honor me as god

Chapter 327 Extraordinary Failure

Chapter 327 Extraordinary Failure
After the giant dragon descended, the architectural structure of the theater had been completely destroyed. It was transparent inside and out, and the night wind howled in, constantly bringing the turbid breath of blood.

Kino stared intently at Jack's every move, he didn't quite understand, where does this guy's confidence come from?

The high-sequence transcendents on the scene are more than enough to deal with Jack, a reincarnation of the 5th wave of invasion, like Edward of the 6th sequence, he can destroy a full army by himself.

Now Resakhar has used the four-character dragon language to create a lightning cage, surrounded by powerful people, Jack has nowhere to escape, what is she mad about?What are you preparing for?
Could it be that there was a bomb under the theater? Chino could only think of this possibility. He secretly used telekinetic power to protect his whole body to prevent this kind of thing from happening.

In the lightning cage, Jack slowly raised his hand. At this moment, all the soldiers around him tensed up, and Edward and Rezakhal also went into high alert.

Obviously, self-confidence belongs to self-confidence, but after all, the opponents are strange aliens, and none of them dare to relax.

"So, the game—" Jack raised his hand in the air, elegantly tucking his thumb and middle finger together, and then
"Tap." There was a crisp finger snap.


When the ringing of fingers came along with the sound, it was unknown whether it was an illusion. Everyone felt that all the colors around them disappeared, and their bodies seemed to have turned into black, white and gray with only brightness, no saturation and hue.

The duration of this process is too short, so short that it is almost unaware. When the color reappears and everything returns to normal, everyone suddenly realizes that everything around them has been turned upside down.

Around Jack, Longwei's turbulent lightning cage has long since disappeared, and disappeared without warning. If it weren't for the scorched traces left on the ground, it would have never appeared.

The evening wind blew, bringing a burst of coolness. The Trojan soldiers subconsciously rubbed their arms and froze in place one after another.

The plague beast form. Disappeared!
At first they thought it was because they had been transformed for too long and the beast blood could no longer hold on, but after looking around at each other, they were shocked to find that not only themselves, but all their companions had withdrawn from the plague beast form for no reason, without exception!

"What's going on?" A "Demon Master" tried to force the blood of the beast to boil again and enter the form of the plague beast, but the ability that had been with him for a long time lost all response. He looked at his human hands and said blankly , "I can't feel the existence of beast blood"

Even the "Binder" Edward of the sixth sequence was stunned at this time, his eyes were as round as copper bells. Obviously, like the surrounding Trojan warriors, the beast blood in his body lost its response.



There was the sound of two heavy objects falling.

A tile-blue giant dragon from Resakhar, the overlord creature at the top of the food chain suddenly fell into extreme weakness for some reason, with a weak dragon cry from his throat, and fell to the ground with a bang. Although he was not dead, he was dead Dying, its breathing became more and more rapid, the scorching temperature began to cool down, and it was almost impossible to open its eyes.

The other falling sound came from Resakhar himself. After the dragon overturned, his strength also disappeared. He couldn't maintain the heavy armor on his body. I can't even move a finger.

Fortunately, this set of armor is strong enough to protect Resakhar's body well. Otherwise, if he fell from such a high place and was crushed by the huge body of the dragon, he would have to turn into a fleshy pulp No.

Resakhal struggled desperately, but he couldn't move an inch. His heart suddenly turned cold. No matter what the reason was, he couldn't feel the dragon blood in his body anymore, and he couldn't utter the ancient and sonorous dragon language. It seems to have turned back to the most ordinary living beings.

"Hey! You guys." Resakhar raised his eyes to look at the crowd with difficulty, and suddenly found that everyone was as at a loss as he was.

He suddenly realized that the problem was not only that the extraordinary power of all of his body had disappeared!
A young "Ernan" couldn't hold back, grabbed the saber that had fallen to the ground, and stabbed Jack in the back sharply: "Death!"

"Death~" Jack repeated his words leisurely, spinning at a speed that is impossible for human beings, his figure was so fast that only an afterimage remained, and his right hand drew a crescent moon in the air, hitting the saber of Doom with precision.

"Bang!" Jack broke the blade with his bare hands, and pinched the broken blade in his hand.

"Pfft! Puff! Puff!" The sound of the blade entering the body sounded, a knife to the temple, a knife to the throat, and a knife to the heart Jack broke through the weakness of Ernan like a master of human anatomy, and the blade came out of the body, bringing blood mist all over the sky.

Enan's tall body fell to the ground with a bang, and after a body trembled, there was no movement.

A Transcendent of the third sequence was killed instantly, but Jack, on the other hand, threw away the bloody Broken Blade casually, as easily as killing a chicken.

What happened in front of me was so weird that even the most skilled Trojan elite couldn't help but step back, trying to figure out what happened to him:
"You can't turn into beasts either?!"

"I still feel that my body has become so heavy"

"Damn it. I bled so much in the battle just now, I can hardly keep my eyes open."

"What's going on here? Where did my beast blood go?!"

When the elite Trojans were at a loss, Kino was staring at Jack.

Those who lost their superpowers were not only the people of Troy but also Rezakhal. Kino's superpowers also disappeared together. The telekinetic power, the claws of death, and the space ring could not be used, and even the interface of the triple shackles could not be opened. , seems to have been "banned" again.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that Jack has used some means to seal everyone's extraordinary power.

but how is this possible
In the extraordinary world, being able to seal off the extraordinary power of others is an extremely terrifying thing.

What's even more frightening is that Jack's own extraordinary power has not been affected!

Can this ability distinguish friend from foe? !

This is like a duel between two gunmen. Before the fight starts, the opponent unloads your gun first. She can fire at you casually, but you can only stare blankly.

This kind of power is impossible to exist, at least under the control of the supreme being, he will not allow this kind of power that ignores the rules to exist, otherwise the so-called reincarnation mission will have no meaning.

Jack's ability must have some kind of limitation in use, or a very fatal flaw.

The first task now is to find out this limitation or defect!
"Hoo--" Kino sent a red howling thunder to the sky.

In addition to the elite Trojan soldiers who came from the Governor's Mansion, the Twilight City Defense Force was already on standby. Soon the military flags stretched outside the theater, and the swords and lights intersected. Batch after batch of reinforcements rushed in and surrounded Jackley on the third floor. .

Apparently, Chino intended to use the simplest method—human wave tactics—to find out Jack's weakness.

Jack stretched out his slender fingers, nodded three times to Kino behind the crowd, and smiled strangely: "You made a very wrong decision, junior."

(End of this chapter)

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