honor me as god

Chapter 326 Thunder Dragon descends from the sky

Chapter 326 Thunder Dragon descends from the sky

When the reincarnators were maintaining the Four Purple Flame Formation, they suddenly heard Toby's shrill scream. At the same time, the purple fire barrier in front of them began to show signs of collapse.

The Four Purple Flame Formation required four people to maintain the formation, and the remaining three suddenly felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly looked back, only to see Toby squatting on the ground with his head in his arms, and the chakra energy around him was shockingly chaotic.

A samsara sternly shouted: "Hey! Toby! What are you doing?! The Four Purple Flame Formation is about to break! Hurry up and seal!!!"

Toby's whole body was trembling like an electric shock, because he lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly. He could only see transparent saliva dripping on the ground, accompanied by irrational whispers: "Heiyu is stupid!" Egg walks my stars with muffins, wounds melt into my eyes, breathe breathe breathe breathe."

"Toby?!" Seeing that the reincarnator couldn't summon Toby, he could only separate the Chakra in his body to create a shadow clone to replace the main body to maintain the four purple flame array, while bypassing Kino and rushing towards Toby.

One of the reincarnations sealed Toby's vacancy, and the collapsing Four Purple Flame Formation became complete again.

The other two quickly helped Toby up, and roared: "What are you doing?! Use illusions to restrain the plague beast! Otherwise, we won't be able to hold on!"

Cold sweat dripped from Toby's forehead and mixed with the saliva around his mouth. The words in his mouth became more and more illogical, accompanied by a sharp guttural voice: "The sound of my spine mourning on the skating rink , the village chief's brows are full of sorrow, rolling in the clouds, rolling down and falling, listening to my eyes excitedly.

Toby raised his head suddenly, and the reincarnated people stopped breathing for a moment, and saw that his facial muscles had been twisted and deformed due to excessive tension, as if squeezed by some indescribable force. It bulged like a dead fish, trembling erratically, with one eye twisted upwards and the other eye twisted to the right, staring at them ferociously.

Sharingan illusion is fully open!

The reincarnators never thought that they would become the target of Sharingan. Except for Jack who stretched out his hand to cover his eyes in advance, the rest were all hit.

Under the control of the illusion of Sharingan, the chakras of the three reincarnations were all out of control, and the shadow clones that were left behind to maintain the four purple flames instantly disappeared, and there was no barrier inside or outside the barrier!
Before the reincarnators had time to break free from the illusion, the Trojan plague beasts who had lost their barriers roared in, drowning them in an instant. Short screams and the sound of limbs being broken followed one after another, and scarlet blood sprayed everywhere.

Toby, who had a mental breakdown under the eclipse of the god of death, became the focus of care of the plague beasts, was torn to pieces, and his flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Even if he was disemboweled, he still failed to recover from his madness, and he was still hissing and roaring in a language that ordinary people could not understand before he died.

Of course, compared to being torn to pieces by the plague beast while awake, dying like this is a kind of luck.

For Jack, good luck never comes double.

All her teammates had died, and she was surrounded by plague beasts, with no room for escape.

More terrible things are yet to come.

"Roar—" a furious dragon chant suddenly sounded from the sky, and the fierce dragon power descended from the sky accompanied by the majestic air pressure.

"Boom!!!" Lightning raged, and the giant shadow smashed through the main body of the theater and landed in the center of the battlefield.

The tile-blue dragon shook off the construction debris on its head, looked at Jack ferociously with its eyes full of electric arcs, and roared fiercely at the extraterrestrial visitor: "Roar!!!"

Resakhar rides on the back of a dragon, wearing a pitch-black armor that weighs a thousand catties, and the interlaced steel bars are like a city of iron chains. Except for the joints that need to be moved, there are no dead spots for defense, even the eyes of the full-face helmet. Transparent spar for protection.

With this kind of defense armed to the teeth, even if he was hit head-on by the ballista, his dragon blood body would not shake.

At the same time, a taller figure jumped down from the dragon's back. The black robe rose in the air, devouring the moon at night, casting a huge shadow on the ground, and landed behind Jack with a bang.

In order to make it easier for him to turn into a beast during battle, Edward only wears custom-made soft helmets and no armor. Although he doesn't look as tough as Resakhal, his size is too huge, even surpassing some of the surrounding plague beasts.

"You will regret coming to Dogrand, an alien from space." Edward looked down at Jack from a height, his voice was neither loud nor angry, just as plain as smoke, as if he was talking to an ant.

Soon, reinforcements arrived and launched an attack.

"ClaanDovLinYol!" The ancient and majestic dragon language roared out from Resakhal's mouth.

Four-character dragon language!

In the sequence rating of the Regnome family, making a contract with the young dragon is the first sequence "two wings".

It can control the dragon blood in the body and use the "one word dragon language", which is the second sequence "four wings".

Every time there is an additional word in Dragon Language that can be used, the sequence will rise by one level.

As the "Sunstrider" of the fifth sequence, Resakhar's "four-character dragon language" is already the limit.

Further up is the "Five-Character Dragon Language" that can only be used by the sixth sequence "Natural Disaster".

And the "Six-character Dragon Language" that only appeared in the long river of history and can only be used by the seventh sequence "Black King".

Under Resakhal's four-character dragon language, the world seemed to be guided, and suddenly the stars shone, and the thunder danced wildly among the thunder clouds like a long snake, and its brightness was enough to burn the retina of those who looked directly at it.

"Boom——" During the flashing of the plasma, the sky was full of violent thunder guided by the dragon's language, roaring and falling, and exploded around Jack, forming a thunder and lightning cage for weak creatures to die at the touch of a finger.

Obviously, neither Edward nor Rezakhal wanted to kill Jack on the spot.

There are too many secrets in the aliens. In the past few invasions, none of them survived. Now that they have finally come into close contact, they must not kill so simply.

Not to mention that this extraterrestrial visitor is also related to the assassination of Prince Bolton, using her as a breakthrough point, maybe we can find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

In the lightning cage, Jack stood silently, not panicked by being trapped. Facing the high-sequence powerhouses waiting in front of her, she didn't even change the smile in her eyes, she was still smiling at Kino.

"Hey~" Jack sighed softly, seeming a bit regretful, "So, this is your final plan? Call a bunch of helpers to help you? Isn't there any more interesting way to play?"

Kino couldn't help squinting his eyes when he heard the sound, Jack's reaction was too calm.

When a normal person encounters such a desperate situation, he will either be depressed and fall into speechless silence, or he will break down emotionally and start yelling or swearing.

Even if the psychological quality is really strong, there should be some physiological reactions, such as sweating on the forehead, trembling when speaking and so on.

But these phenomena did not appear in Jack, and she seemed not to take the danger in front of her eyes at all.

This kind of abnormality can only explain one thing - she has backhands.

"It's over, visitor from space." Rezakhal said without any emotion while riding on the dragon's back, "Don't resist, you may be able to get some gentle treatment."

"It's over? What are you talking about?" Jack's eyes swept over everyone's faces one by one, and finally fell on Kino's face, and his smile became stronger than ever. "Isn't this just the beginning?"

(End of this chapter)

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