honor me as god

Chapter 320 Performance Invitation

Chapter 320 Performance Invitation

The mastiff was very efficient, and the information was sent back through the carrier pigeon early the next morning.

According to the olfactory location of the mastiff, the smell of a small black cat remains near the main road of "Niaogi Street" in Twilight City, but it can only be located on the street, because the smell is extremely weak, and there is no way to locate specific buildings.

There are hundreds of households in Niaomu Street, and it is a very famous food street in Mucheng City. The smell of tea, butter, and meat. There are so many miscellaneous smells. When many hounds chase criminals, they will get lost here. Mastiffs can It was not easy to locate the seedling avenue, and it also proved the powerful power of the dog nose potion.

At the end of the letter, Mastiff agreed on the delivery method of the identity certificate, and asked Chino to send only one of his men to leave the city from the south gate, go to the hill 30 miles away, and bury the box containing the identity certificate on the highest point of the hill. under the poplar tree, and then leave.

The hills outside the southern city are typical low-grass areas, with almost no bushes, and an excellent view, where no ambush can hide. As long as the mastiff stands there, it can take in all the scenery in a radius of tens of miles. If there is any trouble, you can get out immediately, and there is no possibility of being trapped.

Obviously, every tracking expert is also an anti-tracking expert.

Office of the Executive Mansion.

Kino found a large wooden box, took out a "triggered pulse mine" previously exchanged for 20000 respect points from the space ring, put it into the box to modify the circuit and fuze, closed it immediately, and fastened the button.

Chino found Lugo and handed him the box and the letter from the mastiff: "Bury this box in the designated area according to the agreed place and method on the letter."

Lu Ge glanced at the letter and said cursingly: "This guy is so cautious? Mr. Administrator, isn't it a pity that you gave so many golden moons to a desert assassin for nothing? How about I ambush him secretly and snatch the money back?"

Chino: "Don't use your three-legged cat kung fu to challenge others' ability to eat. Just follow the letter and don't make any extra moves. Then."

A mysterious smile appeared on Kino's face: "Don't be curious, don't open the box, I'm serious."

Seeing Kino's smile, Lugo felt a creepy feeling. He felt that the box in his hand became heavier. He swallowed his throat and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, I'm not that cheap."

After Lugo left, Chino no longer cared about the mastiff.

The moment Lugo buried the box and the mastiff dug it out and opened it, the energy flow of the pulse mine would cover a radius of [-] meters, directly destroying every cell in the mastiff's body.

No matter how strong Mastiff's anti-tracking technology is, he is a native of this world after all, and has no knowledge of high-tech landmines, so it is naturally impossible to pay attention to precautions.

This is already dead.

As for the golden moon pulse mines on his body, they only work on organic life forms, and won't destroy inorganic matter. At that time, Lugo just needs to let Lugo deal with the corpses, and then pick up those golden moons.

Now that the information is in hand, the business is about to begin.

Kino put away the soldier amulet given by Edward, and strode out.

"My lord administrator, is something wrong here?" Alia asked worriedly at the dessert shop.

Unfortunately, Alia's shop is also on Naegi Street, within the range reported by Mastiff.

Now, Twilight City soldiers and Trojan elites from the Governor's Mansion are searching from house to house, and Alia's shop does not have the privilege of exemption from inspection, and the shop is full of people.

Chino patrolled around the store, and smiled friendlyly at Alia: "I'm sorry to disturb you, but this is important work, please understand. If they break something, I will definitely compensate you according to the price."

"It's okay, it's okay, I can understand." Alia gently pushed the hair behind her ears, and said with a smile, "If there is anything else that needs cooperation, please tell me."

Alia's shop was in the center of Seedling Street, and it was a good place to stay. Kino simply used it as a temporary base to receive reports from soldiers from all sides.

The search results of one store after another came, and there was nothing unusual.

Not long after, the soldiers who searched Alia's store also came out, shook their heads and said, "Everything is normal, the hounds are not barking."

"It's well hidden," Kino said.

Soldiers, you look at me and I look at you, and you can't help feeling a little discouraged. Seeing Kino's aggressive appearance before he set off this morning, he thought that he could gain something this time, but he didn't expect it to be nothing.

Everyone hadn't eaten much all day, Baiza touched his hungry stomach, took out a few iron moons and put them on the table, and whispered to Alia, "Can you bring me two sesame cakes?"

Alia showed an intellectual smile, picked up the iron moon and returned it to Baisa: "Everyone is so tired today, so we won't charge any money, just take what you want to eat."

"Money, we still have to give. If we eat for nothing, aren't we a bandit?" Kino stretched out his hand, gently pressed Alia's wrist, motioned her to accept the money, and said with a smile, "Trouble Make me another egg yolk shortbread, thank you."

"Okay~" Alia turned and entered the kitchen.

With the tangy aroma, the egg yolk cake was ready soon. Alia handed it to Kino after packing it, and said with a smile: "Take it, eat it while it's hot. If you want to take it home, bake it before eating." It tastes better when it's warmed up in the oven than when it's cold."

Kino took the box, first scanned it with the "drug mirror" habitually, and found nothing abnormal, then took out a piece of egg yolk pastry and chewed it in his mouth.

"Shususu" egg yolk crisps are as sweet as ever, full of the aroma of buttery egg yolks.

Alia is very careful. This is a dessert specially made for Chino, so the amount of sugar has been increased several times. Ordinary people will find it too sweet, but for Chino who is seriously addicted to sugar, it is undoubtedly a kind of enjoyment.

"Shu, shu, shu." As he chewed, the sesame seeds burst open, bringing a more intense smell.

"Alia, do you know?" Kino gently wiped off the crumbs on the corners of his lips with a handkerchief, and his gentle smile was as charming as Qingyang, "It's hard for me to imagine that if one day I can't eat the dessert you made, How painful it would be for me."

Alia's face turned red immediately, and she rubbed the corner of her clothes bewilderedly. Her shy look made the surrounding soldiers burst into laughter.

Chino: "Do you like watching stage plays?"

Alia stuck out her tongue and said with a mischievous smile, "Whether you like it or not depends on who you watch with~"

"Recently, I've been busy with work, and I'm really tired. I really need to give myself some time to rest." Chino leaned slightly, and stretched out his hand in an absolutely gentlemanly manner. Tomorrow is going on tour in Twilight, will I have the honor of inviting you to watch it? "

Alia was stunned, her flushed face was like a ripe apple, her trembling pupils seemed to be dripping water, she never thought that she would have such an opportunity to date Kino.
Bai Sa and the others watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, they yelled wildly: "Promise him! Promise him!."

Yalia pursed her lips, the blush on her face had spread to the side of her neck, her eyes seemed to melt like water, she nodded slightly.

"See you tomorrow." Kino raised his head, his amber eyes were filled with smiles, "Miss Alia."

(End of this chapter)

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