honor me as god

Chapter 328 Melee Machine

Chapter 328 Melee Machine
In the encirclement, Jack's body pressed down, and the majestic force was transmitted from the soles of his feet to the ground, shaking the surrounding ruins to pieces, and his body turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

When she reappeared, there was already a wave of blood.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!" Jack's movements were so fast that it was hard to see clearly, he danced wildly among the soldiers like a ghost. The soldiers who were not completely dead screamed, but were quickly killed.

After the extraordinary body was banned, in the face of Jack's absolute power, it made no difference whether these soldiers were originally extraordinary or not.

There was even a "Demon Rider" of the 5th sequence who couldn't adapt to the body whose power had disappeared, and subconsciously resisted Jack's strong attack. As a result, he couldn't even block a single move, his head was blown off, and he died suddenly on the spot.

You must know that the number of strong men in the fifth sequence, looking at the entire Dogolande, did not exceed a hundred. They died so absurdly at this time, which made the soldiers unavoidably shocked.

Just as Jack was rushing and killing wildly, Chino quickly came to Edward's side, and said in a loud voice: "Master Governor, you leave here immediately, run outside, keep running until the blood of the beast recovers, then stop and go A white howling thunder was fired from the sky."

In the face of the enemy, Edward was very measured, he didn't care about Chino's orders and actions, and quickly understood his meaning, turned around and left quickly.

Not long after Edward left, Kino only felt a strong sense of danger emerging from behind, accompanied by howling gusts of wind.

Kino only had time to set up the dagger, and then there was a deafening "clang", the right hand lost feeling for a while, and the coolness spread to the whole arm.

Kino retreated quickly to open the distance, and found that the dagger had been shot down to the ground, the indestructible tungsten steel blade was directly broken, and his arm was also numb from the shock.

Because he couldn't feel any pain, Kino didn't know if there was a bone fracture, but muscle strain was inevitable.

"The weapon test is not over yet, young man." Jack took out his dagger from his pocket and threw it to Kino. He spread his hands and waved his fingers, indicating that his hands were empty, and his eyes were full of smiles. "Don't say I bullied you. Take Knife, I'm empty-handed, come~"

When Chino and Jack confronted each other, the soldiers did not sit still. One of the twilight city defenders was eager to attack Jack from behind, but as soon as he took a step forward, he felt a black shadow flickering in front of him, and scarlet filled his vision, and then he died forever. of darkness.

Jack slowly threw away the head he was holding in his hand, and then, she jumped around at high speed with Chino as the center, creating a gust of wind.

After the dust settled, a circle with a diameter of ten meters appeared with Kino as the center.

Jack looked at the panicked soldiers around him, and said with a smile, "Whoever enters this circle will die."

With the soldier who died just now, all the soldiers knew that this was not a joke, and they were so close that they subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

There is also no shortage of soldiers who are extremely brave and loyal to Kino, and their blood wants to rush in to help.

But the fate of these people reflects Jack's words - in this circle, whoever enters will die.

"Stand back." Chino stopped this brave but useless behavior, and then looked sideways at Lugo, Paladin and others outside the circle, "Quickly invite Lord Brook Troy."

Everyone was stunned.

Brooke Troy?Wasn't he killed by Paladin with a ballista last year? "

Killed with a ballista.
"Hold on! Master Brooke will be here soon!" Lu Ge and the others understood and left quickly.

At this moment, there was a sudden "swoosh" in the distance, and the pitch-black night was torn apart by the white glow. It was Edward's howling thunder, which indicated that he had recovered his beast blood.

Judging from the distance, Xiao Tianlei's launch location is 50 meters away. That is to say, Jack's ability to block other people's extraordinary power is a range-type skill, and the effective area is within 50 meters.

50 meters, this range is really not small
Now, Edward must also be very entangled, 50 meters away, he is the "Binder" of the sixth sequence, one of the top combat powers in Dougland.

Once within 50 meters, he is just an ordinary person, and if he is not careful, he will be killed like other soldiers.

Kino ignored others and tried to squeeze his right fist. The numbness has almost recovered. It seems that the right arm is not broken and can still move.

Kino set up the dagger and rushed forward quickly, the speed was already at the limit of mortals, the afterimage of the tungsten steel dagger was in a line with Jack's throat, without any extra fancy skills, it was extremely precise and fast.

Just as Jack was about to grab Kino's wrist with his bare hands, the trajectory of the tungsten steel dagger suddenly changed, which was obviously just a false move.

As the black light flickered, Kino manipulated the dagger to avoid Jack's grasp, and stabbed her in the side ribs with falsehood.

Jack suddenly made an extremely strange posture of lowering his waist. The tight leather jacket was stretched to the extreme while twisting, and the dagger almost slashed against the patent leather without hurting him at all.

"Huh?" Kino narrowed his eyes, obviously never seen such a posture of lowering his waist. With a change of strength in his hand, the tungsten steel dagger turned into a pressure and stabbed vertically towards Jack's waist.

"Huh—" the sound of the air oscillating, Jack supported the ground with one hand, and the force erupting from his waist and abdomen was unbelievably powerful, and he flipped back into the air, and the tip of his high heel directly hit Kino's temple.

Although Chino used his body and body to unload his force, the rest of his kick still made his whole body crumbling. Jack took advantage of the victory to pursue and punched out with his right hand.

"Boom!" This punch hit Kino's side ribs with extreme force, not only the face of the punch sank into three parts of his body, but also the sound of bones breaking could be heard endlessly.

Kino was blown away like a kite with a broken string, the blood spilling from his mouth and nose stretched into a thread in the air, and finally fell crashing into the ruins.

"My lord!" Seeing that Kino was seriously injured, the soldiers instinctively wanted to step forward to help, but their impulse quickly dissipated under the circle symbolizing death, and they could only stare blankly outside the circle.

Kino staggered up from the ruins, stretched out his hand to touch his side ribs, and quickly counted the number of broken ribs: 3.

Kino looked at Jack blankly, clenched the dagger in his hand, and put on a fighting posture again, as if to say: Come again.

"Hmm~ very persistent." Jack leaned forward and fought with Kino again.

There is still no suspense in this confrontation. Chino's several rounds of stabbing are perfect. If he is facing ordinary people, he can kill him in an instant, but Jack can always dodge with incredible posture and reaction speed, and at the same time strike back. Like a natural melee machine.

"Boom!" After the duel, Kino's right little finger, ring finger, and middle finger were fractured, making it difficult to hold the dagger again, but the expression on his face remained unchanged. He directly switched the dagger to his left hand and thrust forward again.

"Boom!" It was almost a repeat of the first round of confrontation, Jack easily dodged Chino's dagger, and broke three of his left ribs with one punch.

Kino's chin kept dripping blood from his mouth and nose. He glanced at the symmetrical fractures on the left and right ribs, and his tone suddenly became interested: "Is this the reason?"

(End of this chapter)

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