honor me as god

Chapter 321 He Said It Can

Chapter 321 He Said It Can
In most people's minds, when cats and dogs meet, it is often the cat bullying the dog.

On the Internet, those little cats chasing big dogs all over the place, and the moving pictures of cats and cats beating dogs violently always arouse everyone's burst of laughter.

But in fact, there are more and more incidents of dogs bullying cats, but because the scene is too cruel and not "cute" at all, it has not spread widely.

At this time, in the underground secret room, the dog bullying the cat is happening.

The little black cat was imprisoned in a narrow cage, dying, with wounds all over its body. The originally shiny fur had lost its texture and was knotted together by blood stains. Even the most fragile ears were bruised from abuse.

Several men gathered around the cage, screaming excitedly, bullying the little black cat.

At the beginning, the little black cat would stretch out its paws and pat it, and let out a few weak breaths, but then it had no strength at all, and fell there motionless. If it wasn't for the ups and downs of breathing, it would be no different from death.

"Da da da." The sound of high heels touching the ground came, and the masked woman came to the underground secret room and walked to a large cage.

Looking around, there were hundreds of people locked inside.

If you let the dead mastiffs or falcons look at it, you will suddenly realize that these people are all blood thorn assassins who disappeared in the scuffle on the night that aliens attacked the blood thorn club headquarters.

The eyes of these assassins are all out of focus, empty, but they can blink at a constant frequency, obviously under some kind of hypnosis.

Tobihui, who owns sharing eyes, reported: "These people are all under my control with sharing eyes, and they will execute all the commands sent to their minds."

The woman swayed her willow waist gently, and her gestures were very leisurely. She held a steam-style pocket watch in her hand, and her eyes watched the passing time.

The hour hand crosses 12 midnight, and a new cycle begins.

"The game should be over. As for the result, let Him tell me the answer." The woman took out the dice from her bosom and held it tightly in her hand. She stretched her arms and knelt on one knee like a pious Believer, muttering high to himself, "Can I kill Kino Van Helsing today? 0."

The dice were thrown, tumbling in disorder in the air, and spinning non-stop after landing.

"Tap." Under the gravitational force, the dice stopped spinning and turned to the determined side.

The candlelight shines, and the number 0 shines brightly.

The woman's smiling eyes bent seductively, and she muttered to herself intoxicatedly: "He said yes."

"Master has won!" A reincarnation exclaimed excitedly.

"Idiot! It's not completely sure yet!" Toby reminded, "The master only asked if he could kill Kino, but he didn't ask about the special situation of dying together! You have to be able to kill Kino today without dying yourself!" "

The reincarnators suddenly became nervous and stared at the dice.

The woman picked up the dice again, still maintaining the original motion of kneeling and praying, and asked high-spiritedly: "Will I die today? 0."

The dice is thrown twice, rolled, spun, and settled.
The number 4 glows in the candlelight.

"He said no." The woman held her head high, her eyes seemed to penetrate the ceiling, watching the same kind she met in a different time and space, "Farewell, afterlife."

In the evening of the second day, before the performance started, the sky began to drizzle slightly.

The hottest "red lotus" season of the year has passed, and the "flowing fire" season has entered. The temperature has turned slightly cooler, but it is still sweltering. stand up.

The Twilight City Grand Theater is already overcrowded at this time, and it is full of people as far as the eye can see.

"Dream Traveler Orchestra" is the most famous touring orchestra in the Kingdom of Dogland. It is famous for its outstanding repertoire and skilled performers, and its style is very changeable. In a magnificent era, it can also interpret a love chapter as gentle as water, which makes people cry.

Tickets for Dream Traveler's performance were already hard to come by, and the ticket grabbing situation for this performance was even more tragic, because the show they will bring during this tour of Twilight City is "The Years Gone".

"This Time and Years" was not created by Dream Traveler, but adapted from a famous book of the same name
The special thing about the original work of "The Years We Gone" is that it is obviously an epic describing the rise and end of the era, but the love story in it is surprisingly gripping.

The book describes an era where stars are shining and heroes are born in large numbers. A cold-blooded and ruthless devil falls in love with an angel who is pure and clear. In fact, the devil does not know that it is love, because the devil does not have "love" It just thinks that time will pass very quickly when it is with the angel, but it really hopes that time can go slower.

The devil and the angel have never expressed their hearts to each other, and the two have no confession of a definite relationship, but sometimes, silence is more important than everything.

They ups and downs in the torrent of the times, assist each other, achieve each other, perform scenes of tear-jerking elegy, and write round after round of magnificent history.


Angels have their own stories, and demons have their own stories.

Even though they love each other all the time, because they were born in troubled times and have different beliefs, their goals and ideals began to conflict and could not be reconciled.

Love each other, but kill each other, countless people of all kinds appear and end around them, adding a touch of color to this troubled world, and then the army rises year after year, gold and iron horses, the warmth of the past has long been lost, and the only thing left is Love and hate turn heads and empty, big waves wash the sand.

Finally, in the finale of "The Years Gone" the demons triumphed.

But when the demon ascended to the throne and looked around, he found that there was no one around him, and he was only accompanied by eternal loneliness.

Only then did the devil suddenly realize that the Supreme Throne was not what he was after. What he wanted most was the little angel from back then.

When "Through the Past and Past" was first published, it caused an uproar in the literary circles of Dogland, and countless masters felt ashamed.

Because just like water and fire, light and darkness, just like demons and angels in books, epic and love are often opposites. If you want to tell a story of a big era, it must be difficult to focus on the love of small people. vice versa.

However, "This Past Years" has written the two to a perfect balance, which not only makes readers feel the majesty of the times, but also makes them cry for the two protagonists in the book, and finally becomes popular all over the country in a very short time. , and "Eclipse", "Thousand Years of Darkness", "She is a Dragon", "Laurel in Bloom" and other famous works, became a well-known classic.

(End of this chapter)

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