honor me as god

Chapter 333 Dragon Rider

Chapter 333 Dragon Rider

When Jack uses heavy artillery to bombard, he needs to take over the authority from the combat chip in his brain and control it with his own consciousness, so he temporarily loses the previous "automatic dodge" ability.

When the scorching bullet fell from the sky and hit the forehead, Jack didn't react at all, and took the shot firmly.

Fortunately, her body was covered by a cube of T2 nano-metal, and the outer metal was extremely defensive. The shot failed to penetrate her head, leaving only a smoking bullet mark between her eyebrows.

Although the metal shell was not broken, the impact of the large-caliber bullet could not be reduced. The chip in her brain was affected, and snowflakes of circuit failure appeared in her vision instantly.

"Boom!" Another bullet struck.

Fortunately, this time Jack was prepared and raised his hand directly. The bullet hit the T2 nanometal on his arm, splashed the collision fire, and was bounced off immediately.

"Huh?" Jack was surprised at the direction of the bullet, it turned out to be from above.

There are obviously no high-rise buildings nearby, and there are no commanding heights for sniping. Why are there bullets from such an angle? !
Everyone looked up.

In the vast night, the bright and bright moon was suddenly covered by a giant shadow, and then quickly passed by. Through the moonlight, everyone saw the giant dragon with two wings on its back, and the moonlight splashed burning brilliance on the fiery red scales. The light reflects the girl with the same hair color on the back of the dragon.

"Oh!!! This thing is so fun!!!" I saw Lorna riding Fei Ye hovering over the battlefield, holding the Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle in her hand!
"Have you ever seen a dragon knight with a sniper rifle? Hmm?? I asked you if you've seen it???" Lorna imitated Chino's posture before, and her movements were very standard, setting up Barrett on the back of the dragon. Pull the trigger.

"Boom!" Barrett's muzzle burst out with scorching flames, and he hit Jack with another shot, knocking him back half a step.

"You are the one who is called the visitor from space, right?! You are the only one who knows how to use a gun, right?! Who doesn't have a gun yet! My one is bigger than yours!" Lorna occupied the absolute commanding heights, talking crazily while talking nonsense. He fired at Jack one after another.

When Edward and Rezakhal saw Lorna appearing suddenly, they were stupefied. Qiqi asked Chino, "Did you call me here?!"

Kino spread his hands: "I promise with my candy, I really didn't call you here."

What Kino said was indeed the truth, but he secretly concealed some facts.

It was true that Kino didn't ask Lorna to help him in Twilight City, but he didn't tell Edward and Rezakhal that Lorna whispered something in his ear when he said goodbye to the Guards.

That sentence is: wait for me, I will come back to help you.

Bolton had a military order on him and had to go.

But Lorna is not a member of the Guard Corps, so she doesn't need to care about any military orders, and she has a wild temper, and she was shot through the waist and abdomen by a reincarnation before, and the anger in her stomach has nowhere to vent. At this time, you want her to be depressed withdraw?

I'm sorry, I can't do it, even if my own father comes, I can't drag him away.

After Lorna whispered that sentence, Kino knew that she would come back, but he really didn't expect that Lorna would appear in such a weird way, actually putting a sniper on the dragon's back.
I have never seen a dragon knight carrying Barrett.

What surprised Kino even more was that, as a native resident of this world, Lorna was able to shoot so accurately!
The Barrett in Lorna's hand was obviously stolen from Bolton. Judging from the time when the Guards left, she had only been in contact with the gun for a few days.

And you must know that the two shots she just shot were on the back of the dragon. Fei Ye has been flying at high speed, and there is strong air current interference at high altitude, so the conditions for sniping are extremely harsh.

Under so many restrictions, she was able to hit the target with a gun. This is by no means luck, but talent.

Previously, when Kino went back to his previous life to check the information, he had read the information of the processors over the years, including Bai.

According to the information, after Bai entered the processing warehouse, she showed an extreme obsession with firearms. Even if there were no bullets in the gun, she could hold the gun and study for a whole day—analyzing the structure of the gun body, adjusting the compression spring, and studying the gun. The rifling in the mouth is distributed, and they even sleep with the gun in their arms.

On the third day after entering the processing warehouse, the 3-year-old Bai was able to disassemble and reassemble a military HK6 with his bare hands without taking any weapons courses.

Marksmanship is actually not difficult to master. If you give enough time and bullets to feed it, you will definitely be able to feed it into a sharpshooter.

But those who don't need time, bullets, or energy, and can hit a hundred shots with just their own intuition, can only be talented, and they are natural snipers.

Obviously, Bai and Lorna are such rare people.

If Lorna was born in a previous life and became a sniper, it would probably be a nightmare for many people.

Lorna is now relying on Fei Ye's ability to fly, and she taunted while shooting: "Ah, that's it, no, no, no, no one can't fly right? Hit me! Hit me! I'm coming down, I'm going up Lah, I'm coming down again, I'm going up again, hit me, idiot~"

Lorna's attitude was so arrogant that it was outrageous. She rode Fei Ye to do trigonometric exercises in the air, and she almost had the word "poor" on her face.

Not to mention, I don't know whether it is Jack's bad luck or Lorna's luck. The gun just now caused a problem with Jack's combat chip, and many blocks were damaged, including the function of opening the space module.

Jack had summoned the heavy artillery earlier, but because he was disconnected from the space module, he lost the supply of ammunition, and all the ready-made ammunition misfired, and he collapsed on the ground and became a pile of scrap iron.

Jack's long-range attack ability was destroyed by Lorna alone.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!——" Jack kept getting shot. Although the T2 Nano Metal could withstand Barrett's bombardment, the real impact force still made her retreat continuously.

Seeing this, Lorna became even more arrogant. She felt that shooting in the air was not enough, so she grabbed the reins tightly and screamed out the dragon language: "Dlon! (Land!)"

After receiving the order, Fei Ye let out a long roar unique to giant dragons from her throat, folded her fiery red wings, and began to dive towards Jack.

This frightened Rezakhal quite a bit. Lorna didn't know Jack's ability now. If she just rushed into the realm of the previous life and lost her extraordinary power, she would have to smash people and dragons to pieces!
Resakhal's dragon was still lying on his stomach in the theater. He didn't have the ability to fly, so he could only shout anxiously: "Lorna! Lift up!!! Lift up!!!"

Lorna, who was in a dive state, was surrounded by surging air currents, and it was impossible to hear what Resakhal was saying. She controlled Fei Ye to continue her dive, and her domineering body, one man and one dragon, rubbed against the air at high speed, and dense crowds appeared unexpectedly. Mars fell like a burning meteorite.

Seeing this, Jack showed a ferocious smile, facing the swooping bolide, waiting for the moment when it fell into the realm of the past life.
(End of this chapter)

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