honor me as god

Chapter 330 The body of the machine

Chapter 330 The body of the machine
When Jack's true face was exposed, all the native residents of this world stared at her blankly, their eyes were shocked and frozen, only Kino's eyes were full of sarcasm.

For a woman with a hot figure like Jack, for a man, covering his face is often more lethal than exposing his face directly.

As the saying goes, holding the pipa and half covering the face, leaving a little room for imagination can make men imagine.

Although Jack is an enemy, his curvaceous figure, tight leather jacket, high-heeled boots full of queenly temperament, and long curly hair like waves can be said to be the favorite point of men. With fantasies, everyone naturally feels that behind the mask It must be a beautiful face.

But this illusion was completely shattered at this time.

After Jack's mask was blown up by Kino, the fragments peeled off from his face continuously, but what was exposed under the mask was not the white and delicate skin, but the metal reflecting the moonlight. The two mechanical eyes shine red light under the conductor, the mouth does not have hot red lips, the bionic teeth are directly exposed, and the steam is constantly spewing out, like a ghost.

The executioner who made the whole fog tremble, Jack the Ripper, came to the world of reincarnation and transformed himself into a mechanical body!
Jack spewed scorching steam into the sky, and with the sound of engines all over his body, he rushed towards Kino like a cannonball.

Kino flew back and retreated, and Jack chased after him in an instant. The two attacked one after another, and the sparks of metal collisions continued to shoot out. Dangerous situations arose for a moment, and the battlefield was directly hit outside the theater.

"Quick! Follow them!" The soldiers rushed out in fear that Kino might lose something.

The residents around the theater had already secretly evacuated, and Chino and Jack chased each other in no man's land, and quickly left the soldiers far away.

At this time, the conversation between the two can only be heard by each other, and Kino can say without any scruples: "No wonder you are the only one who can continue to use the 'extraordinary power' now. Let me guess, your power should be in the Expand a field around the body, so that all transcendents in the field will lose their abilities."

"But because 'mechanical' is a rule of science and technology, it does not belong to the true sense of 'extraordinary power', so it will not be affected by this field, and you will become the only person in the field who can surpass the limits of mortals."

In fact, Kino made a good guess. Jack's reincarnation talent is AAA level, and the awakened exclusive reincarnation ability is called "Past Life Field".

The domain of past lives, as the name suggests, develops a domain with a radius of 50 meters around itself. In this domain, only the laws of physics and chemistry from the previous life can work, and all laws that do not belong to the previous life will be invalid in the domain.

This is why the beast blood of the Trojan elites, the dragon blood of Resakhal and the dragon he was riding on, and all the abilities and props of Kino lost their effect, because they are the exclusive abilities or items of the reincarnation space, and the rules of action It is completely different from the basic laws of operation and the past life, which is impossible to appear in the past life, so it will be erased by the "past life domain".

With such a domineering ability, it is reasonable to say that a rating of 100 S is not too much, but its actual rating is only AAA. This seems very unreasonable, but as long as you look carefully, you will find the reason.

The "Past Life Domain" is a field directly centered on Jack himself, and not specifically targeted at certain individuals. All enemies, companions, including your own abilities and equipment will be sealed.

This is an extremely deadly limitation. It belongs to the ability to kill one thousand enemies and self-destruct one thousand. The conditions and timing of use are too harsh. If you don’t use it well, you will be backlashed. This battle can be won normally, but when the "Past Life Domain" is opened, everyone's abilities are blocked, and the strength is at the same level, but they can't fight.

Therefore, even though the effect of the "Past Life Field" is extremely powerful, compared with the top-level exclusive reincarnation ability without defects and restrictions, it is several grades lower, and its rating is only AAA.

However, under the fatal flaw of ability, Jack found the most ingenious way to use it - transforming his body into a machine.

The ability of conventional science and technology is common in the previous life and the reincarnation space, such as the exoskeleton to enhance the strength and load, the power mechanical arm to strengthen the limbs, and the brain implanted chip to improve the information processing speed. These technologies are all in line with the rules of the previous life. In the "Past Life Domain", you can run freely and will not be blocked.

In this way, the former executioner of the fog city transformed himself into another life form.

"Hehehe" Jack stared straight at Kino, his mechanical eyes kept glowing red, his face without flesh and blood was as hideous as a skeleton, and he kept spitting hot steam from his mouth: "Look at my true face, are you Are you going to take responsibility for me?"

"Sorry, I'm not very interested in machine girls." Kino asked with a smile, "I'm just curious, why did you make yourself like this?"

Jack: "What's your history?"

Chino: "Not bad. I know you were born during the second industrial revolution. With the rapid increase in productivity, human beings have entered a brand new electrical age."

Jack: "Yes, in that era, when a light bulb was connected to a circuit, the lighting time could be hundreds or thousands of times longer than that of a torch, and the whole city was illuminated brightly; the emergence of internal combustion power allowed humans to easily cross mountains and mountains. , to every corner of the world; there is also radio, which is used by people across the world to communicate without barriers, and the distance of thousands of miles is no longer a curse from God.”

"Under the power of technology, human beings have almost become gods! Just imagine, why after the industrial revolution, people lost interest in ancient behemoths, prehistoric creatures, and indescribable monsters in the deep sea?
Chino: "Because in front of the shells, the flesh and blood of carbon-based creatures become a joke."

Jack: "That's right, machines have changed people's perception of strength! When I first established the organization, I actually disdain machines very much. I think that if humans want to become stronger, they should rely on their own physical potential."

"But then I discovered that those who learned how to use the machine had higher and higher order completion rates. And those who stuck to the stereotypes and only believed in their own bodies were often killed by the machines controlled by others."

"When I died due to a failed operation and came to the reincarnation space, I found that there were so many machines far ahead of the times presented in front of me. They can make human beings get rid of flesh and blood, and turn the body into various powerful weapons. , no disease, no pain, no need for sleep, even the consciousness can be stored in the chip, avoiding the death that mortals must experience!

"This is the power of the machine!"

(End of this chapter)

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