honor me as god

Chapter 324 4 Purple Flame Array

Chapter 324 Four Purple Flame Formation
Jack repelled a misfortune, turned around and landed lightly, and said lazily, "Is this my offspring? Calling someone every now and then?"

Kino: "Don't you bark too? It's just that the barking is not as strong as mine."

"That's fine, let's be fair." Jack stretched out his slender fingers and ticked Kino, "One-on-one."

"I can fight in groups, why should I fight alone?" Chino directly retreated and pulled away, blasted the ceiling with telekinetic power, took out Xiao Tianlei from the space ring, and pointed to the sky, "Do you think it's not enough fun? I'll find another The two more powerful ones will play with you."

"Hoo--" The fuze was ignited, and the howling thunder rose, and the red light instantly filled the theater.

However, before Xiao Tianlei rushed out of the ceiling of the theater, four figures suddenly landed in the southeast, northwest, four directions, and they were the four reincarnators accompanying Jack.

"Ten, Shen, Si, Mao, Yin! Get up—" The four quickly formed seals in front of them, and dark purple flames suddenly ignited around them, and translucent purple fire barriers rose from all directions.

"呵——" Xiao Tianlei hit the purple fire barrier, turned into blue smoke and disappeared, and failed to rise to the sky to send out a signal.

Meanwhile, both Chino and Jack are trapped inside.

A "Demon Rider" of the 5th sequence tried to use brute force to break through the barrier from the outside. However, although his huge strength shook the barrier repeatedly, it failed to damage it in the slightest, and even the fur ignited purple The flames scorched the flesh and blood in pieces, causing him to neigh incessantly in pain.

Four reincarnations formed a solid formation in all directions, one of them sneered, "This is the "Four Purple Flame Formation" learned from Dashewan, you rubbish want to break through it? ! "

Inside the formation, Kino condensed the claws of death, and suddenly attacked one of the formation formrs, but as the opponent's gesture changed, his whole body was also covered with the same purple fire barrier, which was used to resist the attack from inside.

"Boom!" The death claws made five paw prints on the purple fire barrier, but were quickly bounced back.

Kino glanced at his right hand, his fingertips had been burned by the purple fire, and if he rubbed it casually, blood would fall off—of course, he couldn't feel any pain as he was suffering from analgesia.

Kino had watched "Naruto" in his previous life, and he was no stranger to "Four Purple Flame Formation". This ninjutsu appeared in both the Chunin Exam and the Fourth Ninja World War.

The "Four Purple Flame Formation" is a kind of enchantment ninjutsu that is launched jointly. It requires four people to perform it jointly. After the formation is completed, a cuboid enchantment full of purple flames will be opened like now. Will be burned by purple fire.

In the Chunin exam in "Naruto", the four Otonin brought by Orochimaru trapped the third Naruto with the four purple flames.

The four reincarnations who are now in formation, judging from their surging chakra energy, are stronger than the four Otonin, but not weaker.

If you want to break through the Four Purple Flame Formation, you have to wait for the caster's chakra to run out, or use more force to force it open!

Kino fully mobilized his death claws and telekinetic power, and was just about to forcefully break through the formation, but Jack had already attacked him suddenly, and the blade hit his neck like a gust of wind.

Facing Jack's attack, Kino had no choice but to accept the attack. At the same time, he made two gestures to the elite Trojan soldiers outside the barrier.

Gesture one: strong attack.

Gesture [-]: Ask for help.

Several Trojan elite soldiers understood and left the theater quickly.

When Xiao Tianlei was intercepted just now, Edward and Resakhar probably didn't know that there was a fight here. Since the signal could not be sent out, they could only rely on human flesh to report the message.

At the same time, the rest of the Trojan elite soldiers let out a roar that shook the sky. They were extremely wild in the form of plague beasts, and their pain nerves were suppressed by the beast body. They were extremely manic during the war. Crazy attack from all directions to the Four Purple Flame Formation.

"Boom boom boom boom"

With so many plague beasts rushing desperately, the damage is extremely huge. Fortunately, the chakra energy of the four reincarnations is very large, and they can sustain it for the time being.

"Tap." Jack snapped his fingers to get Kino's attention back, and asked with a smile, "Would you like to come and play?"

Chino didn't care about delaying the time at all. The longer the delay, the more likely Edward and Rezakhal would arrive in time. He rolled up his sleeves and followed Jack's words: "Okay, you decide how to play."

Jack and Kino kept a close distance, paced around him, glanced up and down, as if they were selecting high-quality raw materials: "I'm curious, do you still have the tradition of weapon testing in your descendants?"

Chino: "It's always been there, it hasn't changed."

Jack: "Okay~ I heard that you are the most powerful processor in the 21st century, so let me review it myself."

Jack opened his space ring, took out a pistol, disassembled it all, and threw it to Kino together with a bullet.

At the same time, she placed the same thing in front of her.

"Should understand the rules, right? You are not allowed to use extraordinary power." Jack looked at Kino with a sly smile, and muttered quietly, "Three, two, one"

The two acted at the same time, their hands turned into afterimages that were invisible to the naked eye, and swept across the gun parts.

The assembled firearms used for processor weapon testing are not the simple structure that can be put together in more than ten seconds in the movie. The test firearms have all been modified by military industry, and the complexity of the parts is unimaginable. A large number of mismatched parts are placed to test the processor's recognition of the parts.

However, under the rapid assembly of Chino and Jack, the average assembly time of the firearm was 57.3 seconds, and both of them only took 32.2 seconds to assemble it, which was exactly the same.

Load, point forward, pull the trigger.



The movements of the two can't even be said to be similar, they are completely mirror images, the same shooting posture, the same lack of aim, the same turning head to avoid, even the bullets passing by their faces and hitting the four purple flames behind are at exactly the same height.

"Full marks." Jack gave a very simple evaluation, retracted the gun, spread his hands and said, "Cold weapon, you choose."

Chino: "Dagger."

Jack took out a tungsten steel dagger from the space ring, and was about to hand it to Kino, but Kino had already taken out a dagger of the same style, and said with a smile, "I have it."

"Buzz!" The tungsten steel dagger was drawn backwards, and Jack's explosive force made the dagger make a humming sound, and the dagger rushed out in strides.

"Hey!" The dagger changed trajectory in the air like a mad snake, and it was difficult to distinguish the real from the real, but every blow was as heavy as a mountain, and the dazzling cold light came like a fire, and Kino's body memory made an instinct in an instant. To deal with it, go up and step back, wanting to take off this fierce blow.

"Dang!" The sound of gold and iron resounded. Although Kino blocked Jack's dagger, his arm lost strength in an instant, his palm was so numb that he almost lost consciousness, and his entire arm was trembling.

"Huh?" Kino pulled away and glanced at the bloody hand that had been shaken.

Such a strong physical strength?

It's no wonder that you want to choose this kind of gameplay, it seems to be a trick.

(End of this chapter)

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