honor me as god

Chapter 319 Firm Faith

Chapter 319 Firm Faith
Nicole raised her head in confusion, and sniffed her red nose: "I've been fooled? What do you mean?"

Roman smiled helplessly and said, "Recall carefully, did Chino explicitly ask you to leave the government residence? Or let you go?"

Nicole opened and closed her mouth, hesitating to speak, indeed. Chino has been insinuating, and did not explicitly say to let her go.

Nicole pursed her lips and muttered, "But he took back the surname that was bestowed on me and said he would give me freedom. Isn't that what he means to drive me away?"

"What's a surname? It's just a suffix of the name! The current queen has changed her surname to Dogrand, but isn't she still the sister of the king's left-hand Lord Sting? Isn't she still a member of the Regnome family?" Roman squeezed Ni Kou's shoulder, said meaningfully, "Administrator Chino said to give you freedom. Freedom! What is freedom?"

"Freedom is to do what you want! If you choose to stay, that is your freedom. If you choose to leave, that is also your freedom! The person who makes you go is not him at all, but yourself!"

Nicole was stunned when she heard this, her pupils kept trembling, and soon filled with ups and downs: "But, he said that he didn't choose me because of my potential, and he never had any expectations of me. words don't make any sense"

Roman: "Nicole, some words may sound unfeeling, but if you think about it in another way, you can actually understand - the way of thinking of the superiors is different from ours, they have more to consider the overall situation, and their thinking is often from the overall perspective , and therefore it is difficult to take care of individuals.”

"The reason why you were influenced by Chino's words and you ran out of the administrative mansion was because you felt guilty. You felt that you had confirmed what Chino said. There was nothing to be achieved there, and it was meaningless."

Seeing that Nicole's eyes were clouded again, Roman quickly explained: "This is what I'm going to tell you next, the root cause of the problem is not your ability or potential, but your wrong positioning. "

Nicole muttered to herself blankly: "Positioning."

"Yes, positioning." Roman pointed to himself, "Take me as an example. Do you think I am an excellent commander?"

Nicole faltered, not knowing how to answer.

Roman flicked her forehead: "Is there any need to hesitate? Of course not! I haven't even attended a military school, and I know how to command! I'm just a soldier of the Guards, and my duty is to obey Orders from superiors, heroic combat—no, that's all. For me, I just have to fulfill my mission and I have a clear conscience."

"But if I don't position myself correctly, thinking about how to command the troops all day long, taking a position that doesn't belong to me, and treating these problems as my own business, but I don't have the ability to solve them, the troubles will naturally come to my face. Come on, let me start self-doubt, anxiety."

"You have entered into such a misunderstanding now. What is your position in the administrative mansion? You are the personal bodyguard of the administrator. Your duty is to accompany Chino on his trips, protect his safety at critical moments, and complete the orders he gave you. Gone!"

"As for exterminating the extraterrestrial visitors, that's a matter shared by everyone, not yours alone! If you blame yourself for the failure, don't you feel guilty?"

Nicole lowered her head and murmured, "But I'm too weak, this is irrefutable."

Roman: "Then let me ask you, can you beat Paladin?"

For this question, Nicole can nod with certainty.

Roman: "Can you beat Baixa?"

Nicole can still nod with certainty.

Roman: "Where's Lugo?"

Nicole hesitated for a while, then said softly: "If you are fully prepared, you will win."

Roman said with a smile: "Then here comes the question, these three people are not as strong as you, why can they do a good job, one caravan manager, two eight-level officials, are they reused by Kino?"

Nicole thought for a long time, shaking her head in confusion.

Roman pointed out the answer directly: "The reason is very simple, they can try their best to complete their duties, and they will not feel useless guilt about things beyond their abilities!"

"Kino said so many unfeeling words to you this time, not to vent his dissatisfaction, nor to deliberately insult you, he just wanted to point out your problems through these words—weakness of will—you always You want to prove your strength and accomplish great things, but once you fail, you will doubt yourself and fall into negative emotions. This easily shaken will is more harmful than failure itself.”

"Think about the big three in Xilin Town. Haven't they ever failed? I don't believe it. They must have done a lot of stupid things and caused a lot of damage to Chino. But these three can get up quickly after failure and continue Do your own job and try to make up for it next time. Instead of blindly feeling guilty and falling into constant self-doubt."

Nicole silently wiped her tears and said softly: "But, if I can be stronger."

Roman interrupted her: "Nicole, I didn't say it's right to be weak. It's between will and strength, the former is more important. Let me give you an analogy. According to the seniors, there was a member of the Guards Corps before. Warrior, before the age of 30 is the fourth sequence, the potential is extremely compelling, but it is easy to get discouraged."

"After a battle was defeated, the soldier knelt in front of Prince Bolton's tent and cried and apologized. The prince deprived him of his personal guard qualification without saying a word, and sent him to a remote border guard."

"Why? It's very simple. No matter how strong this kind of person is, his negative emotions will affect other people. Over time, many people will be depressed by him. This kind of person is commonly known as a black apple."

Nicole said blankly, "You mean, in Kino's eyes, I am the black sheep."

Roman paused, shook his head and said: "To be more precise, you have this tendency. You knelt at the door of the office to apologize, but he told you to go back to practicing swords, and you cried again. This is a typical example of being discouraged and unsteady. .”

"So he secretly began to test you, proposed to give you freedom, hinted that you would leave the executive mansion, and wanted to see how you would choose."

"If you strongly choose to stay, he will definitely accept you again. Because he knows that your confidence may only be temporarily hit, and you just need to adjust."

"But if you choose to leave, he will be sure in his heart that you are a person with an unstable will. Rather, the weak have their own uses. But never discouraged, the discouraged can only be the black sheep."

"So, when you stepped out of the government mansion, he already got the answer. Now in his heart, he may really remove you."

Nicole stayed for a long time after hearing this, and hugged her head angrily: "Why am I so stupid! Hey, why didn't I understand the truth earlier."

Roman looked at Nicole, his eyes became deeper and deeper, and he suddenly asked in a deep voice, "Are you betting?"

Nicole raised her head blankly: "What bet?"

Roman touched her head, showing a deep smile that he had never seen before: "Bet my future, I will give you a chance to fight back!"

(End of this chapter)

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