honor me as god

Chapter 332 Heavy Cannon Bombardment

Chapter 332 Heavy Cannon Bombardment
It was also the first time for Chino to see Jack's ability, but fortunately, this ability is not complicated in principle, and it is easy to analyze: "The ability of this alien is too restrictive for us. The best strategy is to keep a distance and suppress it remotely. Too close. Now the ballista is continuing to bombard, if we can kill her in one go."

Before Kino finished speaking, the situation was reversed.

The roar of the "rumbling" mechanical engine resounded through the sky. Under the horrified gaze of the soldiers, all kinds of huge figures suddenly appeared in the dust in the bombardment area of ​​the ballista. They were heavy cannons with metal shells. Reflecting the cold moonlight, the large-caliber muzzle is as black as an abyss, like the entrance to hell, even the moonlight cannot illuminate it.

These are all large-caliber heavy artillery from Cube Technology. Jack, who has personally experienced the second industrial revolution, is extremely obsessed with heavy machinery, and of course he is not limited to modifying his own body.

In addition to Jack's regular mechanical transformation, the brain neurochip is also connected to the space reserve module, which can open a storage plane similar to the space ring anytime and anywhere, and is equipped with a lot of heavy firepower.

Whether it is a precision strike weapon for long-range sniping or a weapon of mass destruction used when encountering a dense enemy group, all of them can be stored in the space module and directly connected to the energy core of the body, mobilized and hidden at any time, becoming the most powerful Annihilating weapons.

Under Jack's control, large and heavy cannons were placed on the ground one after another, and the base brackets sank deep into the ground, entering the firing state.

"Boom—" The roar of energy surged, and the muzzle of the heavy artillery, which was as dark as an abyss, began to glow. Twisted and entangled energy particles emerged densely, and the surrounding temperature rose sharply, becoming as hot as magma.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!" After half a minute of energy storage, all the cannons were fired.

The counter-impact force of the heavy artillery shattered the ground, and the shells and energy particles tore through the night, leaving dazzling traces of burning, and blasted towards the city wall carrying the ballista like meteorites from natural disasters.

Flames exploded all over the sky, and the city wall was turned into a sea of ​​flames under the bombardment of heavy artillery. The color of the flames dyed half of the sky red.

Fortunately, the battlefield was far away from the city wall, and the heavy artillery bombardment required a long flight time. As long as Paladin and the others were not fools, they must have evacuated from the city wall before the bombing arrived.

However, those ballistas that were difficult to dismantle and carry in a short time inevitably fell into the sea of ​​fire together with the city wall, and were burnt into stretches of wreckage.

When Jack was trying to erase the ballista threat on the city wall, he also noticed Chino and the others outside the field. She had difficulty moving quickly while manipulating the heavy cannons, so she turned some of the heavy cannons around and started firing at Chino and the others.

"Boom boom boom—" the shells struck.

Edward and Resakhal's supernatural abilities were blocked and suppressed for a short time before. They were suffocated and worried about finding a place to vent their anger. Now they finally have a chance.

Regardless of how powerful these high-tech heavy artillery are, a single cannonball can kill hundreds of people in a conventional war, but for powerhouses like Edward and Resakhar, this kind of firepower is no different from child's play , They didn't even hide, they went straight to meet him.

Facing the incoming large-caliber shells, Edward rushed directly to the ballistic path, his right arm was twisted with veins, and he swung his fingers and palms into claws, and the heavy pressure brought by the huge force directly crushed the air into a viscous liquid, which could not retreat. Avoid heading towards the shells.

"Boom!!!" Edward's body didn't shake at all under the impact. Instead, the cannonball was instantly flattened, and the explosion gave off a dazzling light. The raging hurricane set off a dust storm tens of meters high, completely covering Edward.

When the smoke settled, Edward walked out from the dust. Except for the charred burn marks on his clothes, there was no scar on his body, and even his hair was not twisted by the high temperature.

With the brute force of the body, he intercepted a heavy artillery of mass destruction with only one arm, and the strength of the sixth sequence was finally revealed to the aliens.

Edward crushed the cube technology with his strength, and Rezakhal followed closely.

"Zaan! Do! Dova!" Rezakhal was more irritable than Edward, and he roared out the three-character dragon language. The dragon roar mixed with terrifying kinetic energy tore up all the ruins in front of him. Within a meter, it was blown up by the dragon's roar and turned into a pillar of flames dozens of meters high.

"Boom boom boom——" Edward and Resakhar kept intercepting the shells, the flames of the explosion splashed everywhere, and pillars of fire shot up everywhere. Under the huge impact, the battlefield was already shaken, and the gully was outward. It spread rapidly, and many houses were shaken and collapsed one after another.

I'm also curious that Nuo had already evacuated the surrounding civilians before leaving for the theater, otherwise, it would affect the scope and how many people would die.

During the whole process, Edward and Resakhar acted very calmly, not even breathing in disorder, as if it was as simple as stopping a few small flies instead of stopping a large-caliber heavy artillery, which also confirmed the strength of the two of them How bottomless it is.

It would not be difficult for Kino to intercept the shells, but his fighting style was different from those of the two, and if he could solve it skillfully, he would naturally not rush up from the front.

Kino stretched out his hand, and constantly pushed the cannonballs from the side with telekinetic power, causing their flight paths to deviate. They jumped over the city wall and landed in the suburbs one after another, without messing up his surroundings, or damaging any houses or public facilities.

But no matter what, the commotion of this battle was too loud, the sound of the bombardment could be heard dozens of miles away, and the civilians in other urban areas woke up under the shelling one after another. They had never faced artillery as a weapon before. Facing the pillars of fire rising from the sky, they were all at a loss, shouting everywhere, and there was chaos.

Kino no longer has the energy to manage the life and death of civilians. It is not an option to continue to consume like this. I don’t know how many ammunition reserves there are in Jack’s space module. If there is enough, it may directly raze the entire Twilight City to the ground.

However, Jack has a past life domain around him, and these extraordinary people outside dare not approach rashly. It is best to find a way to hurt her from a long distance.

Chino secretly glanced at Edward and Rezakhal.

Do you want to find a way to bypass these two people, find a place to exchange respect for some technological weapons that will not be affected by the domain of the previous life, and snipe Jack from a long distance?

But in case someone finds out, how can I explain that I own a hot weapon?
"Boom!" Just as Kino was thinking, a deafening gunshot rang out. Judging from the tone, it was undoubtedly the Barrett M82A1.

Chino didn't pay attention at first. There are so many heavy cannons in Jack's space module, it's not unreasonable to have an extra Barrett.

But soon, Kino suddenly realized something was wrong, and looked up at the night.

This gunshot. Why did it come from the sky? !
(End of this chapter)

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