honor me as god

Chapter 322 Clumsy mistakes

Chapter 322 Clumsy mistakes
The original work of "The Years Gone" is already a national-level masterpiece, and it was adapted by the Dream Traveler Orchestra. With the blessing of the two, it has attracted unprecedented attention, and it is even more difficult to find tickets in the theater.

If it wasn't for Chino who gave Alia a ticket, she, a commoner girl who sells desserts, might not be able to get a ticket even if she squeezed her head.

Today is the first date with Chino, which can be called the most important day in life. Alia took out the cosmetics that she was reluctant to use, and put on a very delicate makeup, which looked more delicate than usual.

In order to look decent, she didn't dislike the heat at all. She not only wore a linen dress with lace, but also a white shirt inside. With that warm smile, she was full of the intellectual beauty of the young.

Outside Alia's dessert shop, a luxuriously decorated carriage was already waiting here. This was the special car sent by Kino to pick up Alia. Under the envious eyes of the passing civilians, it took Alia to the entrance of the theater all the way.

Outside the theater, all the security checks were performed by Twilight City soldiers. In addition, Alia was an acquaintance of Kino, so they let her in without even searching her body. There were also soldiers who were responsible for leading the way, and they greeted each other along the way, respectfully.

Alia, a commoner girl, has never enjoyed this kind of treatment comparable to that of an "administrator's wife".

Soon, she was taken to the most distinguished VIP box.

Regardless of whether it was in his previous life or now, Chino would always sit in the top VIP seat when watching any show—not to show off his status or show off his wealth, but to enjoy the best effects of the show.As for the price, he is never stingy.

For the performance of the Dream Traveler Orchestra, the box under Chino’s package is located on the 27.5-degree overhead floor directly in front of the stage. From the perspective of human structure, when watching the drama from this angle, the neck will be in a state of natural stretching, and it will not look like a few hours. You will feel tired, and because you are close to the stage, you can perfectly appreciate the faces of the actors, the lines of the dialogue, the effects of the stage performance, etc.

As for the price, of course it is free.

No matter how powerful the Dream Travelers are, they are only a band after all. When they toured to Twilight City, they naturally wanted to please the top leader of Twilight City, Chino. The band has already locked the seats in the VIP box with such top treatment, and they will not sell them to the outside world. Reserved exclusively for Chino free of charge.

If the local leaders have requests, such as bringing parents, children, colleagues, etc., the orchestra will also reserve a few more seats. Anyway, they will comply with any needs from the top.

Although Kino has no parents or children, he has quite a few colleagues, but today is a date with Alia. In order to give her the best viewing experience, he did not ask anyone to accompany him. There are only two seats in the box for the two. Humans create spaces for solitude.

Today, Kino wore a tailor-made aristocratic dress. The top-quality fabrics were cut to fit perfectly. The delicate face against the clothes made people dream, like a prince who walked out of a fairy tale.

As soon as Alia entered the box, Chino looked at her with a smile: "Good evening, Miss Alia, I hope you will enjoy tonight's performance."

Alia sat down beside Kino, with her legs close together, her face blushing, and she smiled sweetly: "I really didn't expect that this day would really come."

"You never know what will happen in the next second, this is life." There seems to be some meaning in Kino's eyes, and the smile is leisurely and profound, "You said, if someone can predict the future, there is still a lot left in this person's life." Does it make sense?"

Alia tilted her head and said thoughtfully: "Well, everyone has their own opinion on this kind of thing, right? If I could predict the future, I would definitely predict many things, such as my future husband Who?. Will my child be a boy or a girl, or twins? Am I happy in this life?. At what age will I die?."

"If I knew about the future early, my life might be less fresh, but my mood would become calmer instead. I would think—oh, anyway, the future is destined to be like this, so I should hurry up and enjoy the present, and then I will live peacefully and peacefully. Just move towards this result.”

"Girls! Of course stability is the most important thing~"

Kino asked with great interest: "Really? Then I have a question. As the administrator of Twilight City, I look very good on the surface, but you should also know that I have many enemies in secret. The political enemies in the kingdom don't need to Having said that, there are those extraterrestrial visitors who come and go without a trace. I can say that they are on the verge of death every day, and it is very dangerous to get too close to me.

"So, when you are by my side, do you feel a sense of crisis?"

"To be honest, there will be a little bit." Alia brushed her hair behind her ears, and said the second half of the sentence with a smile, "But there is also a sense of security!"

Chino: "How many?"

"It's a little bit." Alia deliberately leaned into Kino's ear and whispered playfully, "But it's a little bit more than a sense of crisis~"

Kino smiled lightly, and turned to face Alia. The two were so close that their lips were only an inch away from each other. His voice was full of magnetism and mystery: "What do you think, we are now What should be done?"

Alia's face was already blushing, as if she was about to bleed, she closed her eyes in a daze, and whispered, "I'll listen to you."

Just when Alia was waiting for a kiss, it was not Kino's lips that touched her lips, but the fingers wrapped in white gloves.

Kino tapped Alia's red lips and said with a smile: "Of course we should concentrate on the stage play now. This is a respect for the actors."

Alia subconsciously opened her eyes and found that the performance had already begun. She stuck out her tongue, sat up straight, and looked towards the stage.

There is no electricity in this era, so there is not such a gorgeous stage lighting effect, and the scene is supported by acting skills and soundtracks.

But the Dream Traveler Orchestra is worthy of being an old-fashioned band. They prepared a large number of candles made of alchemy materials. After lighting them, they are colorful. With the zipline hanging curtain and the dry ice fogging, the stage effect is no worse than the top opera that Chino watched in his previous life. How many.

On both sides of the stage, candles ignited a vast white light, overflowing the entire stage like milk, combined with the floating dry ice mist, and the sound of frogs, birds, and insects made by the onomatopoeist in the background. Suddenly there is a kind of night moonlight beauty.

As the figure swayed, the hero of "The Years Gone" wore a dark cloak unique to demons, with two horns on his head, and walked out of the mist like an owl beast, and said to himself in a sense of loss: "I can't sleep tonight, Just because I got a glimpse of her face, but we are like the sun and the moon, and it is hard to say when we meet."

The devil walks alone in the fog, a creature that does not know love by nature, and when it encounters love, it becomes lost at a loss, unable to understand, but unable to resist.

Accompanied by the clear moonlight, an angel as white as winter snow came slowly from the other side, her steps were light, she held her hands gently on her chest, and whispered faintly: "I can't sleep tonight, just because I looked at each other by the window , but we are born different, only have self-pity."

The angel stands in the moonlight, looking up at the vast night sky, the white light is reflected in the pupils, as if blending with the clear and watery pupils, flawless and pure.

The first scene at the beginning of the stage was exciting, and the devil and the angel formed a love relationship because of their eyes.

Because of the lack of natural emotion, the devil doesn't know that he has fallen in love with the angel, and he doesn't know what the inexplicable throbbing in his heart means.

The angel is different, she is very clear that she fell in love with the devil, but because of scruples about her identity, she dare not face the emotions in her heart, so she can only feel sad under the moon.

In the lingering obscurity, under the watery moonlight, the two mourning alone obviously did not make an appointment in advance, but they seemed to have a heart-to-heart connection, and they both came to this garden for a walk.

Finally, under the moonlit apple tree, they met each other.
The main content of the first act is the initiation of the love between the devil and the angel. They guard each other as if away from each other, and spend a lingering time that I don’t know if it can be called love. They rely on each other, achieve each other, and end with kissing each other. The song brings the first act to its climax.

However, something went wrong in the final performance. From the point of view of action design, the heroine needs to make a ballet-like swan maneuver, and then fall into the arms of the hero, and the two complete a romantic kiss.

But in the actual performance, the heroine accidentally slipped and fell to the ground. The atmosphere accumulated in front of her was completely destroyed by the fall and turned into a farce.

For the Dream Traveler Orchestra, this kind of mistake is not a rare problem, but absolutely impossible. No member will tolerate such low-level mistakes made by others or themselves.

This type of low-level mistake, even if it occurs during the rehearsal, the lightest consequence is to practice behind closed doors and be banned from the stage for two years.If the consequences are serious, they will be directly expelled from the orchestra, and even sent to the blacklist of the performing guild by the orchestra.

And like now, in a public performance, wrestling in front of a top leader in a touring city, the consequences are even more unimaginable.

But the reality is so shocking, this kind of low-level mistake that only a rookie would make, appeared in the re-adaptation of "The Years Gone", and appeared on the top dancers of Dream Traveler.

At this time, fine beads of sweat appeared on the neck of the heroine, shivering like a baby bird, her eyes dodged, and she did not dare to look at the box where the administrator was.

Fortunately, the male and female protagonists are both experienced actors, and they will not apologize in a panic like a rookie when they make a mistake. They completely took over the roles and added scenes directly on the spot. Lovingly leaned over to pick up the heroine, hugged her in her arms and kissed her.

In this way, under the adaptability of the two actors, the scene was somewhat rescued, and the overall effect was not greatly affected.

What's more subtle is that, whether it was the accident of falling just now or the wit of the temporary rescue, the performance on the field didn't seem to cause too much emotional feedback from the audience. Everyone just looked at the stage silently, silently
The first act ends with a 10-minute intermission in the middle.

You can’t eat and drink in the theater, but you can eat some small packages. Chino picked up a toffee from the plate next to him, tore off the package, put it in his mouth, and crushed it with his tiger teeth. He didn’t give Alia a piece of it either. Candy, but asked casually: "Twilight City Theater often has performances, do you usually come to watch the show?"

"Yes." Alia said with a smile.

Chino: "What show are you watching?"

Alia: "Love drama~"

Chino: "Why?"

Alia pursed her lips lightly, leaned close to Kino's ear, and said in a mischievous tone: "Love drama, learn how women lie to men~"

"Crack." Kino crushed another toffee with his tiger teeth, chewed it slowly, but still didn't pass the candy to Alia.

Alia blinked and asked curiously, "What about you? Will you watch a romantic drama?"

Chino: "Yes."

Alia: "Why?"

Kino turned his face sideways, his eyes flickered under the light of the candle, deep and mysterious: "Love drama, let's see how men are deceived by women."

The two faced each other with a smile, no one spoke, only the sound of the candles flickering around.

Soon, the second act began.

It stands to reason that the second act should be the most exciting part, because from here, "The Years Gone" integrates the love of the first act into the huge world pattern.

Demons and angels face an era of endless wars, ups and downs under the huge waves of the times, and all kinds of characters rise and fall around them, depicting scenes of epic epics.

This was supposed to be a magnificent performance, however, problems frequently appeared on the scene.

For some reason, the male and female protagonists on the stage made frequent mistakes, and they made more and more outrageous mistakes. At the beginning, their movements were at most stiff and unnatural, but later on, they even made low-level mistakes such as forgetting words.

If this happened in any of the official performances in the past, even if it only happened once, it would be a devastating blow to the reputation of the Dream Traveler Orchestra, and the status of the entire orchestra would plummet.

But now, this kind of thing is happening so bizarrely.

On the stage, the male and female protagonists were pale and their limbs were trembling unconsciously. They seemed to be under a lot of pressure and were extremely nervous. If you observe carefully, you will find that they did not dare to look at the box where the administrator was located from the beginning to the end.

Under the stage, the auditorium was still silent. The audience did not respond, neither curse nor encouragement, but just watched them silently, silently
"Disappointing performance." Chino shook his head and sighed, "Maybe I shouldn't come to this show, but should go to the concert next door."

Alia: "Then shall we go there now?"

Chino: "The concert is over, 1 minute ago."

Alia: "Remember so clearly?"

Chino: "I don't want musicians to be interrupted. I know how painful it is to be interrupted."

Alia: "So, is that true? It was rumored that you gave a song to the royal princess at the New Year's feast."

Chino: "Yes, "To a Little Princess"."

Alia: "Oh~"

Chino: "What are you thinking?"

Alia: "I was thinking, it would be great if you could send me a song~"

Chino: "What style do you like? I'll try it next time."

Alia: "I'm just kidding, how dare I treat you like a princess~"

"Whether I can get my piece depends on one thing—" Kino looked at Alia's side face, his amber eyes were filled with smiles, "Do you like Beethoven? Jack."

(End of this chapter)

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