honor me as god

Chapter 331 Absolute focus

Chapter 331 Absolute focus
The corners of Jack's mouth rose ferociously, and white steam kept coming out of his teeth: "When I came into contact with the true power of the machine, I finally realized that my concept all along was wrong. The flesh and blood of carbon-based creatures is a trap. The road to ascension of human beings is trapped, only by getting rid of this skin can we truly step into the extraordinary realm!"

Chino: "But, you were punched in the face by a carbon-based creature just now."

Jack's mechanical eyes flickered for a moment, and the metal on his face had some kind of subtle plasticity, which made her grin an extremely frightening smirk: "Then you try it? Defeat me with a human body."

Chino: "Come."

Jack's "Past Life Domain" was always on, and now Kino couldn't open the space to get weapons, and the dagger was broken in the confrontation just now, so he went into battle empty-handed and walked around Jack.

"Boom!" Kino suddenly made an attack, and his body turned into a distorted afterimage and rushed forward.

Jack made a backhand grab, but the catch was empty, only the afterimage left by Kino.

"Boom!" Kino adjusted his position, and struck out another heavy blow. The strength, angle, and attack trajectory were all the same as before.

Jack made a backhand tackle again, and made an empty catch in the same position. This scene was like a rewind of the previous scene.

Kino pinched his index finger with his thumb, moved his joints, and smiled meaningfully: "It's not 'you' who is fighting with me, is it?"

Jack didn't speak, but the steam from his mouth became hotter.

Chino: "When I was fighting with you just now, I thought it was very strange that you didn't use the melee technique of a processor - of course, this doesn't explain anything, there are still people in my industry who use Wing Chun in actual combat, this is just an individual It's just a tendency."

"What puzzled me the most was that I happened to attack twice from the same angle and with the same technique, and you responded with exactly the same exact response—it was like inputting 1+1 into a calculator to get The number must be 2."

"Later, I successfully hit you with improved means, and only then did I fully understand that it is not your self-consciousness that controls your body in battle—" Kino pointed to his temple, and said with a smile, "it is your implanted A neural chip for brain supplementation."

"This chip can take over the authority of the body during battle, because the current speed is close to the speed of light, which means that the reaction time is infinitely close to 0. At the same time, the chip stores a large amount of fighting data, from which angle the enemy attacks, how strong it is, how fast it is How fast to respond to different attacks, the chip will automatically match different response methods in the database, driving the body to make corresponding parry and counterattack actions."

"By sealing off the extraordinary power of everyone, and then using the mechanical body to face the mortal body, plus the data of the neural chip as a guarantee, you are invincible in a sense. Your self-awareness doesn't matter, as long as you Entrust the body to the chip, and it will automatically calculate big data to defeat the enemy in an optimal way."

The red light in Jack's eyes became more and more intense, and he deliberately used the voice control system to send out the original sweet voice, which contrasted sharply with the hideous mechanical face: "So what?"

Chino: "Jack, do you know where the biggest problem with the machine is? The machine is too 'stupid'. Artificial intelligence? It's just a database made up of a bunch of data"

"The machine is very efficient, but also very stupid. When it faces an input command, it will only select the corresponding output in the database-as I said just now, input 1+1, the result must be 2, no It’s going to be another number—the same thing goes for the chip in your head. I make the same attack from the same angle, and it’s bound to respond the same way.”

"Then here comes the problem. The data capacity of the chip has an upper limit. How many coping methods are stored in your chip? How high is the accuracy? The two-dimensional cross-section of space has 360 degrees, and this 360 degrees can be subdivided infinitely after the decimal point, and There are countless two-dimensional cross-sections in three-dimensional space, how many decimal places can your chip subdivide?"

"Even if it can achieve a 360-degree defense with absolutely no dead angles, what if the enemy memorizes the counterattack technique from one angle and then changes his tactics to launch a second offensive? If the second offensive can also defend without dead angles, then three, four, or ten times , Hundred times. How many rounds can your chip last?"

"Look hard, study hard." Kino finished his sentence, all emotions suddenly faded from the amber pupils, his eyes seemed to penetrate everything, and nothing in the world could cause him disturbance.

Absolute focus.

Just like chasing breath and sound and ghost step, they are all abilities mastered by the processor after being refined.

"Absolute focus" as the name suggests, the processor can eliminate all distracting thoughts in the mind, concentrate and spread out the consciousness, sharply amplify the sensory ability, and completely hand over the body to the control of the subconscious instinct.

Even among the elite processors, those who master "absolute concentration" are rare. Its requirements are too harsh, but every individual will always have emotions and desires. Affected by distracting thoughts in the heart, it is impossible to concentrate 100%.

But for Kino, who is born without the ability to empathize, his consciousness is the best soil for "absolute concentration".

Those very few processors who have mastered "absolute concentration" can only maintain it for 5 to 10 seconds. They often use their abilities for long-range sniping, such as entering the state of absolute concentration when the target appears or a shot is made, which greatly Increase hit rate.

How long can Kino's absolute concentration last?Nobody knows.

Those who experienced it in the previous life are all dead.

None of the dead could push him to the limit.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!—"

During the clash of fists and legs, Chino and Jack, who entered the state of "absolute concentration", came and went, attacking like thunder.

At the very beginning, Kino had no choice but to get Jack. All her actions were controlled by the chip, and there was almost no reaction time under the current conduction at the speed of light. It was often the moment Kino raised his hand, and even an attack occurred in his mind. The moment her thoughts and nerves began to conduct and trigger muscle movements, her chip had already completed data processing and automatically matched a countermeasure.

But over time, the balance of the battle began to tip.

Jack's chip is a cubic high-tech item, both in terms of processing speed and internal storage capacity, it is better than any chip in the previous life.

But no matter what level of chips, even if the reserves reach the "load" level, it cannot be called unlimited, and there must be a theoretical upper limit.

In Jack's plan for the chip, she subdivided the accuracy of the attack angle to 0.1.

That is to say, horizontal attacks are divided into 3600 angles, vertical attacks are divided into 3600 angles, and there are 1296 million countermeasures in total.

This first round alone can be said to have crushed all warriors throughout the ages. It is impossible for anyone to use more than 1296 million attack moves.

Even Chino, who was in a state of absolute concentration, couldn't make so many changes.

But for Chino, when dealing with Jack, there is no need to remember such a huge number, because in Jack's mechanical algorithm, the input data and output data are one-to-one matches.

As long as Kino swung an attack, remember Jack's corresponding counterattack method, and repeat the same attack next time, the feedback must be repeated counterattacks.

After Jack's first counterattack is disintegrated, the chip will enter the second round of processing.

In the permutation and combination of statistics, these two rounds of data can combine a total of 1296 million X 1296 million, that is, 167.9616 trillion solutions.

If Chino repeats the old trick and disintegrates the second round of counterattack, and enters the third round, the above data will be multiplied by 1296 million, and so on, showing exponential growth.

How much reserve does Jack's chips have?How many rounds of data did she store?

Kino doesn't know the specific number yet, but he knows that there must be an upper limit, even if the upper limit is ridiculously high, it is still trapped there by God's manuscript "mathematics", and it is impossible to reach "infinity" in the true sense.

On the other hand, Chino doesn’t need to memorize such an exaggerated amount of data when fighting. In the state of “absolute concentration”, no matter what method Jack uses to fight back, he responds with fighting instinct, without any burden on the brain capacity. .

This kind of fighting instinct is exclusive to "human beings", and "machines" relying on data are doomed to fail!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!—"

The on-site battle was extremely fierce. In the state of "absolute focus", Chino acted on the basis of combat instinct, and there was almost no reaction time, and Jack's chip processing speed also had almost no reaction time.

The offense and defense of the two are like two magnets with the same magnetic poles and huge magnetic force. They are obviously powerful and fast as thunder, but they can't hit each other no matter what, and they enter a cycle of dismantling moves one after another.

Jack was aware of Chino's thoughts, and tried his best not to give Chino the chance to play a round of moves, but when she lifted the chip authority several times and unwrapped her own moves, she was always in danger.

Obviously, relying on chips for a long time, Jack almost lost the combat skills he should have as a processor.

Jack and Chino fought each other for 876 rounds. In the last round, Chino forced him to perform 48 rounds of dismantling. In the face of the most powerful weapon in mathematics, the "Index", Jack's upper limit of chip reserves was finally broken.

"Boom!" Jack's combat chip was overloaded and shut down. The next moment, Kino's fist hit her firmly on the chin, and the huge impact briefly paralyzed her control system. The pair of mechanical eyes trembled up and down, left and right, The red light also flickered on and off, and the mechanical body crashed to the ground.

Kino did not pursue, but flew back and retreated.

Although Jack's chip is overloaded, Chino's own body is also "overloaded".

In the domain of his previous life, Kino's body was only a mortal body. Although the processing and carving made his various functions approach the limits of human beings, the consumption of 876 rounds of attack was too great, and almost all of his physical strength had been overdrawn. The blood flow made the skin all over his body red as if on fire, and his body was almost dehydrated.

If the biggest disadvantage of Kino's human body compared to Jack's mechanical body is the upper limit of physical strength.

At least in the domain of the previous life, the human body that has lost all its extraordinary strength has absolutely no possibility of surpassing the machine in physical strength. This is limited by the biological genes, and there is no possibility of any breakthrough.

Kino's body is now suffering from serious wear and tear, and he is already extremely tired, and urgently needs to be recuperated.

Apart from resting, there is another reason for Chino to retreat, and that is
In the distance of the sky, densely packed cross stars suddenly flashed, and the sharp light became bigger and bigger. They were heavy crossbow bolts fired from the city wall, and hit the battlefield like a rain of stars.

Ballistas were not accurate in long-distance strikes, but they were superior in large numbers. Paladin and the others mobilized all the ballistas on the city wall that could reach the range, fired intensively at high intensity, and carried out a full-coverage attack centered on Jack.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!" Under the bombardment of the ballista, the ground around Jack was shaken, and there was no grass growing. The flying gravel hit the surroundings like bullets, and the rock formations on the ground continued to crack and warp, as if they had been ravaged by natural disasters. raging.

Taking advantage of this gap, Kino ran out of the scope of Jack's past life domain. The moment he stepped out of the boundary, he only felt a subtle energy flow through his body, and all the extraordinary powers recovered at the same time.

Kino flew a farther safe distance with telekinetic power, reset the fractured part with his hands, and exchanged 10000 respect points for a phoenix serum and injected it into his body to repair the injuries caused by the fight just now, and temporarily replaced many quick-acting supplies Swallow it to replenish cellular moisture and energy lost in high-intensity battles.

Under the action of the Phoenix Serum, the original injury healed quickly in a short period of time, and the restored ribs and phalanges were connected under the growth of bone and nerves.

At the same time, the fast tonic that Kino swallowed was also an advanced material in the reincarnation space. Within a few breaths after swallowing, he completed the replenishment of functional substances such as cell water, electrolytes, and glycogen, restoring his state to the original state.

Chino had just finished recovering, and found that Edward and Rezakhal happened to be not far away.

Edward had previously been entrusted by Kino to run out to survey the scope of the previous life domain, and since then he has been observing the battle situation outside the domain.

Resakhar was carried out by soldiers. His giant black iron armor weighed a thousand catties. After he lost his extraordinary strength, his whole body was crushed by his armor, and a dozen soldiers joined forces to put him It was only after being lifted out of the domain of the previous life that he regained his ability to move.

Edward stood at the height of the ruins of the battlefield, looking at the bombardment area of ​​the ballista, and said to himself solemnly: "The ability of this alien is too strange, it can make all of us disappear, and there is something like armor. The same skin, is this the military technology of the aliens?"

Resakhar took off his helmet forcefully, smashed it on the ground, and said anxiously: "My dragon is still inside, I have to find a way to get it out!"

No one can help Resakhal’s anxiety. His dragon was suppressed by the domain of his previous life, and the power brought by the dragon’s blood disappeared. He was unable to support his heavy body at all, lying like mud in the theater .

The weight of a giant dragon is immeasurable. In previous wars, if a dragon died in battle and wanted to clean up its corpse, a whole professional engineering team would often be dispatched.

The battlefield is now a mess. These soldiers are neither engineering teams nor large-scale load-carrying equipment. They can't lift a dragon with human power.

The only way to save the dragon is to let Jack move. As long as the past life domain no longer covers him, once the power of the dragon's blood is restored, it will be able to get up by itself.

"Administrator Kino." Although Edward's strength is far superior to Kino's, it is his first time fighting aliens, and he doesn't know much about them. He really has to ask experts for their opinions. This extraterrestrial visitor?"

(End of this chapter)

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