ampere force in the electromagnetic field. And out of the chamber.

The extremely small size means that the projectile will be endowed with extreme speed, and will not be disturbed by the air on a large scale. The lethality and accuracy are extremely high, and it can easily wipe out the target.

In the electromagnetic field criss-crossed by electric arcs, Jack's railgun exploded with terrifying power, the projectiles enough to penetrate a heavy warship flew towards Kino violently.

When Kino attacked Jack just now, he kept a part of silence in the space ring. He used telekinesis to control the silence to form a barrier in front of him, and hard-wired the rail gun from the front.

"Boom—" The strong-interaction material is the hardest substance in the world, nothing can penetrate it physically, and the railgun projectiles are wiped out the moment they come into contact with Silence.

However, the physical collision is blocked, and the force will not disappear out of thin air. The kinetic energy of the railgun bombards Kino almost without delay. Even with the protective body of the telekinetic barrier, he still feels the destructive force. The impact of the destruction of the earth, the violent shock temporarily affected his vision, and everything in front of him began to turn upside down.

Fortunately, Kino's telekinetic power was advanced enough to forcibly resist the pouring kinetic energy.

Seeing that he couldn't deal with Chino, Jack didn't waste time on him, and kept calling out the fort to bombard other enemies.

On the one hand, there is the indiscriminate bombardment of advanced technology, and on the other hand, there is no suspense about the outcome of the attack.

Amidst the screams one after another, the Twilight City army was blown upside down. It is impossible to count how many people died, but the establishment was basically broken up. Everyone hid in the bunker and was no longer able to threaten Jack.

The only good thing is that Jack, as a reincarnation who invaded this world, is facing the problem of "supply".

Unlike the Rejector, the Reincarnator has no way to connect cubes during the quest, and there is no way to exchange items.

The reincarnation must complete the supplies before the mission starts. Once entering the mission world, no matter whether it is the film and television plane or the original world where the rejecter lives, they will be alone and helpless.

For people like Jack who rely on machinery to fight, the ammunition inventory can be said to be rootless, and every time they fire one round, one round will be lost. Once fired, no matter how advanced the weapon is, it will become scrap iron.

Now after so many rounds of continuous bombardment, Jack's inventory has obviously begun to bottom out, and the frequency of bombardment has become sparse, and it is no longer as crazy and oppressive as it was at the beginning.

Chino, as well as all the combat-experienced soldiers on the scene, had already keenly grasped this point. On the premise of ensuring their lives, they tried to attract Jack's firepower as much as possible, wasting her ammunition and waiting for her to run out of supplies!

As soon as he discovered the intentions of the soldiers in Twilight City, Jack instantly changed his strategy.

"呵——" Jack's mechanical body's air vent is wide open, but what is ejected is not ordinary steam, but a blood-red billowing mist. They spread rapidly to the surroundings like blood dripping into the water, and within a short time It shrouded the surrounding area, causing the entire battlefield to be plunged into scarlet.

These blood mist are not lethal, but the optical shielding is extremely strong. Once shrouded in it, the visibility is less than half a meter. In the true sense, "you can't see your fingers."

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt their bodies heavy, and the extraordinary power disappeared again. It was obvious that Jack was approaching, covering them in the domain of the previous life.

The naked eyes of ordinary people cannot see through this blood mist, but for Jack's mechanical system, combat is handled automatically through machinery.

Just like in the smoky fog city back then, Jack the Ripper's home field was in the blood fog!
"Boom!" The engine roared, and Jack attacked in an instant.

Jack's first target was Edward Troy, the "Binder" who had the highest sequence and posed the greatest threat to her.

Outside the domain of the previous life, Edward is the top powerhouse of the sixth sequence, possessing extremely overbearing beast blood, not to mention a mere mechanical transformation of people, even if he removes "dangerous wanderers", he can tear them down at will.

But in the domain of the previous life, extraordinary power was sealed off, and Edward was at most a middle-aged man with a strong body and rich combat experience, and he couldn't bear the impact of Jack at all.

"Boom—" The two met, if Edward hadn't dodged in time and used his exquisite body and knife skills to remove most of the remaining strength, the whole person would have been washed away.

Even so, his face turned pale, and judging from the somewhat deformed arm, there was no doubt that it was broken.

The other soldiers around had insufficient visibility and couldn't see clearly at all. They didn't know that Edward was in a desperate situation and was in danger.

Edward wanted to retreat, but he found that Jack's mechanical hand suddenly reached out and grabbed his limbs like iron pincers. The huge mechanical mouth opened with a bang, and a pitch-black muzzle protruded from it!
It was rare for Edward to show horror. His eyes reflected the constantly entangled energy particles, which gathered in front of him into scorching rays, which became more dazzling.
"Boom!!!" Just as Jack was about to fire to melt Edward, Barrett's M82A1 gunshot rang through the sky again. The bullet tore through the bloody mist and hit the back of Jack's head with precision.

The T2 nano-metal on Jack's appearance was not penetrated, but he inevitably ate the impact of the large-caliber bullet. The fire control system was shaken out of order, and the energy gathered in his mouth dissipated in an instant.

Above the night sky, Lorna danced wildly with red hair, and her pupils were like fire. If you look closely, you will find that those red pupils are covered with extremely shining lines, which is a sign of rolling dragon blood.

The sight of the dragon, the ability brought by one word of dragon language, can give the dragon knight the same vision as the dragon, the sight distance has increased significantly, and it can also ignore obstacles and directly perform thermal tracking, so that no prey can hide .

Under the eyes of the dragon, the blood mist was nothing to Lorna!

After the shot, Jack's mechanical hand unknowingly let go, and Edward was able to get away and keep a safe distance.

Lorna looked down on Edward from the back of the dragon, her eyes were as cold as ice, and she said without any emotion: "I save a life, I do what I say, and I don't owe you anything."

(End of this chapter)

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