honor me as god

Chapter 325 Illusion Countermeasures

Chapter 325 Illusion Countermeasures
Kino's main strengthening direction is the death incarnation system and telekinetic power, and he didn't invest much in the basic strength of the body.

Jack proposed a weapon test, stipulating that neither party should use supernatural power. This rule seems fair, but it is not.

Jack's physical strength has obviously been greatly strengthened in terms of basic quality.

This kind of basic strengthening, you say it is extraordinary power, it does not have any active effect, it is just a simple attribute improvement.

But if you say it's not supernatural power, it's obviously not the physical quality of a normal person, it's a little superman.

It's really embarrassing to use this kind of body to test weapons.

Jack didn't give Kino a chance to breathe, and swung the dagger at him in the air, but she never expected that the claws of death would suddenly burst out along with the black mist, and grab her face from bottom to top.

In the nick of time, Jack only had time to turn sideways and brushed past the claws of death. Then, with a light hand, the tungsten steel dagger was directly scratched and shattered by the air.

Jack glanced at the residue of the dagger in his hand, shook his head and let out a sighing voice: "It's a foul, young man, I said that you are not allowed to use extraordinary power. This is for your own good. I am letting you get used to it in advance~"

Kino ignored her, surrounded by thoughts and motivation, and unilaterally stopped the so-called "test".

At this time, the dignified voice of the reincarnation suddenly came from the side: "Master, these plague beasts are too crazy, our chakra is almost running out!"

Jack looked sideways at the Four Purple Flame Formation. The scene outside was as terrifying as purgatory at this time. The plague beasts were rushing desperately into the formation. Even the fangs in his mouth were broken, but he was still roaring and attacking the barrier.

With such madness, it is no wonder that during the Laurel Flower War, the last thing the Far Eastern Imperial Army wanted to see was the Trojan Sword and Shield flag.

When encountering people from other royal families, or the royal family, if the opponent's forces are at a disadvantage, they may choose to retreat strategically.

The lunatics like Troy are different. They always fight with the attitude of killing one without losing money and killing two with blood. Moreover, if there is revenge, blood for blood. Few troops can completely defeat them.

"Toby~" Just as the four purple flames were about to collapse, Jack called the man with Sharingan again.

Toby maintained the posture of performing the spell, facing the turbulent plague beasts from outside the barrier. He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them suddenly, his pupils were filled with scarlet color, and the ink-colored triple jade appeared in the irises.

Three hook jade writing wheel eye!

The plague beast staring at Toby quickly froze, and there seemed to be some kind of chaotic energy in its pupils constantly colliding. After a short silence, a fierce roar broke out:


"Roar! Roar! Roar!!!"

The epidemic beasts that were hallucinated by Sharingan fell into madness one after another. Different from the purposeful and rational fanatical fighting spirit before, this is madness in the true sense. Their thinking has been occupied by illusions, their vision is all confused, and they collectively lose With a sense of direction, the comrades fighting side by side have also become enemies in the eyes.

"Puff - puff - puff -" waves of blood erupted in the theater, roaring sounded one after another, and the hallucinated plague beasts frantically fought each other, blood and flesh flying everywhere.

That kind of fight between the same sequence is nothing more, anyway, the strength is not much different, and no one can do anything to the other.

The deadliest thing was the fight between the high-sequence and the low-sequence. A demon master of the 5th sequence fell into hallucinations and had no experience in dealing with illusions. companion.

If it was a head-to-head duel, Toby would at best have a touch with Ernan from the third sequence, but under the illusion, he could control someone who was hundreds of times stronger than himself.

It is undoubtedly a very enjoyable thing to hold the strong in his hands and control them to kill each other. Toby suddenly smiled ferociously: "Ha! Hahaha!!! Look at these beasts with only muscles and no brains! I have no power to fight back! I am the king of illusion!!!”

"Tap." There was a sudden click of tongue behind Toby.

Toby turned his head abruptly, and found that Kino had come behind him at some point, looking at him through the purple flame barrier.

"Looking for death??!!" Toby let out a sharp grinning laugh, only keeping the Chakra that maintained the Four Purple Flame Formation, and injecting all the rest into the Sangouyu Sharingan, and looking at Kino, the illusion was fully activated!

Under the illusion, Kino's pupils spread rapidly, almost occupying the entire iris, and he lost control of his body. His sight was completely locked by Sharingan, and he couldn't move away.

Toby kept staring at the Sharingan, stuck out his tongue covered with tongue fur, and laughed wildly: "Hahahahaha! Stupid thing! How dare you look directly into my eyes?! This is the writing wheel that Obito Uchiha helped me transplant. Eyes! You are in this endless hallucination, being me. Huh??!!."

Toby's whole body shook, and his expression gradually became dull. In his line of sight, the theater in front of him somehow began to extend outward, becoming endless. The deep darkness swallowed up all the light. The surrounding plague beasts, companions, and masters .all gone.

In the endless darkness, only Kino stood in front of him and smiled slyly.

Toby felt his consciousness sinking into the deepest part of the darkness, with undercurrents surging around him, those amber pupils intertwined with some kind of indescribable light and shadow, suddenly like a living thing.

"What are you?!." Toby opened his eyes wide in fear, his breathing became more and more rapid, and the howling in his throat turned into a sharp hiss.

Suddenly, something seemed to be floating in front of his eyes. Toby rubbed his eyes vigorously. After his vision became clear again, he suddenly found two huge amber light spots floating in front of his eyes. They were a pair of eyes, and these were the only eyes left in the darkness. , infinitely deep.

This was a scene Toby had never seen in his 32 years of life. His mind gradually became uncontrollable, and a strong and strange smell invaded the entire space from a direction he could not see or distinguish, corroding his nasal cavity.

"Hey! Hey!!!" Toby's nervous system was out of control, his nose, tears and saliva gushed out, and he fell to the ground with rapid breathing.

Darkness, darkness, abyssal darkness!

Only one pair of eyes. No, not eyes it is indescribable!
The dark amber swallowed all the colors of visible light, and a cold and unparalleled coercion hit his face. The fear deep in his genes was quietly released, dragging him into an inescapable abyss.

The god of death is eclipsed. Anyone who dares to invade the thinking of the god of death will face the ancient and evil existence, until the reason collapses and the consciousness is annihilated.

"Hey! Hey!!!" Toby had been overwhelmed by the feedback from Death God's wisdom, and his sharp neighing directly broke his throat, "Hey!!!!!!"

[The assailant's spirit has reached a critical value and has collapsed]

[The attacker will fall into uncontrollable random negative emotions]

[Reaper wisdom eclipse, effective: madness]

(End of this chapter)

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